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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8600131 No.8600131 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ I am building a forge, I want to start a element collection. The first element I will end up with is copper. However I would like to get zinc as well. I believe I bought some galvanized steel for my air flow to my forge. If I burn anything in the forge it will oxidize and give me brain damage (at least to my understanding). So my question is, if I were to submerge this zinc in hydrogen chloride inducing this reaction 2HCl+Zn=H2 + ZnCl2, how would i, if even possible, separate zinc from zinc chloride. Or at least get the hyrdrogen out so I can have a amount of zinc chloride for said element collection (even if not an element in itself).
>tl:dr how do i get zinc out of zinc chloride

>> No.8600140
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op here, scratch that last part, hyrdogen gas is the byproduct. I am a dipshit brainlet.

>> No.8600165
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Are you doing this experiment by any chance?


If you are, just keep the copper coating of the penny afterward to melt down I guess. You could use electrolysis to seperate the zinc, but it will produce chlorine gas so be careful.


Also, how are you building a forge? I want to start an element collection now, how will you collect elements that are gases at room temp?

>> No.8600223
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I am not doing that particular experiment no, I bought a steel pipe that is coated in zinc (on accident). So I am trying to get the zinc off of it so I can add it to my collection. I will look into electrolysis, thanks. I am building a forge with like 50$ worth of stone and refractory cement in my backyard. Its gonna be coal powered because im on a budget. however it should be able to get hot enough to burn steel (if needed). I am working on getting some more fire brick incase the original stone decides to explode. more concrete probably as well. But the gases are gonna be a bitch. Im literally gonna store hydrogen gas in a balloon from the reaction I wanna do. I dont know how im gonna store that yet. Maybe make it into a liquid or straight up freeze it? Its gonna have to be different for each element.

But yea dude, chemistry is cool, id recommend making a element collection. its neat.

>> No.8600318

For something cooler but also slightly dangerous, check out codyslab on youtube if you haven't already. He seals liquid CO2 in a tube, pretty sweet.

Not sure if this would work with other gases as you'd need very high pressure at room temp