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8561476 No.8561476[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how does one get into MIT right after high school?

>> No.8561482


>> No.8561489

>finish high school when you're 16.
>do community college classes until you're 18
>rape the SAT
>do extracurricular shit
>get a letter from MIT in the mail

that's how my brother got in at least

>> No.8561495

Be a girl and apply for engineering, then check your email about 2 months later

>> No.8561514


>> No.8561521

No, be a minority and apply for 3rd world studies and you're in

>> No.8561529

No a female minority applying for engineering is the easiest way to get into MIT as they ignore legacy.
The engineering school is begging for females, thats why I said engineering. A girl would have a far easier time getting into the engineering school than the other schools.

>> No.8561535

Just be a gay nigger or female and they let you in automatically. literally that easy

>> No.8561605

Mit researcher reporting

The other posters are not wrong. Unless you invented something, started a business, or published papers before leaving high school, you will not be able to compete with
>anyone who writes an essay about being lgbtq in their application

Except Asians. Asians are now being discriminated against at these top tier schools bc there's too many and they're not the right type of diversity.

>> No.8561907

i don't know but a pair of twins from my high school were both accepted
1 boy 1 girl
both blonde white future engineers
extremely high grades; one of them had the highest gpa of our class
only 1 attends, the other went somewhere else lmao

>> No.8561980

Pretty much what the others said, be a trendy oppression case. Also a shit ton of luck if you are international student, even a IMO gold isn't a guarantee anymore, I know a few guys with good international results that failed to get in.

>2200 SAT
>800 math and physics
>top results on country level in math
>independently discovered and self published some shit in number theory, some people contacted me over it, later found out there's a whole book written about it that went much further than I did, to be real, I barely scratched the surface
>college level self study with Landau and Hardy and other meme books
>interesting white male, but ethnic minority, discrimination and poor backstory that I milked from sympathy
>bunch of hobbies and extracurricular leadership activities

Didn't get in. Still mildly bitter and ashamed to mention it irl. I suspect that number theory part probably made me look like a crackpot and I have hated it ever since. Ended up severely depressed and dropped out of a local uni because money.

And just when I got over it, I met a girl who ended up in Harvard, got in via an essay about, not even shitting you, LGBT oppression in my country. Aerospace engineering, full scholarship. She dropped out eventually because she didn't have nearly any math or physics in her highschool. Christ what a waste of potential.

>> No.8561991

How did you cope? What are you doing now?

>> No.8562017

>How did you cope?
Staring at ceiling 24/7, not getting out of bed for two years, drinking and smoking more than I should. Harvard girl probably helped me in a way, life is not fair, let's move on.

>What are you doing now?
Dropped most of the science stuff, later met a professor who inspired me to get back into life and physics, did menial jobs for a living, now I freelance code, self study physics (ironically, using MIT program as a template) and I'll move abroad during the next year. Overall, it's much better than I pictured it.

>> No.8562021

What the fuck man? You had talent, you should have gone to uni regardless. Fuck. Did you only apply to MIT?

Hope you can get back in track though.

>> No.8562025


>> No.8562033

I thank god every day that a paper I wrote at the beginning of my 2nd year didn't get published.

>> No.8562038

how do you finish at 16? do you have to skip grades?

>> No.8562041

Uni is expensive man. Local universities are cheap, but your life expenses such as room, food and books still have to be financed somehow as you can't work while studying and government loans aren't a thing like in the US. I applied to a few more in the US, but got no full rides, MIT is the only one I really regret.

As weird as it sounds, I'm pretty satisfied with my life. I guess that should be something to take away for other shitposters in here, you probably won't get in anywhere cool, but that doesn't mean your life is over.

Imagine the embarrassment of putting it out for the whole world to see, just to find out that a relatively recent book, by established mathematicians, just did the same thing, but hundred times better. I wonder how do all the "independent discoverers" cope with the "oh god everybody thinks I plagiarised this" thoughts.

>> No.8562043

My highschool had the option to stop going regularly and just pass all classes through final exams.You could do these monthly, as many of them as you wanted, so you could finish highschool much faster.

If it was anything recent you needn't be embarrassed. I rediscovered something huge from about 30 years ago so I just came off as a smug uneducated retard.

