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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8554945 No.8554945 [Reply] [Original]

Okay so Algebra ruined this kids chances of becoming a college graduate. Why is this allowed to happen?


>> No.8554965

>I failed algebra seven times
People who are incapable of learning material after seven attempts don't deserve to graduate.

>> No.8554967



>> No.8554975

>Why is this allowed to happen?

Mathematics at the high school and early college level is, in my opinion, a purity test.

What are they testing for? They are looking for the percentage of non-retardation in your brain.

Look, I study mathematics at my university and contrary to that author my "shitty requisites that want to prevent me from furthering my studies!" are the humanities. I have always been shit at writing classes in high school. I was a mediocre student at anything that was not math and yet I have passed every class of that manner with a B.

But you cannot do the contrary. You cannot pass a basic algebra class, like I passed a basic writing class in uni. Why is that? Because mathematics is the only topic you cannot cheat.

In my writing classes I simply tried to memorize some nice words and patterns and then pretty much faked that I was a "well-read writer" in the final and got myself a nice B. Writing like I never had before.

You can't do that for mathematics, for some reason. You have to earnestly be smart and responsible but you aren't. You aren't smart nor responsible and that is why you fail mathematics.

Go cry those brainlet tears somewhere else.

>> No.8554976
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Not for long if regressive reformers have their way yet again


>> No.8554983
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engineer here. you can easily plug n chug your way through a good portion of undergrad college math. i should know.

>> No.8554997

I would guess so but for people this retarded plugging and chugging requires effort.

Teach them the quadratic formula for expressions of the form ax^2 + bx + c and then give them the expression (x-2)^2 and they would be shocked, SHOCKED that you put something completely foreign instead of a polynomial.

>> No.8555007


come on nigga that shit aint that hard

>> No.8555025
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This guy must be functionally retarded

How the hell can you fail something so basic 7 times in a row?

I was taught algebra partly in the 5th, nut mainly in the sixth grade.

How can a grown man with a fully developed brain not understand the concept of algebra?

I wold like to see this guy try calculus

>> No.8555046
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Isn't algebra an elementary school subject.

>> No.8555063

> inability to solve quadratic equations

If this guy is seriously this stupid he doesn't deserve a high school diploma.

>> No.8555160

With enough time and cooperation from parents, you can do that to almost every child.

Brad's also gonna be in a lot of trouble when he realise that he already knows everything the school teaches him, he will get bored.

That's the bane of everyone who is "too intelligent to study" but not intelligent enough to understand simply with one listening.

>> No.8555189

also /thread

>> No.8555194


>> No.8555200

Fucking this. Brainlets always tell me that they are just not meant to do math, but there are some who just suck it up and pass the class and those who cry and cry because they cannot accept their retardation.

>> No.8555207
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>> No.8555211

Yeah I know dude high schools full of brainlets, totally sucks bro

>> No.8555236

The comments on this are even better than the article.

>muh math disability

>> No.8555238

Why does he feel that he is entitled to be a college graduate?

It isn't something which people just deserve as of right; it is a reward for academic performance. The whole purpose of a college degree is to signal to other people that you have a certain degree of intelligence and a certain degree of perseverance.

This individual does not have the requisite degree of intelligence; therefore, he does not receive the reward and the right to signal that degree of intelligence.

Why does he not understand this?

>> No.8555255

>he thinks more than ~10 of the graduating class needs anything more than pre-algebra

>> No.8555267
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>> No.8555273
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>> No.8555295

Whenever I see things like this, I presume they mean abstract algebra to keep my experience of the world okay.

>> No.8555309
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Hey my man, can you give me the source of this post? Also, any general tips on teaching young kids stuff that's regarded as "higher level" by normies? I'm planning on propelling my young nieces and nephews up the academic ladder from an early age, any help greatly appreciated.

t. Physics grad

>> No.8555312


me = mac
you = dennis

>> No.8555538
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>> No.8555562

From the article:
>How was I able to write a cover story for Saveur magazine in 2011 but unable to pass a class that involved mixing numbers with letters?
Probably because after 7 god damned tries, you still think algebra is just mixing letters and numbers

>According to the current regulations of California, I am ineligible for college, and I shouldn’t even have a high school diploma. The thinking in such policymaking is that 1) despite all the failed attempts, all of us who fail algebra are secretly able to pass it, if we just push ourselves a little harder. And 2) that higher education would be wasted on someone who can’t pass algebra.

"I'm biologically incapable of doing elementary mathematics" is not a good argument.

>> No.8555570

California people about race/sex/class/etc.:
>We are all the same! We are all as capable

California people about math
>We are all biologically different!

Which one is it?

>> No.8555575

There's like 40 million people living in this state. We're not all one type of person. For instance, some of the best private schools in the country are just blocks from the worst public schools in the country.

The person who wrote this article is an idiot who could only get into Pasadena city college. They were doomed before it started. Students in the UC system don't have these kind of problems.

>> No.8555671

How can you even teach statistics without calculus?

