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8522931 No.8522931 [Reply] [Original]

Is philosophy as tough as STEM subjects?

>> No.8522937
File: 45 KB, 741x643, iq-by-college-major-gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>philosophy as high as math
really makes me thing

>> No.8523258

The degree by itself is easier to get than a STEM degree. However I would assume that doing philosphy could be harder because STEM has some sort of guielines and principles from where to start.

>> No.8523263


Lmao i love how its percentage of female majors. you need to control for number of females if you want to substantiate your claim.

>> No.8523264


The degree is a joke to get, and is a joke once you get it.

The profs can be very smart people though, and philosophy itself is well worth studying if you aren't getting a degree in it.

>> No.8523276


>> No.8523281

Basically this.

>> No.8523282


the picture puts average IQ in a subject vs. % of females in class. Might be the females bringing the IQ's down.

>> No.8523290

it's prelaw's favorite degree

and actually smart people who are too rich to work also like to go into philosophy

otherwise it's bullshit

>> No.8523299

Well yes, thats the point of the image.

>> No.8523323

what if harvard or duke is stamped on the degree then what

>> No.8523327


then why say what?

>> No.8523331

Because you seemed to imply otherwise.

>> No.8523336

Yeah, this was my experience as well. I think a few philosophy courses can be really valuable for personal development in terms of logic, argumentation and ethics.

>> No.8523347

I like the study of philosophy but I would be afraid to major in it. It is too subjective based on who is teaching it.
I know a 50-something year old lady who happens to be an engineer that regretted taking "Intro to Philosophy" because her professor basically had one favorite student and she ended up getting a "C". She thought taking Philosophy would be "cool", even in her days like many students today. That was the lowest grade she ever got. Reading philosophical literature can be very enjoyable though. I've talked about philosophy a little little bit with her. All I know is she hates Nietzsche with a passion. Is that typical of conservatives?

>> No.8523354


> autism

>> No.8523360

I think there's a big difference between an academic who's a conservative, and your average bumbling conservative. You should ask her if you're curious.

>> No.8523405


i was saying that you use that picture to substantiate the idea of philosophy as high as math, but that graph isn't actually evidence is it if you can conflate it with number of females in the class.

you were using an innapropriate picture.

>> No.8523417

I think most people here thinks that less females means good.

>> No.8523418

What do they even teach in modern philosophy classes?

90% karl marx right

>> No.8523424
File: 21 KB, 534x516, 1475798244138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90% karl marx right
I really should get around to making a /sci/ cringe collage some day.

>> No.8523425

like many an engineer she probably writes like shit and is terrible and summarizing something that is not lab data.

>> No.8523437

Taking my first philosophy class in ancient philosophy this semester. Absolutely seems like a worthwhile train to go down as long as I get my STEM degree.

Philosophy seems pretty fucking interesting, and shouldn't all college graduates have at least a rudimentary education in it?

>> No.8523446

Not sure if you are just dumb or if you are implying that universities are leftist propaganda machines

>> No.8523451


go go go

back to pol

back to pol

go back to pol

>> No.8523456


>> No.8523471

I'm actually in this situation right now. I thought philosophy was interesting, I still do, but the test are just based on if the teacher agrees on your opinion or not.
I really like the lectures but they don't prepare you for the test.

>> No.8523473

the person you're replying to is saying that they aren't

>> No.8523505



who do you think makes all the "global warming isn't real" posts

>> No.8523510


>> No.8523782

There is no left bias in academia

Just like there's no reality bias in this statement

>> No.8523870


In philosophy you can be wrong, but become right by justifying your answer with an argument.

In mathematics, you're either correct, or incorrect. Did you "get the right number, but forgot to add a zero in the tenth's place"? Congratulations, you just killed 400 people because the equation you made that is going into the machine tool being programmed is going to manufacture parts out of spec.

In a philosophical argument, did you gloss over some of the details, but generally got your annoying point across? Congratulations, you just wasted everyones time, while at the same time misleading 20% of the audience to the wrong conclusion.

>> No.8523875

>be mathematician
>get job at machine tool factory which makes parts for toyota priuses and other items coveted by liberals
>forget to add the zero all the time

>> No.8524848
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>> No.8524904

It took mathematicians long enough to be useful.

