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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 90 KB, 1200x630, Jacob-Barnett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8586828 No.8586828 [Reply] [Original]

Can't stand this cunt.

>> No.8586830
File: 2.97 MB, 540x360, Advanced Engineering.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dislike thing
>post about thing to discuss thing disliked

Great thread.

>> No.8586845

2/2B forgot to multiple by 1B and simplify
Also math can only ever be done on a window staring at the sun

>> No.8586847

But he's doing the quantum science

>> No.8586855

Media shills that he "absorbed the high school’s entire math curriculum in two weeks" but if I gave anybody here a Precalc book they could also finish it in 2 weeks and 'absorb' the entire highschool curriculum. I see no reason to hate him though he's just an autist that at least isn't shitposting here and doing something with his autism

>> No.8586955

You underestimate how dumb these people are. For them trying to go through a precalc book in two weeks would literally be impossible.

>> No.8588114

but why is he writing on the windows?

>> No.8588119

Cool, keep making him more famous.

>> No.8588122

Because he is autist.

>> No.8588142

>but if I gave anybody here a Precalc book they could also finish it in 2 weeks and 'absorb' the entire highschool curriculum

You're giving this board far too much credit.

>> No.8588144

don't know who he is. autistic savant-ism isn't actually real though

>> No.8588153

you don't have a math window yet?

>> No.8588968

I would sometime use my mirror as a whiteboard, quite usefull

>> No.8589020

gimme a precalc book

>> No.8589045

He just a kid, let him dream.

>> No.8589088

Why? Because he's smarter than you? Get a life, you pathetic manchild NEET.

>> No.8589097

>Not Mathematics


>> No.8589106

>absorbed the high school’s entire math curriculum in two weeks
Any non-brainlet can do this

>> No.8589151


I have been using a whiteboard for years now and just recently I tried writing on a window to see how well the dry-erase ink rubs off. It worked so well that I replaced my dry erase whiteboard with a cheap wall framed picture with glass (not plastic) with a white backing and it is so much better.
I highly recommend using a glassed-picture frame instead of a whiteboard.
But don't use windows because its hard to focus on what you are writing since there is stuff behind it

>> No.8589154

I have 2 panels of patio door glass I use from an old patio door I got off the local freecycle group. They are HUGE. You can write on them for days before needing to erase something.

>> No.8589237

I think it's extremely possible to do all your high school math in two weeks. Even more so if you have a supply of adderall. For those 2 weeks, you have to ignore every single thing in life though, and start studying at 6 AM till 10 PM with only food breaks. It's easily doable.

>> No.8589260

>Took a break from college for a year to work and not have to worry about debt
>two weeks of nothing before going back to school and me quitting my job
>Go through all my previous math courses and do two or three chapters a day to get caught back up.

Wow, guys. I'm a savant. Just wanted you to know. I can write all the equations really verbose. Look at me guys.
Let me write on a Window to really show you how fancy I am.

CAPTCHA: attention studio

>> No.8589341

According to google he's 18 now, I wonder where he's standing in life right now.

>> No.8589353

I call bullshit. Having no prior knowledge of high school level math, very few could actually learn all of it in two weeks.

>> No.8589389

Lol I have a friend who has classes with this guy. He says he's not dumb but acts like he's way smarter than he is since he lacks any social skills.

>> No.8589399

so who is he?

>> No.8589402

the kid in the pic? google jacob barnett

>> No.8589412

Damn. Looked up one of his Ted Talk youtube videos and it was too cringey to watch. Looked in the comments section, and everyone was praising him.

This is what positive reinforcement gets you, annoying children

>> No.8589425

Yeah it's especially annoying because I think popularizing figures like him re-enforces the idea that smart have shit social skills. Meanwhile the 2 people I know in the same program as him are literally the coolest people I've ever met, and I thought that before I found out they were doing PhDs in quantum physics.

>> No.8589429

Is OP pic related to this?


>> No.8589433


Doesn't EVERYONE visualize equations? I've literally never heard of anyone who doesn't visualize equations, but normies think visualization is such an unbelievable task that only the greatest minds can accomplish it.


>> No.8589632

Sheldon Axler's Precalculus

You really don't have to go that extreme. For Algebra 2 and Trig and Geometry, 4-5 hours of intense study every day for 2 weeks should be enough. I did it in 4 weeks by doing about 2 hours a day.

>> No.8589636

If you don't even know algebra 1 or very basic geometry, it might take longer, but trig, algebra 2, and geometry can all be done together in 2-4 weeks easily.

>> No.8589648

Your jelly, ain't cha?

>> No.8589740

I'm including pre-cal in it too you fucking retarded ape.

>> No.8589873

I have low IQ.

It has been 10 years now since I have graduated from HS here.
Here precalc is integrated into the curriculum, but stretched to 2 years.

And even then, my results of the exames were average to below average.

>> No.8590237

god, I remember algebra II. We never got off of finding roots. It was the most boring thing I've ever done. Find roots for 10 minutes at the start of class then dick around for half an hour. It went on for fucking MONTHS.

Girls in the back were all confused and asking questions all throughout like WTF bitch we haven't covered any new material in literally MONTHS. I remember them bitching about the teacher, about their grades, about the homework. Some of them got C's. It's the most retarded shit.

But you know what? The same people who got C's got A's in the french class we were taking, and they picked up on it like that, while I struggled.

can't past the fact that they couldn't

I'm not even smart but people treated me like I was. Holy shit I will never understand some people.

sorry about the long post

>> No.8590562

normalfags love that shit

they do it in good will hunting, a beautiful mind, social network

>> No.8590566

2 weeks is pushing it. But, alg, alg 2, and trig for sure in about a month for a normal person.

>> No.8590574

Linked him this thread. You think he will hang himself? Or come and hang you guys?

>> No.8590578

>finding roots
of polynomials? isnt that algebra 1? just factoring?

>> No.8590588

or just buy a quality porcelain or glass white board..

>> No.8590590

No. That's why graphs exist in the first place.

>> No.8590807

Either you or your friend is bullshitting. I met him at the Perimeter Institute, and he might not be Rico Sauve but he is a pretty sociable kid.

>> No.8590832

Is it weird that webm gave me a boner?