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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8514520 No.8514520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If the probability of THREE qt3.14s being my gf is 50% for each qt3.14, what is the probability that atleast ONE qt3.14 will be my gf?

Assume that the three qt3.14s are independent (mutually exclusive).

>> No.8514522


>> No.8514524

Its a math question you fucking subhuman piece of worthless trash

>> No.8514536

I'd fuck the blonde.

>> No.8514547
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>> No.8514553

which one is that?

>> No.8514565


>> No.8514572

Are you colour blind? The one on the right.

>> No.8514615

Depends on how you ask them out. One by one, or all at the same time?

>> No.8514627 [DELETED] 

how did you work that out?

>> No.8514630

seems an awfully high probability

>> No.8514631

I don't think I'd be able to survive them at the same time.

>> No.8514632

>independent (mutually exclusive)
The fuck?

>> No.8514633

5 + 2.5 + 1.25

>> No.8514637

one of them will ask you out, not you.

>> No.8514640

means their decisions will be independent. So they will have no prior contact to discuss whether they would want to be a gf to some weeb autist

>> No.8514643

I knew weebs were all in high school.
The probability that none of the will be your gf is 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/8, so the probability that at least one will be your gf is
1 - (none will be your gf) = 1 - (1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2) = 1 - (1/8) = 7/8

>> No.8514650

>the probability that at least one will be your gf is 7/8

that seems a bit impossibly high

>> No.8514655

but it's the answer, you can solve it the old fashioned way if you want.
prob(1gf) = 3! /(2! *1!) * ( 1/2 * (1/2)^2)
prob(2gf) = 3! /(1! *2!) * ( (1/2)^2 * (1/2))
prob(3gf) = 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2
so in total it's 3/8 + 3/8 + 1/8 = 7/8

>> No.8514664

>but it's the answer
yeah ok, but the answer still seems extremely unrealistic

>> No.8514682


I agree, seems extremely unlikely that atleast one girl would be your gf if the probability was 50% for each. In reality, the probability would most likely be 0, but this theoretical calculation is describing fantasy even if the girls were 3DPD

>> No.8514689

/sci/ is more cancerous than /a/

This place reeks of frogshitting and newcancer. Disgusting

at least /a/'s newcancer is bearable

>> No.8514690

are we sure this is right, is there some proof? Because it just sounds too high to me

>> No.8514694

how wold the "real" probability be close to 0 if each even has 50% chance of happening ? It's the same as flipping a coin, you flip a fair coin 3 times what's the prob that you get at least one tail ? Would you still argue it's close to 0 because 50% per event is too low ?

>> No.8514695

>unironical narutoshitters
ayy lmao

>> No.8514698

narutofuckfaces are dying. I hoped

>> No.8514700

Teenagers with only a marginal interest in science and math come here. Sad but that's 4chan.

>> No.8514701

Real life outcomes are binary. It will happen or won't happen. Considering subjective qualities that the girls find out that OP is an autistic pervert the probability that one of them will still be their gf is either 1 or 0 so 50%

>> No.8514704

Then fuck off to plebbit /science/ or stack exchange if you don't like the anarchistic libertarian atmosphere here

>> No.8514707

I left that shithole when the hotpockets started banning people for shitting on naruto and RP threads. I doubt it's improved since then.

>> No.8514809

It's 100% minus the probability that none of them will be your gf, which is (1/2)^3. So yes, 87.5% is correct.

>> No.8514833

Fuck off to /a/ faggot