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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8490709 No.8490709[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's time for this thread again ? which is better ? which is the most versatile ? which is the most chad ?

>> No.8490724

>Becoming an engineer

Don't you know engineering is the new replacement for Chad's business degree?

>> No.8490754

>CHAD takes basic statics and fluid dynamics for civil and instantly gets a job after getting a bachelor degree while (((you))) slave away to pass electrica systems and circuit analysis only to become a glorified programmer

>> No.8490756

Also he fucks your oneitis while you jack off to her pictures

>> No.8490759

Nuclear engineering, OP, it is the best and will bring about the future means of our power generation.

>> No.8490768


MechE is piss easy shit for noobs, unless you want to go all the way.

Get at least an MSc though.

>> No.8490767
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>he doesn't know about my very specific engineering degree that is literally only people who failed out of another engineering degree but still has 100% job placement and $75k starting
>this degree is easy as fuck and all of the people are idiots
It's alright, engineering/science are lame and I'm going to be attending an ivy law school for free next year because of my near-perfect gpa in easy ass engineering.

>> No.8490834

nuclear engineers will bring destruction to humanity
as we all know
plus nuclear power is a meme

>> No.8490839
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Civil (structural) is objectively the most chad engineering field.

Prove me wrong, /sci/

>> No.8490846

Only because of cost, you twat, once we achieve viable fusion not using nuclear power will be a meme.

>> No.8490870

Greasers, gear heads, and other assorted bro-dudes

legit nerds, autists, and poo-in-loo's

rich chads who already have a job lined up at dads construction firm, old faggot tradesmen who want to upgrade careers, hippies, and lesbians.

chemists who want to be slightly more marketable than actual chemists

the guys that aren't in it for the money are usually outdoorsy niggers who were one step away from getting a geology degree instead

smug faggots who think they are getting a sexy degree when its just another niche overspecialization

really just want to be a salesman

you literally need to be number 1 in your uni, or you need to join the Navy.

>> No.8490898

don't make the same mistake I did in assuming a technician degree is just as good as an engineering degree.

>> No.8490901

You foolish fool.

>> No.8490905

pretty sure nobody thinks that

>> No.8490923

not true.
Pretty shit being a nuke though, you're just a glorified technician ade to run plants smoothly. Boring as fuck.
I guess if you go in building the appartus it's more interesting though.

>> No.8490934
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If it happened to me it could happen to someone else.
I mostly blame myself for not doing enough research, but the college recruiter assured me that a technician's degree + passing the FE exam is just as good in the eyes of an employer.
The money I saved going to that uni was immediately lost through credit transfers when I realized my mistake.

>> No.8490943
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structural for me
fastest to finish
average students
most business like
filled with ex-other-majors who switched

i work for caltrans
ok pay
not too much work
average co workers
varied and fun work environments
i work all over la/oc county
no indians or fob asians

>> No.8491073


>> No.8491091
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I got an engineering technology associates degree. When I was 19 I didn't really know what I wanted to do and the jobs paid well for 2 years of school. When I was 25 I realized that my career was pretty much stalled, so I decided to go back to school.

About half of my credits did end up transferring, but all said and done it was more expensive to go this route. I don't regret it though, being an engineers bitch for 5 years taught me to work a lot harder than I would have and opened up a career path through a former coworker that paid 100k right out of university

>> No.8491102

You forgot materials, are they with Mining/Petroleum

>> No.8491111

>You forgot materials

materials engineers are autists, but not the smelly unaffable kind that make up most of electrical.

pleasant, simple folk who can be a bit eccentric at times.

>> No.8491122

materials are nothing like mining and petroleum, those two are unique

I'd say that the affable autist description is accurate

>> No.8491125

>fastest to finish
honestly, what?

a MS is pretty much required to work anywhere that does serious work, and on top of that you need 2-4 years of experience to even try for licensure

>> No.8491153
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>studying Aeronautical engineering
>tfw I just accepted a job for $75k starting

>> No.8491156

>affable autist
Sounds about like me, it must be destiny considering I want to be a Materials Engi

>> No.8491242

ECE master race.

I hope you guys like being unemployed because that's what you'll be if you aren't doing something with electronics or computing in [current year].

>> No.8491298

>not studying Mathematical Engineering

Literally the best of both worlds.

>> No.8491321
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I'm gonna start my Chem Eng career next year. Im 23 already and it's a 5 year career.
I just don't know what kind of jobs there are for me when i get out.
I hear that civil engineering has a lot more jobs but they dont pay nearly as well.

Thoughts anyone?

>> No.8491329

Nunca hubiera esperado encontrar otro platense aca

>> No.8491339

Y encima a esta hora. Lo que es la indecisión.
Y vos que estudiaste?

>> No.8491359

>not studying Quantum Archaeology

>> No.8491366

Basic applied physics

for people who failed out of physics

Pretty much non-STEM

Chemists are bro-tier. Chemical Engineers are idiots who work with vague shit in a meme field.


applied physics

applied physics

>> No.8491367

I do oil and gas mechanical engineering, every small gas plant in my area is looking for chemical engineers. If you are willing to move around, you'll have no problem finding work.

>> No.8491374

I majored in physics, minored in chemistry, if I could redo it I would go for electrical engineering or computer science.

>> No.8491375

>tfw major in physical chemistry, minor in math
am i gonna make it?

>> No.8491376

Aren't chemical engineers *technically* chemists? Am I missing something here hidden within your thinly velied arrogance?

>> No.8491380

Not that I know of. Chemical engineering degrees have a surprisingly low amount of chemistry and physics but have a shitload of process stuff and things from other fields that are irrelevant. It's typically a very long degree.

>> No.8491386

Would a Bachelor's in chem get me a relatively good position in anywhere? Something like a full chem engineering degree?

>> No.8491403

I don't know, I'm in my second year of a chemistry BS myself. Most of my friends are in ChemE. I've heard of people from our chem program being able to talk their way into chemical engineering jobs but I'm not entirely sure how. (My uni is relatively mediocre but the chem dept is often placed in the top 20)

>> No.8491407

what about computer engineering tho

>> No.8491415

Electrical Engineering is the most interesting one and it has the highest demand.

>> No.8491439

>Implying said Chad could get a single problem right for his FE/PE exams needed to get a job in Civil

>> No.8491465

what engineering field has the highest salary besides petroleum? would it be electrical? and is mechanical a lot lower than electrical? HELP CUNTS

>> No.8491484

Electrical is objectively the best but fuck off we're full.

