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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8526989 No.8526989 [Reply] [Original]

What's the key to understanding, in a practical sense?

How can I keep up in university?

>> No.8526995

Don't do anything. Remember that when you are introduced to a new concept you either understand it or no so it is a 50/50.

"Smart" people are simply people who got lucky with these chances while retards are those that were unlucky.

Understand this and just stop "studying" because everything comes down to this 50/50 chance and you cannot change your odds.

>> No.8527004

Our professor offered us three different electible courses. I picked course A. Course C was cancelled. Should I switch to course B?

>> No.8527011

Only if 2 courses have goats and 1 has a car

Then there is a 50/50 chance you get a car, you either get it or not

>> No.8527022

Your basic knowledge on the topic needs to be solid.

Look at the suggested literature for the course. Try to work through some of the material before the semester starts, or at least check out what preconditions you need to fulfill to do the exercises and then fill the holes.

If you do this and you aren't retarded, then understanding the material should be easy.

>> No.8527177
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>> No.8527210
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Well memed my intelectually gifted friend

>> No.8527246
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>> No.8527251

If the courses were "Introduction to Women's Studies", "Sociology 101" and "Solid State Physic I", in nor particular order, then the answer is actually yes.

>> No.8527252


>> No.8527260

100% a-grade biological female.
Please answer the question.

>> No.8527266

I guess I'm in for a tough ride then.

There is one book, which is flying over my head. I'm already in my semester, at least two weeks behind. Doesn't help that the prof is not a native speaker, writes in hieroglyphs and doesn't believe in headlines.

I'll just quit 4chan and bruteforce that whole thing on my own.

>> No.8527267

But thank you, anyway. Next semester will be better. You have nice numericals.

>> No.8527271

you are cute.
is that picture taking in the ILST by any chance?

>> No.8527274

it wasnt mention that the initial pick was at random

>> No.8527278
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If there is a problem or concept you do not understand, then analysis is key.
Break the concept up into parts, see how they fit together. It helps to define terms properly to be more articulate in your thought process.

>> No.8527286

Read "A Mind for Numbers" by Barbara Oakley. Get it off libgen

>> No.8527663

Thank you. Seems to be exactly what I need.

>> No.8527678

post nudes on >>>/s/

>> No.8527703

I could post her Youtube-Channel, but only if you help regarding OPs problem >:D

>> No.8528098

>he hasn't started learning material for his masters course in his second year

>> No.8529065

>What's the key to understanding, in a practical sense?How can I keep up in university?

1) show up to class
2) do the recommended reading
3) do the recommended work
4) if you're still not getting it go to the TA office hours.

you do that and you will be getting good grades no troubles.