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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 38 KB, 700x466, amphetamine-symbol[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8500603 No.8500603 [Reply] [Original]

Is it essential to take amps to excel in sciences studies?

>> No.8500606

No, but it certainly helps.

>> No.8500613

"Speed" damages your brain. Not worth it. Get plenty of sleep. Exercise. Eat a nutritious diet.

>> No.8500622
File: 9 KB, 800x433, 800px-methamphetamine-svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You definitely don't need Amphetamine or the like to excel. It is pretty helpful though if you have no self control and find yourself wasting your time on the internet all day. Then again, you might end up jerking off for 8 hours.

>> No.8500643

No and fuck off


>> No.8501763

Long term negative effects
Spend more time studying, learn how to study better (youd be surprised how bad you actually are), drink less since hangovers are killer
Everyone I know that took drugs to study also fucked their scores more than they helped them

>> No.8501773

>learn how to study better (youd be surprised how bad you actually are)

I believe it. Advice/references?

>> No.8501795

A mind for numbers by Barbara Oakley

>> No.8501815

I used a friend's prescription of adderall to study for the MCAT a few years ago. Won't ever be doing that again. Don't get me wrong, it works, I've never been able to concentrate and work as quickly as I did when I was taking it, but it does have negative side effects. My heart felt like it was going to explode sometimes.

>> No.8502043

Is it worth the read? Can you tell me more about it?

>> No.8502062

can confirm. its a 50/50 shot

>> No.8502072

for me it is

>> No.8502102



>> No.8502240

They weren't using them very well then. Most people are kinda dumb when it comes to drugs.

>> No.8502494

When I was a freshman I bought 150 8mg ephedrine pills from Canada online. Honestly I used them the most for writing philosophy papers in my general education classes. I'd take 24mg with some tea or coffee at 10pm and write until 3am and get an A on the paper. When I tried to get more after a few years no companies would sell to america even though it's legal here. Pulling all nighters has never been beneficial for me in my science classes and I rarely have had to write papers. Just pay attention in class and study your text as you go. Usually by the night before the exam I've studied enough and I just drink and play video games all night and then wake up and get A's.

>> No.8502737

OP here. How can I teach myself to motivate myself to study and to study efficiently?

>> No.8504157

Can you compare it with Adderall?

>> No.8504160


actually, it's discouraged. it's only gonna fuck your shit up.

if you wanna get high everyday and be a loser, then it's pretty much perfect.

>> No.8504161


Ive explored speed/meth and let me tell you - no.

For a short-term all-nighter when you have no other choice, it will keep you awake.
Thats the only practical application it has really.

To use it for study regularily will only make you worse due to the terrible terrible comedowns.

t. psychonaut

>> No.8504168


now fuck off, druggies, we're full.

>> No.8504253

Bro Ive been taking small doses of Meth all semester and I've seen almost no comedown whatsoever. I can sleep with ease too if I don't redose. Granted I've been taking Adderall since I was 11 but you really just don't have to be a retard. Definitely helps to motivate me to complete even the most unenjoyable assignments, and want to do them well. Definitely learning better, but this is just me.

>> No.8504269

Were you cramming?
I took the PCAT, and while it's a bit easier than the MCAT overall I suck shit at math so I had to teach myself everything up to Calc I
I'm a lazy fuck but dedicated 2 months to it and ended up scoring in the 95th percentile.
You don't need drugs to study

>> No.8504274

>Meth to do assignments
What the fuck
I just play some loud Bowie or something and write until I'm done.
Maybe college isn't for you

>> No.8504289

Just something to aid me while I save up my Adderall script. Everybody single time I try not taking my stims for a few weeks / months my grades drop and I end up doing really stupid shit. I have really bad focus issues and if it's drugs that keep me loving doing math and science I think that's worth it for me. I didn't want to start taking Addy but myMom shoved it down my throat when I was 11 and it wasn't until later I realized how helpful it was for me. Obviously it would Ben much better if I didn't the same quality work without them, but the constant motivation just isn't there.

>> No.8504296

Maybe if you didn't take it as such young age, you would have now a more natural interest without it. Not accusing, just genuinely wondering.

