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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8549947 No.8549947[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does sci think about engineering?

>> No.8549965


I think /sci/ holds around 99% of the degree within stem in high regard. of course, not including psychology lolol

>> No.8549973

They are obviously an important part of STEM. STEM literally wouldn't be STEM without them. It would be STM. How would we pronounce it? s--tum?

Anyways, they are good for jobs and shit but the things that make them better for jobs make them worse for hobbyist discussion about physics and mathematics.

Engineers seem to not have any pure classes in either of these fields so whenever they try to join in and talk about *insert meme problem in math or physics* their inferior knowledge shows and thus people shit on them. Have this event reoccur billions on times on /sci/ and now we say they are gay simply for existing.

>> No.8549981

engineering is a meme degree, pushed to and taken by illogical retards that couldn't reason their way out of a wet paper bag. any physicist could easily do all the shit that engineers do and more, but big engineering prevents anyone without a little piece of paper that has their stamped and sealed signature of approval from getting in. the reverse isn't true though, because an engineer couldn't do what physicists do, it's an objective fact that they simply lack the logical, coherent nature of thought that distinguishes the sciences from the liberal arts.
even a biologist is more logical than an engineer. engineers just plug the numbers into their pre approved formulas, and chug the shit that comes out. a biologist actually needs reason, logic, and the ability to intellectually manipulate abstract concepts to figure out the true nature of what's going on.
engineering is a liberal arts degree hiding behind numbers, there's no real science going on there that wasn't already developed by REAL scientists. if you can't see that you're a salty engineering faggot that needs to go rethink their life. go get a business degree instead, at least with that you'll be able to get drunk on the weekends, instead of hopelessly aspiring to the heights that REAL scientists have already ascended

>> No.8549985

i'll have to agree about the shit-teir level math that we achieve. I've noticed that within my past math classes being ; multivariate, calc 2 and differential equations, my engineering classmates had insane amounts of trouble with those classes- there was a 50% fail rate in calculus 2.

I recall some of my friends actually telling me that "oh this math is entirely meaningless to what makes an engineer and engineer" , which inst necessarily true , and it would suck to have a mathematically incompetent engineer doing a job on something that risks civilian lifes.

>> No.8549989

Does that mindset, or lack there of, still apply to experimental research jobs? Engineers being on the design teem in accordance with theoretical and experimental physicists?

>> No.8549992

>this math is entirely meaningless to what makes an engineer and engineer

They are partially right.

My dad is a civil engineer, has been for decades. A long time ago, before I entered university, I asked him if he used calculus in his job. Specifically, I asked him if he had to compute derivatives or integrals.

His answer was that no, he just uses formulas for volume and whatever. Obviously, these formulas are derived from calculus but technically to be an engineer you don't need to know that. You could just know the formulas.

My guess is that the only engineers who actually use calculus are those working in research, either industrial or academic, and they are more like applied mathematicians than engineers, given that people who do research do not engineer anything.

>> No.8549996

Actually i change my stance, i assume having in dept knowledge of statics and dynamics would much better benefit an engineer than finding the improper integral at infinity.

My dad is also an engineer, he is an industrial, and neither does he have to do any mathematically intensive work, besides basic statistic reports/graphs etc.

The lack of utilizing the math is rather unfortunate ,to be quite honest, mainly because i actually really enjoy those math classes and was exceeding well at them, i TA'd for calculus 2.

>> No.8549998

well memed

>> No.8550661

well memed indeed

>> No.8550668
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>chick not wearing a helmet in a helmet zone

Murphy's Law is gonna fuck her up.

>> No.8550671

The least autistic of the STEM fields.

>> No.8550802
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my dad is an architect, the shit he tought me on discrete geometry and how to program it parametrically really amazes me. he uses it to design bridges

>> No.8550928
File: 78 KB, 677x312, true_engineer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This: >>8550802
Good engineers know a thing or two about math, physics and their applications. Great ones know even more.
Only autists on /sci/ cry that engineering is a meme degree. It's one of the broadest fields ever. People with engineering BScs can be found in business, engineering, math, physics MScs. Math, Physics PhD is also heard of.

It only depends on how competent and talented you are and how willing, of course.

>> No.8551450

Engineering is important as hell
pure science and engineering drive each other & EVERYTHING

>> No.8551790

>any physicist could easily do all the shit that engineers do and more, but big engineering prevents anyone without a little piece of paper that has their stamped and sealed signature of approval from getting in.

And there is a reason for this which physics autists don't grasp, which is called real life. Because in real life, if you design shit, people die. That's why Engineering is as practical as you can get, to design real shit for the real world. Physicists can't differentiate between a profession and bazinga and take responsibility for their actions is the reason why they remain in their hugbox uni forever.

>> No.8551793

it's a meme degree because it's popular and the 1st years and 2nd years that get weeded out before the end are incredibly obnoxious

>> No.8551800

3 engineers won the 2014 Nobel prize in physics.

