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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8532256 No.8532256 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a uni thread?

What university are you going to and what course are you doing?
How do you like it?

>> No.8532264

I go to UCLA, and I'm currently doing math major, trying to do the honors program there. I like it a lot, although my Analysis prof is pretty terrible, my Linear Algebra prof is a beast. I'm doing Complex Analysis Honors, Second Quarter Honors Real Analysis, and Second Quarter Linear. I'm enrolled in Differential Geometry but I heard the prof is a fuckwit, and the class is at 9am, so I'm probably gonna drop that one.

>> No.8532271
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I've got a dilemna. I was planning to do the PhB program at ANU. It's a research degree and you basically get to work with people in Academia from the start.
However, I got a good enough score to get a full scholarship to Melbourne Uni. Melbourne is less appealing in that you're forced to do "breadth" courses similar to the American system. Can anyone at either of those two universities comment on what they're like?
I'm planning to do maths if that changes anything.

>> No.8532279

I go to Cornell for EE. So far everything is alright. I had a shitty chem class that I finally finished. Now I'm studying for my calc 3 final. I expect it to go fine after it's all said and done. I used to be in a shitty OO Java class but I dropped it because I didn't like the structure of that class at all.

>> No.8532290

Edinburgh uni. EE
It's kay

>> No.8532316

Clarkson University for AeroEng.

>> No.8532322

I'm probably gonna get all As this semester. I don't have anyone else to tell this to but I'm proud of myself.

>> No.8532328

Good shit fampai
do it next semester too

>> No.8532331

Thanks man.

>> No.8532345

Fucking NERD!

>> No.8532377

Quantum Mechanics
Getting my ass kicked

>> No.8532383

Wait. Your take take mechanics AND QM at the same time? Are you retarded?

>> No.8532387

Really enjoy it. Almost never go to class, just get to shitpost all day and waste my life

>> No.8532389

What's /sci/'s opinion on Physjcs with Astro at Manchester? Got an offer to go there next september.

>> No.8532393

It's not like I'm taking it for the first time, so no? But I am really dumb when it comes to QM, regardless.

>> No.8532395

If I can get a 66 on my physics and calc and 80 on my chem finals I'll have straight As but I hate it here

>> No.8532398

What school? Why do you hate it?

>> No.8532403

I am doing a very specific uni about wine and grapes, I am first and second year courses at the same time so I can get my degree in two years and half.

What I am doing so far (entry level biology, basic oenology, microbiology, some statistics, agro meteorology) is kinda boring but compared to my first degree (master's in chemistry) there is nothing I hate reading about. I don't really like the people though, don't get me wrong I had no problems and everyone is nice, there is no specific reason but I don't like them.

>> No.8532451

Just an unremarkable tech school. It's way up north so it's very cold up here, it's 70% men here, and it's situated in a small village. Nothing to do other than get drunk off your ass every night or go bowling. Also this place is the epitome of the dunning–kruger effect, everyone thinks they're smart because they're going to a b-list tech school. I went here because it was my cheapest option, and the academics are fine, but I really wish I went to a bigger school.

>> No.8532476

I'm looking at going to UCLA for medical school but I hear the town itself is poluted and violent. What do you think of it? And do you know anything about the medical program there?

>> No.8532489

Oh I see. I happen to love the cold but I can understand it being 70% men can fuck you up if you're a social guy.

>> No.8532491

University of Waterloo
Computer Science
It's aight.

>> No.8532503

Astro is a meme with no funds.

>> No.8532518

it's an amazing medical program, you just have to ask yourself if you want to live there.
I got into UCLA for undergrad, and while it was technically the "best" school I got in to, I chose to go elsewhere. YMMV.

>> No.8532525

This will sound ridiculous and meme tier to anyone who is reading it.

But I do two degrees at once through two different universities. One is a full time in Computer Science and Math, with minors in Latin and Greek. The other is Military Science and History at another University, doing a few papers by distance.

It seems a little weird, and it is a long story. But I seriously enjoy it and want to conjoint them together one day.

>> No.8532537

Georgia Tech. Computer Science. I like it

>> No.8532546

A lot of people tell me that Georgia Tech is shit tier because of no women and they try to fail you.

>> No.8532547

I hope you're not paying double tuition.

>> No.8532549

University of Washington


The competition here is so retardedly cutthroat. Jesus Christ, but it's kind of a nice atmosphere.

>> No.8532561

You can meet women outside of school .

>> No.8532579
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Texas State University

- Majoring in physics, double minoring in math and CS
- God, i hate it here. worst physics program ever. i only came here because UT' and A&M deadlines was past and Texas Tech was too far.
- forgot what i'm taking next semester. but its mostly CS and 1 physics course.
- hate hate hate hate, this is my third year and i'm not sure what to do or even what to do with my major....

>> No.8532600

I'm actually shit socially so I'm genuinely curious. How?

>> No.8532612


>> No.8532617

me >>8532579

because my teacher never really taught, and i've kinda accepted failing. I only have 3 finals left
- CS (intor) which I know i'll pass
- Linear Algebra which i have time for
- Physics ( heat and waves )

what about you?

>> No.8532620

I'm just a Freshman but, 5/7 finals are done and BIOL 1 is tomorrow and CHEM 2 is Tuesday. I'm glazing over my notes in between shitposts.

>> No.8532631

yea, kinda just watching review vids for linear
dont fail

>> No.8532637

Wrapping up a Master's degree in genetics at Pitt.

I'm trying to choose between the molecular biology programs and genetics programs in Chicago and Duke, respectively, for my doctorate. Does anyone have experience with these two programs?

>> No.8532638

I can't but, I'm at risk of losing an A if I do badly enough in both. Life was so much less stressful when I didn't try.

>> No.8532643

aint that the truth. do you get some little cheat sheet?

>> No.8532649

That would be nice but, nope. The most we get on the chem exam is the table and some formulas. The worst part is that it's entirely multiple choice.

>> No.8532710

Considering transferring to Georgia Tech for Aerospace Engineering. I have a 3.9 CGPA and 2000 SAT. Can I/should I do it?

>> No.8532838

Dunno bout astro but physics at manchester is pretty good

>> No.8532842
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>Wayne State University
State school in Michigan that none of you have probably heard of. Decently big research school in Michigan and known for it's medical program.
>Mostly a commuter school, but I live on campus where there is a pretty tight-knit community.
>Freshman majoring in "pre"-ChemE
>Not very sure of quality of Engineering program yet
>currently wrapping up first semester (definitely will land 3.5-4.0 depending on how Calc II final goes)

>Chem program is supposed to be decent and felt like my Orgo I professor did a pretty good job with the course

Considering transferring after next semester depending on how it goes. Not sure how worth transferring to U of M/ MSU / MTU would be in the grand scheme as long as I can find internships.

>> No.8532848

That's extremely similiar to how my Mom described Michigan Tech when she went there for her undergrad.

>> No.8532858
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any yall here?

