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8504736 No.8504736 [Reply] [Original]

So let's end it once and for all /sci/

Does knowledge = intelligence?

>> No.8504738

The knowledge that intelligence is a spook is intelligence.

>> No.8504741

If the knowledge of intelligence being a spook is intelligence then does that mean knowledge is also a spook?
Is everything a spook?

>> No.8504744

knowledge =/= intelligence

intelligence is how effectively one uses their knowledge

>> No.8504749

No because knowledge is useless by itself. Having a lot of knowledge does not make you intelligent. Memorizing every theorem ever written makes you a wikia article. Being intelligent is more about action.

If you know a lot of structured facts that allow you to solve problems in ways that many could not then you are smart.

For example, knowing the fundamental theorem of calculus as a statement means nothing.

Being able to apply it to find a really tricky integral makes you intelligent, at least a bit.

Another example. Those reddit faggots that say 'did you know that dicks actually grow because of blood lol OMG I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE XD' are confirmed retards.

But a chemist that knows that fact and then creates a pill that stimulates bloodflow to create a literal boner pill is very, very fucking smart. And rich.

>> No.8504751

Intelligence = knowledge + wisdom

>> No.8504786


Analogically, better intelligence is as if you had a better processor in your computer; it process more things at once, letting you have more complex thoughts.

Knowledge can increase intelligence, but it isnt the only factor. Black and white thinking

>> No.8504790


Given the subjective aspect of knowledge in that its utility is situation dependent, i reckon that in a relatively unbiased sample, most of the shared variance between intelligence and knowledge will actually be accounted for by wisdom and that if you control for the effect of situational variability in contexts where intelligence predicts outcome, then the correlation between knowledge and intelligence will become zero.

>> No.8504794

Intelligence is inborn. Unless you believe you can teach calculus to a dog given enough time and effort.

>> No.8504798

actually thinking about it, wisdom isnt even a very good definition and i can imagine wisdom being situation dependent. i initially thought of as your term wisdom in terms of a construct that is probably more similar to what he is talking about as processing capability >>8504786.

>> No.8504803


desu when we talk about measures of intelligence such as IQ, it actually only measures variance of individual differences but this fact is not usually emphasised in everyday conversation. IQ by its statistical nature, does not give you objective measures of intelligence.

>> No.8504809

there is no such thing as an objective measure of intelligence, so how do we know there even is such thing as a variability in """intelligence""" when the means of its existence hasn't even been tested via the scientific method?

>> No.8504846


Sorry i meant absolute measure.

Well what i said is irrelevant to the construct in question, whatever it is, IQ scores you relative to a population and its variance rather than your own absolute score.

There is something called G-factor which is a statistical construct of variance shared by different kinds of cognitive tests. Im not too sure on the specifics but I think that is considered how intelligence is defined. Just a general factor and not one that accounts for all mental ability.

I think most of IQ's utility though is mostly seen in its predictive ability over a wide range of other variables.

Tbh intelligence isn't a well defined idea in the first place. In my view, we should be looking forward to see what accounts for mental ability rather than looking back and trying to see if what we measure compares to some fuzzy non-operationalised concept.

>> No.8505873

I didn't say anything about IQ in that post.

>> No.8505875

Intelligence = skin tone, bcuz wuzz kangz

>> No.8505883

Wisdom is like one of those cultural terms that are just a derivation of an amalgam of a few different real phenomena, but aren't actually distinct things in themsleves.

So other words like that are "art" and "ritual".

>> No.8505899

Knowledge is objectivly true acquired information, and intelligence is an individuals biological capacity to learn.

>> No.8505918

Knowledge is power
Power corrupts
Corruption spreads
The intelligent notice the corrupt
Corrupt people silence the intelligent
Therefore knowledge is the antithesis of intelligence

>> No.8506059

No it doesn't but knowledge can help with coming up with novel solutions to existing problems and problems that will arise down the road

The ability to develop novel solutions is what defines intelligence

Anyone can spout off trivia or do math problems if they commit themselves to learning it but it's the application that signals intelligence

>> No.8506080

More Intelligence = Bigger Fedora

More Knowledge = More Intelligence

>> No.8506086 [DELETED] 

A genius could figure out 60 ways to retype this sentence in a way that isnt rearrange the letters.

Its not the knowledge its how you use the knowledge when it comes to intelligence that is why STEM friends are obviously intelligent because their brains can work complex mathematical problems without any issue, their brains can take in knowledge then process is quickly.

The smarter you are the more alien your mind becomes to ordinary people that is why the most intelligent human in history always had ground breaking ideas that normals couldnt fathom.

>> No.8506087

intelligence = processing power
knowledge = software

>> No.8506098


Knowledge is knowing that the stove is hot
Wisdom is choosing to not to place your hand on the hot stove

>> No.8506100

Knowledge: knowledge
Intelligence: ability to apply knowledge in a constructive way

>> No.8506356

where's the evidence that the two aren't the same thing?