>> No.8562046

>My highschool had the option to stop going regularly and just pass all classes through final exams.You could do these monthly, as many of them as you wanted, so you could finish highschool much faster.

if i had known that. back then i wasn't trying to make the school system work for me though

>> No.8562052

You should get back at it. Would it be possible to reapply to MIT?

>> No.8562096

If MIT did not take him at his best then they won't take him now that he is older and has been outside of the academic sphere.

He should, instead, forget about the prestige meme and just join the most affordable college near his area.

>> No.8562110

the private school I went to had this unique style of education where everyone goes at their own pace. If you finished your work early you could either continue on and/or spend your time reading literature until school got out for the day. I was able to skip the 5th grade entirely because of it, and if I had stuck with it the whole time probably would've finished at age 16 instead of 17 as well.

>> No.8562168

It's really a shitshow unless you are a total wonderboy or are a demographic who gets advantages. I wouldn't pin all your hopes and dreams on it. If you shoot for MIT and don't make it you'll end up in a great university elsewhere and perform well there.

>> No.8562509

I just want yall to know that so many stupid as fuck kids got in here on an athletic recruit. they were literally talking about rick and morty, reddit, and smoking weed nonstop. Lol

>> No.8562513

>My highschool had the option to stop going regularly and just pass all classes through final exams.You could do these monthly, as many of them as you wanted, so you could finish highschool much faster.
Fuck I wish I had this. I slept through half my classes every day and got easy As. Fucking waste of my entire teenage years.

>> No.8562515

A better question, how does one get into MIT for grad school. I'm international BTW.

>> No.8562520

I want to get into MIT because the name sounds kinda cool

>> No.8562534


What was that shit on number theory? You should feel proud of being able to get such a result, even if some mathematician(s) did it better. I mean, yeah, you're not Gauss, but that's still really fucking cool.

>> No.8562560

>not knowing the difference between potential and opportunity
No wonder you didn't get in, baka.

>> No.8562599

Didn't get in because I didn't put enough shoe polish on my face tbqh

>> No.8562607

Enrgish sometimes hard.

I'd rather not say much, a flawed older version of my shit is probably still floating somewhere on the Internet. Tl;dr used Pi(x) ~ x/lnx and some combinatorial math to estimate how many prime numbers fit a certain pattern. Plotting that vs computer calculated actual values gives distinct patterns, average of which is my Pi(x) derived function, plus I managed to modify it to fit the average of every distinct pattern. Then I realised some cool stuff about the real distribution and claimed some ultimately non-sequitur stuff about consequences of that.
Thanks though.

>> No.8562642


I guess I understand why you'd feel embarassed, but what you did sounds cool.

>> No.8562645

do you think i'd have a chance of getting in as an international student if i talked about being a poor oppressed tranny, even if i'm whitey who hasn't published papers/invented shit

trying to gauge if i should write about actual important stuff in my statement or just play the minority card

>> No.8562652


>> No.8562674

Be an academic superstar (read: IMO and the like), be lucky, or be brown or female, or somehow quirky otherwise.

>> No.8562682

Play the fucking minority card. Life isn't fair, and being admitted to a prestigious college is so valuable that you should absolutely abuse the admissions process in every way possible.

>> No.8562694

Fag here.

Is it really that easy to get colleges swooning over you is you include being gay in your application?

>> No.8562784

Scratch writing an essay, I'd suck a few dicks to get into MIT

>> No.8562810

I personally know several people who were accepted and attended MIT. The breakdown is:

one white female (top of her class)
three hispanic males (with decent grades)
no white males

>> No.8562838

People will accuse me of being a /pol/ack but being Jewish helps if you're white.

>> No.8562841

Nah, if you were a /pol/ack you would have said that the Jews control these universities

You're right on that though

>> No.8562855

I'm applying for transfer to UT Austin for this coming fall, should I play the minority card?

>> No.8562879


Ask Cal Newport.
If it's in physics or math, check past applicants on sites like physicsgre.com.

It's everything you expected.
Perfect grades.
Grad courses.
Undergraduate research.
Letter from big shots.
Outside fellowships.

