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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8471781 No.8471781[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>takes IQ test at school
>reads /sci/
>doesn't understand anything
>be me
>tells dad I'm a brainlet
>no son, your IQ is high
>RIP IQ tests

>> No.8471807
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If we borrow an idea from Wittgenstein, you do not understand the language game here, or in the academic world. You may understand the language you are reading, but not how it is used, as you probably (since you refer to it as school) have not yet studied things properly and with depth. Come back when you know about these things a bit more, or ask babby tier questions in the stupid questions thread. I don't trust IQ as a perfect measuring tool for intellect, but I think it would be a waste for someone with a score that high to lose hope because he doesn't understand what (possibly real) specialists of different fields are writing online.

>> No.8471816

So what age do I give up at? 15 too late?

>> No.8471825


the mean IQ here is 180 OP, you are a brainlet by our standards. We are the cool kids' Prometheus society.

>> No.8471834

Nice try brainlet but the average is 220

>> No.8471840

Fuck off, it's 310

>> No.8471843

Nope. IQ is just a huge joke

>> No.8471844

>not 314

i can tell you are a jokelet at least.

>> No.8471854


>> No.8471892

>not [math]-[/math][math]1\over12[/math] IQ

>> No.8471900
File: 174 KB, 1000x929, tfw too smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those sub-5000 brainlets

>> No.8471917

So what? With all this retards taking tests lately iq got inflated so much that a 300 is like 110 pre inflation.

>> No.8471921

I subscribe to the idea that most people can learn how to learn. It's a feedback loop that is pretty much the scientific method applied over and over. Like playing a piano, it is something easier to master by starting early, but there is no better time to start than now.

Also realize that 90 percent of /sci/ is shitposting, so you should at least be smart enough to discern fact from fiction. The fact is that /sci/ is not smarter than you, but you are not smarter than /sci/.

>> No.8471922

Don't think too much about your low IQ. Think of how much you can help society with your dedication and knowledge for science.

>> No.8471934

I know nothing

>> No.8471950

why are you here then...

>> No.8471964
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>be me
>be OP
>creates imaginary lives
>lives their lives on the Internet
>breaks character
>is getting sad
>characters are failing
> currently going through an existential crisis
>forgets who I am
>still sad
>isn't sure why I'm confessing
>sad again
>not sure if this is me or a character
>wonders about my characters' several internet boyfriends/girlfriends
>asks myself whether becoming fluent in my character's language was worth it
>is sad

>> No.8471971
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Yeah, it is. But for OP to be tested, there's probably a reason for that to happen like him being a smart kid. That is why I say it is a waste, not because I believe a two or (hopefully) three digit number tells much anything about anything. It is like MBTI, but with the possibility that you have to take it implies you are considered smart by some authority.

>> No.8471980

>(hopefully) three

Okay narcissist spotted >assumes that most people are below his standard

>> No.8471986
File: 31 KB, 353x398, 1477316572328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you feeling ok? Suppose you scored below the average on any test. How would that feel? If you want to think your analysis of me is correct, then so be it. Getting triggered online over small things just because you isn't the most productive hobby, though.

>> No.8472000

I'm alright mate, just finding it hard to understand that last sentence

>> No.8472011
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Yeah, my superintelligence failed me and I wrote whatever I wrote instead of:
IQ tests imply you can be considered smart by some authority telling you to take them, whereas MBTI means nothing.

>> No.8472013

>take iq test
fuck my life

>> No.8472017

Let it rip

>> No.8472027

Anything beyond entry level is just specialist knowledge. That said, usually you don't need to be particularly intelligent to understand it, but you need to learn it first.

>> No.8472049

Finally. You picked up the story!

>> No.8472055

yw bb ;-)

>> No.8472115


>> No.8472128
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>> No.8472986
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>Get 90 on IQ test
>tfw genius because I got an A

>> No.8473143

>think half of what you read on /sci/ is true
People on here don't actually do integrals in their heads and shit anon. Well sure, there's probably someone, but they also probably defend their "voluntary" virginity as not wanting to breed with brainlets. So you're comparing yourself with autistic virgins that shitpost here in between autistic fits and fapping to cartoons. Why?

>> No.8473186

I always thought IQ was potential rather than a measurement of how smart the person is at that moment

>> No.8473196


>> No.8473473

why would he do that?