Go do mechanical or chemical or some shit.

That or go major in Physics. If you have no idea what subfield of engineering to go into then engineering isn't for you. Like, if you look at the spectrum of a 50% duty cycle square wave and seeing all the odd order harmonics doesn't blow your mind (do this before you learn about the Fourier series) then electrical isn't for you.

>> No.8491494

>for people who failed out of physics

Pick one, you can't go to electrical engineering here without knowing decent physics

>> No.8491498

>tfw studying Electrical Engineering
>tfw just accepted a job in Aeronautics for $81k starting

>> No.8491502

Physics is a jack of all trades master of none degree. A physics degree would not be enough to qualify you to work any engineering job.

Can a physicist design distributed element LC bandpass filters for signals over 30GHz? I didn't think so.

>> No.8491503

Architecture is god.

>> No.8491507

>engineers who don't know math

>> No.8491514

>People who get paid more than engineers for more fun work

>> No.8491518

I got BS in Physics. I did 0 networking or job prep, but I went back for MS in EE and I'm getting a good paying job in May. So yeah, not to late for you, son.

>> No.8491521

My father failed out of physics at MIT and switched to EE

>> No.8491523

Sure, but you could learn it in a few sittings. Physics makes you a master learner of Engineering, basically. I only went back for an MS in Engineering so people would interview and hire me.


>> No.8491524

Physics math is different than EE math, if you can pass a calc class, you can get an EE degree.

>> No.8491548

Yeah no. You can't just sit down one day, pick up Electronics for Dummies and just start designing microwave frequency circuits. It doesn't work like that.

I know you learned Ohm's law back in physics 1 and think you know everything about electronics now but none of that applies here. Nothing behaves like the ideal in that frequency range and you can throw everything you know about electronics design out the window.

High frequency stuff is a bit unfair for a physicist. I'll give you a baby problem, prove me wrong. I doubt you could design a 4-pole active notch filter designed to filter out 60Hz noise from the mains. Any topology you want as long as it's active. Include the transfer function for the circuit. Should be no problem for you right? Hit the books for 10 minutes and pop out with an answer?

>> No.8491550

Aero here kill me

>> No.8491552

How and where

>> No.8491553


>> No.8491587

I think times have changed. You need to know physics to get into EE.

t. EE major

>> No.8491598

I never said 10 minutes, Mr. Prima Dona, but yeah, lemme go study for like a month or two then bam, not too bad. The points I was making is that physics teaches you how to *learn*, not that you could do it right that minute.

And especially that
>everything about electronics now but none of that applies here.
that's pretty top kek
literally that's just the base. OBVIOUSLY you need to learn about the stuff that happen in the real case, the noise, the extra factors, the design limitations. You're forgetting you're talking to someone who came FROM physics to learn the EE specifics so he could get hired to make a living. Trust me, it's not *that* hard to learn the special-cases.

Again, I'm not saying it would be easy, or that it would take 10 minutes. It would take some honest work, time, and study. But it's easily within the grasp of anyone who takes on Physics.

Feel special for now, if you like.

>> No.8491613

wtf is that supposed to mean
everyone takes basics physics - one whole basic book of material

>> No.8491625

>Physics teaches you how to learn

That's not mutually exclusive to physics. Engineering is not just plugging in numbers and looking up shit in tables.

Additionally your logic cuts both ways. Any problem in physics give me a month with a book and some paper and I can have it solved too.

>> No.8491631

>computer """""""""""""""""""""""""""engineering"""""""""""""""""""""""""""

>> No.8491689

Is it normal for professors to give exams no one is able to finish on time? I'm currently taking statics and it's unreal, I feel like it's testing me less on how well I know the content and more about how quickly I can solve basic algebra. I'm finishing up the last of my 200 level classes and it's driving me insane.

It's not as if I'm just retarded, the median exam grade is consistently in the 50s across all semesters because people are able to finish maybe two thirds of it.

>> No.8491709

Are you gay OP?

>> No.8491719

CHAD goes to PARTIES while getting perfect grades and connections while you slave away at the LIBRARY and JERK it to Chad's gf's fb profile

>> No.8491729

what about explosive, like rockets but less advanced and work in mining

>> No.8491764

yes it is harder to cheat when you have to go fast

>> No.8491776

>I think times have changed. You need to know physics to get into EE.
lel u have no idea of the difference between physics and EE

>> No.8492413

Plus Physics BSc level shit is piss easy.

It's more dependent on your own talents and intelligence than on your degree.

If you're smart enough to do a Physics or EE degree without much problems that means you can learn easily.

If you can barely pass your EE courses at a shit uni then you are most likely shit in everything.

>> No.8492471
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What are the prospects for an EE focusing on solid state physics / devices / photonics?

Asking because my school has a fab and I think those are the only areas we're good at.

>> No.8492477


ITT: The degree I studied is hardest, best, and most useful

The degree everyone else studied is easy, useless, and for fags

Just another day of uninteresting discussion on /sci/

>> No.8492491

I'm in Industrial Engineering, most faggots call us "managers with helmets" to mock us.

And they're right. Right now I work in a shit bank checking credit card's memberships, but I'm still an student.

I kinda want to work in a water-treatment plant. Or an hydroelectric plant, that shit is my jam.
Fuck Peru for not having enough job positions for anyone.

>> No.8492521

I'm not about to pretend my chemistry degree is particularly useful but bio people are still fags

>> No.8492531

What about Telecommunications Engineering? I know its often a profile in EE, but what about it?

>> No.8492550

hard, relatively good job prospects, but not as good as mech or civil, but good pay

>> No.8492565

Just design a high order high pass filter you double nigger. That's sophomore electronics.

>> No.8492569

well he did say that it's an ez pz problem

>> No.8492571

someone post the expectation/reality of engineering fields chart if you have it

>> No.8492578

any other EE bros got some advice for me?
trying to choose my depth courses
looking at circuits and systems vs devices, materials, and photonics

>> No.8492582

it really depends on what you like and what to do at your job. i personally would prefer devices and materials because i'm like more "concrete" stuff, but go for circuits and systems if you want to work in communications and electronics

>> No.8492661


I'm thinking of getting a technician degree (2 years), then while I get some experience in the area I slowly work in the eng degree, so finally when I'm an Engineer I have 10 years of experience or so.

