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8469212 No.8469212 [Reply] [Original]

These two are twins from the rock band Biffy Clyro. One thing always have took my attention is how the drummer has being losing hair til going completly bald while his twin has a good and healthy hair.

Thoughts on it?

>> No.8469220

Are they identical twins?
Otherwise environmental factors could be the cause

>> No.8469235

I have a twin brother who is also going bald while my hair is fine. The key is we are not identical twins.

>> No.8469275

Definitely. Get lots of sun on that head and don't wear head wear all the time kids.

>> No.8469286

What's the science behind this advice?

>> No.8469324

The truth is that it's a cellular interaction which is influenced by genetics.

Because of dihydrotestosterone all men go bald. However the age and rate of baldness is determined by how sensitive your androgen receptors are. While genetics is a key component of androgen receptor expression environmental factors such as stress can cause susceptibility.

The majority of men regardless of age are balding, in fact baldness is becoming more and more common in younger generations despite the fact they are still below their thirties.

Few people can actually identify the early signs of baldness.

>> No.8470342


I can, its called my bathroom drain is covered in HAIR AAAAAARGHHH. I hate balding. I'm only fucking 25.

>> No.8470677

You can actually start balding at any time when you hit puberty.

>> No.8471746

its more spiritual than anything

>> No.8471749
File: 385 KB, 819x1600, 1475281002926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nearly 20
>tfw severe balding
fuck you hairlet's

>> No.8472670
File: 28 KB, 960x720, 14729305_198566277220849_7227208937745838017_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


your bald your ugly
hahahaha your self confidence is like in the shitter
i have long hair and i love my self much more then you im way more intelligent then you
also moar sexy and more beautifull
your only option is to kill youre self

you fucking asshole
i hate you and your cruel to animals also
you fucking worthless human being
and they eat dogs in china

>> No.8473060

And this guy's going to go bald to.

>> No.8473096

thats what u get for playing drums

>> No.8473370

Wearing hats/caps leads to baldness, as does high levels of testosterone.

>> No.8473373

but you're the hairlet

>> No.8473811

shit he's right. Im 30 years old, I've been playing drums since 14 and my hair line is a fucking mess now.

>> No.8473816

thats not right. hats and caps are related to balness because people who start going bald usually use them. if it was right all the cops or other jobs that must wear hats would be all balds.

>> No.8473846

No, what that looks like to me is one brother who saw he was losing his hair and took the plunge and shaved it all off, and the other brother who is ignoring his disastrously receding hairline in the hope that he can beat the inevitable.

>> No.8474711

Have you ever noticed the more beard a man has on his face, the less hair on his head

>> No.8474859

Im 23 man and I started at 21... youre not alone. Most of mine is stress induced though, I used rogain during the summer and my hair came back within a month, but as soon as school started my hair started falling out again even with the rogain. So i just said fuck it, and have been keeping my hair short, becuase its "not that bad" but I make it 10x worse by just judging myself in the mirror. Just waiting for the end of next semester and Ill use more rogain. But as soon as I graduate im going to either get hair transplant or try a stem-cell injection to the scalp. Fuck genetics. My dad is in his late 40's and still has his hair.

>> No.8475154

Dude you have to keep using rogaine to keep the hair. If you stop using rogaine all the hair it grew back will fall out.

>> No.8475177

I know that, I was using it during the summer and then when this semester started even while using rogain, my hair just went back to the way it was. I know that sounds silly but that is what happened.

>> No.8475413

Oh sorry, I didn't read it properly.

Are you on finasteride?