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File: 42 KB, 496x477, How big is America.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8545481 No.8545481 [Reply] [Original]

Explain this shit.

>> No.8545491

They are both photoshopped composite images, the one on the right is just more exaggerated than usual

>> No.8545495

I didn't knew that. Still makes NASA look retarded by making america so rediciously large. Any graphic designer could do this better.

>> No.8545497

It was deliberate, that image was done to show north america in greater detail

>> No.8545499

It all makes sense now. The person who made the caption either didn't research or was simply dumb.

>> No.8545500

The current wall (yellow) isn't actually visible from space, either. Just like the great wall of China isn't actually visible from directly above: that's just an urban myth that got started after NASA published more of their "edited for effect" photographs.

>> No.8545513

Different cameras in different places will take different-looking images. Who could have guessed?

>> No.8545514

Nice try, NASA chief of staff.

>> No.8545525
File: 537 KB, 200x150, 200w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is perspective and depth of field?


>> No.8545533


>> No.8545593

If you watch carefully you can see two astronauts appear to the left of the frame.
So probably cosmonauts, thinking about it.

>> No.8545625


Context would be useful. Someone just grabbed a pair of images, slapped them into MS paint and added a misleading caption.

>> No.8545635
File: 67 KB, 500x522, globecuckender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8545660

Fuck, Borneo is round!¿

>> No.8545662

>two pictures taken from two radically different angles look different, especially after one had part of it enlarged purposefully!
Rly gts te nurons firing

>> No.8546829

If I believed you asked this with sincerity, I would answer profusely. But as this is certainly a wedge to justify your upcoming rant of absurd ignorance and delusions of conspiracy, this response is the full measure your opening warrants. Proceed at the peril of exposing your inadequate research, lack of preparation, and fragile foundation for your model of the universe as you prevaricate.

>> No.8548371

>there's totally a big evil conspiracy involving the world's greatest minds and richest people!

>implying they'd make such a retarded mistake

>> No.8548423

I don't get flat earthers. Just think about all the experiments indicating a spherical earth and think about how much data needed to faked. It's just fucking insane. And so fucking pointless. What would be the purpose?

>> No.8548427

landmass shifts due to global warming.

denialists will still deny the science

>> No.8548440

2007 is an image of the whole earth. 2012 is a single fisheye lens photo of part of the earth.

>> No.8549265

this pic is good.

>> No.8551243



>> No.8551273

to keep the goyim down

>> No.8551635

Is it working?

>> No.8552202


>> No.8552209


>> No.8552216

Yes. Jews know, as the bible states, that god and heaven is at the edge of the earth. Whenever a jew fucks up he simply takes a trip to the edge of the earth and asks god for piles of gold to start up his scamming, I mean banking business.

But then they tell us goyim that the earth is round so that when someone says:

>Hey, lets go to the edge of the earth to ask god for money, as the bible states

then they get the answer

>No lol, if you try to travel to the edge of the earth you will end up where you started. Dumb goyim lol ;^)

>> No.8552278

>tfw I pretend to be a Biblical literalist Nazi flat earther on /pol/ and people agree with me but I'm not sure whether they are also trolling or not

>> No.8552285

Two different photos from two different distances at two different times of year from two different orbits and angles