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File: 168 KB, 960x638, algae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8528665 No.8528665 [Reply] [Original]

1. Use CRISPR on algae to increase CO2 consumption.
2. Release new, strong alphaalgae to nature
3. Alphaalgae steals all the betaalgaes' gfs
4. ????
5. No more global warming. In fact, we can delight in our new oxygen-rich environment

It's literally that easy.

>> No.8528674

You will get killed tonight

>> No.8528685

The renewable energy industry will just find something new to bitch about oil. Like it causes cancer or autism.

>> No.8528704

Define "CRISPR"
Define "algae"
Define "CO2"
Define "consumption"
Define "nature"
Define "gf"

Only then will I be able to give an accurate answer.

>> No.8528705

It's a foolproof plan guys. I can't believe nobody thought of this before

>> No.8528708

CRISPR: that wacky gene editing stuff
algae: comeon dude look at the picture
CO2: evil warm chemicals. stay away
consumption: it's what algae do
nature: it's where algae live
gf: something you'll never have

>> No.8528718

1.α Algae is conditioned to consume gargantuan amounts of CO2.
2. ß algae git's killed off and α algae has no bidnezz to hanel. ß algae starves and dies off.
3. Human society believes carbon emissions is ok, now and starts taking the jeep to work.
5. Global Meltdown.

>> No.8528737
File: 127 KB, 980x551, Bloom3_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8528744

a more co2 dependent algae would reduce the likelihood of an algal bloom, or so could be hypothesized on the basis of cellular efficiency given the requirement of greater amounts of CO2

>> No.8528748

>use CRISPR on algae to increase CO2 consumption
there's like a hundred steps in there you're glossing over

>> No.8528751

you'd be better off going with diatoms. They create a near pure carbon shell, then die and float to the sea floor.

>> No.8528786

Kronenburg the world.

>> No.8528790

I think you mean hack the planet

>> No.8528808

Youre thinking of a protist other than diatoms, they have a silica casing, but your idea isn't diminished

>> No.8528822
File: 95 KB, 446x671, 1480305308178.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow so a bunch of insecure and incompetent scientists claiming the end of the world for the last 50 years are finally going to convince some clever sciences with a brand new dna technique to start the end of the world by creating a happening organism so no one will ever find out the original scientists were full of shit?? Really makes you think.

>> No.8528832

you're a fag.

>> No.8528902

> 4. ????
4. GM Algae becomes the ultimate invasive species, eliminating all other plant species followed by everything that depends upon them (e.g. humans).

tl;dr: biological terrorism.

If science has taught us anything, it's that any field which can't be distilled down to no more than a dozen equations is too complex for us to really understand.

>> No.8529048

1. Super-algae grows out of control, because it's not a product of nature
2. The planet gets overgrown with it as it edges out all other plantlife -- including crops
3. Finally too high a percentage of oxygen creates an environment toxic to oxygen-breathing life, which all starts to die
4. Those few that manage to start adapting starve to death as the food chain is destroyed by algae overgrowth into everything
5. Finally all the CO2 is consumed and even the algae dies off

You get an 'F' in terraforming, OP.

>> No.8529055

How are people gonna pay carbon taxes if you do that?
Delete this thread now /pol/tard

>> No.8529089

or wars

>> No.8529128

Ok big boy describe how to step 1

>> No.8529784
File: 130 KB, 1014x1200, CzLvhELWQAEVH-T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8529787

Algaes eat all stuff trees need to eat, you cannot harvest algaes effectively from the nature, there are better solutions...

>> No.8529788

RubisCO a shit

>> No.8529831
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, makeamericagreat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>alphaalgae ravage CO2 concentration in atmosphere
>400ppm plummets to <1 ppm in some places
>plant life can no longer perform photosynthesis efficiently
>crops dwindle in formerly mass-exporting countries
>UN pleads for countries to start burning fossil fuels at all times
>CO2 tax turns into CO2-production subsidiaries
>O2 concentrations skyrocket in mid Africa, so much so that parts of the atmosphere spontaneously ignite
>Most of Africa is set ablaze to free precious carbon into the atmosphere from otherwise useless life
>global climate change remains unaffected because water is the main greenhouse gas and it turns out CO2 had next to no effect, was just a source of tax money
>glaciers encroach towards the equator
>Al Gore commits suicide by idling in his closed garage hoping that since he rid the world of gaseous carbon, gaseous carbon would rid the world of him
>Industrial revolution 2.0 where machines are designed without catalytic converters
>3rd world countries die off because no crops
>Only the US and select parts of Europe prevail because Trump starts making deals with China to 'pollute' the air with carbon
>so toxic that China suffocates
>CO2 diffuses to the rest of the world
>Fire Africa gets quenched
>The world is empty except for the New America (USA+North EU)
>All books have been burnt to re-establish CO2
>The New Bible is written by Barron Trump, son of God
>Buildings produced from gold and silver alloy, since carbon is too expensive to procure efficiently
>gilded world peace

Sounds good, let's do it.

>> No.8529916
File: 45 KB, 499x499, 1481161629826.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot that CRISPR is a meme financed by the Jews to stagnate the genetic engineering industry

>> No.8529921

I would like to see CO2 rise to 800ppm, feed the Gaia. Let's make CO2 great again!

>> No.8530704
File: 39 KB, 236x292, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say oxygen-rich environment?

>> No.8530724

>oxygen-rich environment

That's not good.

>> No.8530912

>that feel when your mixtape is so fire due to the oxygen rich environment it literally becomes a hazard to human life

>> No.8530935

Atmospheric CO2 is already the main limiting factor in plant growth rate. increasing CO2 consumption makes no sense as most plants are already starved for CO2 as it is.