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8468453 No.8468453 [Reply] [Original]

Explain how this is wrong.

>> No.8468470
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the left track doesn't kill infinite people
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kys brainlet

>> No.8468480

1+1+1+...= 1+(1+1)+(1+1+1)+...=1+2+3+4+5+...=-1/12

>> No.8468483


>> No.8468490

[eqn]1 \,+\, 1 \,+\, 1 \,+\, 1 \,+\, 1 \,+\,\cdots \,=\, 1 \,+\, \left( 1 \,+\, 1 \,+\, 1 \,+\, 1 \right) \,+\, \left( 1 \,+\, 1 \,+\, 1 \,+\, 1 \,+\, 1 \,+\, 1 \,+\, 1 \,+\, 1 \,+\, 1\right) \,+\,\cdots \,=\, 1 \,+\, 4 \,+\, 9 \,+\, 16 \,+\, 25 \,+\,\cdots \,=\, \zeta \left(-2 \right) \,=\, 0[/eqn]
Mathtards utterly BTFO.

>> No.8468533

because 1+1+1...=-1/2
-1/12>-1/2 so you should let it go to the top track retard

>> No.8468534


Which is more cruel, un-killing half a person or one-twelfth of a person?

>> No.8468541

Associativity only applies to finite sums.

>> No.8468552
File: 141 KB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_n5em0cyNwm1s1muin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea

>> No.8468560

>>8468552 cont'd
now that I thought of it this way, un-killing half a person is more cruel

>> No.8468564

If you think about it the other way, not killing a half person is better than not killing a twelfth of a person because less people die if you don't kill half a person

>> No.8468567

not killing =/= un-killing

>> No.8468569

Not when you use the dank transcendental summation axiom which is part of the Brady-Barnett-Wildberger theory.

>> No.8468797

There aren't an infinite number of people you can kill.

>> No.8468804

it's Riemann no Reimann

>> No.8468806

And isn't that, ultimately, the real tragedy?

>> No.8468815


Also, there's no reason to beleive the train even goes infinitely far along the track.

>> No.8469063


Less likely of unkilling the brain which would cause the person to suffer as he dies.

However there's a turning point where the person is more likely to survive if you unkill x% of him than he is to suffer if you unkill y% of him.

>> No.8469066

This is stupid because it's out of bounds.

The largest number is 10^200.

>> No.8469085

What about 10^200 + 1?

>> No.8469087

That's 0

>> No.8469102

What about negative numbers? I'm assuming this strange model mean it rolls over somehow and isn't just undefined since you said 0.

>> No.8469103
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the bottom trackmust eventually jam the train. I mean 10+ people in a row? that's bound to slow it down -> more people saved along the line. and plenty of time to free some of them.

>> No.8469107

This is why analytic continuation is nonsense. It's just a game of semantics and has no practical application. It's sole use is in coming up with attention-grabbing, absurd results like [math]-frac{1}{12}[/math].

>> No.8469121

If you let the train go it will kill people until it gets stuck on a large pile of bodies
If you switch the tracks it will kill people until its out of fuel

>> No.8469139

After 0 it alternates between positive and negative every other number.

>> No.8469289
File: 179 KB, 500x640, multi-track-drifting-corrupt-politicians-sleazy-media-trump-america-great-3048532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just werks

>> No.8470862
File: 30 KB, 550x350, 1474113742852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't hat -1/12 result used in some weird string theory stuff?

can somebody who actually knows what their talking about elaborate on that? How exactly is it ok to use a result like -1/12 in a meaningful (physical?) way or is thist just another piece of "why string theory is retarded" ?
enlighten me