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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8617677 No.8617677 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth transferring to UNSW just to meet the man, the myth and the legend?

>> No.8617690

yes, become his acolyte, op

>> No.8617715

Yes, and when you publish your thesis on rational approximations to Sqrt[2] with decimal expansions consisting of less than 10^21 digits, you will land some really prestigious professor gigs the like of Harvard, Yale etc

>> No.8617737

I would.

When I graduate I will unironically apply to go gradschool there. If I get accepted to somewhere better then I won't go but if I don't then... time for my PhD thesis in rational analysis.

>> No.8617924

Anyone actually been there? Anyone met the absolute madman?

>> No.8618141
File: 199 KB, 640x360, eJxVyUsOhCAMANC7cACotqJ4GYPVoPEDgRoWZu4-s53ly3vVk081qk0kldGYZS8c86KLxOzDqkOM4Vx92ovmeBkv4nm71luKaRuHiC0N0DlsAAYwbUdE6JzFX_VoXW_kueYzT0W87Dz9yx6U5GE7O6oHMNeh1gBQj8kS6HQH9fkCzFE1Ng.-VQQINaBhDfgMXFY6PLhYyhf_E8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to Australia
>travel across the perilous wilderness, dodging venomous snakes, spiders and drop bears
>evade violent gangs of kangaroos
>finally arrive at the promised land, the home of NJ Wildberger
>he's surprised to see you
>nobody else has made it this far
>you hand him a closed form equation on a single piece of paper
>"what's this?" he asks
>"it's the factors of 10(triangle)10+23"
>suddenly the entire continent begins to rip apart
>"you fool! these numbers are so large that the universe cannot readily contain them!"
>space between atoms begins to expand to accommodate knowledge of the factors of a number too large to comprehend
>Australia sinks into the ocean under the weight of your mathematics
>worldwide earthquakes and tsunamis signal the death of Norman J Wildberger

at least there wouldn't be any more Auspergers shitposting here

>> No.8618225

>death of Norman J Wildberger
there is no death of Norman J Wildberger, only a reclaiming of his spirit by the cosmos, only to reincarnate when the universe is finally ready for him

>> No.8618261

Remember it happens every 100 years or so. His last incarnation was Gauss.

>> No.8618400

You guys know he is not real right?

>> No.8618475

Bodhisattva Norman J Wildberger

>> No.8618682


>> No.8618956
File: 26 KB, 450x450, terry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Norman J Wildberger to /sci/ what Terry A Davis is to /g/?

>> No.8618958
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>> No.8618961

Norman Jesus Wildberger is to /sci/ what Jesus is to christians.

He came down to earth to die for our sins of infinity. But he left us the bible (in form of youtube videos) so that we may learn from it and then rebuild our faith in mathematics using his teachings.

>> No.8618967
File: 296 KB, 500x375, I REALLY hope you guys don't do this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's realer than the real numbers.

>> No.8618970

>those shoulders

What's his routine, lads?

>> No.8619001

This is r/4chan worthy material. Good job.

>> No.8619269

>put on some Australian crocodile-wrestler tier clothes
>set up an elaborate snare trap outside his office
>put a piece of paper that says [math]\sqrt{2} \epsilon \mathbb{R}[/math] or something similar in the middle of it
Don't forget to film his reaction. Godspeed OP.

>> No.8619274

You're from Australia, can you tell me what to expect at uni of Sydney? Pajeet here

>> No.8619275

Is he our guy?

>> No.8619458

He's not our guy. We are his board.