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8528499 No.8528499 [Reply] [Original]

really difficult grad problems on math

pic is a poor example of 'difficult', but try to solve it anyway anons

>> No.8528507


>> No.8528508

a = i

>> No.8528641

a = j

>> No.8528663

a = (1/e^(pi/2))^(1/a)

>> No.8528668

find integers x,y,z so that x^3+y^3+z^3=33

>> No.8528913
File: 252 KB, 400x1227, 1598476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like pic related because it has an elegant algebraic solution that requires neither advanced number theory nor brute force computation.

Let [math]f(x) = \frac{4x + \sqrt{4x^2 - 1}}{\sqrt{2x + 1} + \sqrt{2x - 1} }[/math]. Find the sum f(1) + f(2) + ... + f(60).

>> No.8528965

[math] f(x)={\frac 1 2}((2x+1)^{3/2}-(2x-1)^{3/2})[/math]

Let g(x)=(2x-1)^{3/2}/2. Then

[math] f(x)=g(x+1)-g(x)[/math]


[math] \sum_{n=1}^Nf(n)=g(N+1)-g(1)[/math]

>> No.8528979

I'm assuming it's just partial fractions and then a telescoping sum.

>> No.8528996

[math] \frac{1}{2} (121^{\frac{3}{2}}-1) [/math]

>> No.8529013

Here is one from a recent (HS) exam that is pleb tier, but still really made me think:

Prove result for [math] \lim_{x\to\infty} (a^{n} +b^{n})^{1/n} [/math]

>> No.8529015
File: 216 KB, 680x384, 1446550679153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit, that didn't turn out to be as difficult as I expected.

Fine, here's another one:

A bag contains 10 balls labelled 1 to 10. I draw two balls from the bag and tell Albert the product of the two numbers drawn. I tell Bernard the (absolute value of the) difference between the two numbers, and I tell Cheryl the sum.

Immediately afterwards, the following conversation happens:
Albert: I don't know what the two numbers are.
Bernard: Neither do I.
Cheryl: Neither do I.
Albert: Now I know what they are.
Bernard: So do I.
Cheryl: So do I.

What are they?

>> No.8529017

>difficult problems in math

>> No.8529029

6 and 9

>> No.8529031

Suppose you were Albert and you were told that there are two integers, ranging from 1 to 10, whose product is 54.
Would you be able to tell what they are?

>> No.8529033

I found it hard anon.

Reminds me of a simpler version:

Hello Albert and Bernard! I have given you each a different non-negative integer. Who of you has the larger number?

Albert I don’t know.

Bernard I don’t know either.

Albert Even though you say that, I still don’t know.

Bernard And still neither do I.

Albert Alas, I continue not to know.

Bernard And also I do not know.

Albert Yet, I still do not know.

Bernard Aha! Now I know which of us has the larger number.

Albert In that case, I know both our numbers.

Bernard. And now I also know both numbers.

Question: What numbers do Albert and Bernard have?

>> No.8529039

No solution.

It's not exactly a hard problem if you can brute-force it in a microsecond.

>> No.8529040


You're retarded. This is an open problem but they expect it to have integer solutions

>> No.8529044

integers not naturals, I think is the point.

>> No.8529046

You only tried it with positives, didn't you? Fucking idiot

>> No.8529053

Minimize [eqn] J(\mathbf{R}) = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{k=1}^{N} a_k|| \mathbf{w}_k - \mathbf{R} \mathbf{v}_k ||^2 [/eqn]

>> No.8529054

I wouldn't call your problem simpler, but that's probably because I've never seen anything like it before, whereas mine has a straightforward (if tedious) algorithmic solution.

Nonetheless, I've deduced the solution (Albert has 8 and Bernard has 7), though I'm not sure if the logic is completely sound:

Let A and B denote Albert and Bernard's numbers respectively. We will quote Albert and Bernard's dialogue, and intersperse unquoted text for 'common knowledge':

>different non-negative integer
The fact that they are different is important!

