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8480308 No.8480308 [Reply] [Original]

Becoming scientifically literate might've opened my eyes but it also scares the shit out of me, for example:
>Study anatomy
>Know every in and out of the human body there is
>Feel like a delicate walking sack of meat that can stop working at any given moment in time for whatever reason
>Always anxious about the things people ingest or do or if they don't wash their hands now
>Know that it takes just one super virus to wipe out all of humanity
Does anyone else feel this way? Or am I just being a paranoid cunt?

>> No.8480321

The days after a junkie smacked my head against concrete, and while I was recovering (if I actually recovered) I looked up lots of things regarding the brain.
Things such cerebral circulation, common types of brain damage, """recovery"" mechanisms etc etc.
As it turns out we're just a dumb sack of meat.
Ever since I actually cannot stop thinking of people as these weird meat structures. I can't explain it properly, but I guess someone might know what I'm talking about. There's a control mechanism, few organs and meat. That's it. I didn't ask for this desu.

>> No.8480330

Paranoid cunt. But same here so no biggie senpai

>> No.8480331

It's so fucking weird right? I feel like I'm turned from some sort of being into a useless meat machine that can die of a trillion causes.
Hold me senpai.

>> No.8480370

>tfw 99.999% nothing

>> No.8480440

I don't understand why people fall back on describing bodies with "meat" when they feel nihilistically, sonderously small. Imo there's worlds of difference between dead shit that you eat the the efficient, flowing structure of the living body.

Srsly though, it's more amazing that the body can recover from shit. You never watch an open wound stitch itself together across the space of a few days and feel how cool that is?

>> No.8480449

Of course, I never said it wasn't amazing. I just feel so... Fragile.

>> No.8480450

>getting beaten up by a frail junkie

literally lmaoing @ ur life nerd

>> No.8480492

>feels fragile because of anatomy
>not because of biochemistry and the fact that it all functions off of hydrophobic effects


>> No.8480515

>all junkies are frail
>t. guy not having to live near junkies

Yeah sure..
I wish I could afford better neighbours but whatever.

>> No.8480522


I have the same thing brought on by ego death I suffered through depersonalozation and derealization

>> No.8480585

Hell yeah mate, I had stiches on my hand this fall and everyday I thought about the amount of energy my body was puting into recovering from the wound. Strangest part is that we do not feel it at all

>> No.8480589
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I know that feeling OP. I just try to block it out from my thoughts, otherwise I'll not get out of bed out of pure fear

>> No.8480625

We're pretty much specks of nothing floating around a tiny ball of hydrogen in a vast cosmic sea of incomprehensibly large and destructive forces.

>> No.8480631

I had a dog named Lucy once. One day my gf moved in with me and brought her dog Jasper with her. Lucy was not afraid of thunder, while Jasper was terrified of it.

After a few months of living with Jasper, Lucy started acting scared of thunder as well. Jasper had conditioned Lucy to fear it. What I'm trying to say is the OP is like my dog Lucy.

A bitch.

>> No.8482274

Time, is just a word for the human brain to scale the uncomprehensionable.
You cant "fold" the universe to create a wormhole, the word fold is Just a word to scale things for human comprehension.
Words, don't exist. Neither do numbers.
It's mostly all made up by the human brain for comprehension.

>> No.8482294
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Except you guys aren't even awakened enough for this red pill

>> No.8482306

Is there something inherently negative about realising that we are sacks of flesh?
If it was true all along then why are you getting depressed about it fgt.
Seems pretty impressive to me, that a sack of flesh can complain about existential problems on an anonymous message board.

>> No.8482335

consider yourself lucky
>study math
>start realizing most things people say is just empty rhetoric
>lose all respect for my gf due to her rambling
>break up
>start seeing more connections between events in daily life
>realize how we are all tools.
>start gaining a more flexible mind.
>realize that the way I viewed life has no inherrent truth to it.
>permanent existential crisis inbound

>> No.8482339

take care of your body and odds are you will be fine, evolution kind of worked it out for us

>> No.8482348


Hmm, you sound like you studied science, after skipping life experiences and Logic

You're basically gullible, but have had oyur imagination mildly stretched.

Imagine the same stretching of the imagination while actually understanding the information.

Then, you'd be using the matrix instead of merely sitting there being scared of it

>> No.8482350


>> No.8482351

This feel is all too familiar :(

>> No.8482356

You are not a sack of flesh you are a soul trapped in a sack of flesh. Your soul will survive bodily death.

How else do you explain the hard problem of consciousness? Or novices think it is produced solely by the brain or that it is an illusion.

I guess you could believe it is an electromagnetic field or some other unity that is substantial... but why believe that these entities miraculously intertwine and interact with the right matter (what a grand coincidence that would be!!) instead of just viewing it as divine providence.

>> No.8482359
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>be walking
>suddenly acknowledge I'm not actively controlling my legs
>can't stop looking at them
>trip down
>people staring at me
>get up
>start doing little kicks in the air like a retard
>go back to my mundane activities

>> No.8482379

Holy shit this has actually happened to me

>> No.8482391

I believe everyone has these thoughts sometimes but over the past few months they've seriously started to bother me.

Sometimes I look in the mirror and realize that it's me... I don't know how to explain this. I guess I kind of exist within my head so to actually see myself and realize that's what I am is always a bit weird. I really don't like it at all.

Sometimes I can't help but look at people and see them as a collection of parts and rather grotesque overall. Like, looking at someone's eyes and, instead of just labeling as "eyes" as usual realizing they're a pair of holes that light goes through and that kind of thing for everything and suddenly everyone is a pulsating sack of flesh with weird bits.

