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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8516978 No.8516978 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of the following issues?

>Genetic differences between races, from physical to mental

>Manmade climate change/global warming, as well as how denial is treated in the scientific community

>How this guy was treated https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Peter_Duesberg

>> No.8516991

we contribute. the extent that we contribute and the consequences are inconclusive.

>> No.8516994

There are obvious massive differences, and the way research is treated is a sad reaction to WW2 basically. Hopefully in the future science will get back on track and research this more.

Looking at charts that show many thousands of years it doesn't look like we're in an unusual spot, but I don't know

He was treated very unfairly by the scientific community but he was wrong in the end

>> No.8517002

3) #MAGA

>> No.8517005

what do you think of propperly stating what the exact issue is with these points?

>> No.8517012
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Leaving this here:


>> No.8517016

>>Genetic differences between races, from physical to mental
Of course a that exist on the averages. I don't see why that matters though, the spread is still so wide inside the race groups, that even the "dumbest race" has loads of incredibly smart members. It makes more sense to judge people individually, instead of collectivist categorizing.

>>Manmade climate change/global warming, as well as how denial is treated in the scientific community
Global warming is a thing and it will become dangerous pretty soon. We definitely contribute to this effect, the extend of it is in dispute.

The denial of the consensus causes violent name calling and ostracism in the scientific community and the greater public.
Some of which is not completely unjustified though, there are some objectivist establishment types who quite obviously don't really care if it is real or not. They just want to keep making money with oil and gas and are willing to say and fund anything for that purpose. Whatever genuine critics exist out there, they usually get bunched in together with these cunts.

>>How this guy was treated https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Peter_Duesberg
I don't know this guy or his work.

>> No.8517019
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Leaving this here

>> No.8517027

I want to get off mr. bones' wild ride

>> No.8517028

>no references
>no conclusion whatsoever
what are you trying to say lassie?

>> No.8517030

Are you a toddler? Do you want me to spoonfeed you apple puree?

>> No.8517036

Affirmative action is a thing, that is extremely spread out throughout many sections of government and private industry. It's disgusting and should be done with, this is why it's important to stick to the facts about races.

Also, the averages ARE significant enough, when one group consistently scores much worse in tests, it deserves to be looked at truthfully.

>> No.8517037

I'm trying to get you to provide a source.

Also, note that the hurr durr climate's always changed argument is nonsense. Have a look through the references I gave earlier.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna abandon this piece of shit /pol/ thread.

>> No.8517039

Nothing will change

Earth will be ok, humans will survive

If the third world loses some millions or billions of people, then global warming is fucking great

>> No.8517048

I agree.

The assumption that the different enrollment rates for races must be caused by racism is itself an unscientific presumption based on ideology rather than evidence. They proclaimed it was the reason and rolled with it.

>> No.8517103

Of course they exist, but whether these differences also extend noticeably to the application of mental capacities is a whole other matter. Intelligence and its genetic basis is not well understood at all. Too early to tell.

Russia was full of dumb peasants for most of its history. The USSR, made of the same people, had the greatest amount of university graduates and native world-leading scientists in the world. Environment plays a big role evidently.

Denialism has to be called out. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, doesn't mean we should not criticise people for it. Sometimes, the bigger picture is more important than oil shilling. It's not always a conspiracy against the white man, fuck's sake.

Good scientist that inevitably grows some >le epic contrarian view and loses their credibility. Not the first, not the last. His views had far-reaching consequences and he should be criticised for it. Contrarian doesn't necessarily mean brave, honourable and correct.

>> No.8517111

>>Genetic differences between races, from physical to mental
Between individuals. Race is almost impossible to define genetically
>>Manmade climate change/global warming, as well as how denial is treated in the scientific community
Obvious, we kinda need to stop
>>How this guy was treated https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Peter_Duesberg
He deserved it

>> No.8517112

>Russia was full of dumb peasants for most of its history

Along with many exceptional scientists, writers, generals, artists

I don't think you know much about Russia.

>> No.8517115

>Race is almost impossible to define genetically

>Europe and Asia are the same landmass, so they're the same continent

Just because the borders are blurry doesn't mean races don't exist.

>> No.8517116

>Genetic differences between races, from physical to mental
Define race.
>Manmade climate change/global warming
This is a real thing and it's a problem.
>how denial is treated in the scientific community
It's dealt with well. If I have to point out a flaw, then it'd be that deniers aren't dealt with harshly enough.

If you go against the current then you should bring your A-game to the table. Relatedly:
>How this guy was treated
Kek, if you're a quack like this guy then you can get fucked.

