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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8568011 No.8568011 [Reply] [Original]

>Find a good, interesting, and challenging book
>It's only available in English
>It costs 100 fucking euros
>The solutions are on a separate book

>> No.8568017


>> No.8568021

>It's only available in English
How is that a problem?

>> No.8568022

Meant answers
Such is life when you don't speak English

>> No.8568025

I'm not really confident in my ability to read Academic English.

>> No.8568028

Steal the book in your native language?

>> No.8568035

What book?

>> No.8568040

You'll get better at it once you start. It's not actually hard at all. "Academic English" is pretty simple, honestly. The same sentences over and over and you can usually translate via context.

The sooner you start, the better, everything is English in academia at some point.

>> No.8568112

I said what book, dickhead.

>> No.8568113


Doesn't appear to have been edited.

Will try, but I don't like the idea of deciphering the language AND the math at the same time.

>> No.8568115

Whoops, wrong link.

>> No.8568217

Bamp, if possible

>> No.8568291

They should really have the same book in several different versions for the 'main' languages of Earth. It is rather arrogant of the Anglosphere to assume English competency is held by everyone.

>> No.8568313


there you go

>> No.8568534

Not op here, for me the problem's not the language but the price, textbooks in English are ridiculously expensive, English textbooks are like 100-300 American pesos, whereas same book in my language is like 10 or 30$, so I'm not really happy if the book is only available in English and I have to pay ten times the price

>> No.8568620

It's even more arrogant to think the guy writing the textbook just so happens to know whatever third world language you speak and wants to write the same book twice in two languages.

>> No.8568707

libgen desu

>> No.8568925

Dumbass. If your english is good enough that you can understand us, it's good enough to read an english math book.

>> No.8568931

"they" who? Anglophone publishers will publish in English. It's up to foreign publishers to translate.

>> No.8568934


Science = english

>> No.8568997

>doesnt read english books
>needs solutions
>too poor for 100 euros

>> No.8569177

literally this

Use libgen.io/gen.lib.rus.ec or bookzz.org, why the fuck would you want to pay for a textbook? Just download them, take notes, and make sure to install f.lux to protect your eyes

Here's your book for free, fag: http://gen.lib.rus.ec/book/index.php?md5=1E7456786CCB7D3CD2DC7B06047A2A8F

>> No.8569363


Oh wait, you're just daydreaming.
It must feel good imagining what will you do with that particular book.
Unfortunately, you cannot buy the book for whatever reason.
Well, time to blame publishers and shitpost on /sci/.

Do you find happiness this way?

>> No.8569450
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You live in the free world but won't download your books online? Why?

>> No.8569514

I like hardcover.

Thanks m8, didn't lnow about this one.

It is not in the library, you rude man.

>> No.8569523
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So do I but I would be a beggar if I bought my books. Sometimes it's not "I like", but "I'd like to do it like this, but I will do it the easier way instead", that is, "I will download my books, and I will get my solutions for free at the same time". What kind of books have solutions, btw?

>> No.8569577

Whatever, I'm a brainlet anyway :^)

>> No.8569970

Not in the library, you say?
Literally just read a book available in your library.
Reek of excuses.

There is no "magical" textbook that makes you understand the subject. Actually spending time reading the book and doing the exercises is the magic.

But most people don't do the work and rather shitpost on /sci/, like you.

>> No.8569978

Why are you so judgemental, anon ? I don't have time to work, I'm on holidays. And it's not a shitpost, it's a disguised ask for advice and source.

>> No.8570409
