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8520787 No.8520787 [Reply] [Original]

>current year
>Universities and colleges still do the "well-rounded student" meme

>> No.8520793

which shitty colleges do this? i got to pick all the courses i wanted aside from mandatory ones that are prerequisites for all the higher level classes in my major

>> No.8520797

>Be med student.
>Smoking weed.
>Reading about cardiopulmonary disease.

Noone takes life seriously anymore.

Our culture is fucked and i think the "well-rounded student" is a good idea.

>> No.8520810


>> No.8520815

There's nothing wrong with demanding students be well-rounded.

But school should keep it flexible. STEM majors should be allowed to substitute Technical Writing for Eng101 and nobody should be ~required~ to take women's studies courses.

>> No.8520816
File: 124 KB, 1000x667, wellrounded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it the majority of American students are 'well-rounded', anon? :^)

I was going into medicine, but I'm too Aspergic for it and was forced into nuclear engineering.

>> No.8520817

The idea of a degree is more than just "student knows X amount about Y subject" - in theory, they should be a promise that you have at least a basic understanding of how the world work and some sort of breadth.

>> No.8520820


Your college is clearly the shitty one.

>> No.8520822

Funny, one of my professors was ranting about that today, that students don't know how to do technical papers since all the school does is basic writing, and he says that it has no really purpose in STEM classes

>> No.8520825
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at least i wasn't forced to pay for classes i didn't want to take

how was your postmodern feminism class?

>> No.8520827

Do you know the level of dissonance between the real-world and the liberal arts crap they force-feed students until they cannot function within the real-world? Do they think that Somalian pirates care about how much woman studies you've learnt? Or, is Abdul Muhammad the local Taliban chief going to take it light on you because you're familiar with polygender theory? Fuck no, in the US education system they don't set you up for the real-world, they set you up for a faux-liberal pipe-dream that isn't one iota similar to the real-world and is why such people find it hard to function or find real jobs external of their blinkered niché?

>> No.8520833

What do Somalian pirates care about your PhD in Physics for that matter?

I don't see what point you are making, but you sound like a bitter young STEM undergraduate my guy.

>> No.8520849
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>> No.8520851

they need the 'well-rounded student' meme or else they wouldn't be able to fully fund the gender studies department

>> No.8520852
File: 26 KB, 600x750, masterful_fedora_tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but they care about my fifteen years of martial arts training.

>Anon eternally BTFO in a cloud of ashes.

>> No.8520924
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Enjoy having your resume trashed

>> No.8520929
File: 61 KB, 720x960, pepe25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listing your gender studies electives on your resume
do americans seriously do this?

>> No.8520933

>Implying woman's studies mean shit.

>> No.8520956
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>> No.8520964
File: 24 KB, 320x240, 1479780959955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: American """Universities"""

>> No.8520966

In what real world do you encounter Somali pirates or Taliban chiefs? Assuming you live in the US, you're more likely to die from a 'trouser related accident' than you are to be killed by Somalis. In fact, across the world on average you're twice as likely to die by your own hand as you are someone else's, and the courses you take aren't going to change that. I'm not doing a STEM degree to make me more resistant to the advances of the Somalis or Taliban.

Also niche doesn't need an accent unless you're using the past participle of the French verb nicher, 'to nest' - but of course, there's no need to know that because being a well rounded student is stupid right?

>> No.8520973

How dare you lecture me on an Indian horse riding forum? Unless you are a published theoretical physicist and have earned a Master of Science and two PhDs, have an IQ of 187, and went to college at 11, research String Theory at Caltech, switched disciplines from bosonic string theory to heterotic string theory and reconciled the black hole information paradox using a string network condensate approach, worked on the string theory implications of gamma rays from dark matter annihilations and considered a method for optimizing a 500 GeV particle detector to this end, jointly wrote a paper on supersolids to be presented at an Institute of Experimental Physics topical conference on Bose-Einstein condensates, keep a whiteboard in the living room for scientific theories containing virtual particles in quantum mechanics or series of Riemann zeta functions, then no, don't ever lecture again.

>> No.8521298



If you're required to take a certain number of humanities courses to graduate, do what I did and learn three languages. It's good for the overall health of your brain, it's the least fluffy liberal arts material out there, and you'll have a useful skill at the end of it.

>> No.8521309

This post is underrated/10 and thank you for saving my pasta it is as delicious as a fettuccine carbonara.