>> No.8517119

They exist. Can you define a clear cut between Europe and Asia ? No you can't.

Can you define a clear cut Black, White, Asian and Arab ? You can't either. Spaniards are very pale-skinned and yet share genetic proximity with Arabs. Africans are all black-skinned and have much more ethnicities with a lot more differences than the genetic distance between a Brit and a Russian.

Races, or rather ethnicities exist, and are a useful tool in studying cultures and populations. They are not useful for studying human biodiversity.

>> No.8517121












>> No.8517124

>They are not useful for studying human biodiversity.


Blacks don't have neanderthal traces in their DNA unlike other races, that's one big difference

>> No.8517125

Can you prove that ?

>> No.8517126

All people have some amount of DNA similarity with neanderthals except some small pockets of people in Africa.

>> No.8517134


kek, there's a link to some we wuz kangz website that says africans are superior because they have no neanderthal DNA, and under that stormfront saying whites are superior because of neanderthal DNA

>> No.8517145

It's funny how close those groups actually are. I've read melanin supremacists saying that their melanin give them, among other things, latent psychic powers and more muscle mass.

Both of them are wrong and not worth reading.

>> No.8517148


/pol/ would probably call that (((da joos))) or worse, but it actually cites real papers.

>> No.8517150

Just because something "cites real papers" doesn't make it true.

It's a common tactic for racist to cobble together a bunch of papers into an ad hoc argument. For example, they'll post 10 papers on how intelligence might have a large genetic component, then claim it's all about race, when none of the papers mention race.

>> No.8517152

Nienderthals were smarter and stronger than humans, but they were also reclusive autists.

Humans killed them off and bred them out because we were more violent and social.

>> No.8517153

Of course, I worded that badly.
I meat that it actually quotes the researchers it cites, instead of just making an OC graph extrapolating data.

>The leading American geneticist Harry Ostrer simply dismissed the paper: “It’s bad science,” he said, “not because it’s provocative, but because it’s bad genetics and bad epidemiology.”

>> No.8517159

We might never know for sure. I've read Neanderthals got Darwin'd because they had specifically evolved to survive the Ice Age, and warming in temperatures made their main sources of food disappear while leaving the path wide open for Cro-Magnon. It's obvious that some mixing happened - and given that Neanderthal largely lived in Europe, this mixing happened mostly in Europe.

>> No.8517160

You're the autist. Neanderthals were not smarter than humans. They left no meaningful cultural artifacts or tools, and most of the ones they did leave behind can be attributed to copies of homo sapien ones.

neaderthal cave painting

Human cave paintings

>> No.8517165

>Blacks consistently score lower in IQ tests worldwide, perform worse, had much less advanced civilizations that any other race

Race is a social construct :-)

>> No.8517170

If you care so much about human genetics you should educate yourself on the matter. There's plenty of free online university level courses and lectures out there these days, and I'm sure you can find some on genetics. If not you could buy yourself some textbooks and read through them yourself.

>> No.8517176

>score lower in IQ tests worldwide
1) IQ isn't a reliable metric
2) A century ago, the average IQ in Europe would be about 70.

>perform worse
It's not Science, it's History. Educate yourself.

>had much less advanced civilizations that any other race
The richest man to ever live was actually from Mali.

>>m-muh we wuzes
Learn about history before talking about how Africa has no history. Most of what the Afrocentrists says is garbage, but Africa was not a barren wasteland you /pol/tards like to imagine.

>Race is a social construct :-)
No. The stereotypes and "cultures" behind ethnicities (Asians are hard-working and discrete, Blacks are violent and dumb, White are "better."...) definitively are. Read up a bit on sociology.

>> No.8517179

>Read up a bit on sociology
I'm not the person you're responding to, but why would you need to read about sociology if it isn't a social construct?

>> No.8517191
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Are you even serious?

>Richest man
Nice going with arab and european money, meanwhile their achievements include: big sand castles

>> No.8517195

Not him, but aren't mudslimes subhuman too according to the alt-right manifesto? How did they start the first civilization when everyone else was scratching their balls?

>> No.8517198


those are some tough memes you're throwing at me

Muslims are capable of actual civilization, unlike blacks. I'm only speaking from evidence and historical facts. All blacks ever achieved was due to arab or european success (and now charity).

>> No.8517205

>>Genetic differences between races, from physical to mental

It's academic

>Manmade climate change/global warming, as well as how denial is treated in the scientific community

The scariest thing isn't that we're fucked, it's the mindset of people who don't care but won't admit it.