>> No.8532890

RPI by chance??

>> No.8532910

Nice scores brah

I do commerce at Melbourne, can't really comment on the Science of it but the campus is really nice. Really close to the cbd as well so you're close to everything.

I dunno about ANU but I'm fairly sure Melbourne is the most prestigious in the country (especially in regards to research) so if you've got a full scholarship i'd go there.

>> No.8532930

Nope, didn't get in there. My HS grades were trash. I'm that Clarkson faggot that posted above.

I imagine it's a fairly common issue

>> No.8533073

>>8532264 Here, I really like the area surrounding UCLA - it's pretty lively, with a decent variety of food. Furthermore UCLA was just voted into having the best food in the nation for a University, which I could see; the food in the dining halls are very good. The town is LA, so it's very polluted, but when you're on campus there's plenty of trees so the air feels relatively fresh.

The only thing I know about the medical program here is that it's hard as fuck, and the students are very competitive.

>> No.8533080

Just realised ANU offers a scholarship too. I think I'll go there.
Lots of people describe Melbourne to me as a bit impersonal and oldfashioned.

>> No.8533127

pick one

>> No.8533135

University of Houston
minor in Math
>Best geophysics program in the world... niggers

>> No.8533149


>> No.8533166

Which types of dishes does the cafeteria serve?

>> No.8533402

some shitty college in Texas
I hate what I study so it doesn't really matter

>> No.8533421


1st year has been shit, but if I can maintain a decent GPA, I can enroll in some god tier grad school courses like Operating Systems and Inference Algorithms that CS monkeys can't.

>> No.8533449

Vienna, Math

>> No.8533457


>> No.8533459

math, Vienna, again
kek, same here, first semester seems like a joke xD
They do have one class for all the swag kids, 'the art of problem-solving'. Actually learned some shit there

>> No.8533470

Any grad students here?

I'm in my first semester of a theoretical physics phd. Browsing grad school forums, it looks like most grad students do insane amounts of work, and that has me worried. So far my degree takes about 10 hours a week on average -- 3 hours each to read the book and do the homework for my 3 classes (I don't bother attending lecture, just exams), and 1 hour to do my TA duties (grading homeworks). I have office hours, but nobody shows up and I just work on homework then.

Seems like a really easy 30k/yr. I've even started tutoring 5 hours a week and my yearly income now comes out to 40k for 15hr/wk. Does it actually get worse? It seems like most people who complain online are in humanities or they do experimental work. Can't seem to find opinions of theoretical physics people (every other student at this school hates theory and loves experimental, so I can't get an answer here)

>> No.8533523

Mid Sized east German city no body knows
Computer Science

>> No.8533547

why am i doing it
it would be so much easier just to die

>> No.8533554
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Board out of my fucking mind

>> No.8533626


Because I'm done.

Had my last final friday night. I'm at UCSD. Chemistry major at the moment, but I want to switch to Mathematics/Applied Science.

I took Orgo I with the campus harder professor (my friend who finished ochem said that his Orgo I class is harder than the honors Orgo II and III class, and with test averages hovering around 35%, I believe it.) I finished with a 51% in his class, with the standard deviation above being 60%. He says he curves up, so I'm hoping I get like a B or B+. FUCK that class was hard.

Also took Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus. Multivariable I did well in with perfect scores both midterms and an 88% on the final.

Linear... was really hard. I got a 90 on the first midterm, a 62% on both the second midterm and the final. It was ENTIRELY a proof based course. The first midterm was just a fucking trick. We did no calculations beyond that midterm.

Worried about my grade in that class. I'm kind of a brainlet.

>> No.8533640
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I went to trade school to be a Welder. Now that I have my Journeyman ticket, i'm taking Power Engineering by distance education. The school is SAIT, and so far it's alright. I hate math and the first part is pretty much all math.

>> No.8533646

hate will bring you nowhere young padawan.

>> No.8533651
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I'm learning, my friend. So far i'm just taking my time understanding the definitions and the basic examples of each part. I guess it's kind of cool how I was pretty much mathmatecally retarded , but now am understanding a bit more every day. A bunch of the units are math based, so I kind of have no choice but to learn to like it.

>> No.8533659


First 2 years is basically same as any other Life Science major. Intro Chem, Biology, Physics, etc.

>> No.8533683

UT Austin - Bio/Pre-med/faggot

>> No.8533685

Found a program at my school to get my Math Master's in four years, so I'm doing that and a extra German major because languages are fun.

It's a University of Alabama...
I fucking hate football.

>> No.8533699

UW here too

Tell me a fucking bout it.
They think they're Ivy League or something.

>> No.8533708

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.8533710

Any of you memers go to MIT? I'm gonna attend winter school there from new year

>> No.8533740

They have their own OS course and better ML course than the shitty ECE one.

>> No.8533747

ETHZ, CS, shitton work but i like it

>> No.8533751
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Yah, second year chemboii. Life is bretty gud so far. the organic is painful as hell tho

>> No.8533820

Jelly. What were your qualifications to get in? Masters or bachelors? How do you finance it?

>> No.8533848

Lund university
Analysis in one variable and python brogramming

>> No.8534126

Praise feridun, Mr. Goose and paninos for disruptive learningp

>> No.8534143

currently finishing BSc, i had a decent high school diploma ~top 5-10% of class. Financing is pretty easy - living in student housing, and salaries for even the shittiest jobs are crazy here, coding pays off a lot

>> No.8534265
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Probably nobody know this uni, right ?

>> No.8534292

I've had teachers like this, if they don't teach they usually hand out B's at the end of the semester so no one reports them.

>> No.8534305

>going to wayne
>for engineering
Transfer into MSU if you can. U of M isn't worth it for undergrad, but I would consider going there for your masters if you want one.

t. MSU engineering student

>> No.8534309

anyone from strathclyde here?

if so

fuck off?

>> No.8534315

University of Cambridge. Natural Sciences.

>> No.8534318

im RP speaking british irl fa'm.

>> No.8534322

why does memebridge memes so shit?

>> No.8534325

I'm in the same boat, anon. Coming back to school after I stopped due to lack of motivation and direction. First semester back and all A's!

>> No.8534327
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Pretty good, although I'm first year so classes are babby-tier.

my favourite part is the shame of not getting into an ivy because of how badly I fucked up highschool. who else /scarletletter/ here?

>> No.8534338

Are you going into research? I'm planning on changing my major to Biochemistry/Biophysics.

I hear its hard to get a job unless you have at least a Masters and experience. I'm mostly worried about gaining lab experience, is it possible to do so while working on a bachelors if you get to know the professors in 3rd/4th year?

>> No.8534343

>tfw I used to make fun of the redhead on your womens rugby team at secondary school

>tfw she is more successful than me even though she was more tryhard than intelligent.

Hope she's learned how to cut loose desu.