>> No.8525324

pick one

>> No.8525421

Not the person you're replying to, but I'm also a mathematician. I'm even listed on my company website as such (though I'm not going to dox myself). I do cryptography.

>> No.8525430

so what you're a gravekeeper? what does that have to do with math?

>> No.8525441

I scramble the dead brains so they can't come back and eat people.

>> No.8525545

>In mathematics, you're either correct, or incorrect.
t. brainlet
see: axiom of choice

>> No.8525626

No. No it is not.

>> No.8525640

I can tell you from personal experience that it is not. I studied Philosophy major for my first year of university, ended with a GPA of 6.25 (out of possible 7). Transferred to mechanical and aerospace engineering, and now average a GPA of 5 with double or triple the amount of work put in.

>> No.8526688

Hey OP, I'm actually a physics and philosophy double major.

It's tough to say which is harder to learn. Philosophy involves a lot of re reading the same page for like an hour to understand exactly what's being said and how it relates to the over arching argument. Physics is generally easy to understand the concepts (excluding relativity) but harder to do the problems. If I had to choose I would say physics is a bit harder, but philosophy is far more difficult to get good grades in.

>> No.8526713
File: 72 KB, 478x720, 268342_10150254708577402_1261858_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally. it makes you question like what your culture has already conditioned you to be true and like always makes you ask "what if"? plus to become fully enlightened you must completely remove your ego which is not a simple task. only then can you really like understand were all one no one is an island to themselves it is our continuous energy that creates the universe at each discrete moment in time

>> No.8526719

You started off well but then you went off the deep end.

>> No.8526721

Obviously it is. Or else the STEMfags would understand it and be able to debunk it from inside-out.

I have a feeling the ancients were much more intelligent than the people alive today.

>> No.8526726

The fuck? Do you live in the UK?

>> No.8526728

STEMfags don't waste their time with such nonsense.

>> No.8527082

>standard deviation +/-. 80

>> No.8527111

Its tougher to get a good job than STEM

>> No.8527472

No, it is not.

You can get a philosophy grade without understanding it as the ancients did. I know very stupid dudes who got this grade and they did not learn shit.

To get a STEM degree you have to understand what's going on and what you are doing.

>> No.8527479
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>130 average for top tier engineers, scientists and other good stuff

I have 140 iq, determined in an official test when i got my ADD-diagnosis, and yet i struggle with basic math and work at mcdonalds.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.8527490

you don't work hard

>> No.8527494

in the uk philosophy students are dipshits who just want to right woolly opinion-piece essays about feminism and postmodernism.

Many of them honestly cannot precisely argue for shit.

>> No.8527499

Same in Ireland

Also many, many ex-hippy Mature students.

Not a lot of rigorous analytical philosophy going on from what I've seen of it, though maybe it exists at PhD or Masters level

>> No.8527533

Maybe at a shitty uni. If you don't know what you're writing about in a paper at a half way decent uni they'll call you on your bullshit.

>> No.8527610

Only Analytic and Marxian
In conty world anything goes

>> No.8528818


Analytic is basically logicism/linguistics.

If you aren't a complete idiot or take all garbage classes it stacks up pretty well to STEM stuff. Most schools in the US teach analytic style philosophy concentrations. Most EU are continental style garbage though.

>> No.8528823

analytic sounds like boring shit for virgins
meanwhile reading deleuze to grills makes them wet

>> No.8528828

Philosophy is an awfully broad field. Most philosophy programs should be called history of philosophy. But, yes, it certainly can be if you take analytic philosophy and study mathematics and logic.

>> No.8528829

Yes and no. They both are asking the same questions and should be feeding off each other.

>> No.8529179

It's because you're retarded. Fuck off

>> No.8530046

Philosophy is about trying to think outside the box. STEM is mostly about learning the inside of the box.

>> No.8530051

No. Literally anyone can sit down on a chair and think about the world.

>> No.8530058

Math is logic. Logic is a discipline of philosophy. Math is a discipline of philosophy.

>> No.8530115

>English Language and Literature

not too bad, r-right?

>> No.8530247

Phil grad student here, it's a meme.