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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8461276 No.8461276 [Reply] [Original]

>math classes

nigga just read a fucking book

>> No.8461279

Is there any actual benefit to going to lectures?

>> No.8461283

you can sniff the seats where the qts were sitting after the class

>> No.8461285

>he doesn't enjoy having a competent professor present and explain abstract concepts to him.

>> No.8461286

>needing to be explained stuff

>> No.8461408


The professor for one of my courses (which he designed and wrote the corresponding book for.) is such a peculiar character that I absolutely love his lectures. I recall one time he needed a symbol for a variable, he couldn't quite make up his mind untill finally he chose xi, then proclaiming what a joy it is to write xi. Small quirks like that as well as the insight he brings make it well worth my time to attend his lectures.

>> No.8461432


yes, not being a sperglord after graduation

>> No.8461435


you sound retarded

>> No.8461615


You're not wrong

>> No.8461620

With a good teacher, you will learn faster going to classes. You have the lecture itself, drawings and figures, body language of the profession. Just more ways to get the data into your brain and keep it there.

If your teacher is just phoning it in, like just going through some slides and assigning homework, then you will learn faster on your own if you arent a brainlet.

>> No.8461625

You're both wrong. He sounds gay.

>> No.8461632

Highest math I know is 1050. What book is next?

>> No.8461659
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>> No.8461661

nigga just use a calculator

>> No.8462043

Nigga, I'm studying math and not literature. Keep your books on >>>/lit/

>> No.8462049

>the writer explains things with his book

>> No.8462093

>go to lecture
>prof is condescending, doesn't want to be there
>gets to a proof
>"I leave this as exercise for you"

fuck this

>> No.8462116

>paying for studying and getting some aid with explanation? UGH! how rude, don't they see how smart i am??! how dare they suggest I need anything from anybody. Let me just go back into my cave.

>> No.8462217

My profs all just recite the shit in the book. Only cool thing was the complex analysis prof always shouts
whenever a Log or log shows up. He's pretty based.