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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8568782 No.8568782 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8568787

a singularity is not nothing, what happend before it we have no idea

>> No.8568801

Time is cyclical.

The big bang that begins the universe is also the big crunch that ends the universe.

>> No.8568805

>there was nothing
That makes no sense.

>> No.8568873

What is the latest? Is the net energy in the universe zero or not?

>> No.8568882

Lol nice conjecture

>> No.8568884

Yes, for the universe came from an exploding object called "nothing".

>> No.8568886

There is no data that supports the big crunch theory (even if i find it appealing)

>> No.8568916

meme word

>> No.8568930

There is no such thing as a 'beginning', there are just a bunch of 'presents'.

>> No.8568950

No it isn't

>> No.8568967

Merry christmas to you too!

>> No.8568970
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>> No.8568977

It is. Singularities don't exist in nature.

>> No.8568979


>In the beginning there was something
>and then it expanded.

You're welcome.

>> No.8568980

>what is a black hole

>> No.8568984

>he hasn't seen the dot on the letter i

>> No.8568988

define beginning

>> No.8568996

big bang is just a theory

>> No.8569002

the conditions a singularity is under cannot be called "nature"

>> No.8569028

In the beginning there was infinity, then it exploded.

>> No.8569070

>big bang is just a theory

to do list:
1. gtfo of /sci/
2. learn what a theory is
3. return and apologize

>> No.8569073

Curvurtare in the aethar?

>> No.8569089

this is science and math
shit I pulled out my ass

>> No.8569137

I wish undergrads would just shut the fuck up about things they have no clue about.

>> No.8569143

Scratch that last one off

>> No.8569199



>> No.8569471

Classic Michael Bay.

>> No.8569524

Are you...
A) Trolling
B) Claiming black holes dont exist
C) Claiming theres something other than a singularity past the event horizon
D) Stupid

At the moment im thinking its B and D. Im rooting for you to sway my thinking though.

>> No.8569544

Oh look, the Jewish version of NDT

>> No.8569551

For the last time : the name Big Bang is an ironic named given by Fred "proto-butthurt/sci/entist" Hoyle.

People who came with this theory (Lemaître & cie) never said it was an explosion, but just a rapid expansion of the original singularity to a new frame that we call the space-time nowadays.

>> No.8569558

I've been on Sci for some time now and I'm kinda starting to doubt that

>> No.8569645


If you take into consideration string theory and evaluate it with the axiom of choice, the big bang theory is undeniable.

>> No.8569647

I personally subscribe to the solid state theory, but there's no evidence for any of the theories, anyways.

>> No.8569663

what if space and time already existed and the big bang was just all the matter in the universe converged in one fucking huge black hole?

>> No.8569664
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>> No.8569668

There is no solid state theory, you mean steady state you have no idea what you're talking about but you feel qualified to weigh the evidence. A steady state universe still cannot explain the isotropy and spectrum of the cosmic microwave background. Not to mention the fact it requires the ongoing creation of matter by completely undescribed means.

>> No.8569673

I know. But if you think about it, this is the only thing that makes sense.

>> No.8569678
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Studies in thermodynamics indicate that the total universal energy is preserved in all transactions; so your assertion that nothing existed prior to big bang is a false one, op. The properties and nature of that energy prior to big bang, however are still yet to be know. Big crunch is not going to occur. Presence of Galactic bodies moving in varying directions lead us to believe we are in an expanding universe; and again thermodynamic law determines that preserved energy will one transact into the surrounding environment as unusable potential energy and we will all die and shit.

>> No.8569687

It turns out that there is literally no such thing as nothing.

>> No.8569688

I'm not sure if you're so new you don't know he's memeing or if you're memeing even harder

>> No.8569690

Ex falso quodlibet

>> No.8569733

Einstein's equations predict a singularity in a black hole. The reason for this is that General Relativity isn't a complete mathematical model of the physical world and fails to correctly describe the physical phenomenon we know as a black hole.
Dumbass undergrad.

>> No.8569787

Not a thing that actually exists

>> No.8569866

So, before the beginning
there was nothing.