Also I've become all too conscious of walking and my legs in general after some mishaps involving them like >>8482359 described. I don't like to be on my legs for extended periods of time anymore. I was at a department store today and felt like I was gonna fall over any minute. I'm 99% sure it's all in my head because if I focus on something else it goes away. I really hope this will pass because it is very weird and starting to impact my life.

I may be developing a psychosis or something.

>> No.8482470

Are you that anon talking about he has a reptilian hiding from others inside him? Lol

>> No.8482472

I'm not paranoid because I don't care if we're wiped out. What difference does it make?

>> No.8482489
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>Know that it takes just one super virus to wipe out all of humanity
I bet you're premed if you unironically think that it's possible to wipe out all of humanity with one "super virus" OP, leave the virology to virologists

>> No.8482976
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Biological systems are inherently robust.

>> No.8483241

You don't believe it's possible for an incredibly rare virus to become super resilient to all forms of vaccine and spread through the air killing millions of people?

>> No.8483246
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hillary plz go

>> No.8483250

When I was learning anatomy in cadaver labs I would sometimes get turned off eating meat because I would notice the similarities and analogous structures to human anatomy..

>> No.8483253

well the virus would have to lay dormant until it infected practically all humans and only then kill them so we could not see it coming

i guess its possible but not really plausible

>> No.8483298

Not necessarily scared, just angry:

>Be statistically literate (not even a stats major or anything; just know basic shit like how to do a t test, one-tail/two-tail tests, and what a null hypothesis is).
>Watch any talk show or watch any commercial
>Companies and organizations throw out numbers at an uninformed public trying to sell products and push agendas
>The average person gobbles it all up because they don't know about significance levels and etc.

>> No.8483303

Just accept that sooner or later your consciousness will fade away like a dream so you can cherish every moment that you're alive

>> No.8483309

Serious question, how do I revive my ego?

When things get ugly I have NOTHING to hold on to as an intrinsic property of my self.
I really need that illusion to start going again.

>> No.8483311

Millions, yes; billions, no. The problem with viral pandemics is they start off strong, then burn out in a logistic growth pattern. Like the odds of all 7 billion humans getting wiped out by some powerful virus is nearly impossible, especially since there will be a population immune to it

>> No.8483316

You're on your way towards true freedom.
Don't try to maintain this clumsy patchwork of illusions and impulses that is your ego, just let it vanish.

>> No.8483318

>just let it vanish.
yeah? Fun fact: there's nothing else in this world.

>> No.8483332

atleast its better to know it than to live a lie right?

>> No.8483367

No, you're just a pussy

>> No.8483371

jesus fuck learn some kraal maga wtf. I´ve beat up 3 people at 20kg 20 cm taller than me easy. technique>size. Jesus fuck protect yourselves

>> No.8483379

That's the kind of shit I relate to in these conversations.

>> No.8483386

Spoken like someone who thinks their widened keyhole is akin to opening the door.

>> No.8483389
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We've done OK for the hundreds of thousands of years that we've been alive. And all other creatures have done alright too.

>> No.8483391

I was writing a paper on metabolic diseases and it blows my mind how many diseases there are corresponding to missing or inactive enzymes in the body. Even if you have thousands of enzymes working as they should, a genetic mutation affecting ONE can wreck your life.

>> No.8483472

I can relate to the part about seeing people (and pretty much anything) as some kind of weird and complex machinery rather than a simple and familiar concept like "a man" or "an eye", although these two kinds of perception don't exclude each other for me, they coexist and I have some kind of control about which one has preeminence at a given time. I don't find it grotesque, although it can be disturbing at times. For me it's usually enjoyable, like a mild, clear-headed and permanent psychedelic trip. I spend more and more time trying to strengthen this phenomenon.

>> No.8483995

Oh, that sensation of vulnerability, kinda like a rape victim. Oh yeah, I know it well. I mean not THAT welll, but still. I remedy this by thinking how incredible and powerfull I am by simple functioning still.


I personally have the habit of looking at women as weak men, it kills any boner I might have for them. The women I can't apply this though are trully beutifull, so like 0,0001%.

I do this by trying to see in parts, like the hair as a separate part entitely and thinking shes a weird teenager, or knowing her father so i can project him in her every time I look. Kinda like trying very hard to see the woman as a transexual.

It helps if you're too attracted and can't stop dropping your spaghetti and I suppose it might help gay men be as straight as possible.

>> No.8484031


i assure you this has nothing to do with you being scientifically literate and all to do with your mental health.

>> No.8484099
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I know that feel OP
I'm comp sci and the more I do work in the industry and learn about how computers operate, the more the sheer power and scale of computers / the internet overwhelms me.
Computing has grown to a scale and complexity beyond human comprehension, yet we were the ones who thought it up. It's a total mindfuck and it's things like this that keep me hung up on the notion that something bigger than us is at work here. Spooky but cool shit

>> No.8484314

Could you expand upon that a bit? What do you mean the internet overwhelms you? Isn't the information just quantitive but growing?

>> No.8484366

>beyond human comprehension
what? explain

>> No.8484761

>Can die in thousands of different ways
Yeah but what are the chances of you somehow be the case zero for a mutated strain of small pox? Don't bother stressing over things that could kill you too quick to fix and the preventive measures are too absurd to fit into your life. The chances of them happening are near zero and even if you do happen to win the bizaro lottery than you can be secure knowing that your luck was just that shit. If it wasn't super Ebola it would of been a bus

>> No.8485112
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>I didn't ask for this desu.
The real lesson desu.