>> No.8534344

at community right now and will be transferring to UTEP because its the only place in my shit area thats accredited and I don't want to drown in student loans. would apply to do my masters somewhere better probably

>> No.8534488

There isn't any shame to going to literally any Northeastern State School's main campus for undergrad (for New York consider the University Centers to be main campus) except Rhode Island, Maine, and maybe New Hampshire

>> No.8534510
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>it's very cold up here, it's 70% men here, and it's situated in a small village. Nothing to do other than get drunk off your ass every night or go bowling. Also this place is the epitome of the dunning–kruger effect, everyone thinks they're smart because they're going to a b-list tech school.

holy fuck you just described this place.

>> No.8534512
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>maybe New Hampshire
I got into all the UMass's and UVM but my parents couldn't afford the out-of-state tuition please end my life

>> No.8534515

>it's 70% men here
My school is about 95% guys, it's not that rare

>> No.8534517

University of Cincinnati for my PhD in physics
Particles and fields II
Quantum Mechanics II
Statistical Mechanics

I like the department but shits hard.

>> No.8534522
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Universität Göttingen

Doing my master's degree in math. I'm interested in PDE and stochastic processes. Lectures are pretty good, but most knowledge I gain from self-study.

>> No.8534542

A bunch of schools fit the description of 70% male, cold, tech school that aren't good outside their region. As examples in the format of school-city-region it is useful in:
WPI-Worcester-New England
Colorado School of Mines-no clue-Rockies
And many more, Georgia Tech might fall into this category but they have a bit more fame, a bit of a role model for the rest.

You should have oppurtunities in New Hampshire, just don't sit on your ass and visit the career office and shit.

>> No.8534588
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Any chemfags here want to tell me what some schools with good chemistry programs that aren't ridiculously overcrowded and cut-throat? I'm in CC right now and I have probably around 3-5 months before I have to start applying to places. Pic related is the list of all the schools I'm applying to, what do you think?

>> No.8534812

What do you mean not worth it? Obviously it's more competitive. I'm thinking I could have more fun in East Lansing though.

Definitely hoping to go to U of M or MSU. U of M might prevail though cause I live within 10 minutes (and I'm a lucky kid who has parents that will pay for their education). I'll just need to take Orgo II, Physics I, and Calc III next semester and maintain my 3.5+. I'm just worried about losing some credits.

WSU is dead as fuck on the weekends but I guess that is less distraction. Kinda regretting fucking around in high school.

>> No.8535042

go back to /r/uwaterloo faggot

>> No.8535046

>what do you think?
I think you're a weeb.

>> No.8535047

>UC Riverside
I think you're a fucking memer. Fuck it, if you're willing to move to Japan just for undergrad, might as well apply to all the Ivies and MIT as well.

>> No.8535051

Don't do pure Chem, do Chemical Engineering. If you take my advice, go to one of the great Cali Engineering schools or go down south / PA (Lehigh comes to mind) where natural gas is becoming a big deal.

>> No.8535057

What are you taking?

>> No.8535063
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>I think you're a weeb
I think you should shut the fuck up.

>I think you're a fucking memer

What makes you say that? I'm just trying to apply to as many schools as possible that have a >10% chance of accepting me that are also reasonably renowned. Most of the Oxbridge literally has a higher acceptance rate than most Ivies, which is why I'm applying to them. I don't get what's wrong with todai and riverside, they seem like good schools. I'll go anywhere that gives me good financial aide, I'm just broadening my horizons.

>> No.8535065

I don't want to be a engineer though.

>> No.8535067

You don't know what you want.

>> No.8535069

ASU as a freshman in Software Engineering

I think it's pretty okay but dislike all the junk I required like humanities and success courses.
I like it but it's boring so far and started to consider getting a double major in Applied Mathematics and SE.

Any tips or advice? I've been thinking about it for a couple of days but it looks like buttrape.

>> No.8535072

Can someone recommend me a good UK university for math with average entry requirements?

>> No.8535079

I want to study genetic molecules, so I'm getting a chem major and probably specializing in something like Ochem, biochem, or molecular bio once I know more about the field and complete my general education.

I mean you're right, I don't completely know what I want, but I'm pretty sure I'd rather be a researcher than an engineer. Are you an engineer Or do you regret not being an engineer or something? Give me some anecdotal argumentation here.

>> No.8535088
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Sounds a bit like Tandon
Over 70% acceptance rate, recently merged with NYU.
Kids who got rejected from Community college go to Tandon.
They represent the Engineering Meme

>> No.8535101

Literally almost anything you'd like, check out the menu on the websites, just Google it and you'll be able to see

>> No.8535113

Do you know how hard it is to get into any undergrad research at UCLA? I hear UCLA is a good school, but it's so ridiculously crowded that it makes me worried that actually getting accepted into any research programs would be quite difficult.

>> No.8535116

Has anyone here gone from a shitty school to a prestigious one through transfer? Can you talk on that experience?

>> No.8535124
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>tfw were both always here

>> No.8535127

Chem Engineers can do research

>> No.8535135

But if I want to focus on research, and either pathway provides a good education, but the engineering pathway is 10x more competitive and autistic, I seen no reason not to just go with pure chem with a focus on my field of choice.

>> No.8535138

Chemical Engineering sounds cooler

>> No.8535148
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I mean you're not wrong

>> No.8535149

I was the one who originally suggested being ChemE, though I agree with the other guy.

Being competitive in ChemE is about the same as being in Chem. The ChemE course load is tougher, but passing your classes is your goal. If you go Chem major, you're competing with premeds and other try hards.

Getting your 3.0 in ChemE will be just as easy as getting your 4.0 in Chem.

Your job offers will be exponentially cooler. Research in ChemE is what will be winning nobel prizes and field honors in the upcoming decades. Pure science is being replaced by applied sciences.

Source: Was biology, switched to BioE, opportunities expanded exponentially.

>> No.8535153

To play devil's advocate, there are many women in Chemistry (I think 60-40 Men-Women)

You could pick up some Chemistry Cu Eu Ti

>> No.8535162

>you're competing with premeds and other try hards

Good point
>Research in ChemE is what will be winning nobel prizes and field honors in the upcoming decades

Interesting. I will have to look into that, I've been disregarding engineering for a while, but it seems like it would be well worth my time looking into it a little more.

By the way, what would a bioengineer even do? Isn't that just like a chemical engineer that focuses on organic molecules or something? What inspired you to switch majors?

>> No.8535168

I am not him but bioengineering is probably having mostly to do with medicine unless of course you do research.

And you should ask around at college in order to find out more, but take everything everyone says with a grain of salt (especially here).

Engineers can always do research related to their field and very often do. ChemEs can do Chem research, BioE can do Biology research, and so on.

>> No.8535186

I'm interested in pharmaceuticals, and my school has a biopharmaceutical track that's linked to the chemical engineering department.

I made the switch because I was taking biology classes, then went to go see a lecture on bioengineering. Changed my life.

The lecturer talked about straight science fiction stuff. Growing mushrooms on sawdust, what the Weiss Institute at Harvard is up to. It's incredible the difference in what you will be researching in applied sciences rather than pure sciences.