>> No.8551801

>shlomo ENGELberg
so close

>> No.8551824

>any physicist could easily do all the shit that engineers do and more
Why do so many /sci/ physicists think like that?
>physicists can enginner non-trivial constructions
>physicists can program non-trivial software
>physicists can make non-trivial circuit design
Et cetera, et cetera. I am not denying that a physicist can work as, say, Civil Engineer, but only after at least 3 years of additional education. The skill sets between are so different that they aren't directly transferable.

>> No.8551831

>I let a fake thread on /sci upset me to hell and back, and physicists aren't practical I swear

How many times have you had this rant in your life? I'm sure very many.

Btw, it's not true ;)

>> No.8552072
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>an architect

>> No.8552454

We could do without the S
It'd just be TEM and that's perfectly pronounceable. We could replace it with Sex. I'm sure the TEM will welcome it.

>> No.8552475

>engineering is a meme degree, pushed to and taken by illogical retards that couldn't reason their way out of a wet paper bag.

We really need to ban highschoolers on this board

>> No.8552504

Lol, I just took diff eq as a sophomore and passed. At least my school produces good engineers, and I fully expect to use math in my future job (EE)

>> No.8552510

Maybe have to log in with a college email?

>> No.8552677

Its clearly not highschoolers, just some physics major.

>> No.8552864

do I use math and shit as a chem eng. or am I just gonna sit on my hands all day and use software?

>> No.8552888

you'll just sit on your hands all day looking up charts and tables

>> No.8553088

How do I get multiple college emails?
I need more free prime trials

>> No.8553101


The garden variety engineer is the most insipid type of human being imaginable. reCAPTCHA must be considered a failure until their "I am not a robot" box can deter engineers

>> No.8555061

>What does sci think about engineering?

It gets shit done.

>> No.8555516

>it's another "autistic physics undergraduate fails to understand what engineering is" thread

>> No.8555606

Engineers are gay faggots that love dick and can't do math and are in every way inferior to those who do mathematics and physics.

>> No.8555670

engineering a shit.

t. physicist

>> No.8556879

All you'll ever do.

>> No.8556883

She's a logistics manager with a MS in business talking to her engineering coworkers

>> No.8556889

does anyone know how the engineers are gay joke started? I'm really curious

>> No.8556891

architects are glorified civil engineers. if you are a talentless hack, you end up in civil engineering.

>> No.8556895

There's a lot of furries/bronies/sexual deviants in engineering programs, far worse than the sciences which are 40% chad 60% autists and math/physics which is 100% autists

>> No.8556919

Well, engineering is the degree with the least amount of women.

Mathematics is around 50%
Physics is around 30%
Engineering is like 10%

My friends who are studying CS, engineering and the like tell me that in their entire classes with at least 30 people, there are 2 women tops.

So as the men get exposed to so little pussy they slowly turn gay out of necessity. Like in prisons.

>> No.8556943

is civil engineering a shit job? a easy job?
i met someone last night who told me that was his job. i wasnt sure how to react

>> No.8556966

Hahahahaha I suppose you derived all of mechanics by yourself because you would NEVER use someone else's formula??

>> No.8557318

I really doubt your numbers but god damn do I love the fact that I'm taking classes with bioengineers next semester.
90% chicks in bioengi

>> No.8557343

can you elaborate about the software and what exactly is being programmed? Which parts of the bridge? Interesting stuff

>> No.8557362

Ahh, good times, I remember during my times first year out of 150-160 people in engineering section there were 7 girls. Next year 1 girl dropped out.

>> No.8557568

no they're not. At least civil engineers have some kind of math courses while architects completely lack the intelligence to do any sort of calculations

>> No.8557600
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Psychology is a nice field.

Too bad 99% of psychologists are trash.

>> No.8557628

In a hard hat zone, obviously..

>> No.8557987

gool ol' "i'm smarter than 99% of Psychologists even though I've never took anything past Psych 101"

>> No.8558000

alright going to say my experience

>be me
>always introverted (INTJ) and guess im smart when i want to be
>didnt want to become a doctor (mistake in retrospect)
>choose engineering (mechanical)
>get an internship through dad's friend
>more of a business internship in project management in telecom
>realize technical shit is really uninteresting from the PM standpoint
>working with boss and he takes me to his meetings n shit
>a lot of business-like stuff, senior project managers, company strategy, sales engineer, pre sales etc
>stuff seems pretty easy to get into, not too technical
>fast paced compared to working on 10k+$ routers/switches and software
>everything seems really cool, boss was a total bro showing me all this shit high up in the company (cisco)
>end up meeting the equivalent of the north america CEO (not the international CEO or w/e)
>god damn this shit is awesome this high up in the company
>NA CEO gives a pep talk to employees (all middle managers + me) about stepping out of your comfort zone at work
>currently networking with these people to try to get in one of these preferred (and high paying) roles

I am not saying taking the business degree route is the best for this, but everything i thought i knew about life/engineering was changed. I would rather pick up the phone and tell engineer cucks to do some tedious work, not do it myself.

