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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8616106 No.8616106 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8616115

My engineering school literally has a program to help newcomers with orthography and grammar
I wish I was kidding

>> No.8616134


>> No.8616152

>Good at math

Pick one.

>> No.8616160

Why wouldn't they be?

>> No.8616203

I don't know a single engineer who did not struggle with his math and physics courses.

>> No.8616221



>muh plug and chug

Also not doing Real Analysis like a man.

>> No.8616234

CS major here. Idk, I'm calculus 2 right now and I'm not struggling. I breezed through calculus 1, maybe the engineers you knew were simply retarded.

>> No.8616246

engineering as a discipline proper is not brainlet-tier per se, but since most of the people who study engineering are brainlets (since most of the people who would be capable as engineers, study real science instead, leaving a few non-brainlet enthusiasts in engineering), as is evidenced by the many anecdotes (including my own as having briefly done engineering) of the brainlet nature of the common engineering student, one can conclude that engineering is brainlet only per accidens

their desire to attach themselves to "geek xd" culture is also indicative of their brainlet status, for a light example, I've never seen a math student wear a "e^ipi = -1" shirt unless they were actually autistic, but for some reason shirts like that, and other similar punny shirts are rampant among the goyim engineers

>> No.8616249

>real analysis

get a load of yourself.

>> No.8616253 [DELETED] 

Any engineer major knows more math than your mom (probably), but they don't know math in the math major sense.

If you handed them a polynomial p(x) of 4th order, they probably wouldn't take too long to provide you with an answer to 2 decimals when you give the the task of solving p(x)=0. But they couldn't bother trying to understand the definition of a topology or a Lie group.

They know math, but they don't know math.

>> No.8616256

Any engineer major knows more math than your mom (probably), but they don't know math in the sense of math major, or even a physics major.

If you handed them a polynomial p(x) of 3th order, they probably wouldn't take too long to provide you with an answer to 2 decimals when you give the the task of solving p(x)=0. But they couldn't bother trying to understand the definition of a topology or a Lie group. They know that there is a thing called diffusion equation, but they don't quite get why an equation that describes diffusion would involve the particular differential operators that it does.

They know math, but they don't know math.

>> No.8616262
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It's on me mug

>> No.8616276

>They know computations, but they don't know math*

I think this is what you meant to say.

>> No.8616277


>> No.8616282

For engineers of course.

>> No.8616294

Why is this funny? Are engineers supposed to be bad with grammar but good with math?

>> No.8616312

CS is not engineering, but apart from that, you guys are also pretty fucking bad at math. I'm not even trying to say that there aren't exceptions, but it's certainly not the rule. Especially not enough to justify that fucking t-shirt.

>> No.8616335

>They know math, but they don't know math.
Is this meme truly true?

>> No.8616605

I can't spell worth anything

>> No.8616613

>he's bad with grammar but good with math
What meme is that man living with

>> No.8616616

Sometime I wonder how diccult a ME or EE degree would be to someone with a PhD or Masters in math.

Pretty easy? Difficult? Hmm

>> No.8616629

Holy shit, yes. I go to a big engineering school and most of them are shit at math despite them being in a better program than me

>> No.8616630

The hard part about EE/ME is not the math really. At some point you know your shit enough to get by. Someone with masters in math does know a lot more math, but most of it has little relevance in ME/EE. You basically only need calc, linear algebra maybe. The difficult part is understanding large systems and having an intuition for what works and what doesn't. Developing that is what consumes most of the time.

>> No.8616672

You're fucking retarded. Learning less math doesn't mean you know less about the math you've learned.

You know shit about material science or applied physics.

An engineer can be hired to do a math job a math major cannot be hired as an engineer.

>> No.8616740

Neither is true.

>> No.8616799

I seem to have the problem you niggers are talking about. I'm majoring in mechanical engineering, minoring in math. Every single math class I've taken has been easy as hell. I tore through ring theory, number theory, analysis, etc. with ease. On the other hand, I struggled a bit in classes like materials science and vibrations.

To be honest, I believe this discrepancy is the result of shitty people teaching ME who clearly don't give a fuck about teaching even remotely well.

>inb4 hurr minor not real math

>> No.8616824


>> No.8616841

>Sometime I wonder how diccult a ME or EE degree would be to someone with a PhD or Masters in math.
Well, usually people get those degrees without having a degree... So, should be doable, I guess.
Anyways, studying engineering is easy, esentially you get very well defined problems, required data etc. It is almost plug and chug.
Now, working as an engineering is entirely different story. You got to break out from well-defined problems shell, there is always millions of different ways to do something. The creative process involves a lot of knowledge, guestimating, iterating, analysis, analysis, detail work, prototype or one-off product, troubleshooting.
Essentially you get problems to solve, but have to come up with variables, initial data, goals.

>> No.8617313


>An engineer can be hired to do a math job


>> No.8617328

I'm an engineer and I cringe at faggots shoving their degree down other people's throats. Can't they just shove dicks down MY throat?

>> No.8617334
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oh boy, another 'muh major is better than your major' dickwaving contest

>> No.8617874
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I have two engineers in my complex analysis course. They were in horror on the first day as we covered some basics and doing some review. I remember the professor putting up the field axioms, and one of the engineers asked "What's a field?" to which we replied "That", but he only looked more confused as a result. After the class he was complaining to his friends that he "Had never seen a class like this before", which makes me wonder how he was allowed to enroll in the course as it requires at least intro to analysis and real analysis I.

Point is they have no clue what mathematicians actually study.

>> No.8617877

>doing some

did some

>> No.8617883
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>> No.8617884

The engineering fraternity at my college sold a shirt with that on it as a fundraiser. (I bought 1).

