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8536980 No.8536980 [Reply] [Original]

>final grades posted today
>B in Calc I
>Not even B+

How am I gonna cope? Am I a normie?
Am I going to make it?

>> No.8537022

I got a B in calc 1.

Now I am a street whore.

>> No.8537025


>> No.8537111
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Fuck off OP, my situation is worse. I got a 5 on the AP calc, but had to drop calc 2 because I was gonna get a C or D. I might as well print out that "W" in red and staple it to the back of my shirt because it's never fucking going away.

>> No.8537321

>i-i did gud in muh highschooo

>> No.8537326


>> No.8537387

I was getting a D all semester in Buisness Calc but the professor weighed the final worth all the exams combined and I Aced it, finishing the class with a B

I'm a normie so no h8 plz

>> No.8537404

Calc? Is this fucking freshman hour? Fuck off

>> No.8537412

Yes, he's probably a Freshman
At least it's a 3. How hard are your tests usually? Is there grade deflation?

>> No.8537417

If you look at the grades post, you will note that everybody here is underage.

top kek

>> No.8537717

AP high school courses don't compare to college.

>> No.8537869
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I made a D in calc 1 this semester.
Tfw still gonna be a maf major

>> No.8537884


This is literally me right now, deathly worried about my discrete mathematics class, I have an A in the class now, but the final is worth so much that depending on what I get my final grade can vary as wildly as D (if I got like 20%) to A (if I got 100)

Why the fuck do they do this? Why let everything ride so fucking hard on one stupid test. Fuck. If I get a D in this classs I'm not going to change my major but fucking hell.

>> No.8538713

If this is recent and you don't deserve an underage ban, no. Unless it is your own pimp and dealing block in the inner city.

>> No.8538810

If you were taking Calc I while 18 or older, you had already failed.

>> No.8538851
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>AP high school courses don't compare to college.

Yes, I know that now. I learned that the hard way. Fuck AP courses. I trusted those highschool teachers. They said we'd all do great. Now I have to ACTUALLY study, I wish they'd have told me that earlier. You guys don't even have to make fun of me, I will make fun of myself for you. I am a dumb-dumb. Fuck.

>> No.8538855


I have failed

>> No.8538858


technically I haven't because I haven't taken calc 1 yet :D

>> No.8538995

>calc I
spotted the brainlet

>> No.8539010

>Calc I
I am so sorry anon. If you couldn't clutch the easiest math class by far, then you really need to reconsider things or just grind up from 0.

>> No.8539018

Am I the only one who thought Calc 2 was much easier than Calc 1?

>> No.8539021

I failed discreet math on my first semester. Three years later, I was taking grad courses as free electives. You can make it bro.
>tfw they hire maths MS on private colleges
>tfw comfy $50k while teaching
It's not that much, but I like it. It's also pure luck.
I'm thinking of eventually getting a PhD to be quite frankly honest.

>> No.8539035
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Nope. Same experience. Nothing clicked for me till calc II. Pumping out integrals, rotations, volumes, sequences and series was far easier. Only 2 or 3 people in my class though the same as me.

I have no idea where this Calc II meme started. The difficulty of classes are professor dependent rather than material dependent anyway so it could be we lucked out somehow.

>> No.8539039
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Never forget the important things in life, OP.

>> No.8540053

C+ in Calc III
at least I passed. goodbye calculus

>> No.8540130

>Calc I: B
>Calc II: A
>Calc III: A (finished with 99%, pretty proud of that)
>Diff Eq: on track for an A

I think I was just getting into the rhythm of college when I got a B in calc I, ain't no thang OP im sure its the same for you

>> No.8540135

>final grades posted today
>A in Real Analysis
>Not even A+

How am I gonna cope? Am I a failure?
Am I going to make it?

>> No.8540140
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>gen chem A
>some shirt core class A
>programming A
>tfw waiting for cal 2 grade

I'm nervous bros, I need a high B to secure the A but I fucked up on a trig double integral (I used the wrong bounds) and that question was worth 8 points. Is getting an A- in calculus 2 brainlet status?

>> No.8540145

>grades posted
>straight C's

I hate homework. Thank the math gods there are exams.

>> No.8540172

I dont get this. I took discrete maths and another one like it called mathematical reasoning, and they were both so much easier and fun than the shit people call calculus.

>> No.8540178

All of my AP courses in high school were harder than their college equivalent or the class they let me go to because of it. Maybe I just had dick teachers?

>> No.8540179

Last semester:
4 A+s, 1 A-

This semester:

Don't think I'll get a single A+

Such is life... Didn't have that fire and had a harder course load than I've had in awhile...

>> No.8540186


Did you not turn any of the assignments in?

>> No.8540193

>multivariable calculus: A+
>Linear Algebra: B
>Honors Organic Chemistry I: B

Jesus, my linear algebra class was entirely proof based. I legitimately feel like I was tricked when I got a perfect score on the first midterm (all computations) then the final had proofs for 8/10 questions. I've never taken a proof or logic class. I got smashed.

And organic chemistry... well, it was just really hard.

>> No.8540196

>being this fucking new

the good classes are all finals, because people who aren't morons do fine.

>> No.8540208

between 0 to half of them not turned in.
I try to pick professors who assign little homework.I like exams and classwork.

>> No.8540215


This is legitimately stupid. And it won't work once your in upper division work. The homework is to practice and reinforce your learning, and professors don't think that you're some kind of lazy genius, they think you're an idiot for needlessly letting your grades suffer.

Homework is almost free points. Just turn it in dude

>> No.8540217

Trying to be optimistic. Just checked all my classes, I literally only completed half of the homework

>> No.8540225
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>all of this calculus

>> No.8540227


This. My honors organic chemistry class was two midterms and a comprehensive final, spread out in even increments. And the final was 50% of your grade alone.

>> No.8540235

upper division? I graduate next semester. Little too late to change my ways

>> No.8540247

An A in calc 1 is one of the easiest things you can possibly do.
>memorize derivative identities
>memorize trig identities
>revisit quotient rule from precal
>revisit graphs
>simple limits
>simple step functions and simple heaviside functions (heaviside was extra credit in my course)
>miscellaneous methods like newton's method, squeeze theorum, BASIC riemann sum, etc

Getting a B means you didnt apply yourself.

>> No.8540258

Im a junior and ive picked mostly professors with homework assignments that arent ever graded.

Just because the homework isnt for a grade doesnt mean its not necessary, but i dont believe you should be graded on work you are supposed to fail at doing in order to learn where your weaknesses are.

All of my upper division classes last semester and spring is assigned hw worth 10% of the grade or not graded at all.

>> No.8541246

I had calc 2 this semester and had able a 97 as my final grade. I made a B in calc 1 when I took it though. I had a horrible instructor for calc 1.

>> No.8541249

>B in calc 1
>calc 1
lol fuck were you even trying? I got an A+ the first time I took it.

>> No.8541284

If you didn't know you'd have to study in college, you weren't meant to go there in the first place.

>> No.8541311

took calc one last semester, did the final in 10 minutes-- immediately started drinking.
hip flasks ftw
pretty sure if i turn this hw in my a in calc 2 is secured

>> No.8541385


I think that it has to do with proofs. For a lot of people it is their first introduction to proofs. If you had proofs already it puts you way ahead of others.

>> No.8541553

What school gives out an A+? University of Phoenix?

>> No.8541601

my uni gives out A+, it is just a 4.0 like an A though so no real point of it.