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File: 64 KB, 660x478, Andromeda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8569299 No.8569299 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /sci/ no dark matter guy here again.


I present to you a new form of matter that was once the first form of matter: Blackholeum.

If nothing crosses the event horizon of a black hole then my guess is that the extreme gravity will break down neutronium into strange matter. This strange matter will be of such density that it will be in a constant state of gravitational collapse all over. Each collapse produce new black hole throats which compete for mass, and some may be maintained by forming Einstein-Rosen bridges with other, distant, black holes. The result is the dark matter phenomenon.

>> No.8569364

I like it, now present us with math.

>> No.8569373


So far all I can present to you is that since the Eddington-Finkelstein is based upon the tortoise coordinates it cannot remove the singularity in the field because the equation is 2GM + 2GM ln|0| in which all terms are singularities.

>> No.8569383


Thus, the EF is a bad coordinate system and I suggest the Einstein-Rosen Transformation where u2 = r - 2m. The singularity at 2GM is replaced by u=0. Time vanishes at the event horizon which is expected, given that null geodesics have closed to a light like surface.

>> No.8569417
File: 67 KB, 814x917, PseudoSphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is one more thing. The metric inverts below the event horizon. I present to you that the geometry is negatively curved, and thus gravitationally repulsive. The geometry will be hyperspeudospherical, which makes sense as both black holes and pseudospheres have coordinate singularity perimeters and metric singularity origins.


>> No.8570939

Am I right in saying that no matter can be compressed beyond its own wavelength? And that after a certain amount of compression quark/preon degenerate matter will have to be converted into an unknown kind of boson to overcome degeneracy pressure?

>> No.8570983

If nothing crosses the event horizon then the hole would be mass less you dumdum.