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8497722 No.8497722 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a way to completely burn any trace of empathy out of your brain?
It has zero benefits and feels like a burden instead.

>> No.8497725

Have you tried a bullet?

>> No.8497728

become a nigger

>> No.8497735


>> No.8497736

A woman, you mean?
>inb4 "women are more empathetic" meme
Bullshit. Women are some of the most sociopathic creatures on Earth.

>> No.8497742

pretty sure our ancestors wouldn't have survived if nobody gave a fuck about anyone else

>> No.8497745

It has tons of benefits.

Stop being autistic and stop acting like a fucking edgy teenager (unless you are a teenager. I was the same way when I was 17-19 and it's some what natural to feel this way).

>> No.8497746

I don't really care, though.
I want the cure for myself, not for everyone else.

>> No.8497749

>It has tons of benefits.
Such as?

>> No.8497751

If you don't know, then you're just being willfully ignorant. There is a mountain of research on it. And it seems you have cherrypicked this whole mountain away.

>> No.8497755

So, as I said zero benefits. Got it.

>> No.8497763


>> No.8497805
File: 1.15 MB, 245x267, huh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1 minute of googleing.. you dumb cunt, why are you on a science board if you're gonna be ignorant.

Edgy Teens everywhere these days

>> No.8497883

>muh trust
>muh love
>muh caring
As I said, no benefits. If anything empathy is what hinders your progress in business or politics.

>> No.8497886

>go to /b/ or /pol/
>make gore thread

>> No.8497915

>It has zero benefits and feels like a burden instead.
Empathy is literally the foundation of civilization and one of the most crucial human characteristics. Even beyond that, it's an amazing capability in its own right. Feeling what other people feel is like an antenna for social dynamics. It's pretty unfortunate that you edgelords are incapable of getting that.

Anyway, to get rid of it you can do what all edgy teens do and what you obviously already do: Pretend like you don't feel it for long enough and at some point it becomes routine. Will it make you happy? No, but you'll figure it out on your own once you are a little bit older and maybe have something in your life that matters to you.

>One women once was mean to me so they all suck!!
Yeah, no. You are on 4chan, which is basically 99% men and what you see here is not exactly overflowing with empathy.

>> No.8497916
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Best scientists had no girlfriends

>> No.8497923

Scientists to a man had mothers though.

>> No.8497926

Who gives a shit what "best scientists" do. You are none of them anyway.

>> No.8497933

I'm Leonardo da Vinci bitch

>> No.8497937

>be in /sci/
>make dubious unfounded claims and sweeping generalizations ultimately based on your feefees and your personal experiences


>> No.8497938

empathy ruined j. robert oppenheimer
sort of

>> No.8497949

>Feeling what other people feel is
Ultimately useless. You don't need to "feel" that someone is in pain if they cut their leg. It gives you nothing other than unnecessary stress.

>> No.8497950


You have to go back.

>> No.8497953

Yes, but it has to happen during the childhood.

There is nothing good in lacking empathy.

>> No.8497963

If it was ultimately useless it wouldn't exist. You assume it's useless because you do not understand it.

>> No.8498026

>You assume it's useless because you do not understand it.
Nah, because I can't profit from it in any way. It may be useful for the rest of humanity, but I don't need it at all.

>> No.8498057

Or bribe an Indian doctor to do a surgery on your brain

>> No.8498067

>wake up
>you're covered in shit, your clothes are covered in shit, your bags are covered in shit
T-thanks doctor Pajeet

>> No.8498354

reading 'Genealogy of moral'

>> No.8498378

emotions are a form of thought that has logic. The logic is not rational so it's often ignored, but it's still logic.

Empathy allows you to get inside the head of other people and understand what they're thinking on a non-rational level.