>> No.8504308

Maybe if you fucking need drugs to be interested in something you shouldn't be doing it

>> No.8504439
File: 45 KB, 640x376, paul-erdos-amphetamine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think the issue so much is that I need them to be interested in it, I may have worded that badly. Even when I'm not taking them I still will love learning about chem(specifically Orgo), and math. I can sit down and do some reading, work on some problems, but I oftentimes find myself getting distracted or losing focus in the middle of a problem. I just struggle to sit the fuck down and solidify my knowledge on the concepts and crunch out a bunch of practice problems. While taking stims I'll have more of a push and gladly will go learning for hours at a time. The interest is still there, but the motivation and drive is somewhat lacking. I know that I could improve this easily without stims, but the pleasure I get from learning and solving problems is much greater.


Even before I started taking them I had a pretty strong interest in math / science / learning. I think that it's very likely that I would have a more natural interest. What I remember the most is actually enjoying the fuck out of doing my Algebra I homework in 6th grade and wanting to understand as much as possible. Nowadays I still feel the same way about problem solving and learning. I just have a feeling that my interest while being pushed by increased levels of dopamine and norepinephrine is higher than it might have been otherwise.

I did get them prescribed for ADHD, and sometimes I used to question whether I really had an attention problem or if ADHD was just a meme, but now I'm mostly certain that the stims are helping me for the better, at least in the short run.

I sometimes just like to think of Paul Erdos, who took Amphetamine daily for most of his life ,spending most of that time contributing to mathematics. He was obviously an extremely intelligent person who could have most likely done that same without amphetamine, but who knows? I'm sure there was a reason he was such a fan of Amphetamine. Maybe that is just a way I rationalize using stims for productivity.

>> No.8504471

Adderall is amphetamine. Or rather, a combination of 4 different amphetamine salts.

>> No.8504479

Yeah, and he was talking about ephedrine

>> No.8504499
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I think they just wanted to know if ephedrine compared with Adderall. Anyways I have nothing else to contribute to that, but from what I know ephedrine produces less dopamine and norepinephrine compared to amphetamine.

>> No.8504533

>jerking off for 8 hours

God those were the days... nights.... days...

>> No.8504541

I jumped from the 73rd percentile to the 93rd percentile of the Gre math section by taking amphetamines and studying for a few months. I also scored I'm the 97th percentile of the biology subject test by daily cramming while using high amounts of amphetamine. Amphetamines are fucking god-mode.

>> No.8504591

>tfw probably immune to the positive effects of amphetamines
I tried adderall last year, no increased focus at all, but it made me break out into a cold sweat and a tiny bit more hyper.

Tried speed a couple weeks ago, felt cold, my teeth felt cold, and I felt disoriented. No increased focus or will power or anything.

I'm doomed.

>> No.8504602

Try vyvanse. It's inactive at consumption, but the metabolites are active compounds. It's a slow rise, so you don't really notice overt effects. Also, it lasts around 14 hours, which can be very helpful.

>> No.8504643

>Methamphetamine and amphetamine are the same thing

Educate yourself

>> No.8505042

Amphetamines are neurotoxic

>> No.8505078


>The results did not reveal enhancement of any cognitive abilities by MAS for participants in general. There was a suggestion of moderation of enhancement by baseline ability and COMT genotype in a minority of tasks, with MAS enhancing lower ability participants on word recall, embedded figures and Raven's Progressive Matrices. Despite the lack of enhancement observed for most measures and most participants, participants nevertheless believed their performance was more enhanced by the active capsule than by placebo. We conclude that MAS has no more than small effects on cognition in healthy young adults, although users may perceive the drug as enhancing their cognition.

Helps low-performing individuals somewhat, makes everyone else delusional

>> No.8505816

You can but Bronkaid, or other cold medicines with ephedrine in them. If you wanna know how it compares to adderall, ephedrine alone is more like caffeine. But if you mix ephedrine and caffeine (20mg/200mg respectively) then i would say it compares to adderall in my personal experiences. Better, actually because i feel a"come down" drom addy. Tbh i prefer ephedrine and caffeine for school work. You can also mix that combination with l-theanine too for a stronger synergistic effect, but I haven't tried that

>> No.8506123

EUfag here. We don't have Bronkaid here I think. But thanks for the answer anon

>> No.8506391

I thought it was only me. Any reason behind this?

>> No.8506397

Excited Dopamine in your brain increases motivation to jerk off for hours cause dopamine is responsible for reward system that wants you to reproduce and Thisbe makes you horny as fuck. Or some shit like that. I always end up looking for porn longer than actually jerking off.