Otherwise I'm going to be a 30 year old Engineer with no experience at all, and be completely fucked (currently I'm a filthy web dev monkey from 9 to 5, 23 yo, wanting to get into Telecommunications)

>> No.8492673

like many anons said don't make the mistake of thinking going for a tehnician role will get you as far an engineering, but if you're already 23 you might as well do that. alternatively try finding an EE program that is only part time or with no required attendance, but prepare your anus for studying 24/7. if you already have a stem degree and some work experience you should try to get into a master's degree directly, skip the technician and bachelor's altogether. depending on what you studied you might have better or worse chances but i think there are plenty universities that would accept you to do an easier master's degree in EE

>> No.8492686

>going for a tehnician role will get you as far an engineering

I don't think that, I think that working as a technician in the field of telecommunications, while studying engineering, will give me far better chances than trying to get in the field as a 30-35 yo engineer that has only programmed in PHP and has no real experience in the field.

I didn't do any STEM career, I just have a high school degree and I don't think there is any point in doing a Master's unless it is for research or something very highly specialized, or am I wrong?

Also I can't study 24/7 because I have to work, there is no way I could do engineering in 5 years precisely because of that, I'm guessing that even working my ass off, it would take around 10 at least, that's why I want to get the other degree first, I could have it in just 2 years and probably even get a job before I finish, where I would be under the supervision of engineers in the area I want learning a lot, and a few years later I will be in their position surely (when I become an engineer of course)

>> No.8492697

And fusion is only a few years away!

>> No.8492698

>it has the highest demand
That is factually untrue

>> No.8492700


>> No.8492703

Woah there bub, MechE is pretty easy now but I've heard it ramps up hard in the final semesters

>> No.8492706

Which discipline is less specialized than that mess of a degree?

>> No.8492719

Honestly, it depends on the mechatronics degree. Some mechatronics degrees are more like a systems engineering degree targeting interdisciplinary stuff.

That can be a good basics to continue in either EE or MechEng.

So if you want something less specialized then EE from the electrical side and ME from the mechanical one.

>> No.8492726

No jobs right now, shit sucks, have applied to over 200 jobs and no interviews. Only interviews I've gotten have been for non engineering jobs through connections at hedge funds and what not. Better to do computer science

>> No.8492730
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We had the final battle last year you fucking new faggots.

>> No.8492732
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So if I went for an electrical technician program will I be able to get a job? I'm 26, have average grades, and currently have one project to bring to the interview but a few more in the works.

My plan was to get into a job and either hope the company would pay for me to finish a full EE degree or hope I get paid enough to do it out of pocket and afford a small apartment. It's worth noting I can no longer get any federal financial aid (loans included) because too many credit hours, the result of changing majors twice. I would have to take out private loans but since I have no credit history my interest rates will be awful assuming I'm even approved at all.

>> No.8492735

Nah chemical engineering has very little chemistry in the coursework. Most jobs involve becoming over glorified plumbers called "process engineers".

>> No.8492740

No way you can get a chemical engineering job with a chem degree, definitely possible the other way around.

>> No.8492741

Huh, is someone posting in this thread? I couldn't notice because of my 300k/yr stacks from my pure math degree.

>> No.8492744

I agree, physics degree is useless without a masters or phd

>> No.8492746

No, you're fucking retarded

>> No.8492752

Get a ti-Nspire or ti-89, can solve all that stupid algebra quickly

>> No.8492753

That's also true for engineers regarding a masters if we want to talk about real shit and not just the basics.
MSc is where you start doing complex stuff and broaden your knowledge and get into research.

>> No.8492756

Nobody gives a shit what you specialized in. Start applying to jobs that require your skills and check out the market yourself. There is a huge disconnect between academia and industry, as long as you get decent grades and an internship you should find a job easily with EE, if you're sub 3.0 good luck lol

>> No.8492761

Nobody gives a shit about what you specialized in.

>> No.8492764

Stop being a retard and get a CS degree

>> No.8492765

How do you go about getting a job if you have a bad GPA? Even a shit job. Anything to get experience.

Asking for a friend.

>> No.8492800

If I am from Spain? No

You could get a job, I guess it depends where you are from. Where I am from private universities are piss easy but incredibly expensive, and public uni is better in every way, but requires full dedication to have a chance, or do it in more years.

I don't know how it works there, but if you can do a technician degree and from there pick up EE somehow, that sounds like a good plan, here they are not compatible, I have to get the technician degree, then start a 5 year engineering program from scratch with no middle-titles as if I was just a high-schooler.

No thanks.

>> No.8492817

Hahaha, this is completely false

>> No.8492823

Are you in the US? Don't you need a bs to be credited?

>> No.8492885

Nigger engineering

>> No.8493684

not a new fag, just didn't frequent /sci/ as much last year

>> No.8493695

>MechE is piss easy shit for noobs
lol no

>> No.8493777

One that studies engineering technology wants to be more than a technician, with a technical profile, which is perfectly fine.

If you study that wanting to be an engineer, then yes its shit tier and you are an idiot, I know plenty here who think is real engineering instead of a technologist degree, even some of the teachers themselves lol, this is what I get for living in an ignorant 3rd world dumpster

The thing is that is a great career path if you want to be more into the field and do less 'desktop work' and/or just be the one who tells technicians and technologists what to do, it just pisses me off the ignorant people that assume it is what it isn't supposed to be.

>> No.8493778

Or the people that trashes it because it isn't engineering, IT ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE IDIOT, for fuck's sake, you are just as stupid as the people who pretend it is engineering.

>> No.8493795

Compared to EE you learn around 1/4 the math and 1/2 the physics. Plus no modern physics only trivial classical shit.

EE is literally engineering using the unseen.

>> No.8493814
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you only need a few topics from complex variables and pde for ee
not even a full course full of material
stop being so full of shit

>> No.8493819

kek, nice try

>> No.8493823

all of them
>not having a phd in every enginering field, like i do

>> No.8493830

I have a degree in the art of seducing milfs, son.

>> No.8494064

Civil is pretty cool for how broad it is. I've seen internship offers for large contractors, structural firms, water treatment plants, transportation departments, etc. The roles have varied from engineering to management positions. Pay is pretty great too and seems consistent.

I'm happy with the field I've chosen anyway.

>> No.8494164

Guys did I fuck up?
>didnt get a good enough rank for top 5 IIT in core branch
>Could've taken mining but its not good
>applied abroad and go into uni of sydney and got in easily
Did I do good considering I want to apply to top american unis for masters?

