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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 196 KB, 480x480, 1483213090980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8574134 No.8574134[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, poltards have been sifting into our board and starting thinly veiled bait threads where they intend to spread their racist shit-for-brains conspiracy theories about how 'the n*****s are dumb, us white NEET's are le masterrace'.

so, in light of that fact, i think we should utterly BTFO them forever, and come up with a concise catalog of FACTS and SCIENCE that proves them wrong. virtually every respected and credible scientist out there acknowledges that there's no actual, scientific, genetic basis to the concept of 'race' itself.

we owe it as a board dedicated to reason and wisdom to not let backwards, unprogressive retards think this shit and spread their HATE.

lets start building the ultimate weapon against these stormweeny tinfoil hat babydicks.

>> No.8574136
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Cool, a reverse counter-troll!

>> No.8574137

(YOU!) butthurt "with her" millennial identified

>> No.8574138

Niggers are gay

>> No.8574140

/pol/ack here from raid thread, read Guns, Germs, and Steel you degenerate

>> No.8574142

FACT: Nignogs commit over 50% of the crimes despite being less than 20% of the population

>> No.8574143 [DELETED] 
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Theres a special helicopter ride just for you, you wait and see.

>> No.8574144

>poltards have been sifting into our board and starting thinly veiled bait threads
>starts a thinly veiled bait thread
5/10 made me reply

>> No.8574145

Stob blease

>> No.8574147

K K K Fine
Sicker than your average nigger killer
Twist nigger's heads off
Niggers fucking stink niggers and gayers
Chicken wing eating players
Triple K hooligans like Moon Man
Dead right if they head right
Fucking your mom every night
Moon man's been smooth since days of killing jews
Never lose
Never choose to lynch jews who do something to us

Talk go through us your mom walked to us
Get on a rape bus; screw us, screw us
Yeah, KKK, nigger babies i don't give a fuck
Stick it up the butt

Dare I not see at your ripe cherry pussy
Bang every porch monkey easily, busily
Recently niggers fronting ain't saying nothing
My cock nigger
Suck it, Triple K mafia, we're on it

>> No.8574148

Fucking hell, this is why I stay in /pol/ no pretty flags or IDs

>> No.8574150

Most of them are already willing to deny facts, so I don't think we can combat them with more facts. The most we can do is actively report threads they make, and create threads that belong on sci.

>> No.8574153
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excuse me? did you hear what i fucking said? nothing i said was racist or supporting the retarded idea that 'evolution made humans different' or that 'species are as abstract a distinction as race' and other stupid shit that these fucking fly-overs think.

we need to prove to them that black people are just as good at white people, that there's no such thing as race, race doesn't matter, and that diversity is strength. how the fuck is any of this in /pols/ favor? we're showing them fucking facts and proof. fuck off back to stormfront.

>> No.8574154

seriously, and what is this blue shit?


>> No.8574159
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The scientific community, regrettably, has found no evidence to counter claims that heritable (racial) intelligence played a huge part in societal development in all parts of the world.

>> No.8574163
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sorry OP, but that's wrong

>> No.8574166


bull fucking shit. try saying that shit in a college, at your job, on on TV, or on facebook, or twitter. you'll be fucking fired, banned, and blacklisted. it's just not fucking true.

i know you have these big fantasies about how you're the aryan ubermensch master race, but lets be honest, you're a fucking virgin NEET living in your moms basement, cool and rich people don't think like that, it's NOT fucking true.

you don't get to just make up facts without evidence. scientists do. fuck off.

>> No.8574167
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Heil Hitler fuck all niggers including the filthy ape that posted this thread

>> No.8574168
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>> No.8574174

I'm not cut out for the /pol/ foriegn legion

>> No.8574175
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>> No.8574178

>bull fucking shit. try saying that shit in a college, at your job, on on TV, or on facebook, or twitter. you'll be fucking fired, banned, and blacklisted. it's just not fucking true.
>it's false because it will be censured

Now my noodle's turning.

>> No.8574180
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>t. Niggercock-loving SJW

>> No.8574184

>read meme tier science
Ok the_donald

>> No.8574192
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>> No.8574191

Niel grass deTyson is the Reggie fils aime of Science.