>> No.8562889

For an international, perfect GPA, 990 PGRE, at least one publication, and recommendations from well-known researchers.

>> No.8562904

no it's really not that special but you can milk it to strengthen your essays for other schools

>> No.8562963

From a CC? UT Austin is a pretty easy school to get into out of high school but it's packed as fuck so if you're transferring in you better have a great GPA, especially if you're trying to get into the more competitive majors (CS, ChemE, etc)

>> No.8562991
File: 83 KB, 490x478, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know an autist from my country who got a silver at the IMO. Got rejected from all the places that I did, and I'm just a pleb (2300 SAT was the only thing gunning for me, little else). Now he's at UIUC, one of his safeties.

Meanwhile some random chick from his same high schol with sub 2000 SAT gets into Stanford because she wanted to major in East Asian studies. And get this - she didn't end up going, because she chose to go to Wellesley instead, which just shows how fucking retarded she is.

Still trying to recover from all this cancer.

>> No.8563018

By perfect GPA you mean clean A+? My GPA is still 4.0 but the grades per se are not perfect.

>> No.8563025

Yes, you need literally 100 on every exam you take. Otherwise forget it

>> No.8563029

Are you being ironic anon?

>> No.8563050

Just go to a good state school and go to MIT for grad school if it's that important. All the undergrads are autists that don't wear shoes

>> No.8563083

From an accredited 4-year. The one I'm in is alright but it doesn't have aeronautical engineering which is what I want to do. I'm currently in ME and I got a 3.87 last semester with a 3.62 overall through my college career. Chances of getting in?

>> No.8563087

>be gay
>be closeted from family
>cant talk about being gay on essays because parents want to read all of them
>make an effort to include how it's challenging to be part of lgbt community in interview and through other sources
right now i'm deferred. i hope what i did was enough to give me the special snowflake card and make me one of the 3 white guys they accept.

>> No.8563106

sounds pretty good, it's worth a shot at least

>> No.8563112

Yeh I'm feeling real good about it. I got a great professor to write my letter of recommendation and I did real well this semester compared to before. I'll make a thread after I get results far in the future. Thanks anon

>> No.8563115
File: 9 KB, 485x435, 1476217123551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I've read, I have at least 4 oppression points that should give me a free pass (female, third world, official autism certificate, homo), but the thing is that I'm already 21 and have been a NEET for the past 3 years, I have also never been into social aid groups and all that shit, don't come from a prestigious HS and both my parents are yuropoors so I look white. Do I still have a chance or am I too far gone? Should I spend a year helping little kids to gain good girl points and have better chances before applying? Also would applying for EE give me better chances over CS?

>> No.8563124

MIT is need-blind.

>> No.8563367

That doesn't really matter unless you get in anon

>> No.8563407


You're focusing on all the wrong things. 3 years of being NEET is quite bad for arguing you're motivated or disciplined enough to actually get a degree from MIT even if they let you in.

>> No.8563436

>Third world
>3 years NEET

Forget MIT, you'll probably have trouble even getting a minimum wage job you retard lmfao

>> No.8563444

>/sci/ blatantly shits on MIT
>still wants to get in
Are you guys fucking retarded?

>> No.8563565

It didn't occur to you that there's more than one person in /sci/ and the ones that want to get into MIT might not be the ones that blatantly shit on it?

>> No.8563598

That's 3 years of 'studying and preparations' silly.

>> No.8563602

I cannot speak for MIT but this is the background of someone I know that got into an ivy and majored in Math:

He completed: Data Structures, Circuit Design, Programming Languages Course, Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Geometry

Imagine your High school application vs his.

Then at the Ivy it looks like he took a bunch of graduate courses first year onward.

Then he worked in investment banking and later applied to graduate school and was accepted to another elite graduate program pursuing a PhD.

One advantage he has over poor fags is a rich family to support his academic gift.

If you are as smart as him but come from an average or poor family you wouldn't ever take those courses in high school and hence no edge.

>> No.8563606


How am I supposed to compete? Or am I relegated to live a mediocre life forever?

>> No.8563608

Be a minority. I'm not kidding.