>> No.8494190

>Be me
>Just graduated with EE degree
>See flyer for exams in PE, FE, SE
>sign up for all 3 exams
>study the day before for each one
>pass them all
>certified civil engineer now
if anyone is doing a another engineering field, make sure to take these exams for a free pass to civil engineering license

>> No.8494200

deja de robarnos oceano, peruanito

>> No.8494548

how much more physics and math can you really learn in EE than in MechE

>> No.8494581

ME here, you're probably right if you just look at required classes, but personally, by the time I finished my BS I almost had taken enough physics courses to get physics as a second major.

It's not that useful comparing majors by the required classes, because what really determines your career path are the electives, internships, and extra-curriculars

>> No.8494721

well you learn much more algebra, a shit ton of electromagnetism which is inherently a bit harder and broader than mechanics or thermodynamics which are the basics of physics in ME

>> No.8494945
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>almost 2017
>not working on heavy ass miracles of engineering while letting the EE cucks deal with wires in their sexbots

feels good to be ME

>> No.8495002

The entire operation of all those things in your pic is possible because of "EE cucks".

Every single modern thing is possible due to advanced control algorithms and computers which allow you to do most things in software.

MEs deal with the piss easy shit while EEs do the real work as always.

>> No.8495645


>> No.8495670

are you serious senpai?

damn, might do that once I'm done with EE too

>> No.8495766

>learn much more algebra
please tell us all this extra algebra an ee learns

>> No.8495803

Everything all other engineers work this is made out of materials
Therefore it is an objective fact that materials engineering is the best field :^)

>> No.8495811
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Give it to me straight. What I really want to do is specialize in materials, but I want a more general engineering degree so I don't get pigeon-holed into one field in case things go south. Can I accomplish that with a ChemEng or EE route?

And of course, how shittier is ChemEng in job prospects? I've heard and read a lot of bad things about how things are looking for ChemEng grads during this time, from here, other forums, and from actual graduating students. It's just down to these two majors, and I'm confused after seeing so much dicksucking for ChemEng.

>> No.8495821

Do not listen to these faggots making EE to be much math heavy than the rest. At the vast majority of schools people take the standard math classes, and they teach you advanced material in the EE course.

Some schools do require extra math. I went to CS Northridge, and we took a course ECE 455 that covered more advanced topics. Keep in mind this is an applied math course; no arcane shit that serves no purpose in an ECE job.

This was a four month course divided as follows:
Complex Variables
Other Topics - linear programming, nonlinear ODE etc.


This is the book we used - plus lots of Matlab coding for HW.

ECE/CS people forget about scale. Many people want to work on big things and projects.

>> No.8495969

yeah you do the "real work" for the same amount of money faggot. also control algorithms are written by comp "sci" guys anyway, you're just sore you will always in a team of brony pajeets as a glorified technician. if you're lucky you might go into biomedicalE shit but i bet you're too stupid and to "pure" to go beneath your patrician pajeet status

>> No.8496123

EE Junior thinking of changing to computer engineering. Am I making a mistake?

>> No.8496133

A big fat mistake

>> No.8496137


>> No.8496162

UCLA Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering also requires some applied upper division math.

181A. Complex Analysis and Integral Transforms. (4) Lecture, four hours; outside study, eight hours. Enforced requisite: course 82. Complex variables, analytic functions, conformal mapping, contour integrals, singularities, residues, Cauchy integrals; Laplace transform: properties, convolution, inversion; Fourier transform: properties, convolution, FFT, applications in dynamics, vibrations, structures, and heat conduction. Letter grading.

182B. Mathematics of Engineering. (4) Lecture, four hours; discussion, one hour; outside study, seven hours. Enforced requisite: course 82. Analytical methods for solving partial differential equations arising in engineering. Separation of variables, eigenvalue problems, Sturm/Liouville theory. Development and use of special functions. Representation by means of orthonormal functions; Galerkin method. Use of Green’s function and transform methods. Letter grading

>> No.8496166

Also wondering about this, hopefully will be getting into a Telecommunications Engineering/Physics double degree in near future, is it worth it, or should I just go straight for EE?
Sidenote, the Telecomms degree at said University is very similar to Electrical with a lot of the same units, just with more on communications stuff as well (obviously)

>> No.8496252

>also control algorithms are written by comp "sci" guys
Written, but not designed. Classical control theory is a field which belongs to EE and applied mathematics. More recent control solutions (neural, fuzzy, etc.) are CE/EE.

>you're just sore you will always in a team of brony pajeets as a glorified technician.
You must be extremely butthurt. You literally know shit about EE. Do you seriously think that with top-tier applied electromagnetism, radar and RF knowledge capable of writing numerical algorithms I'm going to be some kind of technician? Any EE from a competent school can transfer into an Applied Physics or Math MSc. I know of EE guys who went for an Applied Math PhD (control theory guys). CS is possibility too. EE is one of the broadest fields where if you're talented you can go in almost any direction you want. EE guys literally work with the unseen; if you want to be competent it you need to have very good imagination and intuition. Meanwhile in ME lot of stuff just needs to barely work, this only goes away at very competent levels and even then all you do is lego. You can't do this in EE, you can't really design a >10GHz stuff, hell even a >2GHz stuff without being competent.

Stay mad, it shows on your writing. Don't misunderstand me you're needed and I like electromechanical stuff, but most of you guys are doing nothing more than lego for adults.

Only top-tier mechatronics guys touch for example signals and systems, most of you guys can only reason about basic structural stuff.

>> No.8496261


Here are the required courses from a European - Hungarian university ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_University_of_Technology_and_Economics ) for an EE degree. If you guys want to compare.

This is the English roadmap for guys coming from other countries for a BSc:

The one for Hungarians is a bit different, it has more specializations.

Here are the mandatory math requirements:


The Hungarian synopsis for the courses is a lot detailed though. You can google translate it from the Hungarian version of the page, it's an alright translation considering that most of the stuff are scientific terms.

>> No.8496314

Okay I translated the Hungarian stuff with Google Translate. Just delete the /en/ from the end of the links in my previous post to see the original Hungarian version.


Any opinions on this? How does it compare to universities abroad?

>> No.8496341

It is basically 90% the same as the USA depending on the school.

these are electrical courses

computer science

>> No.8496350

Thanks I'll take a look.

>> No.8496384

In comparison, I take:
-Every white class except for "Electronics Technology and Materials" and "Foundations of Computer Science." I took a grad course in VLSI design if that counts as "Electronics technology." My uni's math track is the standard calc sequence, linear/nonlinear ODEs, and a math elective (choosing from some field of analysis, stochastics, or linear algebra; I took complex analysis)
-The equivalent of every core (orange) class on that chart except perhaps for "measurement technology," since I don't know what that class entails. Every BSc here also has to take chemistry I, Physics I & II, and then either Chemistry II or Modern Physics, I chose the latter.
-Everything in the embedded/control track, except it's taught in three courses instead of five. I had to learn ASM programming on my own time.