I think all those people who died of AIDS were treated a bit less fair than he was

>> No.8517208

>Earth will be ok

What does this statement even mean?

>> No.8517210

Say thanks to AIDS faggot patient zero who wanted to spread it as much as he could thanks to nihilistic faggot culture

>> No.8517212

>All blacks ever achieved was due to arab or european success (and now charity).

I don't know why you think history ends today

>> No.8517215


Yeah because AIDS was totally known about when patient zero caught it.

Fucking children, go back to school.

>> No.8517220
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To understand what "social construct" means, for a start. What ethnicities are, what cultures are, what constitutes an heritage, among other things.

>Are you even serious?
Social sciences are as much sciences as the exact ones, you faggot.

>their achievements include: big sand castles
>lel niggers am I right
What do /pol/tards talk so much about topics they don't have any idea about ? Learn about history for fuck sake.

>> No.8517227
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>All blacks ever achieved was due to arab or european success (and now charity).
t. All I've learned about history is ebin memes and we wuz kings

>> No.8517230


>> No.8517232

Social sciences are propaganda disguised as facts, if you think they're scientific you're a fucking retard

>> No.8517236
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>Social sciences are propaganda disguised as facts
>Everything that doesn't conform to my worldview is propaganda !

How unscientific.

>> No.8517239

Black civilization confirmed

>> No.8517241


>> No.8517251

>Sociology is the study of social behaviour or society, including its origins, development, organization, networks, and institutions. It is a social science that uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about social order, disorder, and change.
>empirical investigation
>critical analysis
Move along, brainlet.

>> No.8517255


Even psychologists laugh at sociology

>> No.8517264

>social sciences are propaganda disguised as facts

>> No.8517278
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problem is that African Americans and Caribbean Americans definitely do. Africans actually might since apparently there was haplogroup migration back into the heart of Africa from Europe. You literally cannot give black people a blanket statement due to their wide genetic diversity.

>> No.8517293

I'm not racist but we should slaughter the inferior races.

>> No.8517292

>Genetic differences between races, from physical to mental
There are trends and differences in ethnic groups but this doesn't mean you can generalize individuals by their race. Textbook racists abuse these facts to discriminate against everyone in a racial group, even if that individual is more mentally and physically fit than them.
>Manmade climate change/global warming, as well as how denial is treated in the scientific community
Denialism is cancer as it is often tied in with political conspiracy theories or by special interest groups but so are the people who muddy the water by treating scientific results as gospel. This mentality gives deniers ammunition, as their main argument isn't proving their side but to cast doubt on the other side while not really disproving any solid data. I think everyone can agree however that greener energy is beneficial regardless of the global temperature changes as everyone knows that carbon byproduct producing sources cause visible pollution
>How this guy was treated https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Peter_Duesberg
The result of degeneration of scientific integrity

>> No.8517297

Can you provide evidence that Sociology isn't a science, other than "muh feels" ?

>> No.8517305

Data is data and whether it is social data is irrelevant. You view statistics, make models, and come to conclusions the same. Its a real science. What makes it a joke is that it has no impact on actually progressing us as a species compared to advancements in tech, health, or mathematics.

>> No.8517308

Jesus christ, Raimi!

>> No.8517323

It's important to study the differences in races but unfortunately since people are still triggered by the amount of melanin in someone's skin, I'd say it's a slippery slope towards eugenics or at least discrimination. If people will cite one debunked study to justify antivaxx beliefs, it will probably be the same for race.

Surprised people still don't believe this when the past decade or so has been the "hottest year on record" repeatedly.

Deserved it for contributing to the justification of the deaths of many.

>> No.8517327

I disagree. Sociology is basically applied history, psychology, and philosophy. Wouldn't say these disciplines are useless.

>> No.8517334

I would argue that positive eugenics IE genetic disease curing/a slow change in the population towards healthier and smarter people is a good thing.

>> No.8517344

For your second point, "many thousands of years" is not at all the timescale that is significant for climate change. Look up what deep time is. We need to look much further back, like hundreds of millions of years.

Not to be a dick, but if you didn't even know that, you should at least take an intro geology class before speaking seriously about climate change again.

>> No.8517380

Hottest year on what record? Since the last time there was a hotter year?

>> No.8517383

sure, but then

>> No.8517474

>Hottest year on what record?
Pick any respectable global surface temperature observation record.

>Since the last time there was a hotter year?
That's harder. It was definitely warmer ~130,000 years ago, during the Eemian interglacial. It also got pretty close 7,000 years ago.