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8497971 No.8497971[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

tfw stage iv pancreatic cancer

im 25 goddamnit

>> No.8497972

Did you make a thread about this a couple of days ago, saying you thought you might have pancreatic cancer?

Anyway, sounds shit, what are they doing about it?

>> No.8497980

they're gonna throw the kitchen sink at it but really there is no hope. it's inoperable as it's on the body of the pancreas and quite large

i have about 6 months, funny because at the moment i feel pretty good

>> No.8497981

Hey man, if it's true then I'm very sorry. On the flip side the world just keeps getting worse every year, so you might be dodging some bullshit to come.

Still very unfortunate news.

>> No.8497987

So you have the diagnosis?

>> No.8497990

not yet

i don't need it though i know what i have.

>> No.8497996

25 is an ok age to die. im probably gonna kill myself when I hit 30. Its not all bad bro

>> No.8497997

fuck its that retard again.

>> No.8498004

thats too bad op

are you an alcoholic? eat alot of sugary food / carbs?

my uncle was one of the healthiest guys i knew and he died at 60 from pancreatic cancer

>> No.8498005

i have cachexia

i literally haven't felt hungry once in 3 months

that really can't be caused by anything except a few things. and cancer is the only one of those things that could apply to me

from there i can narrow it down quite logically to pacreatic cancer because i have digestive issues as well as mid back pain. i know it's also in my liver because i have pain there as well as hypersalivity as well as other little things implying compromised liver function, also the lack of appetite is probably due to the liver mets, which was my first symptom, which shows what a cruel illness this is

>> No.8498008

no but i have drank quite heavily over the years

also i got fat for a brief period in my late teens. that could have made the difference i guess but this kind of cancer is so exceedingly rare in people my age

>> No.8498010

So you are the guy from the other thread, thought so. Go to a doctor and get an actual diagnosis. Fuck webmd would diagnose wind as bowl cancer.

>> No.8498015

So it's just baseless self-pity again, I just fucking knew it. I can spot a desperate hypochondriac from a mile.

>> No.8498017

okay whatever, just promiste to yourself that you are going to seek mental healthcare if the diagnosis returns negative

>> No.8498019

just going to the doctor isn't going to get you a diagnosis. it takes months unless you're in unbearable pain. doctor just thinks my loss of appetite is anxiety, when it's not simply that i have gone off food, but i have literally lost the desire to eat. kind of frustrating because i know i'm dying. soon i'll be having an ultrasound tho

>> No.8498023

>doctor just thinks my loss of appetite is anxiety
> i know i'm dying
Do you see a pattern here?

>> No.8498030

i'm not in particularly anxious state. somber but calm. still am completely unable to crave food. if i was dog who didn't know any better i would have wasted away already. cancer

>> No.8498033

>i'm not in particularly anxious state

>pic in the OP
>im 25 goddamnit
>there is no hope
You don't seem calm at all. You seem like a hypochondriac.

>> No.8498036

>i'm not in particularly anxious state

You sound the literal exact opposite of calm.

>> No.8498038

it's the second time I see this thread on /sci/, and I believe I've seen it on /r9k/ once, too
quit attentionwhoring, you pathetic whelp and visit a doctor alread
I know, it's rare for people like yourself, and very devastating at that, but hell, would you really be better off making this thread everywhere you can
or do you want an advice? well you've gotten a damn good advice several times, what was your response?
>hurr durr doctors are lying motherfuckers I know better

saged, reported, downvoted, unfriended and blocked

>> No.8498039

i've seen 4 doctors

>> No.8498042

And how many of them said that you have cancer?

>> No.8498045

regardless, difference between ur mind being a bit frazzled so you forget to eat for a while and a chronic persistent lack of appetite

im dying and want your sympathy

>> No.8498048

none, obviously, they dont think anyone who is 25 has cancer

>> No.8498051

So you don't have cancer.

My friend at 26 got diagnosed with kidney cancer (and lived). They just don't ignore symptoms if it's unlikely. Your symptoms just don't fit the diagnosis of cancer. Accept that, buddy. It's good news.

>> No.8498055

if they actually checked your pancreas and and found nothing, then obviously you don't have it

>> No.8498060

if i was older i would have been diagnosed already. persistent lack of appetite is a red flag symptom and more likely caused by cancer than anything, only because i'm young they think it's all in my head instead

i wish you were right, unfortunately you're not and i'm soon going to rot

>> No.8498061

they haven't

>> No.8498063

>Hypochondria is often characterized by fears that minor bodily or mental symptoms may indicate a serious illness, constant self-examination and self-diagnosis, and a preoccupation with one's body.

>Many individuals with hypochondriasis express doubt and disbelief in the doctors' diagnosis, and report that doctors’ reassurance about an absence of a serious medical condition is unconvincing, or short-lasting.

Sounds like someone, I wonder who...

>> No.8498070

well undergo a medical scan then, what's your fucking problem?

>> No.8498074

I just fucking told you that my friend got diagnosed at 26. Your age has nothing to do with this. You don't have cancer so you won't get my sympathy.

I do, however, feel bad for your hypochondria, which can't be easy to deal with. I feel even worse for your doctors.

>> No.8498081

i am in the next couple of weeks. it's going to confirm everything and my family are going to be absolutely distraught. woopdeedoo

age has a lot to do with the diagnostic process. things that necessitate immediate attention in older patients will be dismissed as imaginary in younger ones etc. and as a matter of fact i do have hypochondria in addition to a terminal illness, worriers still get ill you know. perhaps more often

>> No.8498083

> i do have hypochondria in addition to a terminal illness
Kek, you can't make this shit up. Thanks for the laughs, /sci/. I'm off.

