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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8510724 No.8510724 [Reply] [Original]

>the universe was created 13.8 billion years ago

What was around 13.81 billion years ago /sci/?

>> No.8510730

checkmate atheists

>> No.8510731


Time came into being with the Universe, there was no 13.81 bya.

>> No.8510739

If there wasn't a universe, any discussion of time is pointless.

>> No.8510743


actually we don't know and seems like alot of big physicists dont even think the big bang theory is tenable anymore, let alone as one about the beginning of existence. There could well have been a 13.81 billion years ago. Big band doesn't have to be the very beginning of existence.

>> No.8510755

hope this universe created meme will die soon

>> No.8510767

But dude haven't you ever heard Sing Sing Sing? Big band is the shit!

>> No.8510769
File: 7 KB, 300x168, bud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Big band doesn't have to be the very beginning of existence.

Sure was mine - who doesn't love abit of buddy rich.

>> No.8510776

>Big band doesn't have to be the very beginning of existence.

Sure but it WAS the beginning of time. Whatever "existed" before the Universe was quite unlike anything we could make any sense of. Great Cthulhu is more relatable than "before the universe".

>> No.8510787


why was it the beginning of time? If there was literally a before then there could be a 13.8 billion years.

you're also making an ascertion you know nothing about, have no evidence about. its simply ad hoc and isn't useful or very convincing.

>> No.8510874

The big bang is defined as the moment in which spacetime came into existence. You are the one claiming that there is such thing as "before" without such thing as "time," which makes no sense, because "before" literally means "at an earlier time." It doesn't make sense for there to be time before time existed.

>> No.8510930


see >>8510743 about physicists finding the big band not tenable explanation of creation of existence / universe.

If the big band wasn't the beginning then there would be a before wouldn't there.


>> No.8510969
File: 150 KB, 640x480, bigbangtheory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alot of big physicists dont even think the big bang theory is tenable anymore

>> No.8510981

>The big bang is defined as the moment in which spacetime came into existence.
No it's not you popsci faggot.

>> No.8510987
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Need to work on your spelling dude.

>> No.8510990
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>> No.8510994
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This gets a ((you))

>> No.8511048

can causality even exist before spacetime did?

>> No.8511088

>big bang theory
Was a Vatican - Jesuit psyop.

>> No.8511137


Presumably, otherwise the Universe wouldn't have begun to exist.

>> No.8511143

Ayy lmaos planing the simulation of our universe.

>> No.8511167
File: 84 KB, 900x862, Ivan_lulzian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ivan was kek

>> No.8511175

how do you define causality without spacetime?

>> No.8511270

You can define it as as pure principle of the understanding without a schema


>> No.8511286

The Lord of Chaos. Praise Kek.

>> No.8511337

Time was soft before that point, probably.

>> No.8511348


Call it meta-causality if you wish. There's no conceivable way we can ever know what came "before" our universe, any more than we can know what lies "outside" our universe.

>> No.8511353

>big band
what did he mean by this?

>> No.8511354

Any theories with an ever expanding cyclic universe? Each long heat dead universe suddenly exploding into energy?

>> No.8511365

There are many people who hypothesize such things, but it's all purely speculative as far as I'm aware.

>> No.8511406

means you can prefer jump blues and rock n roll instead.

>> No.8511487

>anything being before the existance of matter, time, and energy

>> No.8511509


what are you saying? people don't seem to get that im saying that maybe the big bang isn't the beginning.

>> No.8511533

Isn't it reasonable to think, that if after enough time a universe in heat death can spawn a new one, that before our universe was some other universe that had been in heat death a really really long time?

>> No.8511695


kys creationist batfag

>> No.8511702

What does he mean by this?

>> No.8511757


its bait.

>> No.8512120

He meant the Skullgirls character

>> No.8512132
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>> No.8512148

If you're in /sci/ and you don't believe in god you have to get out.

>> No.8512223

A planet called Nirn

>> No.8512225

Their was no heat death it was alduin who killed the least universe

>> No.8512232


I'd say the Buddhists are right, the universe has always existed and will always exist, we look at things having a beginning and end because we die

>> No.8512265

There is a theory of a cyclic universe by Roger Penrose. I think there are people looking for evidence in the CMB.

>> No.8512595

stop forcing this retarded shit

>> No.8512633
File: 934 KB, 513x1117, IMG_4733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking thread

I can't tell if /sci/ is actually made up of pop-sci bleeps on the autism spectrum or if /sci/ has been memed so hard that we're speaking purely ironically now.

>>8510743 is fucking retarded, doesn't know what the Big Bang theory actually implies, doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about in general, and pulled this "physicists" remark out of his crusty asshole while watching a Richard Dawkins documentary. The fact that people have responded to this comment in a serious manner and that these moronic conversations have then continued is very telling of how the majority of you need to fuck off this board.

>> No.8512644

You remind me of me as a teenager. You don't know shit about the big bang theory, don't act like you know stuff, you don't.

>> No.8512658

hey ive watched all the seasons of big bang theory

sheldons the name
bazingas the game

>> No.8512668

A cyclic universe is the only thing that makes sense.
>big bam
>dark energy causes universe to expand until heat death
>gravity takes back control and universe contracts until one giant black hole
>next big bam?

>> No.8512669

I bet you believe in this cyclic universe shit.

>> No.8512679
File: 1.91 MB, 448x252, big bang.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The particle that was the big bang would have quantum mechanical behavior, since it's just one small particle. That means superposition, and so the big bang (any of the ways in which that particle could have exploded) is just one possibility of what could happen. That also means that the entire universe is must be in a cyclic journey.

>> No.8512741

If something is infinite that means I will never die forever?