>> No.8498427

oh so you wanna get killed in hearthbeat over personal gain for someone else?

there's pretty emotionless people on this earth and trust me, you don't want to be around them.

without caring for others and trust.. noone would bother with ideas like progress (unless it's their own ofcourse). we would be ice cold and killing each other for personal gain left and right.
...mayhem! not unhindered progress.

the question then would be what hinders our progress at the moment. that's really complicated and i don't know much about global politics.. i can tell you though: thinking emotions is the problem is the edgiest teen shit ever.. and it's wrong.

>> No.8498433

Christ, man. I used to think the same way. At the very least you can hopefully recognize that understanding social dynamics will allow you to manipulate them in your favor. That has been my approach since I quit the mentality you currently have. It works.

>> No.8498434


What do you think has kept repugnant cockroaches like yourself alive all this time?

>> No.8498443

someone basically said this but yeah empathy has been vital to human success for a long time because it drives cooperation which ultimately we are all engaging in unless you literally live in a shack you built in the woods you built yourself.

Empathy brings people together to solve problems and thrive. It can also be used to understand the motives of others and therefore applies to making logical decisions.

Basically if you think empathy has zero benefits you need to go take a nap

If you're just mad because you're stuck helping people you don't really like, maybe you should just change the way you're living

>> No.8498449

Because people aren't rationale. Without empathy you are alone and can't accomplish much

>> No.8498465


99 times out of a 100 when people say 'empathy' colloquially what they really mean is sympathy.

Empathy involves conceiving a simulation of someone; ie, its a function of imagination.

Asking to remove or reduce your 'empathy' basically means asking to make yourself braindead.

>> No.8498471

underage b&

>> No.8498515

Low-IQ creatures like numales and women?
You can manipulate others even without it. Just look at Reinhard Heydrich.
I don't want to be AROUND them I want to be one of them.
>unless it's their own ofcourse
Which is my entire point. My life would be so much easier if, say, I could sell drugs or illegal arms without feeling remorseful that someone might get hurt because of me.

>> No.8498524

Serial killers actually do have empathy, do you know who don't have empathy? Severely retarded people, so looks like you don't have empathy after all edgelord.

>> No.8498540

But serial killer sociopaths/psychopaths don't

>> No.8498545

Yes they do, there has been several studies in the last few years, they have an empathy switch, they certainly at least have cognitive empathy.

>> No.8498548

>Circa 2000 BC

kek, face it, the only reason edgelords like yourself are still alive is because the people around you have enough empathy to not bludgeon you to death with a rock and take your shit.

>> No.8498551

>Which is my entire point. My life would be so much easier if, say, I could sell drugs or illegal arms without feeling remorseful that someone might get hurt because of me.
You would feel bad and remorseful about someone getting hurt right now? You sound like some edgy twat right now, saying one thing, but thinking the other. Sort your life out and grow up, seriously. You can pretend to be hard and cold all the way you want, but in the end you are lying to yourself and that only leads to misery, I can guarantee you that.

You think not feeling empathy is some kind of super power, but it really is not. It will eventually isolate and alienate yourself from others. Life would be agony, by far most psychopaths describe their lives like that. Empty, without meaning or direction and the intense feeling of missing out on most stuff.

In the end lacking empathy means lacking basic human abilities. What you are basically saying is that you could be a great plumber if you lacked the ability to smell. That's great and that might be true, but it's neither all there is to it, nor is that such a great thing after all. Yes, some things are easier, but it takes away so much from life, you have literally no idea. There's a lot of beauty in life and once you are over your edge phase of your teenage years, you are grateful for every means you have to perceive it, believe me.

>> No.8498556

I was reading about this a couple of months back

See above.

>> No.8498585

>saying one thing, but thinking the other
Why else do you think I want to rewire my brain?
>isolate and alienate yourself from others
That's in no way a problem. I alienated myself already and it doesn't feel all that boring. If anything, it's people who bore me.
>but it takes away so much from life
Like what? A capacity to care about some useless whore and her idiot relatives? Stress of grieving? Being hesitant to be opportunistic because it might upset someone?
>There's a lot of beauty in life
No. Just no.