Then it expanded.


>> No.8570070

How can gravity be anything but closed if it is always attractive? Haven't studied GR, but I don't understand the shape of the universe part.

>> No.8570182

>Studies in thermodynamics indicate that the total universal energy is preserved in all transactions; so your assertion that nothing existed prior to big bang is a false one, op.

Thermodynamics is built on inferences based on empirical observations. Whilst it holds for the processes we can observe and replicate, there is nothing to suggest that there are no circumstances where the laws of thermodynamics can be broken.

We aren't able to replicate the beginning of the universe, so we can't comment on whether thermodynamics laws hold in that process.

>> No.8570191

Gravity is always attractive and yet a spacecraft can escape if it can reach escape velocity. In the same way the universe can be expanding so quickly that gravity will never stop it from expanding.

>> No.8570295
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I like this theory. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy :)

>> No.8570310

Did you just assume his religion?

>> No.8570313

"Thermodynamics" would only be a binding law once the universe came into existence. Before that there couldn't have been any physical laws because "physical" as we know it was not a thing. Existence as we know it was not a thing.

Beyond that, you're also assuming there are NO conditions in which thermodynamics may break down, which could be true but it may not be true. We thought for a long time that Newtonian mechanics were solid, but later we learned that high velocities and large masses fuck up our calculations.

>> No.8570419

In the beginning god was fuckin ur mum and he came but he didn't want to get that fat bitch progo so he splurted in out into transdimensional space which created the universe

>> No.8570623

>meme word
Lrn2meme fgt pls

>> No.8570784

Reminder that the only theory we have any proof of is Penroses conformaly end of universe is the same as the big bang, thing.


>> No.8570787

I made this thread a couple of days ago from a slightly different angle (possibly) and got some useful info and links


>> No.8571003

There's no point in time when nothing existed

>> No.8571585

>Your unprovable theory is different than my unprovable theory, you fucking retard

>> No.8572457

Here's the thing; we can't understand yet what happened before 13.7 billion years ago.

The common perception of the big bang is nothing but misinformation.

>> No.8572490

>the Christian meme argument

>> No.8572826


>there wasn't anything

>> No.8572887

Did you just assume my gender ?

>> No.8572896

>gen relativity
>unprovable theory

>> No.8572903

then there is no point of existewnce if time is prevelet

>> No.8573356


>> No.8573366

General relativity is not a quantum theory, therefore anything it predicts at quantum scales is irrelevant. i.e. the singularity at the center of a black hole

>> No.8573376

In the beginning there was space which contained everything and it expanded

>> No.8573465
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>quantum scales
>center of a black hole

>> No.8573486

The idea is that when you solve the EFE and get a black hole solution, their is a radial dependence so as r-->0 the curvature diverges. But studying the behavior as r-->0, is ignoring the QM behavior that needs to be accounted for once you reach a small enough scale.

>> No.8573686
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you think you know aboutt memes faggot???!!

>> No.8573933


i fucking hate drumpf and the retardican war on science, retardican stupidity is the true singularity here

fuck drumpf, hillary should have been president, she is more pro-science than anyone else

>> No.8573935

CTR stopped sending out checks last month bro.

>> No.8574030

A lot smarter.
A lot more published.
Makes sensible points.
A lot more scientist.
In the trash you go, you double nigger.

>> No.8574033

Your a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

>> No.8574034

>think about it
think about what you just thought about, brainlet

>> No.8574035

>Not realizing it's a false flag Trump supporter.

>> No.8574039

fuck you and everybody who looks like you

>> No.8574751

judging by your post thats you in the picture

>> No.8576377

"A brief history of time" by Stephen Hawking
"A universe from nothing" by Lawrence Krauss
"Why does the world exist" by Jim Holt

>> No.8576380

ikr, fucking autists

>> No.8576389

how did space and time come to be?