>Albert: I don’t know.
If A=1, Albert would know. So A > 1
>Bernard I don’t know either.
If B <= 2, Bernard would know. So B > 2.
>Albert Even though you say that, I still don’t know.
If A <= 3, Albert would know. So A > 3.
>Bernard And still neither do I.
Mutatis mutandis, B > 4
>Albert Alas, I continue not to know.
A > 5
>Bernard And also I do not know.
B > 6
>Albert Yet, I still do not know.
A > 7
>Bernard Aha! Now I know which of us has the larger number.
B=7 is one possibility, but there is another:
If B=8 then Bernard can also infer A>8 by ruling out A <= 8.
I.e., either B=7 or B=8.
>Albert In that case, I know both our numbers.
Albert can eliminate one of B=7 or B=8. The only way he can do this is if either
A=7 or 8. It is common knowledge that A>7, so A=8...
>Bernard. And now I also know both numbers.
...and by elimination B=7.

>> No.8529059
File: 135 KB, 438x444, kaga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and I forgot that 0 is non-negative as well. Which means that the correct solution should be to subtract 1 from everything (i.e., Albert has 7 and Bernard has 6).

>> No.8529060

Yup your solution is correct (although I guess I did say non-negative, so it should start at 0, so then the answer is 6 and 7)

>> No.8529071

it's too late! everyone saw your wrong solution

>> No.8529080

8 and 1 fammm

>> No.8529090

is this right?

>> No.8529095
File: 30 KB, 634x561, selfreferentialquiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is! Well done, I think this is the first time I've seen someone solve it.

Hoping someone else will start posting actual grad problems, though.
I'm not a math grad so I only know basic bitch problems that a logically-inclinced 5-year-old could solve.

>> No.8529123


a^n+b^n -> max(a,b)^n, i.e. the smaller term ends up being negligible.

>> No.8529132


I know you said that the pic is a bad example but that's fucking trivial as shit. Give us something that an average undergraduate can't solve easily.

>> No.8529137

I mean the thing about grad problems is they tend to require knowledge of grad level topics. They may be more difficult, but the really limiting factor is the presumed familiarity with relevant undergrad topics.

>> No.8529143
File: 57 KB, 431x1023, 1478403862961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's been posted a gorillion times
look closely, the angles are not off.
can be solved using basic geometry (no triggeronomoetry)

>> No.8529154

It has been a long time since I did some math, so it's difficult "for me".

I have a fixed amount of cash, and I want to determine how much of each I must buy in order to have an equal partition (as much as possible).

Example: 350k cash, item 1 costs 4, item 2 costs 4, and item 3 costs 3

I think it had something to do with two variables, but that obviously fucks everything up (which is logic, you can't solve an equation with two variables). If I try:

350k= 4x + 4x + 3y

Then x= 34.75 - 3/8y

and 350k= 8(34.75 - 3/8y) + 3y goes sideways
I tried to google it but I didn't manage to fidn the right search terms. anyone care to help?

>> No.8529160

Linear programming?


>> No.8529177
File: 20 KB, 440x600, 1480815944795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let [math] n [/math] be an odd integer [math] >2 [/math] and let [math] f(x)\in \mathbb{Q}[x] [/math] be an irreducible polynomial of degree [math] n [/math] such that the Galois group [math] Gal(f/\mathbb{Q}) [/math] is isomorphic to the dihedral group [math] D_n [/math] of order [math] 2n [/math]. Let [math] \alpha [/math] be a real root of [math] f(x) [/math]. Prove [math] \alpha [/math] can be expressed by real radicals if and only if every prime divisor of [math] n [/math] is a Fermat prime.

>> No.8529181


Thanks mister. Didn't remember it involved a matrix.

Getting a tad bit too complicated, so it'll be faster if I just guess my way through it. Thank you anyway

>> No.8529640

If 8 and 1 is right then how did Albert know it wasn't 2 and 4?

>> No.8529644


thats a complex answer you retards

>> No.8529676

>>8529640 i dunno maybe, I solved by drawing half a 10x10 table with sum, difference and product values. and started discarding accordingly. i did it mechanically so to speak

>> No.8529897


>replying to a 15 hour old post

>> No.8529898

shit i meant -4 instead of -3

>> No.8529926

[math] 7^3 - 4^3 = 279 [/math]

>> No.8529937

But anon, 0 is both negative and positive, so 0 is indeed negative and your answer is right

>> No.8530027

I remember once someone solved it or a problem like by pulling out an obscure french theorem.

