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8472003 No.8472003 [Reply] [Original]

Will a PhD in organic chemistry make me able to synthesize LSD or DMT?

>> No.8472008

you don't PhD in ochem to do that

>> No.8472029

shhh, don't crush his little dreams, let this fucking hopeless moron have something to cling to

>> No.8472030

You can do that with a PhD in Gender and Fat studies.

>> No.8472434

Let me something-pill you on organic chemistry PhD programs.

you have about 2 options in organic. Total synthesis or methodology.

Total synthesis labs will work your fingers to the bone till you go crazy. I know no labs that are more stressed or work harder than total synthesis labs. Professors in my department in this field set hours that their students MUST be working. they are at minimum twelve hour days, half days on Saturday. ivy league will be even worse.

With this knowledge you will run reactions and columns over and over again until you hate your life. you will be a god at synthesizing organic molecules, but no one will care once you get your PhD unless you actually first authored a total synth (they usually take longer than you are in grad school for, so someone else is going to take up your project and get most of the credit). big pharma likes to hire people like you, but its so incredibly competitive because everyone had the same idea as you. "I wanna be just like le walter white! hahaha!". organic in general is by far the most popular grad school focus and you will be competing for jobs in a massive pool of people once you graduate. you are confined to synthetic chemist jobs.

methodology is the same thing only you arent as good at organic and your research isnt as applied. you are trying to get specific reactions to work that are relevent to process chemistry. this is a big thing for industry, but process chemist jobs seem far and few. you can apply for synthetic jobs, but they will hire a synthetic chemist over you.

Analytical chemistry: the most jobs of all the disciplines, but no one wants to do it because its so fucking boring. seriously, chemists bickering over sig figs and detecting some trace element at 1 ppb. most boring work by far. i dont know how people maintain their sanity in those labs.


>> No.8472443

Nigga DMT is fucking simple...

>> No.8472448

Pchem and Inorganic: these are god tier fields. Pchemists can do materials, kinetics, lasers, and all sorts of cool shit. I believe boeing in the largest employer of Pchemists in the US.

Inorganic chemists fuck. they do a lot of the organic that organic chemists do, only they use metals and every other element on the periodic table to make cool shit. They often work will air sensitive materials that catch flame in air and water. Common subdisciplines within inorganic include materials, catalysis, and energy. They work hard without the added stress of being forced into the lab like the organic PIs. Seriously, I dont know why organic chemists are so hard on their students.

computational chem: I literally dont know why anyone does this. you should have a passion for chemistry and computer science that transcends actually getting a job. its not fun, its not lucrative, there are next to no jobs. apparently some companies hire computational chemists, but in my experience instead of putting someone on a salary, a company will just write a grant to an academic lab for $30K and get their work done that way. most computational chemistry PhDs dont stay in the field and become data scientists in CS.

biochemistry: is going to be a big field. Its definitely chemistry, but its technically a different field at my school. i dont think its all that interesting, but up to you i suppose.

>> No.8472457

>Total synthesis labs will work your fingers to the bone till you go crazy. I know no labs that are more stressed or work harder than total synthesis labs. Professors in my department in this field set hours that their students MUST be working. they are at minimum twelve hour days, half days on Saturday. ivy league will be even worse.
I'm in the same situation and I find lad work pretty comfy desu
now, engineering subjects and humantities that I have to study alongside chemistry and lab work are a huge pain in the ass
especially the current semester, which contains, like 2.5 subjects that actually have something to do with chem, others are aforementioned engineering and humaniites
looks like I'm not getting straight B's this time

>> No.8472460

similar, not same
I'm not a PhD student yet

>> No.8472733

I was thinking of switching majors from pharmacy to chemistry, just because I liked OC+Synthesis lab so much.

You are really making me reconsider.

>> No.8473303

I dont mean to sound demeaning, but there is a huge difference between having the opportunity to do this stuff 12 hours a day, and being a grad student and doing it 12 hours a day. as a grad student that hasnt passed their oral exams yet, I can be
1) kicked out by scoring below the class average on tests
2) kicked out by my PI just because he doesnt like the progress im making
3) kicked out when I go through my second year oral exams and oral exams.

I am under constant stress. I have never drank this much in my life. at worst, there is a 50% attrition rate in my program. I dont come from a rich family, im thousands of miles from home, and I dont know how I'll pay my rent if they kick me out at an inconvenient time. It's scary as hell being in this situation.

>> No.8473348

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is This Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Study At The Bench Like Nigga Bring Your Books Haha

>> No.8473510

Y'all should study biology instead, they're much nicer to their students. Still not great, but better than chemistry.

>> No.8473521

Im actually doing pretty well relative to my classmates, bur you gotta understamd we are all walking on thin ice.


>> No.8473612


Quality post.

I'm doing a PhD in biophysics, working in a structure-based drug design/discovery lab that does a mix of synthetic chemistry, early-discovery biochemistry, structural biology/biophysics, assay development, in-cell studies, and animal work.

>> No.8473751

I was thinking of switching from molecular biology to chemistry and he's making me reconsider

>> No.8473828

Biochemistry undergrad here. I've been told that there's actually very little unemployment for biochemistry because biotech companies love us.
Proteins, my mans.

>> No.8473840

>I work in a lab that does assay and in cell studies
It's literally fucking nothing

>> No.8473845

you sound buttmad

>> No.8473847

Buttmad that you do what 99% of biologists do?
Guess I must be

>> No.8473883

why so bitter, m8y

>> No.8474047

The benefit is that they're much nicer.
The downside is that you're studying biology.
Fuck. Picking the right science is hard.

>> No.8474569

>tfw doing fine chemicals synthesis by enzymatic approaches and trying everything to avoid hiring a biochemist

>> No.8474628

swaggly, am biochemist