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File: 88 KB, 850x544, Legal-Anthropology-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8477531 No.8477531 [Reply] [Original]

My younger brother who was studying to become an astrophysicist has suddenly decided that he'd rather be an anthropologist instead. His primary interests rest in biological and social anthropology with a minor interest in archelogy. I tried to explain to him why this maybe a great mistake as he is giving up a vast fortune from becoming an astrophyscist, but he says he just likes the field of anthropology more.

How do I convince my brother not to persue soft sciences like anthropology and even psychology as he had some interest in that field as well?

He is a complete faggot and his scientific work would not mean anything in the long run. He will struggle to get by financially and he'd be a mockery of the scientific community. Sure, he has his intructors said you can make a comfortable living as an anthroplogy, but I cannot see how. Plus evolution is a big lie.

>> No.8477912

>how do I force my brother to do something he doesn't want to do even if he is an adult that can decide for himself?

>> No.8477938


you sound like the only faggot here friend.

>> No.8478144

Nothing against anthropology here, but I don't understand why biological/physical anthropology is part of anthropology and not biology, linguistic anthropology is part of anthropology and not linguistics, archaeology is part of anthropology and not paleontology, and cultural anthropology is part of anthropology and not sociology.

>> No.8478155

>I tried to explain to him why this maybe a great mistake as he is giving up a vast fortune from becoming an astrophyscist

>> No.8478416

I'm thinking about going into archaeology if chemistry doesn't work out. I've always been fascinated with early ancient civilizations and it would be great to visit those places and dig up stuff and learn more about how they lived.

>> No.8479226

>archaeology is part of anthropology and not paleontology
Because there is more to archeology than just digging up dinosaur bones or Indiana Jones level of adventure. Archeologists try to re-create a basic picture of how a specific tribe or ancient tribe lived so therefore it's related to the study of human beings in general. Which is what the name Anthropology means.


I know an Anthropologist who said that you can make a comfortable living as one although it is probably less than an astrophysist.

>> No.8480141

Anthropology encourages liberalism. Why are you faggots encouraging people enter this field? All of my instructors I took during my community college days were all ungrateful liberals who only concern themselves with human rights and the environment who do not understand the reality of the world. This is why the United States specifically needs a President like Donald Trump who will make sure we as Americans gets a reality check.

>> No.8480236
File: 3 KB, 167x200, images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQOQ3J6MY8ZuNzwGyko0AG4bJVv7CdmlhqZBdwk_pSq6DwShUTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you support neo-conservatism?

>> No.8480705

Would it make more sense for archaeology to be a subfield of paleontology instead of anthropology? Why separate out human artifacts into its own field?

>> No.8480911

Because Anthropology as a whole is the study of human beings so archaeology fits more into this field of study because of that and because they do more than just dig up artifacts. They attempt to reconstruct past lives of ancient people. They will most likely work with Social Anthropologists as well which also includes Biological Anthropologists.

>> No.8480965

don't paleontologists do the same thing for a wide range of clades? could a paleontologist collaborate with ecologists and systematists in the same way an archaeologist collaborates with social and biological anthropologists?

>> No.8480981

According to Google...

> Paleontology is the study of the history of life on Earth as reflected in the fossil record. Fossils are the remains or traces of organisms (plants, animals, fungi, bacteria and other single-celled living things) that lived in the geological past and are preserved in the crust of the Earth.

Anthropology only limits itself to human studies, but now that I recall they would collaborate with paleontologists. I think there is a sub-discipline called paleoanthropology too. Seems like there are a lot of different types of studies although to my surprise there are differences between them. I thought they were mostly like the LGBTQIA community tackling on added letters, but there actually are differences.

>> No.8481030

Pretty much, if you find dead humans, dead plants and/or dead animals in your archaeological site, you call in anthropologists.

>> No.8481036

>as he is giving up a vast fortune from becoming an astrophyscist

>> No.8481037

If Donald Trump told you to drink poisoned kool-aid would you do it? Serious question.

>> No.8481040

>>8480141 here and he would never tell me to drink poison Kool-Aid as I am white. He only wants to get rid of the dangerous people in America such as the Muslims.