>> No.8574193
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>> No.8574196


lmfao, stormweenies have one fucking graph they all post with NO fucking citations. they are THIS fucking gullible. low information voters, too. fucking trump? seriously? a nazi orange cheeto with small hands that thinks rape is fucking funny, this is who you pick to represent the UNITED STATES? you make me sick.





>> No.8574197
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bumping this Natsoc thread goys report in for your country, take back the board, drive out degeneracy.

>> No.8574200
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listen to this goy

>> No.8574204
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he's not even bating the hooks, he's just throwing the pole in

>> No.8574205
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>> No.8574206

>Huffington post

Yeah, no thank you.

Here's another video for you faggot: https://youtu.be/RxAhwYoZQKU

>> No.8574207


>> No.8574208
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>> No.8574209

The sad thing is he's from /pol/ too and has nothing better to do other than follow them around baiting.

None of use here take Salon or The Huffington Post as a serious source of information,

>> No.8574213

/sci/ will fall to the power of KEK

>> No.8574214

>try saying that shit in a college, at your job, on on TV, or on facebook, or twitter. you'll be fucking fired, banned, and blacklisted.
if it wasn't true someone would refute it with evidence, but they can't, that's why they they censor it. Because it IS a very problematic opinion, that's obvious. It's not good if the race with the most to be proud of develops a sense of racial identity.

I welcome real evidence to the contrary that isn't based on feelings over facts, I really do, but it just doesn't exist.

>> No.8574215
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implying there's literally anything wrong with that if it was fucking true?

how does it feel knowing that you'd have NO friends and NEVER get laid if you let other people know what you're thinking?

oh, that's right, you have to keep that shit anonymous and on the internet, because you're too much of a fucking pussy.

some fucking master race. just like when your hero, adolf hitler started a war for no reason and killed the jews because he was angry about how shit his art was, and the ENTIRE WORLD curbstomped germany. that's what always happens when you anti-progress, anti-woman, hateful fucks start thinking it's ok for you to spread your lies.

you're on the wrong side of history, motherfucker. and fuck you retarded christians, too. you think god is real? show me one piece of fucking PROOF and i'll believe you. until then, enjoy not being able to burn scientists and kill muslims anymore.

lmfao, you're probably scared just because brown people are taking you're women because you're all too pussy to do anything about it. haha. how does it feel, stormtools?

>> No.8574216
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>> No.8574218


>> No.8574221
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digits will confirm.

>> No.8574223
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>> No.8574225
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now this is shitposting

>> No.8574229
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Qatar gained five, kek

>> No.8574232

It's because we are the truly red pilled, the most intelligent in society, while you are a bunch of pseudo intellectuals. I talk to my friends about race and IQ, or one of my friends, mainly because he is too much of a beta to say anything.

>> No.8574237


that's literally just because they're oppressed by racists

>> No.8574239
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>taking our women

>> No.8574242
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gotchu m8

>> No.8574243

Still waiting for the "concise catalog of FACTS and SCIENCE"

So where is it?

>> No.8574246
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>> No.8574247
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What kind of elementary science board is this? they don't even have basic stuff down like googles being inferior and loving chicken?

>> No.8574248
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>> No.8574253
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>> No.8574259
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he's busy digging up pics of dachshunds crossbred with pitbulls to color his infographic

holy fuck are you a real person??? Can a real person project their insecurities this hard?

>> No.8574260
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>> No.8574262

Look at how the gap decreases as they become wealthier, with some error.

The solution is obvious, tax the white for a black solidarity tax that is then given to blacks.

>> No.8574266
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>> No.8574269

yeah but look at the rate that white women intermarry. that does not correlate to black men taking white women. that just shows that they intermarry. the race they intermarry with is not noted. from experience it's latina women and asian women though.

>> No.8574271

I'm not racist but OP makes me want to be

>> No.8574277
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i'm starting to think this is satire, or at least really hope it is, because it's funny as shit either way

>> No.8574278
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ITT leftie /sci/ degenerates get BTFO by ubermencsch

>> No.8574279
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>having this shallow of an understand of religion

>> No.8574281

>anti-Nazi but concerned for muslims
this is my biggest problem with the American left. Islam is a supremacist religion, it's Nazism with rape instead of science. It's the most regressive repressive anti-intellectual mono-cultural ideology in the history of the human race, it SHOULD be the enemy of all Liberals, but it's not. Why? Because its adherents are brown. That's all. That's the story.

