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8559053 No.8559053[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What habits should I adopt in my lower level math classes if I plan on majoring in mathematics?

>> No.8559056

listening in class
taking notes
do homework and turn it in on time
eat breakfast
8 hours of sleep

>> No.8559057

1. study
2. study
3. study
4. eat well
5. exercise
6. sleep
7. study
8. study

study habits are seriously underrated

>> No.8559058

But what habits should I take up if I want to do well in math but my math professors don't grade any homework and only have three exams and no quizzes?

>> No.8559113

You should still do homework, it is good for understanding the material.

>> No.8559122
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That was a rhetorical question, I'm probably gonna be fucked no matter how many hours I spend doing and redoing the homework.

>> No.8559125

Well then you should switch to a different career path. Surely there are other things you are interested in that you are also competent at.

>> No.8559153

op here. I agree

>> No.8559168

work hard, that's all
>I'm probably gonna be fucked no matter how many hours I spend doing and redoing the homework.
no. if you manage to do all the exercises (in the right books!) then you're a fucking genius.

>> No.8559188


Attending classes.
And the repetition, tutorial, etc. classes.
Doing your homework by yourself. Don't cheat.
You should start early, so you can ask the TA/prof/smarter friends for hints.
I personally find writing homework in LaTeX helps a lot.
With overleaf, it's not so troublesome anymore.

Don't associate with brainlets. And pajeets.
In general, most south asians, and south-east asians are lazy motherfuckers.
And koreans are super racist.

Eat your vegs.
Regular cardio. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurobiological_effects_of_physical_exercise

If you don't have straight-As in your first semesters, I suggest changing your major.
Or at least minor in CS.

>> No.8559238

Hi OP,
Math baby here.
Some of the things I find that help me the most are...
>Keep shit organized.
Organize your notes by the portions of your text and the date you worked through them. Come finals time you'll be glad you know when you worked through certain problems. If you're just today starting work on section X.X, mark your notes consistently which section you're in. Use postit flags if you must, too.
>Lecture time is the time you should be in full stenographer mode.
Writer down everything that comes out of your teacher's mouth. Write first, understand later. Read the notes as soon as you possibly can after lecture. You MUST read through your notes as soon as possible.
>Don't study while hungry, thirsty, cold, hot etc.
This is mostly advice for myself. I study while hungry too much. It's stupid and counterproductive to learning. Don't do it.
>Find a writing instrument/eraser that you like and stock up. Buy 2-3 of the tools you need in case you lose one. Carry extras and if you lose one to a classmate or drop it down a sewer you have extras.
>REPETITION! Work through the problems you already know how to do every now and again. If you don't totally understand the concept you're working on you need to repeat it and analyze it until you fully understand the hows and whys of it.
>Ask for help when you need it. Swallow the pride and ask for help from CREDIBLE sources. (Not fucking here, at your school or from a knowledgeable friend).
That's all I got. Most if it is common sense, but
I've shocked myself with how lax I get on my own rules sometimes.
Good luck OP.

>> No.8559289
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Great advice thanks guys

>> No.8559294

Get comfortable working/studying in groups, when appropriate. I was a fairly strong math undergraduate, but in retrospect I should have spent more time discussing the material with my peers.
Also, I recommend using Anki:
You can make flash cards in LaTeX, thus honing another good skill; if nothing else, it will save you time when you inevitably have to TeX up your work at some point.

>> No.8559318


then ingest caffeine