Bioengineering isn't particularly well defined yet. I guess I can give an example as the what a ChemE / BIOE hyrbrid would look like.

A doctorate friend of mine is looking into designing drug delivery systems. Currently you take ~100-1000x the amount of drug needed to be effective. If you take a tablet antihistamine to counter swelling, you're taking enough so across diffusion of the whole body, the correct dosage reaches the target site. What if we could design a drug delivery system that goes straight to the target? It would save costs and whenever processes become more efficient, other research can be done to make it more effective.

>> No.8535188

>(especially here)

People here often give me better advice than my counselors. It's pretty easy to tell when someone here is BSing, it can be quickly looked up and I have less respect for a wall of text than for a human being. Counselors and professors seem to be full of garbage at least half the time.

I'm agree with everything you said though for the record.

>> No.8535193

Sorry, Wyss institute.

Here's a link to what I think will be the defining medical invention of the early 21st century.


>No more animal testing
>Genetic specific testing
>No need for pre phase III clinical trial

If it goes well, this will literally remove 95% of the cost of R+D into drug development, and if you're into animal rights, will completely remove the need for cruel testing.

>> No.8535204

That's incredible, I agree, it's like a job that a science fiction character has. I'm not sure if that's what I want to do, but when I say "not sure," I actually mean that I'm not sure. Very well might be something I'm into. Thanks for your story though.

>> No.8535216

If you're set on chemistry you're actually going to be probably safe until maybe your 2nd semester Sophomore year or early Junior year to switch back and forth.

Both Chem and ChemE students will end up taking two levels of general chemistry, two levels of organic chemistry. Two levels of physics, two levels of Calculus (Engineers take 3-4). Among other distribution requirements changing from school to school.

I would recommend getting the ball rolling as soon as possible if you want to do ChemE, because anyone can learn how to do it, but the concepts and study habits take some getting used to.

Try to get into a research lab for both, or at least look into what the relevant research labs are focused on. Make your decision based on that.

>> No.8535323

st andrews

not imperial its just r9k. not lse just rich dumb kids.

>> No.8535655

>average requirements
>oxbridge/ucl/st andrews
Try manchester, bath, bristol, southampton, nottingham

>> No.8535665

Hey grad school friend. Hope your research is going well

>> No.8535689
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Escuela Superior de Cómputo (ESCOM)

Computational Systems Engineering

Have been struggling with linear algebra (eigen vectors) and circuits with complex numbers, I'm actually covering all my issues with two books:

Linear Algebra - Paul Dawkins

Electric Circuits - James W. Nilsson

>> No.8535698

American University of Beirut
Currently majorless planning on transfering into Electrical and Computer Engineering

>> No.8535708

It's actually fairly accessible, depending on your major. You just have to have a certain gpa and know about the material

>> No.8535713


>> No.8535732

Melbourne all the way buddy! PhD in Math & Stats = $$$ in Retail industry.

>> No.8535735

I go to Iowa State for Chemistry as a grad student. It's going pretty nicely.

>> No.8535742
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You will be miserable at ANU.

1. it's in Canberra.
2.There are lots of Indians there.(Indians are smelly and are just scum in every sense of the word.)
3. Melbourne is ranked first in Australia.
4. Sanctuary Saturdays is in Hawthorn, a suburb in Melbourne. This is where a lot of intellectuals go to mingle. (Do not under estimated how important it is to know other people in the academic community. It is a small world and this is how great ideas are formed. through mingling.)
5. Melbourne is the most cultured city in the southern hemisphere.

>> No.8535746
File: 12 KB, 236x236, 9c9f004d0c8b605667cd48abea134b8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Utah state
State schools are fine too r-right? Atleast i have a 4.0 so i can probably get a scholarship if i transfer to university of utah. Double major maths and philosophy, basically a walking meme .

>> No.8535776

>everyone is from USA/EU
just like every thread. baka

>> No.8535788

I go to NYU main campus (Biochemistry) but I had to run an experiment at a Tandon lab once. The lab I worked in was a lot nicer IMO

>> No.8535802


>> No.8535810

Come on over! You can't be dumber than the other fucks here.

>> No.8535829

Going to Uni of Sydney in a few months
Mech E
What to expect studies-wise? How will be the quality?

>> No.8535838
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literally meme school

>> No.8535857 [DELETED] 
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starting here next semester.


is it a sjw shithole like the other uni in town or not?

>> No.8535863
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university of queensland.

>> No.8535871

Heeyyyyy mathphys here

>> No.8536141


Enjoy your graduating 3.2 GPA

>> No.8536398

Anybody here go to missouri s&t?

>> No.8536416

In addition to this it is easier at most schools to transfer from ChemE to Chem. I would recommend going to ChemE first and switch to Chem once you have a better grasp of what you want.

>> No.8536430
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I reported all your respective IT security departments at your colleges. Hopefully 4chan will be a banned site on your college networks soon. :^)

>> No.8536432

Do you remember an annoying cunt of an Asian named Jesse Han? He loves logic and category theory. God what a cunt.

>> No.8536435

Applying for PhD in math in the following places:
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Ohio State University
Dartmouth College
Stony Brook University
University of Michigan
New York University

I am Canadian. What are your opinions on the schools I've listed?

>> No.8536439
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Absolute madman

>> No.8536471

Nice try I'm behind 7 proxies and I'm not even on the school network

>> No.8536490
File: 32 KB, 624x420, _91075668_paolo_m-8699_v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karolinska Institute, MD program. 1 year left until i get my degree, I've already been offered the money to pursue a PhD which would open the door to academic surgery.

>> No.8536504

Nice try faggot, i live alone off campus, and i use 4g on campus because my school network is unreliable

>> No.8536507

>I reported all your respective IT security departments at your colleges.
I wasn't even at college, lel

>> No.8536519

"Clever? Solution" by Syati Kamaboko.

>> No.8536521

I go to a low tier school. This benefits me in the long run though because it's easier to get better grades here. I'll then proceed to btfo all of the ivy league premedfags who worked their asses off trying to stay on the curve when they 5 Jimmy Neutrons in all of their classes.

>> No.8536524

I was thinking of changing to do EE at edinburgh instead of materials at the uni i am at now
I already sent an application
Is it worth?

>> No.8536533


>> No.8536722

st andrews and ucl arent crazy high.
also anyone doing maths at uni must be pretty good at maths.

>> No.8536739

what kind of software do you guys use for uni?

>> No.8536946
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>> No.8537287

I'm an undergrad at Stony
I hear lots of good things about the grad program (both applied and pure). Math undergrad is okay but I think the profs care more about the grad students. AMS seems alright at boht levels.

Shitload of Chinese students which seems to bother some.

>> No.8537480


Same, I'm doing EE. What year?

>> No.8537505

Opinions on University of Florida?

>> No.8537513

Very good regional public school - the best in the South after UNC - Charlotte.