>> No.8558005

I'm interested on researching MBTI but then the field is a meme right now

>> No.8558011

nice trips. also ask your CEO to mentor you

>> No.8558021

next time i see him (will be the 4th time) i want to be ready to ask him for some exposure to the leadership team or something to the like. never thought about mentoring, company is big and he probably travels to multiple cities most weeks and has back to back meetings

>> No.8558026

i.e. no actual research = no work???

looks like an OS syscall to me. maybe some event driven system

>> No.8558029

Law of 33 percent m8.
good luck

>> No.8558141

I know you're just pretending to be retarded, but engineers have to learn a whole slew of shit that physicists are never exposed to.

>> No.8558142

Monkeys trained in heuristics. They overcompensate since there is no real creativity in their work and they end up as brainlets. they disguise themselves as a scientific field even though a monkey can trick them into believing anything.

>> No.8558258

>an infinite number of mathematical worlds to explore.
>0% chance the best, most-interesting math is the one that dictates the way our world works
why would engineers deny themselves all these great opportunities?
Maybe they just LOVE getting computers to solve DEs for them

>> No.8558320

>while architects completely lack the intelligence to do any sort of calculations
KEK, civil engineers consider their math "hard". There is a shit a ton of math courses for architects in discrete geometry, parametrical programming, etc. it is for the student to decide which field it wants to specialise in.

that's grasshopper, a parametric addon for rhino 3D. you can basically parametricise everything you can code. there are presets however for most of the functions involving geometry, that you can code/recode at own necessity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoPsQR_nDf4

this is basic shit we learn at the university. what retard civis fail to comprehend is that architecture is a broad field and most of what they consider "architects" are basic cad monkeys in offices or senior architects that are entrepreneurs involved in investments and real estate development and are professionals on that field rather than anything else.

a working civil engineer is for a common architecture employee just a math monkey that does shit that is told to him by in the project hiearchy superior cad monkey, since the math monkey has to follow the cad monkeys design. this is how the actual work looks like, get that into your fucked skulls civil retards. if you had any fucking talent you would be studying architecture and be on the edge of what one can actually build.

>> No.8558504

>that's grasshopper, a parametric addon for rhino 3D. you can basically parametricise everything you can code. there are presets however for most of the functions involving geometry, that you can code/recode at own necessity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoPsQR_nDf4 [Embed]

this shit is cool. I reckon one will not need civil engineers in the future, if the software can calculate it by itself.

>> No.8558576

delusion: the post. Reminder that architecture is considered an "art" and is therefore not even a STEM-field
I know some civil engineers in university that had some shared courses and projects with architects. They described them as little retards without any idea how to make a structure that won't kill everyone involved.
>if you had any fucking talent you would be studying architecture and be on the edge of what one can actually build.
They were probably talking about deluded retards like you that actually believe shit like this

>> No.8558632

Left to right..
Low-rate EIT chick or tech that actually put the planset together.
Contractor fatass
Developer qt that is in charge of rubber stamping plans
Slick consultant project manager who knows their plans are shit but the contractor will somehow fix the problems

>> No.8558636
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civil engineers are the most butthurt field in existence. assfucks for everyone.

too stupid to be actual engineers, too talentless to be architects. you are a meme degree, shit that is already getting obsolete.

>> No.8558649

>They described them as little retards without any idea how to make a structure that won't kill everyone involved.

you do realise architects are directly responsible for the buildings safety according to the fire protection laws, etc.

pls stop sperging bullshit, you are making a retard out of yourself. civil enginers have nothing to do with the buildings design, they verify the dimensions that are given by the architect through calculatory methods. that is everything we do, in consideration with the actual calculation of the project.

>> No.8558904
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I'm an electro-mechanical engineer faggot. You don't have to be a civil one to notice that quite a lot of your kind are ego tripping special snowflakes
But you're not completely wrong. When discussing what engineering branch was the easiest, we quickly came to the conclusion that it had to be civil because they were the closest to architecture.

It was more about obviously impossible designs that needed needless iterations because some architects didn't had a three digit iq
I obviously wasn't there but they clearly weren't impressed by their intelligence or "creativity"

>> No.8558911
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>I'm an electro-mechanical engineer faggot

a faggot you are, a retarded one too. if engineers designed anything we would live in a shithole of a civilisation. there is a reason talented people do creative things and untalented do menial tasks.

>> No.8558914

Do you suffer from low functioning autism?

>> No.8558918

Where my chemical engineers at? About to start on my Masters. Chemical engineering is best engineering

>> No.8558930

I'm generally more impressed by engineers than architects. In fact, I'm not impressed by architects at all.