Some other comparisons:
-Every engineer field including EE/CompE takes a course in engineering economics and deciphering legal-ese. No other economics course beyond the one other 100-level econ every student has to take
-Everyone takes a High-frequency lab.
-Comms. engineers here don't have a space technology course
-Power engineers here don't have a sustainable power electronics course

>> No.8496389

>"Everyone takes a High-frequency lab."
I meant to say that every EE takes a high-frequency lab, not just comms engineers. It's the usual stuff: high-frequency component modelling, transmission line theory, smith charts, s-parameters, and waveguides.

>> No.8496403


Thanks for the detailed comparison. :-)

Measurement technology here:

Electronics technology here:

It's more about manufacturing and similar stuff. It's not circuit design.
>I meant to say that every EE takes a high-frequency lab, not just comms engineers. It's the usual stuff: high-frequency component modelling, transmission line theory, smith charts, s-parameters, and waveguides.

Electronics 2 and Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields cover that:

Electronics 2:

Introduction to Electromagnetic Fields:

>> No.8496443

I see. We pick up bits and pieces of the material in Measurement/Electronics technology in various other classes but no direct analogue for those courses exist at my university

Another big difference is my university is 8-semester, not seven. The EEs there take only 3 humanities courses, whereas every bachelor degree here takes 6, including 3 basic English/comms classes, mainly for idiots. That is six classes, wasted, that could have been used for more electronics courses. this "we produce well-rounded individuals" meme needs to die

>> No.8496500

It's a well known fact that studying computer engineering gives you autism.

>> No.8496509

how much about electricity is taught in ME, and how much mechanics and thermodynamics is taught in EE

>> No.8496537 [DELETED] 
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Can we continue to mass produce food while reducing pollution and water consumption?

Are GMOs and pesticides safe?

>> No.8496560


>> No.8496591

Most EE's I know are in fact near-experts in polynomial rings! The algebra required is immense!

>> No.8496652

bumping for curiosity, i'm a finance fag but i genuinely want to know. the course modules just say physics and electromagnetism or fluid dinamics and engineering mechanics

>> No.8496699

Got it. Thanks.
>this "we produce well-rounded individuals" meme needs to die
Yeah, I agree.

>> No.8496728

>"how much about electricity is taught in ME"
My uni has MEs take a course that teaches the bare basics of circuits, electric machines, and control systems

>"how much mechanics and thermodynamics is taught in EE"
my BSc in EE had me take mechanics and then an engineering science elective (I chose fluid mechanics) but I have literally never used mechanics concepts except in studying motors/generators

>> No.8496893
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Yes, but apparently your nuts haven't dropped yet because, first of all, saying both "square wave" and "50% duty cycle" is not only redundant but makes you look like an idiot to all except the business majors you're explaining this too. And you don't need to be an engineering freshman to know that square waves are the sum of even harmonics just as triangle waves are the sum of odd harmonics.


Seems engineers can't either, without requiring a tech to manually "power-tune" by having to manually adjust every single coil and strap and tab and cut damn near every trace - and we're not even discussing having to reposition wirebonds yet. If engineers could design worth shit then there'd be a lot less involvement with production hours.

>> No.8497023

Hi guys, EE or CS? (University Bachelor)

>> No.8497138


>> No.8497165

damn I haven't been on /sci/ for a bit. You guys still comparing majors?

Anyways, this board is a huge reason of why I majored in chemical engineering and was interested in STEM. Now that I have graduated, I am having a lot of trouble getting work since oil crashed.

Can you guys reassure me that my degree wasn't a meme and it I will probably be okay in the long term?

>> No.8497168

Should have just done pure math

>> No.8497179

it will, apply to literally all engineering jobs, not just in the chemE field, but literally all engineering fields you see, even in finance or programming if you want to be employed

>> No.8497190


Thanks man, I will keep trying.

>> No.8497192

e&m in basic physics
a circuits course - it may be the same one as the ee majors but many times it is taught by the me department
if you course thermo as your area you can take courses

MAE 140. Linear Circuits (4)

Steady-state and dynamic behavior of linear, lumped-parameter electrical circuits. Kirchoff’s laws. RLC circuits. Node and mesh analysis. Operational amplifiers. Signal acquisition and conditioning. Electric motors. Design applications in engineering. Prerequisites: grades of C– or better in Math 20D or 21D, 20F, and Phys 2B. Enrollment restricted to engineering majors only.

MAE 110A. Thermodynamics (4)

Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics: energy, work, heat, properties of pure substances, first and second laws for closed systems and control volumes, gas mixtures. Application to engineering systems, power and refrigeration cycles, combustion. Prerequisites: grades of C– or better in Phys 2C and Chem 6A. Enrollment restricted to engineering majors only.

MAE 110B. Thermodynamic Systems (4)

Thermodynamic analysis of power cycles with application to combustion driven engines: internal combustion, diesel, and gas turbines. Thermodynamics of mixtures and chemical and phase equilibrium. Computational methods for calculating chemical equilibrium. Prerequisites: grade of C– or better in MAE 110A. Course not offered every year.


>> No.8497194

you can do the vast majority of basic engineering jobs as they ten to entail very basic skills and light supervision (think cad drawing)
you are also qualified to be a MATLAB code monkey or basic analyst for you engineering area

>> No.8497221

i should add many schools require their ee majors to take thermo and statics. where i went ucsd it was not required
in california the cal state system does require the above courses for ee majors
the uc system does not

>> No.8497269

>square waves are the sum of even harmonics just as triangle waves are the sum of odd harmonics

Not that guy, but I don't think this is correct. Can somebody confirm?

>> No.8497283

Look up the fourier transform

>> No.8497288

I like pure math but don't want to be jobless after uni, what engineering should I major in? EE?

>> No.8497338

Join one that you like. Almost all of them can at least guarantee you a nice wage. I think EE is definitely the most broad, but with more mature areas like circuit design you'll see a lot of competition from more experienced applicants. I've heard from a few company employers that they are looking for more machine learning guys, but who knows how long the hype will last since a lot of the software-based positions can also be filled by CS majors.

>> No.8497438

lol no. i was just trying to say civil engineering is piss easy

>> No.8497470
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Most Math classes and low level physics classes won't let you use a calculator.

