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8560411 No.8560411 [Reply] [Original]

While ebooks are cheaper, I feel like I learn better with physical books.

The feeling of flipping the pages, touching the paper, highlighting sentences and bookmarking, it greatly enhances the experience and it's objectively the superior way to retain information, rather than staring at a bright screen without any elegance or class.

>> No.8560419

only real argument physical books have is personal preference.
so shut the fuck up.

>> No.8560424
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For backing stuff up and changing font size, ebooks are the best. Books can be used anywhere by anyone without any power required. You can drop a book and it will be okay. You can print out your own copies from ebooks without trouble.

>highlighting sentences


>> No.8560444

>I keep a library of pdfs in my iphone
>Carry a variety of mathematics in it
>Whenever I go out and get bored like when waiting in a hospital or when I go too early to uni and have to wait I can simply start casually reading
>It is that easy

Bookfags can't do this. Either read at home or go to a faggot library. Top kek get real m8.

>> No.8560445
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>> No.8560457

It's all about personal taste.

>> No.8560458

>the superior way to retain information

>> No.8560463

I find it much easier to flip through the book quickly and reference information in multiple locations with a physical copy, so I got for paper for textbooks. For pleasure reading ebook all the way

>> No.8560476


Physical books are better for retaining info, this is fact.

>> No.8560480

>I skim famous books doing no exercises and talk nonsense in popsci threads pretending I know anything

>> No.8560648

People who write in books need to be culled.

>> No.8560650

Yeah m8, honestly they're awful

>> No.8560673
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>touching the paper

I bet you dog-ear too, you sick son of a bitch. Do you really think your obnoxious vandalism makes you a better learner? Go back to arts and crafts, you sick degenerate.

The superior way of learning is to take notes from the reading, writing down definitions and summarizing key points, along with writing questions and insights in the margins. This is independent of the medium of the source text.

>> No.8560721

its hard holding a book in your hand for hours
it hurts my eyes to look at the pdfs

i refuse both

>> No.8560725

>writing questions and insights in the margins
Do you really think your obnoxious vandalism makes you a better learner? Go back to arts and crafts, you sick degenerate.

>> No.8560739

The margins of the notebook, you fucking dunce!

>> No.8560769

not in the textbook! the notebook you twat
you aren't funny kys

>> No.8560783

With reading comprehension like yours, I'm sure you don't really have use for books.

>> No.8560795

Pretend to be retarded all you want but the margin should be a border, not something you write on, you mongloids.

>> No.8560811

Paper books:
>Okay, I need to brush up on X, where in the book was X...
>let's see... index, under x... FUCK, X isn't in the index
>Spend the next 30 minutes just trying to find your place

>Ctrl-F: "X"
>16 results found
>Done studying in the time it would've taken to find your place in the first place
Fuck paper and fuck y'all luddites.

>> No.8560812


>when waiting in a hospital

you say that like you do it often

>> No.8560814
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That's why I print books.
I can highlight whatever I want using colored pencils.
Laser printers for the win.
Books ARE cooler by the way.
But they're expensive so get fucked.

>> No.8560816

Learn to annotate.

>> No.8560982

Paper books:
>Have to spend time annotating the fucking book instead of actually studying
>Searching is still slower than on a computer

>Physical books are better for retaining info, this is fact.
>this is fact
Oh, let me guess, there was some stupid study that proved that if everything else is the same, learning from a physical book is like 2% more efficient than learning from a pdf.

>> No.8561031


>> No.8561032

>This is independent of the medium of the source text.

Seems like he's not talking about the actual book.


A-are those used sunflower seeds?

>> No.8561037



>> No.8561068

It's really a personal preferrence. I read a shit ton of papers on my ipad, since it is really easy to take notes and lurk through the paper with some keywords; but whenever I need to focus on one thing occasionaly, I print out a copy. A materialistic version of it really creates a weird pshchological benefit for me. However, I doubt it the next generation will be in need of that sort of thing.

>> No.8561072

>making any kind of mark in a professionally printed and bound book, at any time, for any reason

neck yourself

>> No.8561129

Said the brainlet with no reading comprehension.

>> No.8561133
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galaxy tab s2 = profit
oled low minimum brightness

>> No.8561134

Unless it's a shitty american first year textbook, everything will likely be important to understand and highlighting actually hampers your study, not improve it.

>> No.8561287
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Why not both?
>not getting the ebook version too
>not fitting the whole library inside your pocket PC compatible with USB3 (not your average dumbOS smartphone)
>not keeping a bunch of hot-swappable SD cards categorized
>not owning inkjet printer and a scanner to ebook-ize your hardbooks vice versa
>not illegally printing them in superior paper and cover
>piracy is optional for books not published anymore
>seeding your scans is optional for the needy
>pirate publishing is optional for selling or giving

Physical books is just a thing of the past generation who can't even touch a TV remote.

>inb4 anon gets DRM'd DMCA'd

>not using ebook readers with bookmarks

>The feeling of flipping the pages, touching the paper,
Well you can read your ebooks and touch/flip another book if that's your fetish
>highlighting sentences and bookmarking,
Well that's a feature unless your ebook reader is poorly designed
>it greatly enhances the experience and it's objectively the superior way to retain information
The only superior way to retain information is RAID-Z.

>> No.8561318
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one of those is gift wrapped and sitting under my tree rn boi