>> No.8555710

>mfw people still believe in that multiple intelligences bullshit in 2016

>> No.8555721

>brainlet can't pass high school classes in college
>hurr I'm smart system's wrong

>> No.8555745

You get taught to enter numbers in your calculator and press buttons on your calculate to run certain functions whenever the questions tell you to.

>> No.8555771

this is pretty cool. can any kid learn it like this 6 year old did or is he gifted?

>> No.8555903

i always loved that scene

>> No.8555918

>Complemenrary angles
>in a higher education institute
What in the flying fuck, America

>> No.8555968

This guy sucks but there is a point to be made for those who aren't totally retarded but do not grasp math. I know a lot of school and colleges totally suck at math, and I believe it's because of this. There are the people who math comes naturally too and brainlets who have to work way harder and hate math because they feel stupid. And the only people who teach math are the people who get it and don't understand how someone could be so stupid and not get it, so they treat them like idiots making the brainlet hate math forever and doom humanity.

>> No.8556023

This is like a special mental disorder. How can someone with an otherwise average IQ be so incapable of algebraic thinking?

>> No.8556026


it actually is, there are mental disabilities where people are just unable to understand math, it's kind of like dyslexia

>> No.8556036
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Kids who struggle with math ,let alone algebra, should be sent to forced math labor camp.

They can't leave unless they at least mastered calculus.

>> No.8556037

because they don't have otherwise average IQ. they're dumb as a rock. it's just easy to hide if you never have to do math or science and keep to writing shit.

>> No.8556205

He failed a basic algebra class 7 times, so you figure that one out

>> No.8556217

Don't mean to be an asshole, but if you manage to fail that many times it's clear that they needed to develop some better study habits.

I'll come right out and say I failed the two college algebra courses a total of 4 times, but I still finished them after I matured a bit, and stopped being such a god damn bum.

Nobody is going to pretend that Algebra is the easiest form of math, but there is no reason somebody can't finish Algebra. Nobody is so stupid as to not be able to do that unless they have actual brain damage.

>> No.8556228
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>There are people who failed college algebra on /sci/

I need to leave this shithole.

>> No.8556234

>can any kid learn it like this 6 year old did or is he gifted?
He might be above average, but I think you could teach any kid the basics of algebra (and even calculus) if you did it intelligently like that person did. The concepts themselves are fairly simple and elegant when you build up to them in a logical manner.

>> No.8556239

I don't think failing seven times has anything to do with bad study habits, but instead some kind of mental or intellectual disability.

Anyway, tho, y the fuk r u on /sci/ if you failed college algebra? It's a course specifically designed for brainlets...

>> No.8556271
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Since nobody had something, I'll share something I do have: http://www.nature.com/news/how-to-raise-a-genius-lessons-from-a-45-year-study-of-super-smart-children-1.20537

Also, original article was obviously: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rave-mehta/reclaiming-our-world-rank_b_6413910.html (I was just too lazy a piece of shit).

Any other suggestions?

>> No.8556292

Nah that's total bullshit, you'll get bad grades in writing class too if you're too stupid to write well.

>> No.8556300

From the comments:

Dec 13, 2016, 9:43 pm
Ugh, people are differently abled. We are all smart in our own way and I strongly feel some minds we not created to grasp this higher type of math. I'm on the borderline...for the love of God....I don't know how I passed algebra 1 and failing algebra 2 years ago is making me gun-shy about attempting it once again. We are not going to use this in our lifetime other than in a class to pass a test to jump through a hoop that man built. Why dear Lord, why!? It's such agony. But I digress.

>> No.8556381


Do you mean to say that they wouldn't be able to multiply x-2 by itself? Whew that's a frightening notion.

>> No.8556401

people would not understand

they would try to match the x-2 to the x in ax^2, fail and give up instead of trying other things

>> No.8556428

twf swedish language runed my chances to get a graduate. and im not even a swedish

>> No.8556430

t. Pekka Kuolomainen

>> No.8556437

>he can't even learn to say jag tycka om att köttbulla

>> No.8556443

>Algebra ruined this kids chances of becoming a college graduate
hmm... so if you read TFA, you come across this:

>OK, let me be honest – I failed algebra seven times.

How can anyone who wants to go to college fail something 7 times?

The thing that prevented this kid from becoming a college grad is not algebra, it's the low IQ.

>> No.8556473

>Okay so being retarded ruined this kids chances of becoming a college graduate. Why is this allowed to happen?

Fixed that for you. Honestly, calculus 1, stats 1, and basic logic/proofs, should be the base math requirements of *ANY* college degree, never mind something as 5th grader as basic algebra.

The reason this retard didn't get a degree is that the system tries to have at least some semblance of not being absolutely worthless. It is a pretty low bar to set, and it only keeps getting lower.

I remember looking at a Harvard *entrance* exam from the 1800s and the section on plane geometry was something that would probably stump a fair bit of state college math majors today.

>> No.8556475

Fucking this. Tried reading the comment section and it was just a bunch of entitled brainlets moaning about how they won't get a college degree cause they can't do the work necessary for the degree.