>> No.8497492


Do you even Matlab you pretentious nigger?

>> No.8497531


>> No.8497605

Undergrad EEfag here.

Does anyone know any good places for a PhD in compound semiconductors / photonics / optoelectronics? How competitive is the field in general?

All I know is most people really hate solid state and condensed matter physics, so it can't be that saturated right?

>> No.8497618

Fire protection engineering

>> No.8497705

any engineering will be fine get a minor in math if you like
proofs analysis algebra - that is five course on semesters

>> No.8497983

why would you want a phd in engineering of all fields ?

>> No.8497993

Went to school for electrical engineering and work as a mechanical engineer because mechanical is that easy. Seriously, a retard could do this shit.

>> No.8497999

well then you're a retard for being incapable to find work in you field

>> No.8498013
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You can do things other than power in nuke.
Pic related

Nuke has next highest salary as of a few years ago.

>Engineering using the unseen
>Thinking you're this special
Pic related

>> No.8498062

Where's software you fucking tool?

>> No.8498130

software engineer does not exist as a major in any reputable school in the usa
software engineer = code monkey

>> No.8498170
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>pleasant, simple folk who can be a bit eccentric at times

very accurate, i'm studying materials

>> No.8498175

Production engineering

>> No.8498198
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At least she's getting fucked, which makes her happy, so it's all good.

>> No.8498249

>square wave
Both contain only odd harmonics.

>> No.8498363


>> No.8498402

Thank you for the hope

I'm about to graduate with a chemical engineering degree and have absolutely no idea where to get a job

I'll possibly get an offer from chevron

>> No.8498407

This is not true

I've taken Gen Chem, O-Chem, and Physics Chem

Basically a year of each

>> No.8498414

well it really depends on where you live/want to live. there's still a need of chemical engineers, including the oil industry, natural gas extraction, enviormental shit and many more. however you can in theory work in every engineering field since you have a good foundation in math, physics and hopefully in cad-shit. electronics is the only field i can think that might not be accesabile to you, but you have good chances in all the others. just make sure you've got good grades and proper elective courses, and internships/work experience

>> No.8499701

I finished a chem degree and the best job I could find with only a BSc paid 12-15 leafbucks/hour
Now I'm in community college studying energy systems engineering technology

>> No.8499773
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>majoring in chem eng.
>tfw everyone's shitting on it
I assume he wants to go into R&D.

>> No.8500028

I know guys who work at Home Depot and make $30/hr. It is you not the degree.

>> No.8500050

what do you do?

>> No.8500642

could i transfer in an EE master with a mechE bachelor or vice versa

>> No.8500682


>> No.8500683

nuclear and industrial are basic though. especially industrial.

>> No.8500754

>High frequency stuff is a bit unfair for a physicist. I'll give you a baby problem, prove me wrong. I doubt you could design a 4-pole active notch filter designed to filter out 60Hz noise from the mains. Any topology you want as long as it's active. Include the transfer function for the circuit. Should be no problem for you right? Hit the books for 10 minutes and pop out with an answer?

is this 1930?

>> No.8500779

mechanical deg can get a job in nuclear engineering electrical cant

>> No.8500782

anaglyph doesnt work too good.

>> No.8500847

Mechanical or Electrical

>> No.8500906


>> No.8500925


>> No.8500926

no and why would you?

>> No.8500941

>he isn't dual majoring in math/physics then planning on going to graduate school for engineering after joining the military as an officer

>> No.8500956


t. meche offered a ra position for a phd in ee

>> No.8500969

because i want to gain knowledge in both fields, but slightly more in one of them

>> No.8500973
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>it's another /sci/ bullies mechatronics majors
feels bad

>> No.8500974

no one cares about your shitty plan, the only reason you're joining the military is because your family is poor.

>> No.8500999

>gets college degree
>joins military because family is poor

see how stupid that is? If that was the case, I'd just get a job in the private sector with the degrees...

>> No.8501018

If you can't image electromagnetic fields and wave then you won't be good in EE RF stuff and low-noise circuit design, etc.

>> No.8501100

i've never had problems with vizualization of fields, i'm ok at math and physics. should i think about going for EE if the type of work electrical guys doesn't really excite me. i could never work for telecommunications company or on power grid systems, or on automation and control systems on trivial shit. is there cool work being done in the field for recent graduates with no experience

>> No.8501109

No, you'd join the military to get them to pay for your degree.

>> No.8501132

They don't pay for it though. The GI Bill is only for after you serve

>> No.8501254

Yes you can - people do this all the time
You would even see math/physics people in engineering MS programs

>> No.8501317


>> No.8501465

My understanding is that the only jobs in computer engineering are semiconductor design and some high-end supercomputer stuff, only superasians need apply.

>> No.8501917


well you're completely wrong. computer engineers also design the device you used to make that post.

>> No.8502239

why no just EE tho. computer engineering is one of those fields like biomedical or mechatronics where it's more of a specialization that you do in a master's degree or by having experience working with it, if you're still a high school senior thinking about where to apply just go do EE

>> No.8502498

judging from this thread EE comes out on top, but then again EE is among the few engineering branches to have negative projected job growth with CS becoming more popular and in demand, while mechE seems to have much better future growth. why is that ? what would be better in the future ?

>> No.8502564

Why does /sci hat CS?

Also I've taken mechE. Will I be taught some programming in Java or C/C++?

>> No.8502572

you will probably be taught some, and something about the theory of basic algorithms and programming

and about the cs, don't open that can of worms m8

>> No.8502578

Plz tell me I wanna av a laf m8

>> No.8502606

well because CS majors are autistic bronies who have seen an ad in which (((zuckerberg))) talked about the importance of programming. they think they are 1337 haxors that are patrician and have their own sikrity kulb, despite the fact that there are many people pouring into CS programs. now that we've established that cs majors are autistic nerds that think they are literally the /tosmart/ meme because they think they'll earn a lot of money, let's examine the courses. other than the math which is decent, you learn absolutely nothing that you couldn't have learned on you own. many people are angry with the fact that it teaches everything at a beginner level, at a very slow pace, to prepare you for the "difficult" task of being a programmer, where you just kinda copy and paste code in repetitive soul crushing work enviorment that doesn't really challange your mind too much, hence the nickname of "code-monkey".

now there are some normal well adjusted people who work in programming, some who do inventive shit, but most are disillusioned at the fact that literally everyone can work in their field without wasting 3-5 years in college on their "patrician" degree, when it turns out that it's not as useful or hard as they thought, so they turn to shitposting and being cunts to everyone because of a false sense of superiority and their own inadequacies.