>> No.8506400

Don't take Adderall. Take Vyvanse, much less brain damage /abusive potential

>> No.8506409

You know that Vyvvanse is lisdexamphetamine right? Literally converted to the same shit once I thought reaches your liver. Less abuse potential maybe but it's still dextroamphetamine(with a little levoamphetamine in Adderall) reaching your brain

>> No.8506410

Yes I'm aware

>> No.8506949

Yeah all this stuff is cool but in Europe nobody gives you this shit

>> No.8507025

Help me get this, /sci/. Does your memory improve on controlled-release stims? I get that it gets you to concentrate, but it would be kinda pointless if you just rush through everything you have to remember because your heart is going into overdrive.

I'm asking cause I did street speed once and all I did was walk around thinking I could tear down through walls if I wanted to. Can't imagine myself sitting down and learning on it.

>> No.8507087

Supposedly yes. "Street speed" is normally racemic amphetamine, where a lot of other sources have a higher percentage of dextroamphetamine which is more active than levoamphetamine and also produces more CNS effects.

>> No.8507099


Woa holy shit your heart sped up? Fuck bro you nearly died!!! Guess nobody should use amphetamines at all since they speed your heart up! Hell while we're at let's stop using caffeine as well!!!!!

>> No.8507201

If adderall is like that, I kinda doubt vyvanse will be much different, everyone's brain chemistry is different after all. Try methylphenidate or modanifil and see how that goes.

>> No.8507226

functional drug addicts are a myth.

they are only functional if they have the access to their drug. If not they're not functional and that's quite to opposite to functional...

>> No.8507235

Drink tons of water
Eat balanced diet
Sleep 8 hours a night

Fuck drugs senfampie

>> No.8507244


Took ephedrine daily for about a year, and have used Adderal multiple times. Ephedrine is much more physically stimulating, like high doses of caffeine. Adderall gives much better metal focus; you can concentrate for longer periods of time and easily get carried away in tasks.

Would not recommend either though unless its short term like an exam season, and then I'd only recommend modafinil. Ephedrine 'withdrawals' were horrible when I finally came off, had no energy for months.

>> No.8507754

its a double edge sword... You take them with the mentality to study but then you end up fapping until the comedown with no work done. Damn i miss those fapathons though....

>> No.8507777
File: 11 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tramadol has some very nice effects, anti-anxiety, increased motivation (via anti-depression) and increased focus and stimulation.

very interesting opioid. but easy to abuse, be careful, and needs a prescription if you live in a cukced country.
I use it to last longer at sex and have better orgasms and as anti-anxiety if I have a presentation or interview to do. But I also noticed when I take it that I wanna *do* stuff, learn more, focus better and get energized.

If you want a natural stimulant look up "chifir" it's russian prison tea, if you make it right it'll give you Ritalin like effects for 1-2hours and then put you in a very nice calm state for another 1-2hours after.

>> No.8507787
File: 180 KB, 480x280, adderall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly the best tool for getting shit done for me. I took adderall back in high school and those were some of my most productive times. It's essentially a way stronger version of what I already drink coffee for anyway. I was just considering if I should take some Adderall to help me study for my finals.

As long as you're using drugs and they aren't using you, you're fine. Drugs can definitely be tools for certain elements of your life but as long as you're smart about it they stay just that: tools. I stopped taking adderall because I could easily feel how addictive the euphoria was.

>> No.8508595

How would you use them?

>> No.8508612

No, tea works on a more efficacious basis, in the long term especially.

>> No.8508623

Teaching yourself everything up to Calc 1 can be done in a week or two, easily.

>> No.8508739

4.0 here with no amphetamines because I'm not a brainlet.

>> No.8508751

4.0 with amphetamines cause I am a brainlet

>> No.8508919

>tfw adderall makes me leak
>tfw jerking off for 8 hours isn't even satisfying because of it

>> No.8508933

>even nerds take PED

What's the world coming to? Explain to me the difference between an athlete taking PED and a scientist taking PED? Do you get an asterisk next to your discovery?

>> No.8508941

Athletes taking PED are cheating in a competition. A scientist doing their job on stimulants is just a scientist doing their job on stimulants

>> No.8509943

Anecdotal, but for me yes the same as if I had done the work without it. The difference lies in the amount of time spent and being that focused pushes me to look deeper into the scope of the material than I normally would, giving me a better understanding of the concept overall.

>> No.8509956

What about a fireman taking PEDs

>> No.8509980

erdos started on amphetamine as an oldster and died very prematurely

>> No.8509992

Is putting out fires a competition?

>> No.8510002

I wouldn't really call that very prematurely. Anyways I wouldn't want to be very much older.

True that he began taking them daily in last 20-25 years. Was a mistake to say most of his life, instead of over a quarter.

>> No.8510003