From my experience this man is dumb even by pcc standards, I've only seen people fail algebra 4 times

>> No.8556489

Can confirm, I suck at maths, but unlike half my course this makes me try harder instead of giving up like most of them do

>> No.8558129

obligatory non-engineer here. thats why engineers are trained monkeys.

>> No.8558140

>failing algebra
>7 times

>> No.8558144

If he failed algebra 7 times but is still smart enough to write a coherent article, he probably has dyscalculia

>> No.8558145

Where'd you study at, Weenie Hut Jr?

>> No.8558151

This is almost satire

>> No.8558154 [DELETED] 

>Nobody is going to pretend that Algebra is the easiest form of math
nigga if you dont

>> No.8558158

is that like vaginismus

>> No.8558166

what if you just procrastinate and didn't study the material but can actually master it any time you want

>> No.8558172

Niqqa I'm 95% sure I have dyscalculia and I'm a math major at UCLA. I could never read long strings of digits correctly the first two or three time;had to read and re-read them tell I got them right. Another common thing is saying "Oh I have ADHD I can't focus." It's literally just discipline and study habits. Algebra isn't that hard - does this guy think he can graduate college without having the ability to learn skills that your average 7th-8th grader can learn?

If so what's the point of having a college degree if they're less capable than an average 7th grade?
There is no argument for this people just need to get over it and learn how to study - or realize that school isn't for them.

>> No.8558188

The fuck are you talking about.
Anyone with normal intelligence can plug and chug their way through any undergrad math class with little to no conceptual understanding. At least through all levels of Calc. Half the people who graduate from HS with honors have no fucking clue what they are actually doing since it's never been applied to anything and they rote learn.

This guy either has IQ sub 90 or just didn't study for a single second outside of class.

>> No.8558189

>It was a modern-day version of Stand and Deliver

Except Stand and Deliver was about a group of ghetto scum rising above their situation and taking an AP calculus course in high-school

This is the story about a retarded person couldn't pass elementary algebra after 7 attempts. It's not even comparable to Stand and Deliver.

>> No.8559090

>You're taking linear algebra in college? Ha! I took that in middle school!
"Algebra" is a funny thing anon

>> No.8559147

>That's the bane of everyone who is "too intelligent to study" but not intelligent enough to understand simply with one listening.
Friend of was like that. They let him skip a year.

>> No.8559151

>He might be above average
except people underestimate what average is because most people are under performing as fuck. Not to mention a normie culture that hates effort and knowledge "Lol math suxx riiiight xD"

>> No.8559214

I used to suck donkey balls at math. Now I'm an A student at it. The thing is not that people are retarded and can't learn math, It's that they think they'll learn it by simply reading a book full of formulas and stuff. Math is a subject that requires a lot of dedication in order to be "mastered" and the general public don't have the patience or discipline to go through the process of learning it.

>> No.8559219

It just means that you have affinity with the subject.

>> No.8559227

It'd be easier if people learned it from scratch. Like why the rules of algebra make sense, instead of just throwing at them the rules and formulas without any explanation.

>> No.8559242

This guy must be lying. No one capable of writing an article in clear English like he did can be that retarded.

>> No.8559275

>What is an editor

>> No.8559282

I'm going to be graduating with a Computer Science Bsc. I passed calc and all that (only had to repeat two classes), but I'm afraid I'm still shit at math.
Got huge gaps in my understanding of Algebra from high school.
I hate the idea of trig identities, and the derivatives and antiderivatives of every function, because it's too much shit to remember.

I must be going about this all wrong. How do I fix myself? I'm afraid I might have to go back to the basics.

>> No.8559297


just go through khan academy, or for calculus, this guy: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF797E961509B4EB5

Don't forget to do practice problems too

From what I gather, most interview questions involve some sort of math or logic trick, so mathmatical proficiency is probably the best way to go about landing a job or position.

>> No.8559416

>all those spelling errors
Yeah, I'm sure they're smart in other ways.

>> No.8559421

this. he's just not cut out for a college education.

you only need an IQ of 100 to get an A in algebra. and besides, he didn't even really practice the material.

>> No.8559423

kek i'm a spic and I took diff eqs in 9th grade

what a fucking retard

>> No.8559425
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well, reading 10% of that was enough cringe to last me through 2017 and beyond

>> No.8559429

>You can't do that for mathematics, for some reason. You have to earnestly be smart and responsible but you aren't. You aren't smart nor responsible and that is why you fail mathematics.
>Go cry those brainlet tears somewhere else.

couldn't have summed it up better myself. all of my this.

>> No.8559439

And now I'm at Imperial studying Maths, so eat shit.

>> No.8559508

retard he said a hundred times it was remedial, sub middle school math


>> No.8559510

Oh I've already got a job lined up. It's a real nice one too. Deals with cloud and ML. It's just that when I think about my math skills, I feel like a brainlet so I want that fixed as soon as possible.

>> No.8559588


