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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8487473 No.8487473 [Reply] [Original]

The days of learning German for a couple of hours every day for a year are finally coming to an end. I'm moving to Austria in about few months to start university for the first time. I will study mechanical engineering there. I'm originally from Croatia.

I developed a late interest in physics and since I was a shitty student and never studied math properly, I decided to spend a gap year studying high school math from the start all the way up to calc, in order to be able to begin understanding physics once I start learning it in the university. (didn't study at all during high school, so that includes physics, even though I had a huge interest in it)

My initial plan was to study physics, but the crappy job prospects stopped me from pursuing physics, and instead I opted for engineering, thinking I'll have a job AND be able to attain physics knowledge. Now here is my current plan: move to Austria, find a dormitory, find a job to support myself and also have some money sent from the parents to help out, and get raped by lectures in German since I'm not fully proficient.

My heart lies with physics, I want to learn it all, but I'm afraid I fucked up big time. I'm afraid I'll never learn it completely since I'm going for engineering. The biggest joke is that I decided to merge two areas of passion, physics and languages, and I thought, why should I solely focus on languages throughout my life and become some translator, why not a physics/engineer and make languages a hobby?

Tell me how fucking stupid I am. Can I learn all physics during my studies? I also want to read Feynman's lectures, but my math ability in certain areas is still dodgy.

>> No.8487916

Go with mechanical engineering, physics became a glorified math monkey field with idiotic theories that exist only to support one another, it is like architecture to civil engineering. You'll do better in mechanical engineering and once you settle financially you can always pursue physics in the later age.

>> No.8487930

I give 0 fucks about this

>> No.8487937

>crappy job prospects
>with fucking physics

Jesus, anon, just go for physics, you will get a good job with it and if it really interests you, fucking go for it.
I study physics myself at the TU Wien, if you decide to study physics, you will get a whole load of math in the first 2 semesters, it will be too hard for you at first if you aren't a mathematical genius. Don't let these courses overwhelm you, most people take the exams for Analysis 1&2 in the 6th semester

>> No.8487944

If you really love physics, do it.

Most people that study actually aren't that passionate about it. Simply having a strong interest in it will put you ahead

>> No.8488231

brodwerk, and then food for your soul croatian youngling, may you from your great dinarian height listen to these words of wisdom

>> No.8488260
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How can someone even decide to study physics if they're not passionate about it?

>TU Wien
Shit, that's where I'll be going to! I'll see if I'll choose physics or engineering, it's really a hard choice, and I'm no math genius which puts me off of physics unfortunately.

I'm afraid my math ability will hit a plateau and I'll never be good enough to be a decent physicist, I'm don't really have an aptitude for maths, as much as I wish I would. I'm interested in particle physics though, since there are still discoveries being made, not really that interested in theoretical physics though.

>> No.8488284

Look here, I'll fucking rape you. I'll put my cock inside your cock and fuck like a horse until it shoots into your urinary bladder you lowbrowed brainlet shitstain.

Fuck. You.

>> No.8489248


Kleine kurvac kommen arbeit ? Gutt, gutt, we have lot of snow to plow und when done, Güntar will show you his dungeon.

>> No.8489444

Oh crap, you almost hurt my feelings!

>> No.8489703

TU Guy here, I guess math is important but I think the level of math needed for Bachelor's degree is doable for everyone (though hearing analysis 1 in first semester will make you doubt my words). I can say it's a wonderful thing to study, if you're going for engineering you can always take some physics courses which interest you cause in every TU study you have some ECTS points you can spend on whatever you want.

>> No.8490081

Thanks mate, but what you said about getting a bachelors degree in physics being doable for everyone, isn't it that you're gonna have a very hard time getting a job as a physicist with only a bachelors, and it's recommended you go for an MS/PhD? That's what I read, at least.

>> No.8490091

Ich denke, dass vorallem hinsichtlich deutscher aber vorallem europäischen gesichtspunkten ein Physik-Studium sich nicht lohnt, sofern man eine industrielle Karriere anstrebt. Du würdest nicht wegen Physik angestellt werden sondern durch das Papier, was dir befähigt, einfach ein Studium durchgezogen zu haben. Zumindest arbeiten viele in der IT bei uns die aus der Physik kommen, sprich fachfremd. Kommt also eigentlich drauf an, was du machen willst und wohin du willst.

Interessen-Studium? Kann man machen, sofern man dafür brennt.
Dafür einen gutbezahlten Job (45.000< /Jahr) bekommen? Lieber direkt etwas anderes. Falls du das Studium machst, zumindest Zusatzqualifikationen für die IT nebenbei aneignen (Datenbanken, OOP, Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen) um dich zumindest mehr "employable" zu machen.

>> No.8490108

> Trying this hard...

>> No.8490122

Also, empfiehlst du, dass ich lieber einen Ingenieur werden soll? Ich hätte lieber Geld als in Armut leben. Du sprichst über Österreich, oder?

>> No.8490136

Sobald du programmieren kannst, was man sich selbst in 1 Jahr beibringen kann, kann man nicht "in Armut leben"
Don't fall for the money meme

>> No.8490399

Wenn du Physik studieren willst, wirst du in Armut leben. Ja, werde Ingenieur.