>> No.8563609

You forgot the "if you're white or asian" clause.
You can be only marginally above average and get into an ivy league school if you are not white or asian, otherwise you have be twice as exceptional.

>> No.8563612

He is white and from a very wealthy family that afford him an elite education while he was developing in high school, hence why he got into an ivy which gave him an edge into investment banking job out of college and top 5 graduate program. Same IQ guy as him will be far behind him if he completed say calculus I in HS and then started with calculus II-III freshmen year when he is already taking graduate level math courses freshman year.

I don't think you really can compete unless you take an exceptionally longer time to get there. This may mean going to a state school, doing extremely well and apply to top programs. If you can't get in anywhere maybe apply to MS programs (thesis options) do really good research and then re-apply as opposed to this guy just getting an easier path than you.

>> No.8563618

yep this is pretty much it in every school / profession in the STEM field in the western world right now

>credit for being a penniless, gay minority
>credit for having attended Eton / being supported like crazy in your schooling so your application is otherwise so impressive it gives any admissions officer a hard dick

if you're a white middle class male forget it this just isn't your century

>> No.8563622


yeah i am guy who wrote this. I am probably same IQ range as this guy (not trying to brag) but am from a white middle class college uneducated family in the rural bumfuck south.

I cannot compete with him. I should have every major advantage other minorities get, but I get zero and then punished because of my race and because my parents are uneducated.

instead i went to an ok state school. everyone that i am friends with that went to ivies/elite schools think i'm really smart like they are and consider me their equal, and probably wonder (but dont ask) why i went to such a shitty school... yeah that's the reason

>> No.8563624
File: 77 KB, 616x754, mit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No thanks.

>> No.8563639

How fucked up is it that it's not all skill based?

>> No.8563653

To be honest, the key is to be a high-achieving minority from an area that doesn't frequently send people to MIT.

For comparison, I was a black valedictorian from a rural part of the mid-Atlantic with a perfect ACT score.

>> No.8563655

>21 y/o
>" would applying for EE give me better chances over CS?"

holy fuck you sound like THAT one girl i know in my school

>> No.8563696

>A misguided attempt at humor means your 250-ranked state school is now better than MIT


>> No.8563917
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>attend top global University (outside US)
>be from country that barely sends anyone to major schools
>can't shake feeling I'm only in as token diversity

They say it's all skills based, I'm white and pretty middle class, but I milked the fuck out of the int'l card, and got in with slightly lower conditions than expected.

Didn't help that I went on to do really really badly

>> No.8564685

Dang and here I am
>International student
>1500 SAT (out of 1600)
>700 math 1, 800 bio M
>Wrote an essay about how I never had cable as a kid so I couldn't relate to their conversations so I finessed them into switching conversation topics.
>Finessed my interviewer into talking about existentialism and Alan Watts. (I think this is the big winner for me)
Got accepted early action.

I think what failed you was you seemed too tryhard. I have a friend who did so much better than me in every aspect and worked so hard but fuck she was a bore. I think MIT really looks for someone who can present some of their quirks instead of trying to portray their best interest.

Idk tho I'm kind of a brainlet

>> No.8564689

Also got in for a major in bio-chemical engineering

>> No.8564862

In Australia you get credits at HS for TAFE studies. I skipped a grade in Physics, English Literature, Drama and Science (General) and also did Cert II and III in IT. I graduated halfway through year 11.

I don't think I will go to uni. I was always disinterested in school and it made me feel anxious virtually all the time. I really enjoy sitting on my own and reading/programming. Probably the best experience of my life so far has been getting through the first chapter of Spivak.

I have been doing Cert IV and working as an IT apprentice and so far I have wanted to die about twice in one 6 month period. I am still a child by law and attached to my school which really sucks.

My instructors want me to continue on to higher education but, it all seems like a scam and I severely doubt I will be happy or interested.

When I stop thinking about University I feel so much better. Too much needless pressure, fees and weird time constraints for my taste.

I plan to move to Tokyo and live the Faraday/Ramanujan lifestyle whilst hopefully getting ripped, selling refurbished laptops, working on various open source projects and working through the ACM CS and MAA Math curriculums.

Sorry for the blog post.

Just had to get that of my chest