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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8535571 No.8535571 [Reply] [Original]

>semester is over
>no classes to keep me occupied for a WHOLE MONTH
how do you cope, bros?

>> No.8535574

Compile notes for future reference. Review/get ahead with Khan academy. Hookers and blow.

>> No.8535632

I'm using the time to catch up on my reading.

>> No.8535633

Undergraduate research.

>> No.8535656

fap and watch anime all day

>> No.8535657

Spend hours devising a personal curriculum to self-study so I am well-prepared for next semester but fail to self-study and continue to skirt by my classes each year.

>> No.8535659

Read, faggot. There is so much shit to learn, there is no possible way you can be bored. You don't need a silly class to learn.

>> No.8535669

>be engineer fag
>trying to get a coop next semester
>classes have been long over
>still have to stress out about interviews, praying to god I get a job by chance
>can't relax during the entire break

just fuck my shit up family

>> No.8535677

oh to be young again

>> No.8535687

>Oh to be 30 again

>> No.8535694


>> No.8535703

Honestly this is just a matter of spending less time "planning" for shit and spending more time actually doing that shit. I have the same issue.

>> No.8535709
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you're welcome

>> No.8535715

Friends, gf, [add other social activity], etc.

>> No.8535718

>catch up on what i've missed on 4chan durring finals week.
>Play Dark Souls and Bloodborne all day
> Finally get around to watching all of Game of Thrones (so far its awesome)
> Stay up late at night and wake myself up by playing in the snow all day.
> Take a copious amount of acid

>> No.8535730

Dany kills Dumbledor

>> No.8535752

Go outside, faggot. Maybe try to get a female to touch your pecker. Live a little.

>> No.8535879

>needing classes to keep you busy

Seriously though, enjoy you free time while you can. I cannot remember when I had a whole month vacation.

>> No.8535906

get a hobby, some sort of creative outlet. all the best nerds paint or play shitty covers of anime songs or play some goofy alternative sport or some shit that doesn't involve sitting at a desk for hours on end.

>> No.8535914

Not him, but what's the point of that? I just play vidya, cook, and lift, and literally only leave my apartment to get groceries or go to the gym, when I'm on break. I find my life pretty much perfect as it is.

>> No.8535923


>> No.8535928

Start going to the gym

>> No.8536254

Doesn't sound like much of a life, anon.

>> No.8536582

Work more hours at my job, do volunteer projects for resume, study in advance for next semester

Does anyone else here fucking work? Im part-time ~25-30hrs/wk

>> No.8536596

>He's not taking winter classes

>> No.8536843

I work in my school's physics lab. Pay isn't phenomenal, but it's great experience, especially for a sophomore. Sure as shit beats customer service.

>> No.8536859

U are me

>> No.8536872

I become a /lit/fag for two months
I watch anime
I fap
I play LoL

>> No.8536892

Gotta finish getting my pilot's license, shadow some more, and look for a nice infinity microscope to buy.

>> No.8536894

Intersession classes

>> No.8536971


>oh to be suicidal on a dailyyy

>> No.8536982

>Be stressed out during semester.
>Semester's over.
>Hate life because no school to go to.
>Spend break wishing it wasn't break.
Anybody else know this feel?

>> No.8536986

Beat off to HQ porn videos of chubby girls with floppy tits.

>> No.8537927

read a book nigger

>> No.8538165

>tfw grad student trapped in bioinformatics hell while waiting for grant replies
>tfw no wet lab over winter break

Good god just kill me

>> No.8538186
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>structures test tomorrow
>need an A in the class
>SE firms literally won't hire you unless you're in the top 10% or better

>> No.8538243

Are u me?

>> No.8538680

Your doing it bros. Have fun browsing 9gag when you get offended someone took notice of your incorrect punctuation.

>> No.8540771
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Smoke copious amounts of weed and stress over my next 10 question math assignment for Academy Algebra 3-4 and my next 200 word essay in Arizona and US History.