now this happens with many people in many fields, but usually code fags behave like this much more than everyone else, in both numbers and quality, or lackthereof shitposting and screeching irl about their degree.

and one last thing, /sci/ and 4chan in particular is a community of anonymus trolls an fags, in whatever field of interest you might think of. so we're posting in an echo chamber of people with similar opinions to our own so these ideas start to propagate and others adopt these ideas. i myself have begun hating programmers more than before.

i hope i have explained to you why /sci/ hates cs

>> No.8502650

>listening to college advisors
>literally salesmen for the university

>> No.8502705

My school doesn't offer EE so I plan on majoring in Computer Eng. and hoping to make my way into the Electrical field.

good plan? I cant transfer to a new school either because I dot have a 3.0 gpa for all the good schools in my state and my I don't wanna leave my current uni

>> No.8502744

Its because people in Electrical Engineering are old so they are starting to retire so there are generally enough job openings for EEs wherever they are, and it is helped by the fact that EE is very difficult so not many go into it.

The fact that many engineers are retiring is a very, very good thing. Companies meming about an engineering shorrage is absolutely cancerous because it shoves too many people into engineering, and the saving grace of anybody 14-21 who wants to be an engineer right now is that the Baby Boomer engineers are retiring en masse right now, otherwise many fields would be fucked.

>> No.8502766


Just LOL

>> No.8503093

Thats normal in germany
I get 70k as a automotive eng. while working 35h a week in my first year

>> No.8503189

I think you meant to say mechanical then

>> No.8503214
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who /passed the FE exam/ here?

>> No.8503559

Makes sense. Thanks

>> No.8503568

are all Chem Engineering Jobs in the Gulf Coast or is there a lot in NY/PA/NJ. BLS says there is a shitton in Texas and Louisiana because oil, but it also says the place with the second most is NY/PA/NJ, whats in those states?

>> No.8503593
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I will be studying mechanical engineering starting in 3 months, how fucked am I? Do I have a bigger chance of getting a job in Switzerland since I'm doing my university in Austria?

>> No.8503706

how the fuck does civil construction have the same pass rate as nuclear

>> No.8503707
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>decided to take civil engineering
>father tells me im in a meme course with no job prospects and tells me to transfer as soon as possible
>beginning to doubt whether i should be in civil or do something broad like mechanical

what do i do?

>> No.8503717

If by meme course he means civil engineering then he is just wrong, there are plenty of job prospects and it pays well.

>> No.8503739

i go to a university with coop education and i barely see any job postings for civil students
how would you compare it to mechanical?

>> No.8503768

Dual major Civil/Mechanical

>> No.8503815

Best is EE. Just learn FPGA programming at some point and get a job working for some high speed trading firm for 400k

>> No.8503821

An undergrad really shouldn't be answering that question

>> No.8503840

It's not so hard man, just don't get behind on the work and do as many example problems as you can find in your textbook, I've passed many test where I have no idea what to do, but somehow guess the correct way of doing something just because I've done a lot of examples. Also try to find old test papers, the people that set up the test like reusing old shit or making similar problems

>> No.8503893

Is that how project? How did you implement it if so?

>> No.8503938

Is there any message boards where i can talk to an engineer? I figured this would be the place to go to.

>> No.8503948

What about physics engineering?

>> No.8503978
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I need some advice.
I'm a junior in a ME program but my dream is to be an aerospace engineer. Would it be better to get engineering experience as a ME out of college and then go back to school, or go straight into aerospace right after I get my undergrad?

>> No.8503987

>244 replies
>nobody has mentioned optical engineering

lets see

>get to do science degree
>get paid like an engineer
>massively unsaturated field, you'll always be in demand
>free ticket into the space industry
>future of computing hardware is optical interconnects, dick loads of money to be made
>get to develop ways of seeing the furthest things in the universe
>we've beaten the diffraction limit now, get to develop ways of seeing the smallest things in the universe
>design equipment for experiments in almost any field

>> No.8504007

How do you feel about Computer Science and Engineering, though? We have to take a lot of engineering courses along with some CS classes that are considered Tech Electives for CS students. The degree itself is more geared towards preparing us for embedded systems.

>> No.8504140

few reputable schools would let you do that
u r a massive faggot

>> No.8504150 [DELETED] 

another high school faggot appears
you will program extensively in matlab

>> No.8504158

another high school faggot appears
you will program extensively in matlab
ee/chemeng/civ/me is matlab programming

>> No.8504163

I'm not disputing that matlab isn't used in EE but verilog/VHDL and C is arguably used far more often, at least speaking from experience.

>> No.8504171

You forgot

>Any EE can get your job
>It's a stupid specialized meme field

>> No.8504235

>oh do you mean an EE niche specialization ? i wonder why nobody mentioned it?
the only engineering fields are the ones listed in this >>8490870
everything is a specializiation that you learn during you work, or in an extremely obscure master's program

>> No.8504244

>Any EE can get your job
Why would they hire an EE over an optical engineer for an optical engineering job? That literally makes no sense.

That's like saying civil engineering is a ME niche specialization. Or that EE is a physics niche specialization.

>> No.8504273

>civil as a mechE niche
that should be correct, but these two disciplines have been separate since the dawn of the man
>EE as physics niche specialization
physics is used in all engineering fields, like math and programming and technical design.

also what is an optical engineer really, there is no undergraduate course in any respectable university in the west with this name, nor it there a master's with this name that i am aware of, but it probably exists in some systems and controls course. it's merely and overspecializied field that my grandma could get into, so an EE is far more likely to enter in this job.
>why would they pick a non-existing engineer over an EE ?

what did you study you mong

>> No.8504293

Telecommunications is one of the subfields of EE, so if you want to study it, it makes little differences if any studying a Telecommunications Engineering degree or EE picking Telecommunications courses when you have to choose instead of pure Electronics or Industrial optional courses.

>> No.8504312

>what did you study you mong
Physics undergrad, optical engineering masters.

As I said, optical engineering as a massively unsaturated field. The demand far exceeds the supply. Really, finding a job afterwards was easy. I was being headhunted left right and centre.

>> No.8504327

Also just to add, usually unfilled optical engineering positions go to physics grads, not EE. So I guess optical engineering is a physics specialisation. Just like every other field.

>> No.8504348

Mah nigga.
EngPhys is clearly so magnificent that he has nothing to say against it so he just skips it.

