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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8558424 No.8558424[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

if you guys claim to be the smartest board on the site, then why are the majority of you still piss poor?

>> No.8558432

This is why we need to genocide rich people. Class war now.

>> No.8558443

/sci/ is an asceticistic board

>> No.8558799

>tfw to smart too earn money

>> No.8558807

Smartest one is probably /lit/. Seriously.

>> No.8558813


>> No.8558823

Science and Capitalism have been engaged for a while now, sorry bro

>> No.8558826


Not by any reasonable measure of intelligence (including verbal IQ).

>> No.8558829

I browse both /sci/ and /lit/ and this is probably true. /lit/ is more cancerous and pretentious, but there are some legitimately very smart people there. /sci/ is usually just a bunch of average STEMers

>> No.8558842

>if you guys claim to be the smartest board on the site, then why are the majority of you still piss poor?

Because all of the money is already owned, and they only give it out to morons.

>> No.8558855

>tfw to intelligent to be rich

>> No.8558859

>>tfw to intelligent to be rich

Nah, it's more like... destroying a nations intelligent population is a really effective warfare procedure.

>> No.8558878
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A lot of the people here are interested in the sciences rather than employed by them. A lot of us come here to learn and discuss, even if some things are beyond discussing at the higher levels. The average expertise here seems like it's admittedly above the average, around 1 to 2 years of college.

Those who try to make serious discussion here will often have some pride or even elitism about the points that they make, and no one admits that they're wrong. It's a mark of immaturity and unprofessionalism. The IQ circlejerk threads are enough to let a professional know that this place is not to be taken seriously as a science discussion board. It's understood that anything close to actual progress in science and math will not be originally posted on /sci/, if only to protect the patent rights of the discoverer.

The culture is elitist and pedantic, above the average bear when it comes to intelligence but, like much of the rest of 4chan, lacking in wisdom. For /sci/, that translates to a lack of experience. If you spend enough time here, you stop learning because every new concept is obviously things people are just Googling to get answers or politicking to make them up. An actual scientist could have himself a giggle at some of the things said here, and relevant news stories from a lot of different outlets do make their way here, but at the end of the day, /sci/ otherwise has little value to a professional scientist.

>> No.8559024
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what are you saying? professional scientist don't google for answers?
not saying 4chan isn't cancer, but even for the highly educated, they aren't doing things much differently other than dedicating much more time studying.

>> No.8559029

/lit/ is full of idiots from reddit and underaged pseuds.

>> No.8559038

top kek, no board in 4chan is "smart" as a whole
take /sci/: 90% high schoolers and pre-freshmen / freshmen who are about to drop out already, and some ridiculous popsci weirdos who majored in some pseudo-STEM career and post about nonsense
there are like 8 regular posters on /sci/ who are pretty smart, and that's it, everyone else is clinically retarded

>> No.8559078

Who is this love glove

>> No.8559096

/lit/ routinly makes me laugh at how group think could devolve so far from the intended topic.

No, /lit/ has slightly less shitposting than a normal board, but the quality of posts overall are fucking trash.


>> No.8559102

I'm not a jew.

>> No.8559103

I mean, of course, real life is open book. It's just that 4chan is a poor way to get your information when compared to other sources. It's inefficient, redundant, and generally less fun and productive than other fora in its discussions. I'd rather look up something I already know about and follow a Wikipedia trail, either through other Wikipedia articles or through the sources at the bottoms of the articles.

4chan isn't built to foster very good discussion of the facts. In fact, it's better known for its creative works, and /sci/ is not fundamentally a creative board. You can only discuss hard facts so much before you hit a wall and things fall apart, and that wall is fairly low since the people here tend to take separate paths after their first two years of college. One goes toward geology, another opts for statistics, still another goes toward mechanical engineering, and between those disciplines, there's only so much that all sides can discuss together. After that, you're just Googling your information about questions you could've Googled without someone on 4chan trying to make you feel stupid for not knowing. It's a very toxic environment compared to, say, discussion with actual colleagues, professors, or coworkers in your field. It's not that /sci/ is worthless. It's that there are better ways to do what it does, and those better ways are right there on your nose once you've had some professional development.

>> No.8559121

You spelled /diy/ wrong.

>> No.8559123


Making money is trivial and therefore not worth pursuing.

>> No.8559128

All that said, I used to come here more often as an undergrad, and the people aren't as fun as I remember. Actual discussion is a majority of the posts now, and I haven't gotten an honest laugh here since this one tripfag from /g/ toured the threads and started trolling. One thing that /sci/ lacks, compared to the other boards, is personality. I'd come here more often if it had some.

>> No.8559181

/x/ is the smartest board. I'm not joking. Scientists have to work with reality were magic is not a thing, everything has rational explanation, so they go shit post on /x/ to get away from reality for a little while. /sci/ is just a bunch of college kids complaining about school where an actual scientists pops in a rare occasion.

So /x/ is the smartest. /sci/ is somewhere not far away and /lit/ is the most pretentious.

>> No.8559191



If you want to talk with smart people, you need to use Reddit : /r/Science, sometimes /r/Iama.

This "shit" i wrote triggers /sci/.
Sorry I had to say it. No hate, thanks !

>> No.8559210

Everyone knows /lit/ is the smartest.
Reading makes you smart.
And /lit/ is pretty well-read.

>> No.8559228

My salary is good and all, but rent, student loans, and credit card debt consume all my income.