>> No.8530032


>> No.8530038
File: 68 KB, 431x1023, 14813601651460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very bad at maths, but I'm stuck here and I'm going in circles :/
I only used the following rules:
>the sum of a triangle's angles is always 180°
>a flat angle is 180°
>if two straight lines cross each other, two opposite angles have the same value
Maybe I lack some knowledge, or maybe I'm too tired or too stupid.

>> No.8530048


a^a = e^-(pi/2)

aln(a) = -(pi/2)

start here. The rest should be easy

>> No.8530060

>The rest should be easy

t. Someone who has never done analysis in his life

t. Someone who probably hasn't done differential equations either

t. Someone who maybe even hasn't even done calculus and has the highschool mindset of "lol just apply log and it is solved xD"

t. Someone who absolutely doesn't know about the Lambert-W function

>> No.8530062

>Lambert-W function
not a function

>> No.8530064

>2 or less
Test invalidated for poor grammar.

>> No.8530301
File: 78 KB, 649x1023, 14813601651461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't go further than that...

>> No.8530362

I got down to 1 and 6 or 1 and 8. How does 1 and 6 get eliminated?

>> No.8530437

you know that your white text is just an interpretation for the green text?

>> No.8530444

hey retard, if f(a)=a^a, it has a minimum at (1/e, e^(-1/e)). 1/e^(pi/2) is outside the range. so have fun trying to solve it without euler's formula

>> No.8530496

B, B, C, C, A, C, B, A, C, B

I am not proud of the amount of effort I put into solving this

>> No.8530515
File: 14 KB, 683x423, solution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished it
BEF = 30

>> No.8530528

Here's an impossible question:

d (sum[matmul[X, Y] ^ 2]) / d X ?
X and Y are matrices.

Answer: EnCt21105e5dbfe7170c52499a2437e60f840179c7f951105e5dbfe7170c52499a2439l91YtWieAM
encrypted via encipher.it
will post key after the wrong answer is invariably given.

>> No.8530576

but its the simplest solution to the problem.
i^i = e^(-pi/2)

>> No.8530601
File: 17 KB, 413x395, 1457760227558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8530606

do you even euler bro?

>> No.8530609

ding ding first on thread first to win
heres ur bone

>> No.8530711

>nobody even gave it a try
Shame on you /sci/tards. The key is "fug:DDD" without quotes.

>> No.8530736

Is it ab? Brainlet here, but I think it's ab.

>> No.8530738

It's min(a,b)

t. another brainlet who had to graph it

>> No.8530773

Yeah, I realized I made a mistake trying to use logarithms on it. Too bad no one has explained how to prove it the symbolic way.

>> No.8530779

#4 is wrong, check it

>> No.8530791

[math] max(a,b) \leq (a^n+b^n)^{1/n} \leq (2 \times max(a,b)^n)^{1/n}=2^{1/n}max(a,b) [/math]

Taking limits gives max(a,b) so the limit converges by squeeze theorem. Or at least that's what I said on the exam.

>> No.8530820


There are no solutions with real numbers because of an application of Bolzano theorem.

That still does not solve the problem because a is on both sides of the equation.

>> No.8530838

You need to compute the sides and then you will get the angles.
I am not going to do it, I am lazy, but that is the way.

>> No.8530858

Prove or disprove the following:

A disk can be divided by chords into pieces of equal area, none off which are congruent.

>> No.8530938

And? there is still a solution.

>> No.8530952

Can someone verify that [eqn]tan^4x+2tan^2x+1=sec^4x[/eqn]

>> No.8530954

That's the sup norm

>> No.8530962


>> No.8530991


>> No.8531069

Be my guest, find it.
Using analysis, it can be easily proven that the solution must be in the imaginary axis.
It is a complex number with no real part.

>> No.8531072

>Using analysis, it can be easily proven that the solution must be in the imaginary axis.
>It is a complex number with no real part.
the answer has already been stated in the first 3 posts, what are you babbling on about. a=i. use euler's formula mane, it high school shit

>> No.8531276

How is it wrong? There are exactly 2 occurrences of a question having the same answer as the one after it: Question 1 and Question 3.