>> No.8481042
File: 1.23 MB, 2687x3356, president_official_portrait_hires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be this indoctrinated into a cult
feels really good honestly

>> No.8481080

You get on my ass for being a part of a cult when you post a picture of Obama? What the fuck, man? Are you retarded?

>> No.8481623

>falling for the bait picture
Trumpcucks really are this stupid.

PROTIP: It's possible to post a picture of Obama to troll faggots such as yourself without necessarily supporting Obama.

>> No.8481637
File: 126 KB, 489x400, 4459353701_826a3c120d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I tried to explain to him why this maybe a great mistake as he is giving up a vast fortune from becoming an astrophyscist

>> No.8481652

Look I know that you love acting like a nazi but /pol/ is satire not the rest of the boards

Keep that persona on that board and act like a normal person on the boards [spoiler]except /r9k/

>> No.8482094

You're going to be put into a Internment camp. One of Trump's surrogates has already supported this idea for Muslims. It's only a matter of time before they are expanded to accommodate other degenerates.

>> No.8482128
File: 67 KB, 715x722, 1396371544806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I don't understand why biological/physical anthropology is part of anthropology and not biology
Most of what is taught in a biology program is not useful to what you would need to know compared to a bio anthro program. I went through half a bio program and most of what I learned, aside from basic lab skills, wasn't properly transferable simply because of how much anthropology is actually involved in bio anthro.

>Community College
Dank meme

>Trying to force your brother to do something he doesn't want to
>Thinking astrophysicists make good money

Side note: It's fun molesting real human bones and skulls in labs.

>> No.8482201

OP here and Neil Degrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist and he is loaded.

>> No.8482248

Why do I wish I were mentally challenged like the guy in this image?

They seem to be a fairly happy people.

>> No.8482298
File: 16 KB, 389x324, 1431315326449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plus evolution is a big lie
stopped reading there

yeah, it's best to let people pursue their own career

a little harsh but I also have a negative view of OP's designs

maybe it would be so in a different timeline

yeah it's an exaggeration, but not totally off the mark

maybe you should think about history then

yes, academic anthropologists can make a good living depending on the university

maybe your teachers encouraged liberalism, but that doesn't mean the field is intrinsically liberal

there's no evidence he supports that, he could be an anarchist

no because anthropology is already established with its own methods and practices

the study of human beings falls under the realm of biology

yes but they need to rely on cultural explanation as well

paleoanthropology is part of physical anthropology

I thought archaeology was supposed to be part of anthropology?

of course no one is that brainwashed

donald trump doesn't believe in climate change. he's just as bad as clinton

just because someone thinks differently doesn't mean they're indoctrinated

how is posting a picture of Obama an indication of a cult?

how is that bait?

it may not be a fortune but it's mroe than anthropologists

/pol/ is pretty much ignorant of science, and unfortunately not all of it is satire


some people benefit from community college

he might not be as loaded as you think

speak for yourself

>> No.8482346
File: 23 KB, 584x570, ebglvjvfyplx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like you expect me to read all of that.

>> No.8482532

>it may not be a fortune but it's mroe than anthropologists
An academic working in anthropology and am academic working in astronomy will.make about the same, assuming they can find jobs (and neither one will have an easy time finding jobs.)

>> No.8482535

One of my Anthropology instructors runs a business with the goal of finding Anthropology majors work. So I guess there is that.

>> No.8482539

Can trannies be Anthropologists? Because I have a brother is is currently going through gender transitioning who is studying to become one. I just do not understand how someone who objects or claims not to object biology and science can end up majoring in a field that utilizes biology and science. Should I convince him not to go into this field?

>> No.8482561

>end of the post
>stopped reading there
man you might as well just commit sudoku nigga

>> No.8482564

I think his decision should he based on whether he can find a job with a PhD in anthropology, because that's what really matters in the end.

>> No.8482661

He's doing some modeling work on the side. Some regional magazine wanted to do an issue focusing on "trans beauties". What is sad is that he'll probably make more money doing this than any scientific work.