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8599334 No.8599334 [Reply] [Original]

>Your score was 29 out of a possible 50.
>Scores in the 26 - 32 range indicate some Autistic traits (Aspergers Syndrome).

Hello brothers

>> No.8599360

I've scored 21 on that test.
I'm sure that this is due to me having what I suppose to be covert schizoid personality disorder though. I wish I was able to focus on something as much as autists do, but I am far too easy-going and careless for that.

>> No.8599376

38/50 here. I think the only valid method into detecting AS would be actual therapy and not an online test because it mainly has to do with nonverbal traits, not just nuances in emotion and language.

>> No.8599588

Where did you take the test?

>> No.8599590

I got 36.

>> No.8599597


>> No.8599616

>22-25 shows autistic tendencies slightly above the population average
That's nothing new.

>> No.8599617


>> No.8599618
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wew lad

it's not meant to be a diagnostic tool, it's just for funsies

>> No.8599636

no surprises there, I've got the high functioning ass burgers
+10 intelligence
+15 pattern recognition
+5 awareness
-10 charisma
-10 confidence

>> No.8599994
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I got 28

>> No.8600011

Your score was 18 out of a possible 50.

Scores in the 0 - 25 range indicate little or no Autistic traits.

dude what, I'm certain that I'm a sperg

>> No.8600319
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>Your score was 26 out of a possible 50.
>Scores in the 26 - 32 range indicate some Autistic traits (Aspergers Syndrome).

Sure whatever

>> No.8600325

>-10 confidence
>yet casually announces +10 intelligence

>> No.8600613

Not that guy but if he's like me then he still feels some of the effects of the lack of confidence even if he is more confident in himself now. I gained a lot of confidence in my second year of uni compared to ever before and I score almost 40 on this thing when I took it before uni.

>> No.8600668

>Your score was 9 out of a possible 50.

I think I have finally reached normie status

>> No.8601061

a 20 here. I agree with you. I would suggest a faulty test or dishonest answers on our part, but who the fuck knows

>> No.8603008

Got eighteen as well

>> No.8603165
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I'm in pure math too

>> No.8603173

If a written paragraph was part of the test you would have gotten 51

>> No.8603239

I got a 13, I am awkward but not autistic, and my friends have told me that. Beyond some girl who came into my house and said I had aspergers because I was watching hockey, the worst somebody has said is that I am one of the most awkward people they've ever met.

>> No.8603976
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>tfw people recommended to my mother that she look into getting me a diagnosis for shit like this because I never spoke to other people except her
>"its fine anon speaks to me"
>going for years thinking I'm normal
>be in spain on school trip, teacher thinks I have le autism because I don't eat foods with sauce because I hate the fucking texture
>people increasingly think i have le ass burger over the past year
>le this

I guess its time to accept this unofficial diagnosis and do pure math