>> No.8537545
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Are you really this fucking stupid? UCLA is in the richest part of LA you faggot.

pic: Common LA girl

>> No.8537556
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I don't know.

>> No.8537592

My aim is to learn techniques that will help me get a job in private sector research. I did do undergraduate research, but I knew someone who set me up with a job so I don't know how you'd get a job without connections, just talk to your professor in office hours I guess.

>> No.8537600

do you go to UNC Charlotte?

>> No.8537604

khan academy and patrickjmt if you need help

>> No.8537622

you sound like a faggot
usc has the best looking women and a good name value

>> No.8537627

Michigan Tech?

>> No.8537630

ASU is worse than a community college

>> No.8537645

Just learn how to make a burrito for the white man Poncho.

>> No.8537760
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Just finishing my Masters at Cal State University in Bio (Molecular Bio and Immunology).
I applied to a bunch of UC schools for PhD programs in Immunology/ Infectious Disease, but if I don't get in, I will just look for Molecular Bio research and diagnostics jobs in SoCal.
How's the living situation? Super expensive? I'm in Long Beach and if I get accepted to UCLA should I give up my cheap current arrangements and move up there, or stay and commute early in the morning?
> I'm mostly worried about gaining lab experience, is it possible to do so while working on a bachelors if you get to know the professors in 3rd/4th year?
Depends on where you go, but I would go on the website and look up what research projects the faculty have going on when you are a sophomore/junior. Ask them about their work and join a lab that sounds interesting ASAP.
That's what I was thinking (am from MI) but Tech isn't cheap. My best friend went there and failed out due to serious depression from the weather, Comp Eng homework, and only snowcows to look at.

>> No.8537800

State schools are good stop being a faggot

>not using the full name for SUNY Stony Brook
Its like you aren't a jew or something

According to US News they are the 2nd best State School in the South. Probably will get you anazing connections within the state like how other big State Universities do.

>UNC Charlotte
You mean UNC Chapel Hill right? UNC Charlotte is pretty bad

>> No.8537960

>You mean UNC Chapel Hill right? UNC Charlotte is pretty bad

>> No.8537970
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Noted, thanks, I expected a much more negative answer. What kind of research have you applied to? What percentage of positions did you get into approximately?

>> No.8537973

That's a pretty shit school bro.
UNAM here. Finished everything. I'm starting with calc 4, other topics in linear algebra and some analysis. Feeling pretty good.

>> No.8537980

Yes and I can't wait to be done of this place forever.
It's every bit like >>8532451
The job offers coming out of this school are nice but I don't know if it was worth it in hindsight. I could've gone to Mizzou and just fucked off for 4 years and have a higher gpa.

>> No.8537999
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Who else /lostallmotivation&direction&nowseriouslydoubtingmyowncompetency/ here?

Feel like I'm stuck in a serious mental rut

>> No.8538045
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CS major, math minor

>tfw surrounded by normies

>> No.8538067

school name's : 42 (no joke)

computer science and yep, it's cool

>> No.8538071

osu same, second year cs

>> No.8538083
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I'm at UW majoring in Geology.

I love it, but I've heard a LOT of depressing shit about it after graduating, like not being able to find work. But I have a lot of connections with other geology firms and pretty good grades, so I feel a bit better. What are your guy's thoughts?

>> No.8538089

Sounds solid. Rock solid.

>> No.8538090

My dad has a high-paying job in groundwater management and is a geology major if that makes you feel any better.

>> No.8538092

That does. It's what I'm looking into mainly careerwise after graduating.

>> No.8538097

Stony really appeals to me. I might see you there.

I'm... not a Jew, actually. Not even at all.

>> No.8538098

kind of lame. doing research is cool tho

>> No.8538100

are you from virginia originally? what attracted you to UVA?
and what other schools did you apply to
what year are you in

>> No.8538115
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yes live in nova

i didn't put much effort into the application process when i was a little shit in high school so just applied to mostly state schools and some ivys for reach. it was basically either UVA or W&M and now i'm a little shit in college.

accepted: UVA, VT, JMU, W&M, Wake Forest
rejected/deferred: UNC Chapel Hill, Yale, Columbia, some others out of states

currently 3rd year. go for UVA if you're applying now. or W&M if you think you can survive 4 years there.

>> No.8538118

why'd you go for UVA and not W&M just curious

im not from virginia... I'm from canada and done undergrad. but many people i know in the usa recommended uva because its 'near ivy' quality and because virginia is nice.

>> No.8538120

no UC Berkeley here?
Math undergrad, the upper div honors courses are fucking me in the ass.

>> No.8538135

the whole "public ivy" list is a bunch of nice schools that are generally well regarded for quality education and engaging student life. it's not really yale but pretty sweet deal for the price of a public school. general consensus is that UVA and W&M offer the same value in education.
UVA campus is pretty nice, the whole UNESCO world heritage site. W&M is more isolated (boring imho, not to mention the suicide rates) and attracts a different crowd. party school vs. the other school. can't complain too much about virginia. the people can get pretty stale i guess.

>> No.8538166

I'm starting there in the fall. I have mixed feelings about it but ultimately I just want a job at graduation. I guess if it's as shitty as everyone says I'll just transfer to Mizzou. Never really was a "party" type but also don't exactly fit into the autist category which seems to make up the majority of the school.

>> No.8538211

Washington or Waterloo?

>> No.8538766

>rejected/deferred: UNC Chapel Hill, Yale, Columbia, some others out of states

For some reason it makes me happy to see other suffer rejection from the top schools like myself. Rejected by the good CA schools currently attending a reject University of California campus - the mediocre UC Irvine - but it is basically free so no complaints.

>> No.8538773

Keep in mind after the top private school you have the big four publics that offer similar quality and great prices for local students. These would be UCBerkeley/UMICH/UTAustin/UVA, then on the next tier you would have schools like UCLA/Wisconsin/Florida/PennSt etc.

Where it becomes tricky is a CAL degree vs a degree from reject Ivy like Cornell. In California a CAL/UCLA degree would be better than a Dartmouth or Brown degree, and you will find similar circumstances in the Chicago area with a Michigan degree vs a Duke degree.

>> No.8538828

Second year chem at oxford too here. What college?

>> No.8539379

My campus doesn't allow access to 4chan but it also blocks damnlol so I use 4g in the library.

My uni halls have a seperate internet connection we share between 5 of us that I can do anything on.

>> No.8539398

How so anon?

>> No.8539411
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>Tfw burnt out as fuck
>Tfw got a medical card
>Tfw all motivation will so be gone.

Fuck I should look for some internship out of country to give me a breath of fresh air.

>> No.8539425

Can anyone here give me advice on shit-tier colleges that are not that bad to do grad school at?

I am not smart enough nor do I have good enough grades to get in anywhere competitive, or nice. I just want a mid-bad-tier school in terms of quality that I can get a decent masters/phd at?

tldr: Hidden gem schools, bad/mid/shit but actually not as bad as their reputation would have you believe.

