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8479133 No.8479133 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone on /sci/ ever experienced a phenomenon known as "The Hum," or have thoughts on the cause of this phenomenon?


Several months ago, I started hearing a somewhat faint rumbling sound that I couldn't localize. It's like a bulldozer idling in the distance. The sound contracts rhythmically, like a pulse. There's the faint idling bulldozer sound for a second, then a second of silence, then the bulldozer sound again, etc.

The sound occurs sporadically at different times of the day. Some days, it could start as early as 10 AM, but it usually begins around the afternoon. The sound drones on until 1 AM or 3 AM, then it seems to cease for the rest of the AM hours. The sound endures for several weeks, sometimes a couple of months. Then it ceases entirely for several more weeks before starting up again.

The sound is worse indoors than outdoors. While indoors, the sound becomes a more intense rumbling. Earplugs and earmuffs do nothing to block it - the sound rumbles through them. White noise generators and music do help to drown out the sound. Plugging my ears with my fingers also curiously helps, if only because this produces some kind of pulsing that drowns out the sound.

Some people I've asked can also hear the sound, but some others can't.

I've made several efforts to locate the sound. At first I honestly thought there was some sort of construction occurring on a neighbor's lot, but I haven't seen any construction vehicles anywhere in the vicinity. I also used Google Maps to check dozens of square miles around my neighborhood. There's no construction, no factories, nothing that could explain this disturbance.

Driving some distance away from my neighborhood causes the sound to cease, but I can't get a more precise idea of where exactly it begins or ends.

>> No.8479144

Seems like a great post for /x/

>> No.8479147

See a psychiatrist and get some meds.

>> No.8479154

Probably something to do with oscillations in the magnetosphere.

>> No.8479157

>Seems like a great post for /x/

They would attribute it to government-mandated experiments. I posted this on /sci/ specifically because I was hoping for serious replies. Is /sci/ just another variety of shitposting now?

>See a psychiatrist and get some meds.

"The Hum" has been recorded in several locations. You can look it up on YouTube if you doubt there's an audible source.

I'm sure nerve medications would probably diminish the psychological effects such a disturbance would have, but that's hardly the point.

>> No.8479168


This is an interesting thought, and I've seen it brought up on a few occasions.


>> No.8479213

Ever been checked for schizophrenia?

>> No.8479218

>Ever been checked for schizophrenia?

>Some people I've asked can also hear the sound

>> No.8479231

That's what some people will say to crazy people
>Hey you can you hear those chariots right?
>>yeah, man... totally

>> No.8479237

>you're breaking the conditioning
>they will tell you to ignore it
>they will tell you to take meds
>you know the source anon
>you will realize its meaning soon

>> No.8479353

It's just folie à deux. How do you think religion became a thing?

>> No.8479421


>> No.8479434


>> No.8479494

Wasn't this caused by nuclear submarines?

>> No.8479500

Build up of earwax. Get cleaned scrub

>> No.8479504

Asking /sci/ is fruitless. These faggots wouldn't believe anything is true unless Neil Tyson or some other reddit God validates them

>> No.8479510

Seems like it is tinnitus. Sometimes my ear makes the sound of a slowly purring cat.

Reasons it may be tinnitus:
> hard to localize
> no mention of friends reporting consistently similar experiences

Just try to record it with a good microphone. If it picks it up, it's not tinnitus.

>> No.8479512

More reasons it might be tinnitus:
> worse indoors
Indoors is insulated from outside noise so it is quieter. This makes it easier to hear tinnitus
> louder at night
Less people/things moving, ears adjust to the silence by becoming more sensitive. Tinnitus becomes more apparent with other noise not covering it up.

>> No.8479536

>Is /sci/ just another variety of shitposting now?
Pretty much. It used to be a lot better. Now brainlets and non-STEMfags just shitpost it into the least /sci/entific board.

This, for example. If this poster had been on /sci/ for more than a month they'd see at least one thread denouncing popsci, specifically popsci personalities such as Neil deGrasse Tyson.