>> No.8617891

>because muh plug and chug Also not doing Real Analysis like a man.

you can fuck right off with this bullshit. I duno what meme you're pushing but it is the fucking engineers who do the applied math analysis that makes literally everything worth anything in the world.

those plug and chuggers don't become the professional engineers licensed getting shit done out there (like me).

>> No.8617895

>An engineer can be hired to do a math job a math major cannot be hired as an engineer.

You are out of the game, that's what you wanted.
I'll spend some of my energy to tell you a few things.
First, you are one adorable monkey to my eyes, a really stupid one, since what you just said is wrong, since you can talk about math using words, one plus one is two, and you can understand nature without understanding math, you drop an apple, it falls and so on :)
a small tiny lecture to you, understand it.

And since you are not in, you don't want to know how to.. for example know how to calculate how to get your dream job? Like I have.. or.. How to be the perfect father?
Those are all states of everything in existence, plausible ones.

And yes, I am aware this is waste of time, like trying to teach algebra to a dog, but to others here who don't get this, be humble, don't attack me, but the theories, we will never be finished, but we can use these for literally anything..

be smart, for once in your life at least.

>> No.8617903

>You are out of the game, that's what you wanted.I'll spend some of my energy to tell you a few things.First, you are one adorable monkey to my eyes, a really stupid one, since what you just said is wrong, since you can talk about math using words, one plus one is two, and you can understand nature without understanding math, you drop an apple, it falls and so on :)a small tiny lecture to you, understand it.And since you are not in, you don't want to know how to.. for example know how to calculate how to get your dream job? Like I have.. or.. How to be the perfect father?Those are all states of everything in existence, plausible ones.And yes, I am aware this is waste of time, like trying to teach algebra to a dog, but to others here who don't get this, be humble, don't attack me, but the theories, we will never be finished, but we can use these for literally anything..be smart, for once in your life at least.

have fun teaching high school math to ungrateful little shits or if your lucky teaching math at a university to slightly less ungrateful little shits with your math only major with zero knowledge of real world crossover applicability.

>> No.8617905

Why are mathematicians one of the smartest people?
Why the only other people who come close are the ones with a Physics degree?

Why are engineers the most useless, lowest form of skill-less losers?
Why can't they accept the fact that their degree in itself is useless and math can easily be used for anything else?
Why can't they understand that you can literally teach yourself engineering at home by opening a book? You can teach yourself a lot of other subjects that way as well, like physics, circuit theory, etc.

Just take a look at Von Neumann, envious engineers rejected his shit, yet in the end he was right. Just as mathematicians are always right.

>> No.8617908

>(engineering) degree in itself is useless

yep your a total fucking retard.

>> No.8617920


I have to assume you're too ignorant to continue this conversation in an educational manner. Would you rather I just call you stupid instead of ignorant? Because you're acting pretty stupid right now. And mad.

You do realize that since you've been bated from your normal shit posts to actually taking the time to write shit out, it means that I've won the troll battle you started in the first place, right? Since you failed at your pathetic attempt to shit post like the troll you are I figured I'd give you a taste of your own medicine.

I'm glad you realize that you've been bested.

>> No.8617926

>I have to assume you're too ignorant to continue this conversation in an educational manner. Would you rather I just call you stupid instead of ignorant? Because you're acting pretty stupid right now. And mad. You do realize that since you've been bated from your normal shit posts to actually taking the time to write shit out, it means that I've won the troll battle you started in the first place, right? Since you failed at your pathetic attempt to shit post like the troll you are I figured I'd give you a taste of your own medicine.I'm glad you realize that you've been bested

don't worry kid, the real world will kick you in the balls post college and break you of your retarded preconceived notions that you are clinging to so hard its hilarious.

>> No.8617930


I take it you don't have high reading comprehension?
I can post a test to check your knowledge of scientific principles and you can share the link of your results, timestamped of course.

You have offered zero counter-point, zero counter evidence.
Therefore I see no reason to continue with you if only I have something to intellectually contribute.

Your denialism is fallacious.

>> No.8617942

Mathematicians are autists who can not be creative worth a shit.

>> No.8617943


Look, if you're still going to troll or act retarded, that's fine.
- Swear
- Ad hominem; Call people names
- Don't provide counter-arguments
- Reject realism and the scientific consensus
That's ok.
Just don't loop.
Looping is cancer.

Personal incredulity and the argument from ignorance are fallacies. You're ignorant.
You imply you have no knowledge of the other kinds, therefore they don't exist.
That is wrong irrational.

>> No.8617947

Good pasta

>> No.8617995

>Your denialism is fallacious.
classic projection.

your autistic defensiveness is a hilarious gift that keeps on giving.

>> No.8617999

it's amazing that you can keep on and on replying to pasta like this

honestly, you don't belong in 4chan

>> No.8618094

My thesis:
> An engineering degree is NOT useless

In fact, it is one of the most useful degrees on the market, especially if it is in Mechanical or EE.
There are simply way too many jobs, the pay is nice, and, since it requires considerable learning, you will probably have great co-workers.
Before someone arrives with "considerable learning lol, kek" I will explain what I mean by that.
Most engineering jobs only require a BSc because most of engineering is learnt on the job. Engineering is an incredibly wide area and so it is impossible to cover everything in college, even in 4 years.
Therefore, in you really want that researcher job in a top lab, you better get a PhD or a Masters' at least.
But that's it. Contrary to mathematicians, physicists, and especially chemists; most engineering jobs do not require a postdoc (unless you want to get into academia, and even then it's rarely mandatory).