>> No.8539671

I heard UC Riverside has a good grad program for STEM, and everyone always shits on Riverside

>> No.8539683

Elite grad schools are filled with people from all kinds of schools. A free ride to a mediocre undergrad is very tempting to many people, and this is how these schools get their prime students. Your grad school test scores is your chance to show you are the equal of the private school grad. Also, getting into grad school for most majors is not that hard because each masters in 100k for the school, so the system needs a constant flow of students to keep the lights on. Professional schools are the hardest, but even there you will find the Shit State grad going up against the Duke grad on equal footing.

You need to take honors course, research, patented, things like that to stand out come grad school time.

The smartest guy I know went to USC - full 100% scholarship - not one dollar out of his pocket for anything. He is currently at a top five law school, and his main competition is a guy who went to Cal State Northridge (a good regional school).

These people all attended the worst UC school in the system Riverside, and went on to great grad schools, so it can be done.


>> No.8539725

>only thing I want to do that I won't hate is literally a meme with no jobs, and if i do manage to get a job i'll make 30-40k a year

why is life suffering

>> No.8539892
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Opera has a free VPN. Anyone with a USB can run tor. Also screenshots or fuck off :^)

>> No.8539895

"Hidden gems" are highly field dependent. For example, one of the best schools in numerical relativity is Florida Atlantic University. Also try Canada.

>> No.8540293

SUNY Stony Brook University
Math/Economics Probably
Pretty Decent I guess

>> No.8540358


>> No.8540453
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Senior year of HS, shit GPA but 35 ACT, trying to get into pic related for Computer Engineering

Am I fucking up?

>> No.8540510

I'm failing the same class repeatedly anon, don't you use that card to get derailed, because I don't know how to get my life back on track and no one seems to have any advice for me.

Where do you find ranking systems for grad schools/particular programs & fields of study? Which do you use? I can't into university rankings to save my life, and I'd like to at least try to be proactive.

>> No.8540517

Starting at OSU next fall for physics.

>> No.8540533

Georgia Tech
I fucking love it.

>> No.8540538

>might have been caught going to the bathroom to look at something on my phone because I logged into the school website and looked at shit

haha im fucked

>> No.8540635

become a dj at the radio station, trust me

>> No.8540742
File: 24 KB, 307x267, university-of-maryland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exam tomorrow and i havent started studying :^)

i fucking love the physics program here, all the professors are either autistic adorable spergs or suave guys you know could easily pull undergrad puss and theyre all geniuses and really nice

>> No.8540759

Any Northwestern Uni niggas up in here?

fuck this cold ass normie university desu

Premed/stats major/faggot

>> No.8540955

Tjena mann1! Lund här också! Vilket år och vilket program?

>> No.8540961

stay in your lane

>> No.8540974

Does it trigger you that ain't is considered a word? Language is ever changing and defined by usage, lots of retards like myself say atleast accidentally or on purpose so it may as well be a word. Linguistic prescriptivists need to be gassed immediately.

>> No.8540975


>> No.8540980

Hey there fellow terpanon. May testudo bless u on your finals.

I'm a math major but took phys270 freshman year.

>> No.8540981

>>not imperial its just r9k
and cute asian chicks like my gf ;)

>> No.8540982
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not an argument

>> No.8541016

>University of Amsterdam
> Physics and Astronomy

Fucking kill me now, this is boring as shit

>> No.8541173


It just seems so damn tedious to go through hundreds of schools grad school pages to find all their research areas. I really just want a good school that is easy to get into bottom line. Some of the schools in the midwest only require like 2.7 GPA for their masters programs, of course all of those are garbage and my GPA isn't that low. but... whatever.

bottom line : I need some 100% sure to get accepted backup grad schools that aren't total trash?

>> No.8541250


I did my undergrad (Applied Math, and Chemistry) at Stony Brook.

Depressing and boring place to live (living on campus without a car), but excellent academics. Make sure you have a car.

If you get in to the math program and go there, two math professors who do interesting work (and are also helpful nice guys) are joe mitchell (in applied math) and lowell jones (in pure math)

>> No.8541260


I am currently in the chem PhD program at the city college of new york/graduate center

Fucked up a lot in undergrad (only a little research, 3.02 gpa, although "final half of undergrad" gpa was about 3.3) so I didn't apply to high tier places.

I"m surprised at how many quality papers come out of our department, and we have lots of faculty who PhD'd or postdoc'd at ivy schools. Everybody wants to live in NYC now, so we can attract faculty who are a bit "too good" for us.

>> No.8541370


I was really looking into city college actually, but the issue with it I ran into was that they say explicitly on their website that they don't fund their masters programs (at least that was how I read it) I wouldn't want to live in NYC if I weren't getting paid, the loan amounts I would have to take out would be astronomical.

>> No.8541376
File: 188 KB, 805x847, sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at doing an actuarial science/ mathematics double major.

Pic related would be the courses I'd have to take. Anything not in there that I'm missing out?

>> No.8541379

Also, I'd still like to join a club or two, go to football games, and go out every once in a while

Would I not be able to do that if I did this double major? Perhaps instead of math major do a math minor?

>> No.8541384

i dont understand, where is your science?

>> No.8541394

Do you know what actuarial science is?

>> No.8541400

visited texas state a few times and sat in on some classes because I was dating a girl there. I got the impression that everyone at that university is mildly retarded. my ex always got pissed when I mentioned texas state as being a party school. Transfer out anon

>> No.8541465

a meme

>> No.8541471

>Tfw 2nd year Durham because my GCSEs were too shit for oxford

>> No.8541498

I have nothing to really compare it to, but it's alright. Sometimes it's a bit impersonal, and in my class you had a lot of people who knew jack shit before they dropped out because engi was too hard (No idea how they got in, in the first place). Quite theoretical at times, but if you can overlook the shitty classmates and stick with the ones who want to succeed and can motivate yourself to work on problems on your own since the unity isn't great due to the large class sizes, then you should be good.
The lecturers are great, after dealing with the initial onslaught of brainlets, if you show that you are willing and bring your own lube, they'll show you a good time.

>> No.8541662

I don't really know much of the inner workings, but Rice just had "Fuck Chem Night". It's the wildest and loudest post-final shouting you'll hear at this place

>> No.8541692

I'm slowly giving up my hope of being anything but mediocre. Also I've been lazy for a few weeks and I'm feeling the heat. I kind of hate this.

>> No.8541732

Dude, you're attending cambridge physics. You're pretty much better than 95% of all the undergrads in the world.

You fucking put your army boots on and tough it out. Fucking Cambridge. You're not mediocre, you're smartocre and don't let sci tell you otherwise. If you finish Cambridge, that shit will be an achievement in your life that you will be proud of later on.

>> No.8541777

Part III maths here, used to do physics.

When I started at cambridge I didn't do anywhere near enough work. I got a 2.ii in my first year. Then a 2.i in second and a 1st in third year and now 4th year is going pretty well.