That is why the Left will never win in America again until we collectively condemn and fight back against Islam, or start speaking Arabic because we waited too long.

>> No.8574284

They are fauna.. You can learn more about them on /an/ primate generals you know.

>> No.8574293

There is no such thing as niggers.
Niggers were invented by "race scientists", to justify slavery and segrigation.

repeat there is ((((literally)))) no evidence for niggers.

>> No.8574298
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Thanks man will head over after these idiots realise they're wrong and have been duped by the liberal establishment.

>> No.8574300

>or start speaking Arabic because we waited too long.
no worries, we right wingers will end them all before that happens when you lefties find yourselves incapable of admitting you fucked up, taking responsibility, and fixing it.

>> No.8574301
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>> No.8574303

Idiot poltards again. Your research is meaningless. It's been shown again and again and again and again and again and again and again that it's poverty and not race that is responsible for violence and low IQ



>> No.8574304

Segregation hardly needs to be justified.

Just watch a video of a real large scale chimp out and then try to tell me you'd like to live near that.

>> No.8574305

You can like science and be right wing.


>> No.8574306
File: 1.04 MB, 654x480, gibsmedat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>f-f-fuck these h-horrible fascists!

>> No.8574309
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The more these /sci/ faggots reply the more it echoes

>> No.8574313
File: 41 KB, 464x600, Ashley-Montagu-1958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes goy, race doesn't exist!
>you can trust me, the famous anthropologist (((Israel Ehrenberg))) - er, I mean, "Montague Francis Ashley, er, Montagu". Yeah, that's it!

>> No.8574315
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2 layers of troll. Cool.

>> No.8574323
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see >>8574200
Yes it has a significant effect, but it certainly is not the only factor that goes into determining intelligence.

>> No.8574326
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>> No.8574329

what a fucking coon

>> No.8574340
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>> No.8574346
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>> No.8574349

If genetics determines intelligence/race is genetic/intelligence is determined by race, then what are the genetic marker that define this difference in intelligence? This is a normal /sci/ thread, not a raid of any kind, no sir, so let's have rigorous /sci/ discussion.

>> No.8574353

>heh wow EBIN raid
>MUH bell curve
>sci btfo XD
>the REAL social science exposed
>this will make sci think
>watch me destroy this false flag argument
>hehe WE are the Jews now. EBIN!

>> No.8574365
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This is exactly why they lost, and will continue to lose. Rape, murder, etc. are just fine as long as someone with brown skin is doing it. Keep it up libs, can't wait for trump to win again in 2020!

>> No.8574370

.... what does this graph actually show here?

>> No.8574374

Ignoring data you don't like again.


Face it dumb poltard, you have been, for lake of a better word, pwnd

>> No.8574385

>3 studies
>in comparison to 14 studies
>/pol/ btfo!!!!1

>> No.8574431


yeah brother.

they don't know what they're talking about.

none of them are scientists. none of them are peer reviewed. none of them are reasonable people that anyone cares about.

but they think that they're right and science is wrong because there's a lot of them and they have anecdotal evidence? fuck off, stormweenies.

these stupid losers think they're being white genocided just because they're too pussy to have a birthrate. ha, they don't deserve it because they're just a bunch of backwards racist fucks. they post completely unsourced studies made up by some racist that they think matters.

nope, think again. you don't matter, /pol/. you don't fucking matter, and science and facts are against you. russia might steal an election for you (in which hillary won by three million votes) but no amount of voter fraud and rigging in the form of ID laws matter.

you think you can win by oppressing black people. nope, you don't understand diversity at all. get over it.

>> No.8574452

this guy would be accused of cultural appropriation cause he's white lul

>> No.8574478
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Because poor people can't read books and do their homework right?

>> No.8574521
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You can't just assume xir's racial identity, shitlord!

>> No.8574553

>It's not race that is responsible violence and low IQ, it is poverty
Oh fuck off faggot don't tread on me

>> No.8574555

for violence* fuck it is 3:37 AM give me a break here