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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 177 KB, 900x750, cauchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8542606 No.8542606 [Reply] [Original]

until he came about and rigorized it

is that accurate?

>> No.8542610

>So calculus was pretty much shit
>until he came about and rigorized it


>> No.8542612

Newton and Leibniz didn't do shit with calculus

>> No.8542615

Is there anything Putin can't do?

>> No.8544081
File: 15 KB, 270x343, cauchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as calculus, is in fact, real analysis, or as I've recently taken to calling it, [math]\left( \mathbf R,\, +,\, \times,\, \leqslant,\, \left| \cdot \right|,\, \tau \,=\, \left\{ A \,\subset\, \mathbf R \mid \forall x\,\in\, A,\, \exists \varepsilon \,>\, 0,\, \left] x \,-\, \varepsilon,\, x \,+\, \varepsilon\right[ \,\subset\, A \right\},\, \bigcap_{\begin{array}{c} A \,\sigma \text{-algebra of}\, \mathbf R \\ \tau \,\subset\, A \end{array}} A,\, \ell \right)[/math]-analysis. Calculus is not a branch of mathematics unto itself, but rather another application of a fully functioning analysis made useful by topology, measure theory and vital [math]\mathbf R[/math]-related properties comprising a full number field as defined by pure mathematics.

Many mathematics students and professors use applications of real analysis every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the application of real analysis which is widely used today is often called "Calculus", and many of its users are not aware that it is merely a part of real analysis, developed by the Nicolas Bourbaki group.

There really is a calculus, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the field they use. Calculus is the computation process: the set of rules and formulae that allow the mathematical mind to derive numerical formulae from other numerical formulae. The computation process is an essential part of a branch of mathematics, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete number field. Calculus is normally used in combination with the real number field, its topology and its measured space: the whole system is basically real numbers with analytical methods and properties added, or real analysis. All the so-called calculus problems are really problems of real analysis.

>> No.8544148

>I skimmed baby rudin: the post

>> No.8544203

*inhales deeply*

>> No.8544220

>is that accurate?

>> No.8544224

The guy you're looking for is Cantor.

>> No.8544556

>makes intuitive concepts that physicists discovered harder to understans so he can prove other intuitive concepts

Mathematicians are just designers of physicists work.

>> No.8544564

Nope, math was already great.

>> No.8544575

Analysis is fucking new, calculus was around for a long time. Calculus was the base for physics, it is so fucking useful, analysis is only for mathematicians who value logic consistency above usefulness. Calculus existed as a subject and it was useful as part of science, analysis is only the way mathematicians found to turn calculus into something even more autistic.

>I love analysis anyway

>> No.8544588

*breathe in* boi

>> No.8544612

Well, I think it's justified, but it's justified if you actually make a calculus of real analysis ... the same way that I think that "Complex Analysis" is fine, because if you actually make your own analysis, you get to name the thing, but calling calculus in general "Real analysis" I think is just ridiculous.

>> No.8544861

tfw /sci/ don't recognize their on meme

>> No.8545063


Kill yourself.

>> No.8545327

I recognized it anon, god tier pasta

>> No.8545335

This is excellent. Well done.

>> No.8545343

kekked, nobody seems to be getting the cross-memery here

>> No.8545355

Nah I got it, classic meme

>> No.8545356
File: 48 KB, 703x549, 1453911653400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done.

>> No.8545362
File: 9 KB, 225x225, RacistAltRightFrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy keks anon, well fucking memed

>> No.8545366

u just got memed
anyway, what you said is bullshit. if it weren't for actual proper analysis, the applied sciences would lack a lot of the tools it has today

>> No.8545396

>not recognising Linus' reply
U wot

>> No.8545426
File: 71 KB, 517x768, superlative laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as calculus, is in fact, real analysis, or as I've recently taken to calling it, ⎛⎝R,+,×,⩽,|⋅|,τ={A⊂R∣∀x∈A,∃ε>0,]x−ε,x+ε[⊂A},⋂Aσ-algebra ofRτ⊂AA,l⎞⎠-analysis.

>> No.8545429

That's not Hilbert.

>> No.8545433

Is complex analysis the greatest triumph of all of math? Fuck that shit is spooky.

>> No.8545435

This is a top tier meme, and I'm glad you're getting recognition for it op.

>> No.8545532

>is that accurate?
not only grossly inaccurate,
but also hightly imprecise

>> No.8545552

It's kinda dumb ever since linear algebra has developed. Most of what's true for complex numbers is true for Banach algebras in general.

>> No.8545569

the original.

the best.

>> No.8545719

Did you seriously take the time to rewrite that whole thing in unicode letters

>> No.8545756

>outer brackets are fucked up
Of course he didn't.

>> No.8547117
File: 30 KB, 514x536, 1448923372204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>value logic consistency above usefulness
This is what an engineering (((education))) does to people. You saw it here first.
Don't fall for the meme. Engineers are on the same level as sociologists or doctors, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise

>> No.8547125

At least doctors save lives and sociologists make us laugh. What do engineers do for the world?

>> No.8547276

Wrong way round. Engineers only care about the usefulness of the mathematics rather than the rigour.

>> No.8547284

make further explainings to someone who has no idea what banach algebra is.

>> No.8547326

Oohoohoo so edgy

>> No.8547474

They made the computer (or phone because I feel you're one of "them") you used to shitpost, the telecommunications infrastructures your full-of-shit post went through to end up in a website whose software is compliant to standards that were designed by them. And they also make all the cars you get sour grape syndrome over when you think about your worthless bike that's about to crack under your fat ass.

>> No.8547477

We drink beer and slack off. Now go bother someone else.

>> No.8547503

>tfw /sci/ don't recognize their on meme

/g/ meme repurposed for /sci/