At school I'm sure you didn't do any real work and coasted through like me. It takes time to develop good habits don't worry. Just remember you have to work over the Christmas break and summer and you'll get a first. Keep up the good work

>> No.8541910

My progression has been sort of the opposite of yours. I got a 1st (barely) in my first year, a 2.1 (despite trying my god damn hardest) in my second year and I just flat out do not see myself getting a first this year. I don't think I'll do particularly badly, I think I can get a 2.1 which is fine but not very exciting.

I just feel like over the past two years there's a gap that has grown between the better students and me. I can barely keep my head above the water and bridging that gap seems nigh impossible. The material is harder and more plentiful than ever.

I've been sort of sick for over a month and that hasn't helped. I have done very little work over the holiday so far and though it's not irredeemable I'm kind of shitting my pants.


The longer I spend at Cambridge the less inclined I am to think that doing so makes me any better than people from other universities. If you do well here you probably are on top of your shit but fodder is fodder wherever you go.

>> No.8541926

Not him but while fodder is fodder, at top colleges like Cambridge who is actually fodder is very different from fodder. A certain grade at Cambridge that would make you fodder at another college isn't fodder at Cambridge.

>> No.8542153

this might make me sound like a bit of a dickhead but i was expecting people at oxbridge to be smarter - theyre smarter than average by a long way but not as much as youd expect from supposedly the top our country (even the world) has to offer. i havent met many future prime ministers, future poets, future ground-breaking mathematicians. i dunno. tad disappointed.
im not saying im smarter than them. i wanted them to be so much smarter than me that i cry in the shower from insecurity.

>> No.8542159


>> No.8542195

Anyone here from Poland?

>> No.8542199

I feel your pain; except I go to UCLA. Did you take honors analysis with Pugh? If so how was it? His book is phenomenal

>> No.8542252


(I am the guy you responded to)

I was in the masters in chemistry at CCNY and it was indeed not funded. I was only there one semester. I took 6 credits of masters courses and paid about 3,200. I left after that because I got accepted to the PhD program (funded), in the same school/department.

The classes didn't even transfer lmao. Although one of the profs I took a masters course with is now on my thesis committee.

>> No.8542255


Adding to my post:
Since I was originally in the masters but changed to the PhD, I had considered just staying in the PhD until you get the master's that comes with the PhD (you get it about halfway through the PhD) and then when I get that masters, leaving and getting a real job in industry or something. I may or may not do that, depending on how my research goes. I probably won't do it unless something goes really wrong. Regardless I'd be funded in the meantime.

You could consider that. But I'm sure it's much harder to get into the PhD program than the masters program, and that if this is your plan, you should keep it to yourself...

>> No.8542268

Who /UTAustin/ here?

>aerospace engineering
>I like it but I'm just a freshman, I'm not sure how hard I'm going to be fucked in the ass come sophomore year

>> No.8542297

im aerospace at ut. get ready to spend half your time in WRW senior year

>> No.8542307


>keep it to myself
Is it pretty cut-throat?

Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it, I went to NY and checked out the place, and I have friends that go there, but the price really was just bumping it off my short list. Given what you said I think I'll def apply actually.

>> No.8542309

Listing Berkeley and U Much with UVA for math, seriously? And UT Austin and UVA above UCLA for math?
Do you know anything?

>> No.8542341


Well, I don't know firsthand, but I have the suspicion that if you OBVIOUSLY plan to quit halfway through your PhD, you may get fired, and you probably wouldn't be accepted in the first place. I haven't actually asked anybody about this though, it's just my gut feeling

>> No.8542347

BU for math. Fucking sucks here. Sucks being in class and LITERALLY being able to see MIT.

>> No.8542362

Math is the same all over, don't let it get to you, you can still network with any of them, you all go to the same bars.

>> No.8542380

I go to Riverside as an undergrad, and yes it's not terrible for graduate school, but it also depends on what dept

Merced is worse than Riverside :-(

>> No.8542641

I always wondered how BU and Tuftsfags could stand being so close to Harvard and MIT.

>> No.8542688


I went to ANU in their science program - I hated it. You might be different, but I had real problems:

The living situation - in the colleges it's much too crazy an atmosphere for me, I made a few friends, but we didn't really gel with the rest of the population. It's kind of "join us, or leave".

The course itself - don't be fooled by prestige. all of the major universities essentially offer the same learning opportunities in your undergraduate years. ANU, USYD, UNSW, Melbourne. It's all the same. just because ANU is ranked highly on some list doesn't mean that you will NECESSARILY get a better education there. I found the physics faculty there to be really knowledgeable and helpful if you reached out, but they didn't really care if you did well or not.

Location - Canberra is shithouse. It's too far from Sydney (where I grew up) to visit for the day, but not far enough to really break free of your high school life. They say it's close to the snow, but its still a 3 hour drive really, it's fucking cold in winter. ANU itself is well located within the city (close to civic, shops ect.).

Social - I found it very easy to Isolate myself. Like I said I made a few friends, but the majority of the time I was walking to class alone, 4 or 5 nights a week I would just be alone in my room, only going out to do stuff on Thursday - Sunday. I later found out that this was a common problem, and that ANU had just decided that it was not worth doing anything about it. Haveing said all that. Join a club or something, they are nice.

Depending on where you live, I would pick Melbourne.

>> No.8542696
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>> No.8542697

What did you expect?

>> No.8542712


>> No.8542737

Ball State Uni here

5 Straight A's but I'm not even trying. Feels bad man. I just hope I can get into an ok grad school with my high gpa/gre after this.

I feel validated because everyone around me is failing, but instead I just feel like, these are my peers. This is the school I was good enough to get into.... Thus their level of intelligence is equivalent to mine.

How do I get these thoughts out of my head?
How do I just shut up and enjoy my low-tier uni, and accept it for what it is?

>> No.8542809

>How do I just shut up and enjoy my low-tier uni
you drink and fugg bitches, obviously. if you couldn't get into a real uni there's no point in trying. have fun with your few years.

>> No.8542817

Sup senpai, UC Berkeley Mech E checking in. How'd finals treat you?

>> No.8542862


>> No.8542866

Nevermind, love you anon

>> No.8543878

u of ottawa

still cant land a job in a big city, i might be useless after all

>> No.8543985

Auburn for psychology. Neuroscience is my focus and I'm an undergrad researcher in a drug development lab.

>> No.8544150

>imperial its just r9k
How did you know?

>> No.8544160

Even the women are autistic at Imperial.

>> No.8544164

/sci/ memes i suppose.
and anecdotal evidence from mates.

also this:
"Imperial's male–female ratio for undergraduate students is uneven at approximately 64:36 overall[104] and 5:1 or higher in some engineering courses. However, medicine has an approximate 1:1 ratio with biology degrees tending to be higher.[105]"

idk im not being entirely serious

>> No.8544182
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I gave up ChemE at Imperial to go into UIUC. Am I fucking retarded?

