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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8495516 No.8495516 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw you inherited the smart genes from your mom but your dad is a brainlet and he refuses to believe you when you tell him you only need to study for a day or two before the exam to get good grades and he insists you have to spend two hours a day every day reviewing your notes and lecture slides

why is my dad such a brainlet? they should all be gassed desu...

>> No.8495525
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>> No.8495530

>implying he is a brainlet
He has better memory skills than you OP

>> No.8495531

I never studied for an exam before college. In college I would study the day before the exam.
You're a brainlet for even considering needing two days to study and your dad is a brainlet's brainlet.

>> No.8495548

I never studied and passed my physics master. I just listen to the teacher and try to not sleepnin class.

Fucking brainlets

>> No.8495557

>going to lecture
that is studying, you autist

when people talk about not studying, they mean literally not going to class and just cramming and learning the material the night before, brainlet

>> No.8495561

>study a small amount, ever day, 4 days before the exam
>consistently the number one score on every exam
>don't even go to lecture
>have a 4.0 in Math, 7th semester
cramming is for brainlets with sub 3.7 gpas.

>> No.8496499

>studying for 2 days
>studying the day before
>listening to the teacher
>studying at all

>not knowing every answer before you even sign up for the class
Fucking brainlets

>> No.8496503

/sci/ - Ego Stroking

>> No.8497986

This in all honesty

>> No.8499202

sounds like ur just mad that the dude fucked ur mom

>> No.8499211

inheriting the smart gene from your mother is a myth

>> No.8499216
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>skip class for three weeks straight
>read lecture notes on the bus on the way to the test

>> No.8499289
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ITT: brainlets compare fictitious stories of how intelligent they wish they were

>pic related, it's you.

Fucking Brainlets.

>> No.8499290
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And you too, brainlet.
>100% fail.

>> No.8499301

>dad tells you to learn the material
>no dad ur dum if i cram i get good grade
>but anon you're paying to learn not solely to get the grades
>lol brainlet thinks I need to study for exam

the exam is life anon, study.

>> No.8499310
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>he needs to go to class for a degree before churning out dank theories

>> No.8499323

I can confirm this.

>> No.8499941
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>he got his ''smart'' genes from his mother
Yeah, I bet you're really fucking smart, lol.