>> No.8498633
File: 436 KB, 1200x674, buddhas-enlightenment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro, i'ma go ahead and drop some buddha-shit on yo ass.
What life gives to you can't be found like penny on the street, but through seeking within. Once you stumble upon it, you will know that it's right. Not objectivly, logically right, but just right for you.

Unless you legit think that life is only shit, in which case: suicide might be the way to go (but not really, that's sarcasm). suicide is like the least fun thing to do.

>> No.8498645

this guy is dumb lol

>> No.8498652

your comment suggests otherwise

>> No.8498690

I don't know what happened to you to make it so difficult for you, but you need to grow up. Like many on these boards you've probably been bullied in school or something like that and now you feel disappointed in people and life etc. Get over it. If you want life to be somewhat worth it, you need to embrace it. At this point you are not allowing yourself to enjoy anything at all so of course you won't. With a mentality like yours all the misery you have in life is basically provoked by your own negative attitude. The truth is, you are scared of life. You are scared of being disappointed, rejected and failing. You can of course continue that way and build yourself a fantasy where you are the tragic victim of a world too cold for you to live in. You can paint a world not capable of love and trust and beauty to give yourself an excuse to not even try. Do that. It won't make you happy though, you will always stay exactly at the point you are at right now. If you go on you will be exactly the same angry edgelord defending his passiveness in ten years. That fucking passiveness will eat up your life, you will get stuck and go nowhere. That is your problem. It's not empathy, it's that life scares you shitless, so you decide to do nothing at all. If only you felt nothing! But you do, stop fantasizing and pull yourself together.

>> No.8498775

>now you feel disappointed in people
Nope. Hard to be disappointed in what you never considered to be your superior, let alone equal.
The only thing I'm disappointed in is not being able to pursue the drug trafficker career which would make me rich, so I'd have to settle for terrible jobs.
>If you want life to be somewhat worth it,
The only way life can be worth anything is if you're rich. Everything else is empty sentimentality.
>You are scared of being disappointed, rejected and failing.
Thanks empathy for that!
>fantasy where you are the tragic victim of a world too cold for you to live in
Never said that. My problem is that people are inferior to me and yet I can't take advantage of that because I might feel bad.
>world not capable of love and trust
Are you kidding? That would've been a good thing as long as I could survive in it.
No such thing.
> defending his passiveness
In case if you haven't noticed, the point of this thread was finding a way to get rid what causes this passiveness
> life scares you shitless
No. It bores me. I'd still be bored with empathy but at least I'd be bored and rich.

>> No.8498790

run for office

>> No.8498817

Stop looking for excuses.

>Nope. Hard to be disappointed in what you never considered to be your superior, let alone equal.
You are not superior to anyone, otherwise you wouldn't struggle with this simple shit.

>The only thing I'm disappointed in is not being able to pursue the drug trafficker career which would make me rich, so I'd have to settle for terrible jobs.
"A life as a drug trafficker" isn't as easy as you imagine it to be. If you are half as smart as you think you are, you can find something better. If you seriously believe that drug trafficker is in any way a desirable profession, than you are a fucking idiot, as simple as that.

>The only way life can be worth anything is if you're rich. Everything else is empty sentimentality.
And what does "being rich" give you exactly? Whatever it is, it's just as empty if not more so than those sentimentalities.

>Thanks empathy for that!
No, that's not empathy. That's just your underdeveloped personality.

>No such thing.
You don't see it because you don't want to. You want to believe all this nihilistic bullshit so bad, that you just ignore everything that doesn't fit.

>In case if you haven't noticed, the point of this thread was finding a way to get rid what causes this passiveness
It's not empathy. Without empathy you wouldn't do anything at all and just don't care about it. Your worried parents, teachers and friends, you wouldn't give a shit about them. A lack of empathy doesn't automatically turn you into Ted Bundy. There are other factors.