>> No.8544187

baseless assertions, but i think specialised subjects tend to bring out the worst aspects of the undergraduates in that subject. eg maths students at a uni with a mathematical science focus will probably turn out more autistic than maths students at a general uni. artsy students at a artsy focus uni will be more hipstercunt than artsy students somewhere else.

i know maths/phys/comp students at my uni and i know maths/phys/comp students at imperial and theirs a noticeable difference.

>> No.8544312

Merced is so new people do not know about it.

Found one:

>> No.8544324

In general faggot the word 'math' is never mentioned in that thread; name value is the main point of that post, and in that respect that post is correct.

>> No.8544354

To any student who thinks of joining a weaker university because he thinks he can study on his own, don't do this.

>> No.8544370

why not

>> No.8544377

Econometrics is an easier version of probability and statistics, so you should take the math/statistics versions of those courses. Forget Math 4581 - 3607 is the most useful one you can take. This or similar is fundamental for applied math - MATH 5603.

>> No.8544381

>"Board" instead of "bored"

Seems about right. Oxford here; git gud

>> No.8544393

Absolutely not worth it. I literally have drunktards and mongloids for professors. Some literally don't study for their lectures, others don't know THE MOST basic shit, you'd be surprised if they got a job in highschool, yet alone uni, and I'm not exaggerating, please believe me. Another standard is to have students 'practice' by having them hold the lectures themselves. Imagine how that sounds coupled with the fact that you went to a shit uni, which primarily attracts people who want a free degree. Studying alone in a shit uni means that you have no one to talk to about the stuff that you're researching, and that professors won't be able to help you, which is a huge disadvantage. Sometimes I'd rather get a straight answer than have to read like 3 books to have a vague idea of one.

>> No.8544409


>> No.8544577

First semester

Linear Algebra I
A course on Haskell
A course on Java
A basic math course

Linear Algebra is a fucking bitch. Proofs all day every day.

>> No.8544593

>a course on haskell
literally why

>> No.8544608

I don't know. It's required. Fuck you.

>> No.8545192

Got shit a-level grades and got into Staffordshire uni through clearing. Pharmaceutical sciences. Terribly boring, people seem computer generated. But motivation has always been money so I'm gonna stick it out until I run my own Pharmaceutical Company

>> No.8545193

> Sanctuary Saturdays

You mean where Asian's get to go absolutely mangled on pingers to trance music? Those intellectuals?

Can't talk though because I do the same think lmao

>> No.8545196
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>A course on Java


>> No.8545222

Gonna have to embrace it man. You aren't going to succeed in an engineering program without math.

>> No.8545226
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Brigham Young University

I quit partway through though and started at Utah Valley University. It's not a very prestigious thing to do but despite the fact that I'm Mormon I just couldn't take the overbearing right wing bullshit I got at BYU.

What pushed me over the edge was a professor who tried to debate me about climate change. She actually tried to tell me that CO2 comes from volcanism and wetland emissions and there's not any evidence humans are causing climate change. A GODDAMNED ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE PROFESSOR. This is what BYU qualifies as a good Earth Science education.

I still attended BYU working on an English Lit degree while doubling at UVU for Geology. It's taking more time to graduate but I realized none of my fellow Earth Science students know shit about writing and if you want people to pay attention to you in any science you need to know how to write.

Finished BYU last Spring. Will finish UVU this summer. My mother's dream was to go to BYU so my parents paid for it. I'm paying my own way through UVU.

>> No.8545238

Jokes on you. They already blocked 4chan.

>> No.8545254


You missed >>8535698 and the variety of AUS students in here. Shit there's even a Mexican.

>> No.8545273

I go to one of UW's satellite schools. I'm in the comp e program.
It's chill, I know all of my professors really well, and shoot the shit with them and am able to ask any kind of question.
But at the end of the day, I know I don't go to a real uni and my life is one big fat joke.

>> No.8545391

Tell me something guys. How's this uni viewed worldwide?

>> No.8545395

really? where do you go to school?

>> No.8545400
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>What university are you going to and what course are you doing?
University of North Carolina at Greensboro, studying Biological Anthropology

>How do you like it?
Pretty dank.

Originally tried my hand at full blooded STEM and the level of pure rote memorization annoyed me and it felt soulless. I still like it on a semi in-depth level though.

Funny enough people I've met from the anthro program and other programs like it are a lot happier and less angry at the world than STEM majors who all just seemed needlessly angry and felt like they had to prove something to somebody.

>> No.8545872

consider killing yourself

>> No.8545902

ayy nigga waddup

>> No.8545906

sour grapes: the post

Enjoy the lowest of the sciences

>> No.8545935

Starting in osaka university in april next year for language and math/phys/chem prep.
Then trying for either Tokyo university, Kyoto university or Tokyo institute of technology.
(Mext scholarship grantee)

>> No.8545937

Matematik, första året. Du då?

>> No.8545944
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I should've gone to CC instead.

>> No.8545952
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Thank you, I am.

Can you blame me though for not wanting to work around a bunch of overly hostile turbo autists all day every day in a field of work I don't want to do?

>> No.8545957


Is it a normal brainlet defence mechanism to call others autistic?

>> No.8545962

Is it a normal autistic defense mechanism to call others brainlets?

>> No.8545964

No not at all, I would do exactly the same thing if I was too stupid for STEM

>> No.8545968
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>Not wanting to do something = Inability to do it
Who knew

>> No.8545983

>anime poster = neckbeard manchild wahh mummy my homework is too hard
who knew

>> No.8545992

biotechnology in aalborg university.
It feels like a joke desu

I want to switch to molecular bio medicine but I don't know if it's worth switching to despite the insane admission requirements.

>> No.8546033

What is even the point of attending a low-tier public university?

>> No.8546298


The word bachelors on a resume instead of Associates. gives you a very expensive leg up.

>> No.8546316

But the whole point of going to CC isn't an associates, it's transferring to a better school than you normally would have gone to once you're done and getting a bachelor's. Depending on the person, of course.


>> No.8546445

How is Ohio State University for mathematics?

>> No.8546454

It's nothing special.

>> No.8546491

Do you go there?

>> No.8546500

I know several people who either previously did or currently do.

>> No.8546505

You have any other information about it as a school that you've heard? I'm attending next semester

>> No.8546509

It's a state school. nuff said

>> No.8546513

From what I was told, it's terribly traditional and has an almost bestial devotion to football. Academically, it's what one would expect from a large state school in an okay-ish state like Ohio. That is, not too great at anything, but doing well enough to serve the general populace.

>> No.8546541

Ohio State is not a university that happens to have a football team. Ohio State is a football team that just happens to have a university.

That's why they insist on you calling it THE Ohio State university. Because Ohio State is the football team, and you probably meant THE university part of Ohio State.

>> No.8546544


And no, football does not equal mathematical strength. In fact they're probably inverse to each other. How many jocks do you know can even count? Lol

>> No.8547021
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10/10 my asshole has never been wider