>> No.8498084

you need treatment.

go see a psychiatrist. hypochrondria is real.

>> No.8498086


>not yet

kekked really hard.

all these faggots getting asshurt over a good joke, hahaha what a post

>> No.8498090


I kek everi taime

>> No.8498094

Fucking rofl'd.

>> No.8498095

How much fructose do you consume? Table sugar is half fructose.

>> No.8498101

hypochondria is indeed real but so is metastasised pancreatic cancer. my body isn't particularly large or mysterious, it's right there with me all the time and i've carried it for long enough to know when something is seriously wrong with it. either i have pancan or some other chronic illness that causes wasting and just happens to mimic all the symptoms of pancreatic cancer, and as rare as pancreatic cancer is in people my age, that would be even more unlikely

>> No.8498103

not a noteworthy amount

>> No.8498104

You probably just have hypochodria and not cancer. Cancer is the holy grail of hypochondriacs, especially the ones with quite diffuse symptomes. I was hypochondric too and was as convinced as you that i had lymphoma and other things. I went to a psychiatrist and started taking ssri, which not only cured my hypochondria but also permanently cured crippling premature ejaculation so that was nice. Stopped taking medication a few years ago and i still feel good. Seriously get help. Can't understand that i didn't get help sooner than i did

>> No.8498106

>or some other chronic illness
Yeah, it's called hypochondria-induced psychosomatic illness.

>> No.8498112


I just checked and it looks like it is more than 50% fructose when I looked at the google image of sucrose (normal sugar=fructose+glukose) and both molkekyles are paired 1 to 1 and the fructose is noticeable bigger heavier and bigger just by looking at it.

btw not him

>> No.8498113

if it wasn't for the nagging pains i have had in all the right areas and uncomfortable bloating then, just maybe maybe i could put the chronic lack of appetite down to some bizarre effect of my imagination, as it stands no, i wish you were right but i'm clearly dying

>> No.8498117

You're not dying. You have hypochondria.

>> No.8498119

>persistent lack of appetite is a red flag symptom
And of all the symptoms he of course picks the one that might just as well be imagined, good job. Typical hypochondriac. Seek help, and I mean for your mental health.

>> No.8498121


LOL, I'm not going to be fooled like the others just keep making funny posts mah b!tch

>> No.8498124

This giving season, pledge your support for the Hypochondriasis Foundation. Every day, thousands of people are stricken or suffer from hypochondriasis. We work to provide them with life-extending placebo medication and are developing new, more powerful placebos as part of our long-term plan. Remember, hypochondriasis is not just a crippler of individuals, it cripples families. Mainly because they want to murder the little whining bastards.

>> No.8498132

Medfag here.

If the lack of appetite really is how OP describes then it probably is late stage cancer, especially in the absence of any previous substance abuse or other obvious gastro complaint. I'm sorry, isn't life just a bitch.

Fight the good fight though OP, maybe you'll have a miraculous response to chemo.

>> No.8498134

You're not fooling anyone OP.

>> No.8498139

>samefagging this hard

>> No.8498183

No one cares mate

>> No.8498186
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>> No.8498192

feels fucking awful honestly

>> No.8498193

Just kill yourself.
Convert to islam and go gun down a jewish school.
Don't forget to put pork sausages in pooper before doing it, so that the deathshit triggers the jews on the scene and the muslims handler of your corpse.

>> No.8498195

OP, just fuck off already. This thread has nothing to do with science or maths at all. Besides, you're not even fucking dying.

>> No.8498208

start being resposible NOW even if you are not sick there is a good chance you will make yourself sick.

>> No.8498209
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>tfw to intelligent to get a proper diagnosis

>> No.8498221

hmm, knowing its all over the body of pancreas yet no definitive diagnosis...

>> No.8498224

i have no jaundice

symptoms implies body of pancreas

>> No.8498227

Why do you trust your own retarded diagnosis more than that done by doctors?

>> No.8498228



>> No.8498241

doctors don't know shit apart from the highly specialised ones. it's just a job for most of them, they have no real interest

i don't blame them for not picking up my cancer earlier though, this is an exceptional case and i'm wondering what i've done to deserve this shit

>> No.8498244

>doctors don't know shit apart from the highly specialised ones.

Sounds like textbook hypochondria.

>> No.8498248

Get an appointment with the "highly specialised" ones then.

>> No.8498251

you only get to see the knowledgable doctors once you're confirmed dying. which i will be soon

>> No.8498252

>they have no real interest
misdiagnosed cancer, if blatant enough, is something that can get your license to practice revoked, dumb shit.

>> No.8498253

i'm not saying it was ever blatant at all. when is it ever in a 25 year old. i'm not blaming anyone

>> No.8498256

I wish you would die already instead of bumping this shit thread.

>> No.8498257

We will all die soon anyway.Why do you care so much? Just live your life.
Maybe go to a therapist which may help you calm down a bit.

>> No.8498264


If they did radiology on you and found no masses to justify a biopsy, then chances are theres nothing wrong with you senpai, atleast physiologically.

>> No.8498291

What the fuck are you talking about?

You have to be American right?

>> No.8498298


>> No.8498341


>> No.8498430

Please do not make a thread like this for six month, after that report back. If you are still alive and well in six months you don't have pancreatic cancer, just hypochondria

>> No.8498435

This is a good troll. You had me going for a whole week.

>> No.8498446

when symptoms persist without other reasonable explanation, it's most likely cancer.