>No. It bores me. I'd still be bored with empathy but at least I'd be bored and rich.
Keep telling yourself that, but I know exactly that you don't believe that yourself. You are anxious and in denial, I can read it in all your bullshit lines.

>> No.8499030
File: 99 KB, 422x750, TedBundySexiestMenNotAlive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there are many ways my friend ...

>> No.8499784

>You are not superior to anyone, otherwise you wouldn't struggle with this simple shit.
Nah, that just makes me more complex than most people. And believe me, they struggle with simpler shit anyway.
>isn't as easy as you imagine it to be.
Why should I care? I don't mind dying or going to prison if it pays.
>you can find something better
Maybe, but that would take too much time.
>And what does "being rich" give you exactly?
Everything of value this world can offer for once.
>You don't see it because you don't want to.
Bullshit. I don't see it because it doesn't exist.
>you wouldn't give a shit about them
I already don't.
Again, you're mistaking anxiety for something else. Women are more empathetic than men and how does it help them? Oh wait, it doesn't. They're all dumb cunts. There's a reason the less empathetic someone is, the more rational they are.

>> No.8499819

>"They're all dumb cunts."
Nice sour grapes, faggot.

We both know you're wasting your fucking time here. You *really* want to be trash? You need to go to where the trash live. Commit a crime that doesn't get you life in prison. Acta non verba. Feel what it is to damage, then learn how to shake it off. It'll get easier the more you do it. You can't read it in a book, or on a forum, you have to learn by doing. And once you're in prison, you have plenty of hard motherfuckers that you can learn from. You'll learn how not to be weak, when you spend a decade in a place where any hint of weakness is rewarded with indescribable torment. It's law of the jungle in there, fucker. And when you get out? Just bide your time, and do it again. You'll be more versed in criminal behavior and how to avoid getting caught, so you can play Ted Bundy all you want. Go to jail, learn a bit more, get out and just fucking do it again.

You want to be a monster? You know what you have to do. All you have to do is take the leap. But you won't do it, because you're fucking weak. You're a little beta who wants everything to fall into his lap. You're edgelord #N+1, running his mouth about how evil you are, ooh, misogyny, brooding, everyone but me is a parasite? Been there, done that.

Just go out and kill someone. I fucking dare you, pussy. You could kill a drug dealer to make it a bit easier if you want. He wasn't worth anything anyway. Just like you.

>> No.8499823
File: 41 KB, 586x412, eat-the-pain-away.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, obviously youre a younger person, one day you will hopefully be embarassed and humbled by your childish edgy deluded self but holy shit..

You are retarded.

>> No.8499844

Why are there so many people on this board (including OP) that have a superiority complex? I understand that there are some anons who achieved great things in science or elsewhere, but absolute majority just has overly inflated ego. Man, learn to be humble 'n shit .

>> No.8499851

I have brain damage.

>> No.8499856

I am sorry for you.

>> No.8499859

10/10 give this guy a medal

>inb4 samefag

>> No.8499868

>tfw understand the thoughts and feelings of others but cannot feel them or connect to other human beings
Why the fuck would anyone want this? I feel like a ghost.

>> No.8499870

>Hurr durr. My mom's cancer must be right since it exists.

>> No.8499875

That is, you understand them rationally, but unable to actually reflect them?

>> No.8499878

>t. retard

>> No.8499894

Something like that, it's some strange mix of apathy and cognitive empathy I think. I feel like I have a very rich emotional range but its like they're all processed as any other thought, which at least helps me keep a cool head in tough situations. I usually like to smoke cannabis and read because it furthers my experience of changed perspectives and gets me the closest to feeling what others have felt.

>> No.8501219

Empathy is one of the most useful characteristics in natural selection. It might look like an burden often, but in situations of need, being it personal or common need, cooperation is the mus intelligent form of work.
It demands less energy and can potentially produce much more fruits.
This type of selfish thinking is typical of posh kids with rounded bellies.