>> No.8576391

big bang is a lie.

the earth is a huge terrainum. NASA is in place to push a cosmology lie.

evolution is a lie. blacks have more genetic diversity therefore they are the first people while whites have significantly less genetic diversity, which is the reason why whites have significantly more chances of having weak offspring with disorders.
you cannot make a human out of a whale. there was always whales and then there was always humans. genetic offspring upon frequent isolation and interbreeding causes failure.

>> No.8576400

>>Not realizing it's a false flag Trump supporter.
>Not realizing it's a false flag Clinton supporter pretending to be a false flaging Trump supporter

>> No.8576877

You are wrong! This is more "shit I pulled out my ass" than "science and math".

>> No.8576917

>not realizing it's a false flag state-sponsored russian troll

>> No.8576994

That's the lagrangian of the standard model, not the maxwell equations

>> No.8577352

There was a divine creation 6000 years ago, big bang and evolutionism has been debunked for decades. See Dr. Hovind's work, and his $250,000 reward for 'proving' evolution if you want to learn more.

>> No.8577354

>what is unverifiable bullshit

>> No.8577359
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>> No.8577364
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>> No.8577371

I always giggle when I see people who believe that there was time or a 'before' the big bang.

So limited in intellect.

>> No.8577374

What if "universes" break off into "child universes" via black holes exploding which coincidentally contain less matter and energy than their parent universe?

Aka it's all just stuff exploding, spreading out and converging in clusters, and exploding again and our "observable universe" is just us being limited to what we can see from the gravitational shockwave combined with the fact that the other "universes" are spaced out far away from one another.

>> No.8577422

Our universe is a simulation run on a computer. Big bang was just someone starting the program run. Good luck finding out how things started wherever the simulation computer is located.

How easy was that? Next question.

>> No.8577426

You're mixing up science and religion you fool. As best as science can explain in the beginning there was everything. In one point, a point of infinite density.

>> No.8577701
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>Unironically unfamiliar with infinite density.

>> No.8577706

that is the stupidest shit i have ever read and makes god theory sound more plausible

>> No.8578780

this muzzie gave a good explanation why that is illogical

>> No.8578782

It all started from a fart and will all perish with a queef.

Men inject life and women expels it.

>> No.8578812

think about empty space but it still has dimensions. the 3 dimensions we have were created during the bang so before that there were none. zero. that's what the "nothing" is

>> No.8578815

>not a thing that actually exists

wtf are you talking about nigger

>> No.8578968


>> No.8579841

i don't come here that often, but why is that, without fail, i always see bait threads here and tons of replies to said threads? i thought /sci was for smart people

>> No.8579843

It'll be literally impossible to know if its more likely to be big crunch or heat death

Either way the universe will rebirth, it just takes a fuckton longer in heat death

>> No.8579856

We can, and have, measured the rate at which galaxies are moving away from each other.
The universe is expanding at an ever increasing rate.
We are headed for heat death.

>> No.8579980

Is anyone else pissed off that we'll never know for certain where all this universe shit came from and how it all started

It's like knowing you're going to die before the greatest movie of all time is going to be released. Imagine dying a week before The Empire Strikes Back or some shit

Even if the human race eventually figures it out, I'll have been dead for like a billion years. Fuck that. I'm mad as hell

>> No.8580017
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>> No.8580097

>what happened before
Someone in a higher dimension or relative macroverse or distant future simulated or initiated the big bang.

We are most likely an ancestor-simulation to see how exactly the world evolved.

Bostrom et al. inb4d every argument you may have.

>> No.8580101

And let's not forget the STEM to STEAM crap... no wonder China, India and Japan are kicking the US's ass in terms of science

>> No.8580143

I hate to link the pop-sci, but short answer, "no", hour long answer with intro by atheist man:

No to both questions/statements.

Hubble and its thousand confirmations showed that universal acceleration is happening far faster than gravity can ever compensate for. No crunchies happening here, barring weird unforeseen shit or magi-tech level interference.

>> No.8580530

>Hubble and its thousand confirmations
Hubble was only tangentially involved in the supernova cosmology projects, most of the work was done at the ground based CTIO and various large telescopes like Keck for spectroscopic followup. There was only HST data for a couple supernovae in one of the projects.