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File: 474 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_0311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8593096 No.8593096 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone ID this spider? Is it a brown recluse?

>> No.8593102

>Is it a brown recluse?
What the fuck, anon?! That's some problematic racist and ableist language you're using there.
I think the term you're looking for is:
>African-American autistic
Check your privilege CISHET SCUM!

>> No.8593105
File: 78 KB, 1306x354, HnqlM1n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8593109

It moved a little. Help. Plz no bully.

>> No.8593157
File: 35 KB, 480x458, nothing_personal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TL;DR: Lol your shit doesn't matter as it will never amount to anything meaningful.
>/Pol/ tier Brexit that is threatening the EU? Check.
>/Pol/ tier President elected to office? Check.
>/Pol/ implicated in the media (both mainstream and otherwise) as part of the reason for his election? Check.
>/Pol/ got a meme labelled as a racist symbol by an international organisation with government backing? Check.
>/Pol/ tier rise in right-wing nationalism across the Western world? Check.
>/Pol/ tier ousting of liberalism across the Western world? Check.
Now, let us check the premise one more:
>TL;DR: Lol your shit doesn't matter as it will never amount to anything meaningful.
Oh look, it is false.
>TL;DR: nice diatribe, too bad it is nothing but a straw-man and you're a meme farmer, return to tending to your crops and stop trying to take on the big boys. Al right, little buddy?
<- Picture certainly related to your demise.
>BTFO in a cloud of ashes.
>Me versus you: http://imgur.com/a/Fm9YG

>> No.8593167

Yeah and how has any of that helped OP identify his/her/xey/xer spider?

>> No.8593172

get bitten and find out

>> No.8593174

Yeah it looks a little like a Brown Recluse.
Should just kill it either way.
Better safe than sorry.
The necrotic venom will melt your flesh away.
also >>>/an/

>> No.8593190

Wow. You proved my point. Always derailing shit with broadcasting how much of a /pol/ak you are.

>> No.8593194

No, this isn't a brown recluse. A brown recluse has no stripes on the legs, instead, their legs are uniformly brown.

There should be a violin shape on the thorax and it has six eyes instead of eight. Three sets consisting of two eyes in each set.

>> No.8593195

Geologist here, it is a brown rectum.

>> No.8593206

Lol nice try. ;)

>> No.8593207

Rectum? Damn near killed 'em!

Actually spider is now very kill. Thank you fellow paladins.

>> No.8593431

Like smiting cave spiders in Skyrim.

>Hail Stendarr'!

>> No.8593775

Yes. It looks like one to me.

>> No.8593777

you responded to bait friend

>> No.8594035

I'm thinking it might have been a grass spider, but I'm having a hard time making a positive identification. I would have gotten a better picture if I wasn't scared to get too close.