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8507307 No.8507307 [Reply] [Original]

Who would in their right mind want to teach Mathematics to a group of disruptive problem children all their life unless they failed in all other career paths?

>> No.8507312

Some are, some aren't.

One of my favorite high school teachers was a lawyer who made loads of money on the stock market, and then quit his job to teach physics. He said it was a lot more relaxing and fun, because he gets to stand in front of the class and crack jokes a few hours a day and then relax. He's rich so he doesn't care about the money.

>> No.8507323

Well my mom was a professional before getting into teaching, but it's not a failure, it's a reconversion. And she didn't failed, she decided that being self-employed was too tiring and not a regular source of income.

>> No.8507325

teachers usually have strong unions, offer two full months of vacation a year (at a minimum), offer forgiveness of student debt, and after a while you literally can't get fired

>> No.8507334

I personally believe this but for some retarded reason every professor that teaches us (math major) a non-math class always asks us what our goal is and every single girl in the class says they want to be teachers.

And girls are 90% of the class. The only other person who says 'researcher' is the one other guy in my classes.

So I guess being a teacher is for failed professionals and women?

>> No.8507336

>he decided that being self-employed was too tiring and not a regular source of income.

So basically she failed to become self-employed and become a teacher

>> No.8507345

>So basically she failed to become self-employed and become a teacher

Wouldn't consider getting paid 3000€ to give formations a failure. It was just that the work before the formations was too irregular (random peaks of work just when she wins a contract) and it prevented her from enjoying her garden and stressed her out.

Being a teacher sure was tiring and exhausting at first, but now she has found her mark and enjoys teaching. She feels more useful.

>> No.8507373

Formations? Huh? I'm confused. What did your mom do?

>> No.8507377

Depends on what the subject is. I was taught aerodynamics and aircraft performance by a retired F-4 Phantom and AV-8B Harrier pilot. Lots of stories to tie in to discussions and explanations, and he knew his shit. Great guy

>> No.8507378

Sorry, english is not my first language.

Basically she prepared a lot of PowerPoint presentation, and during 2 or 3 days she would present it and basically teach adults.

Before that she was an statistical analyst in a pharmaceutical company. Her talks were mainly about her former job.

>> No.8507383

My former chemistry teacher used to work as a project-chef at some big company where she made a lot of money.

She just said it got boring and that she wanted to do something else.

>> No.8507391

Teaching can be extremely rewarding if you're good at it. Unfortunately you usually have to wade through a river of shit to get your reward.

>> No.8507392

Ah, so she was basically a consultant.
Yeah, consulting pays well, but it's not for everyone. Glad your mom found her niche.

>> No.8507396

the only way I could ever see myself teaching is if I'd already done everything I wanted to and just needed something to do. sadly I think a failed career is the more common path to being a teacher