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8592048 No.8592048 [Reply] [Original]

>course requires textbook
>is only used for homework problems

>> No.8592088
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>course uses webassign

>> No.8592106


>> No.8592108

>course requires a old, not-so-good textbook
whats the problem using stewart, apostol or spivak?


>> No.8592109

>class doesn't require textbook
>does requires 100$ online code to do the homework
>doesn't include an E-text.

>> No.8592112


Please complain to your deans and administrators about this. They sign deals to force teachers to use $200 books and webassign in exchange for bags of jewgold for the ball throwers.

Your teachers probably wish they could choose their own book and resent you for complaining about it to them.

>> No.8592121

>calculus requires apostol textbook
>professor uses engineering targeted textbook
>only uses apostol for differential equations
t. Physics undergrad.

>> No.8592125

>using stewart book
>some questions from apostol and spivak


>> No.8592126

Kek. Want to switch places?

>> No.8592142

>murican schools want to make even more money from students

>> No.8592143
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>when course uses old classic
I just love Endertons Element of set theory

>> No.8592479

>mfw courses don't even follow a book
>mfw they give you powerpoint files to study from in most courses
>mfw for others courses you're given ~4-8 pages pdf per chapter, full of errors, and uses """maths""" in the most disgusting way
>mfw """education""" in north africa

>> No.8592512
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>German University
>theo. CS and real analysis, ...
>each lecture is 3 hrs á week + tutorial 2 hrs
>90-120 powerpoint slides per lecture PER COURSE
>each week 1 "homework" you gotta finish
>if you don't have 50% completed you are not allowed to write the exam
>no book to follow, just some "recommendations"


>> No.8592620
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>Course requires textbook
>Professor uses slides from another textbook

>> No.8593337

>That one course that you just can't find the pdf for your textbook

I swear to god every year I've been able to pirate all my fucking books but this semester I can't find two of the fuckers. I might just be able to wing it for the communications course though.

>> No.8593354

I just pirate my books or buy an old classic as paperback if the course is hard and I need to read carefully.

>> No.8593376
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>every lecture is held twice each week and consists of the professor reading the chapter to you with the occasional comment
>coursework consists of mindless problem sets which most students copy from Chegg

Undergrad in America is an abominable scam.

>> No.8593534

Maybe you should take the initiative yourself and read the textbook regardless of whether the prof holds your hand and tells you to?

>> No.8593540

never complained to the prof, that's absolutely pointless. i imagine our school uses it strictly for intro statistics because the fail rate is so high and they can milk it like crazy.

>> No.8593542
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>syllabus says book is required
>order book online
>prof says we're not using the book
tfw I have to mail it back when I get it now

>> No.8594171

>live in Europe
>have free uni
>use books from 70's which are dirt cheap, like 5 American pesos each, or can be borrowed from library
>homework problems are assigned on paper or we send PDFs and don't have to pay hundreds of bucks just to do the homework
Feels pretty good

>> No.8594175

>expensive unis are the best ones in the world
>free yuropoor unis are shit
I'd rather pay 500$ to be able to do my homework rather than study in Europe, where professors don't know what they teach

>> No.8594184

buy them, be a good boy and share it on internet

>> No.8594205

Jewland. Same except it's 70 percent and I am in Physics+Chemistry.
Check the recommendations out from your library. They are often there for a reason. Fichtenholc got me through Calc

>> No.8594466

>paying to do homework
top kek

>> No.8594468

So anon, do you go to one of those expensive unis or are you a state college plebeian?