>> No.8504350

There is literally no engineering degree that has nothing to do with electronics nowadays. Maybe civil and things of that sort but for the rest you will encounter them one way or another.

>> No.8504352

Holy shit if only this existed

>> No.8504814


its called physics you dumb niggers

>> No.8504853
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I spent the first 2 years in college majoring in Aerospace Engineering with a minor in Mathematics

>mfw Aero prooved too dificult
I switched to CS. I love it and Im extremely happy that I did switch, but I know I'll get made fun of so have at it. Sorry, desu!

>> No.8504873

I... can't remember studying fossils in my physics class

>> No.8505013

how developed is the field in europe ? phys undergrad here, thinking of going for a master's in engineering

>> No.8505062

bump for interest
fellow phys undergrad here

>> No.8505135

Software Engineering

Software Engineering

Software Engineering

>> No.8505147

>no physics
>not even the math from CS

Nice joke mate, you are just glorified programmers

>> No.8505411
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>software (((ENGINEERING)))

>> No.8505435
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>Very little mention of God Tier Material Science Engineering
fucking pathetic

>> No.8505461

when you try to analyse them, they disappear

>> No.8505482

do you mean poor man's mechE ?

>> No.8505533

>poor man's mechE
not him but Material Science/Materials Engineering is a very specialized form of ChemE, that has managed to be just big enough to have its own fields.

>> No.8505543

I feel like I see more pickup-truck Joes than Chads there, but I go to college in a redneck state so maybe that's just bias. Every Civil guy I've had to directly interact with looked like they could recite every line from the larry the cable guy movie from memory alone (there was only one of those, right?)

>> No.8505553

> chemE
> anything to do with chemistry and not the same toobs they study in meche

>> No.8505700

I go to a top 15 Uni in the country and I'm doing it. Fight me, pussy

>> No.8505740

>MIT not being major school
>Carnegie Mellon not being a reputable school

hehe :^)

>> No.8505917

There were several Larry The Cable Guy movies. Delta Farce, that fucking one where he's an FBI agent, etc...oh, I'm a Civil from Arkansas btw

In all honesty Civ has the chillest people I've ever met. The rest of engineering majors are just jealous that they're autismo spergs.

>> No.8506096

find me a link that shows a softeng major
i cannot find one


post a link where is says you can do civil/me
there is too much overlap so most schools do not allow it

>> No.8506130

I have a BS and MS both in ME and I work at Boeing. I have the same job as aerospace engineering grads.

ME degree is 100% fine for most aerospace industry jobs.

>> No.8506134

genetic engineering, of course

>> No.8506144

Does that mean a person with an engineering degree like mech or electrical can learn programming and get CS jobs?
Or can a mech/electrical guy just get a CS job fr4om what he learned in college?

>> No.8506174

I'm going into electrical engineering, and some programming.
I just want to make robots, nanomachines, and maybe AI, if it's possible in my lifetime.

>> No.8506180

Hey I'm an EE junior and am interested in applying to Boeing for an internship and possible job on graduation, do you have any tips for what they look for on resumes?

>> No.8506572

there are many engineers who work strictly as matlab programmer
it is a different type of coding but still coding
if that interests you go for controls are your area

>> No.8506644

Comp eng here, guys should I take signal processing like an adult or control systems like a helpless child? I'm not that smart desu

>> No.8506857

they should both be required by your compeng program
they are both applied math classes but controls is a bit easier

>> No.8506879

Social engineering

>> No.8507512

can you take both ? if so then take both, if not do signal processing if you want to be buttraped by the math

>> No.8507537

arigato senpai
I hope lockheed-chan notices me

>> No.8507673

Pretty standard stuff - past internships and engineering related activities like FSAE are good to have. Their interview process is just a situational/behavioral one, i.e. "tell us about a time when you had to do X" and explain the situation, task, action, result, etc. No technical questions at all, unless you want to tell them about technical projects you did.

You might have a tough time getting into Boeing right now because they're just not hiring as many people nowadays due to financial difficulties (you may have heard about the $3B hit they took this year).

>> No.8507865

Dow and DuPont chemical

>> No.8508417


bretty true man

>> No.8508570

Well I'm in Europe. Its pretty well established, but as I said the education hasn't quite caught up with the industry demand. They normally just take physicists and train them up to be optical engineers, having the specialised knowledge puts you miles ahead.

I probably would have got a job at ESA if I hadn't fucked up the interview so badly. MSc in optics is a guaranteed foot in the door.

>> No.8508885

well you've sold it to me, i'm interested. what do you do at work and how much do you earn compared to other engineers. also can i get into the job with no masters in the future ( in about 5 years assuming the field expands ) or would i need one, i want to get Msc in EE in power systems, and i haven't found any optics masters in my country

>> No.8509002

Hows aerospace compared to straight mech MSc ?

>> No.8509010

This is amazingly true for ME and Civil. I even have a Civil-student friend who brings expensive wine to predrinks and sports a 5 figure watch.

>> No.8509032

not so sure about this, it's only one example. altough i think most people in mechE are there because they like cars or planes and other shit like that, or because they've seen too many action and sci fi movies as kids

>> No.8509037

physics are more geared towards application in flight mechanics so problem are going to have a basis in the aerospace field. also projects will involve a lot more about propulsion and aerodynamics.

other than it's pretty much the same, aero is one of those specialities of a main field ( mechE ) that is in fact as broad if not broader than it's root field/program

>> No.8509572

>what do you do at work
experiments and simulations
>how much do you earn compared to other engineers
I managed to get a company to sponsor me through my phd, so I'm probably a bad example. But because of that my stipend is more than 50% higher than other phds. They jelly.
>can i get into the job with no masters in the future
probably. the reason i was head hunted so much was because of all the small to medium sized companies that didn't have the resource or time to train physics students from scratch

>> No.8510162

I hope you guys know most chemical engineering jobs are in a smelly plant in the ghetto part of a shit hole city. Just remember that is where you will be spending your days with other beta males and the lone lesbian.

>> No.8510295

lurning da trades>architectural engineering>architect

>> No.8510296


>> No.8510552

post it faggot

>> No.8511011

aerospace reporting in. rolling in sweet defense money

>> No.8511164

I'm going to try to do a post grad in nuclear engineering after I finish my bachelors in mechanical. Is this a stupid idea?

>> No.8511278


>> No.8511359

I'm doing Photonic Engineering. Where does that put me?

>> No.8511373

Most aren't located in cities idiot, they are generally just outside cities so if there is an accident the entire city doesn't get fucked

>> No.8511600

mah niggah