>> No.8531439

I don't even know what I'm talking about

>> No.8531449

That question is trivial with the Lambert W """"function""""

>> No.8531454
File: 137 KB, 795x596, sci_iq_test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an easy warm-up question

>> No.8531487

(sqrt(60) - 6)/4 ?
p-pls no bully

I have one: If the order of a finite group G isn't divisible by 3 and (a * b)^3 = a^3 * b^3 for all a, b in G, prove that G is abelian

>> No.8531491

P(gold) = 0.3 + 0.2 * P(gold)
P(gold) = 0.3 / (1 - 0.2) = 0.375

-> 37.5%

>> No.8531496

Wait. Aren't there 2 boxes inside the main one? So shouldn't the 3rd term be P(gold) ^ 2 ?

>> No.8531504

Anyway, what I did:
P(x) = P(no gold)
P(x) = 0.5 +0.2*P(x)^2
P(gold) = 1 - P(x)

>> No.8531508

P = 0.3 + 2*0.2P -> 0.6P = 0.3 -> 0.5

>> No.8531509

isn't it just 30%

>> No.8531512

Why are you multiplying by 2? What if there are 10 boxes inside the main one?

>> No.8531522


>> No.8531527

>20% chance of containing two treasure chests with the same odds as this one

>> No.8531538

Yes, but what if the question was
>20% chance of containing 10 treasure chests with the same odds as this one
You clearly shouldn't multiply by 10 in this case

>> No.8531556

Solve a*ln(|a|) + i*a*t = -pi/2. a = r*e^i*t, so the equation becomes ln(r)*r*e^i*t + t*r*e^i*(t+pi/2) = - pi/2. Assume r = 1, then the equation is t*e^i*(t + pi/2) = - pi/2. We know e^i*(t + pi/2) is real, so t must be -pi/2 + 2pi*k, or pi/2 + 2pi*k. Assuming k = 0, either solution works, giving us a = 1*e^i*pi/2, or 1*e^i*(-pi/2), hence, i^i = e^(- pi/2) = (-i)^(-i).

>> No.8531576

P = 1-(0.5 + 2*0.5P) = 0.5 - P -> P = 0.25
I don't know why it's not the same shit. Fuck math lmao, lame shit for faggots.

>> No.8531600 [DELETED] 

Ah yeah, didn't read carefully enough...

>> No.8531631 [DELETED] 

$Testing the LaTeX$

>> No.8531635 [DELETED] 

$$Dble money?$$

>> No.8531642


ok got it

>> No.8531668

He didn't know it wasn't 2 and 4; that's why he said
> Albert: I don't know what the two numbers are.

But if it was 2 and 4, Cheryl would have been given the sum 6, for which the only combinations are 1 and 5 and 2 and 4. And if the numbers were 1 and 5, Albert would have been given the product 5, for which 1 and 5 are the only combination.

So when Cheryl, knowing that Albert said he didn't know, says that she doesn't know, Albert knows that Cheryl wasn't given the sum 6 so the answer isn't 2 and 4. Which means that Albert would know that it must be 1 and 8.

Formally, this is a problem in epistemic modal logic (the same field as the "blue-eyed islanders" problem, but that one is much more complex).

>> No.8531717

This is correct, if you only have one box (confirmed with simulation).

With two boxes, the right answer is something around 0.435

Octave (Matlab) code:
clc; clear; close all;

N = 2E5;
win = zeros(2, 1);

for i = 1:N

printf("No gold: %d\nGold: %d\nP(gold) = %d\n", win(1), win(2), win(2)/N);

function retval = kek()
n = rand();
if n < 0.5
retval = 0;
elseif n >= 0.5 && n < 0.8
retval = 1;
retval = kek() || kek();

>> No.8531718

I got 5/12

>> No.8531721

If the probability of getting a gold bar from one chest is P, the probability of not getting a gold bar from one chest is (1-P),
the probability of not getting at least one gold bar from two chests is (1-P)^2,
the probability of getting at least one gold bar from two chests is 1-(1-P)^2 = 2P-P^2.

So we have
P = 3/10 + (2/10)(2P-P^2)
= 3/10 + 4P/10 - 2P^2/10
=> 10P = 3 + 4P - 2P^2
=> 2P^2 + 6P - 3 = 0
=> P = (sqrt(15)-3)/2 = 0.43649

Which is the same as >>8531487. But he forgot to cancel to the lowest form. Or show working.

