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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 221 KB, 729x1200, PISA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8520084 No.8520084 [Reply] [Original]

>"I live in Germany / Estonia / Poland / Russia / mainland Europe and here we do real analysis at age 6 and general relativity at age 9!"

How do people get away with these claims when we consider the plain fact that 99 % of advances in anything come from the USA and the UK? It's like these non English speaking countries take tests on real analysis as soon as possible just to boast and then freeload on the back of the USA and UK.

Picrelated, kind of. LOL at mainland Europe compared to the UK. LOL

>> No.8520091

>same or higher score than UK in all three
>still ranked lower
>US somewhere in the trenches
i'm not sure what you're saying

>Estonia/Poland/Russia/mainland Europe

>> No.8520134
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True but it's a shitty graph

Singapore are only top because of their skewed elite society. What do they actually contribute to global science compared to powerhouses like the UK?

>> No.8520137

Maybe because the best universities are in the US and people go do research there?

Estonia is the true super race

>> No.8520142

Boris pls go

>> No.8520146

I'm more of a southern european unfortunately

>> No.8520149

Basically it means
>we have an archaic system of education descended from the soviet union where we memorize formulas that we can't even comprehend how to use but I need to feel proud about that or else it's basically just brain rape

>> No.8520150

2bh the only thing we are bad in is math.

>> No.8520155

> 99 % of advances in anything come from the USA and the UK?

I did my DPhil in Oxford. If I recall the statistics correctly, 80% of graduate students are foreign.

>> No.8520158

Neviilz pls go

>> No.8520173

Not everyone has a system where the bad students drag down the good ones for their whole school life. The average person might be similarly shit everywhere (which is what I gather from PISA and the like) and people massively exaggerate how good Europe is, but you aren't going to get to university here without ever having heard of what a logarithm is.

At least that's what it's been like. The current trends I'm not optimistic about.

>> No.8520224

>USA better at reading than Math

>> No.8520289

Hard to not be at the top of the education world when your population is 3 people and a goat.

>> No.8520299

Where were you when english-canadians got btfo.

>> No.8520303
File: 311 KB, 1080x1920, 1481054533364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.8520315

So analysis, where we have to prove every single thing and classes are about proofs and theory is inferior to your calculus, aka "plug numbers into memorised formulas you didn't prove or use canonical result you didn't derive"?

>> No.8520369

Portugal master race.

>> No.8520390

Estonians always try to think that they're as good as the rest of Western Europe when it's actually a shithole.

A wannabe Finland/Sweden is what it is.

>> No.8520406
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 5v2hb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do people get away with these claims when we consider the plain fact that 99 % of advances in anything come from the USA and the UK
...where the companies are actually run by curry niggers. top kek

>> No.8520415

>implying honors calc and upper division aren't filled to the brim with proofs

You're right about our run of the mill math classes because they cater to engineers and pre-med who don't need to write proofs

>> No.8520423
File: 76 KB, 300x445, 1479927382832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So. What do you guys think of Germans but German education generally?

>> No.8520444

So why are maths students forced to take courses for brainlets? Why do they have to waste their time and not just learn the real stuff?

>> No.8520478

It`s either quite advanced or shit-tier, depending on your choice of Leistungskurse.

t. Abiturient.