>> No.8531752

ISTR the fact that AEB is isosceles (20-140-20) comes into it somewhere.

Google "Hardest Easy Geometry Problem" if you want a solution.

>> No.8531761

There's no information about n, so...

>> No.8531846
File: 8 KB, 635x187, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting something different.

>> No.8531871

Oh jk didn't read your post correctly.

>> No.8531875

Recognizing that ABC and BEA are isosceles and that you're allowed to do algebra on lengths makes the problem easy.

>> No.8531900

I get the same answer. Brute-forced using Python.

>> No.8531934

> How does 1 and 6 get eliminated?
When Bernard says that he knows what they are.

Prior to that, 1,6 and 3,8 are still plausible combinations. Both have the same difference (5), so if Bernard knows the answer, the difference can't be 5.

>> No.8531978

its supposed to be limit as n goes to infinity

>> No.8531987
File: 23 KB, 907x572, the_real_man&#039;s_way_to_solve_logic_puzzles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great minds think alike :^)

>> No.8532019

theres nothing wrong with that method, just assume that the number is complex once you find there are no real solutions, and the look at the case where it is purely imaginary and you quickly find both a set of general and most simple solutions

>> No.8532209

That˙s (tan x squared plus one) squared.

So just remember that tan = sin/cos, write the 1 as a fraction with cos x squared in denominator, remember that cos squared + sin squared = 1, and get your result.

>> No.8532606

30% to get 1 gold bar, 20% to try again twice.

>> No.8532611

try this:
>20% chance of containing 10000000000000000 treasure chests with the same odds as this one.

You should try catching up on some basics on probability theory, before jumping in on harder problems.

>> No.8533619

>he uses analysis and algebra
Your only tool is a compass. Fucking pleb.
Who needs those shitty numbers.

>> No.8533666

Semi-pleb here.
Why is taking the derivative of both sides to find a not a valid step?

Did this and solved a = e^-1 (incorrect)

>> No.8533670

What are you even taking the derivative with respect to? The left side is not equal to the right side for all a, the derivative of the left and right side are not necessarily equal. It's like saying that because x^2 = 1 at x = 1, the the derivative of x^2 equals the derivative of 1.

>> No.8533676

first, you should't be taking the derivative to find a. that would simply complicate things.
second, one must be familiar with euler's formula to understand that the answer is i, or (-1)^(1/2)

>> No.8533677

Of course, thanks.

>> No.8533679

Thanks, I understand that but is there no way other than successive approximation to get a real answer for a?

>> No.8533680

Never-mind, can't do that, only answer is i

>> No.8533697

i^i has multiple solutions tho

>> No.8533714

yes. so read the instructions of the question

>> No.8533875


>> No.8534078

try again

>> No.8534680


>> No.8534718

Let [math]n \ge 2[/math]. Compare [math]n, \sqrt{\phi(n)\sigma(n)}[/math], and [math]\frac{\phi(n)+\sigma(n)}{2}[/math], where [math]\phi[/math] is the Euler totient function and [math]\sigma[/math] is the sum-of-divisors function (ie. it associates to n the sum of its positive divisors)

>> No.8534861

7 is wrong, supposed to be A

>> No.8535274

Changing the answer to any one question changes the answers to other questions, ending up with a domino effect.

At least two of us have solved it by brute force and discovered that the only solution which doesn't lead to an inconsistency is the one given.

If you think that there's another answer, you need to state the answers to all 10 questions (so that we can point out which one you got wrong).

Clearly, changing Q7 to A alone results in an incorrect solution because the answer to Q3 wouldn't be C.

>> No.8535278

> 7 is wrong, supposed to be A
The answer given is B, i.e. that Q2 (B) has the same answer as Q7 (B). Which isn't wrong.

>> No.8536700

Maybe I'm being retardeed, but isn't the Quaternions a counterexample to this?

>> No.8536800

Yeah nevermind I'm being retarded

>> No.8537489


>> No.8537578


... (a^n + b^n)^(1/n). The thing we are taking the limit of is independent of x...