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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8457393 No.8457393 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8457687

As amazing as CRISPR is, I've yet to see the study this article is talking about, or the application for the study.

>> No.8457696

Does it help with ebola/herpes/congenitals/etc ?

>> No.8457706
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what happened to the bee-venom thing

>> No.8457874

Who cares about HIV, it's easy to avoid getting infected. The real problem is cancer

>> No.8458009

>We want HIV cured
Well... I mean... if we could chose who would receive the cure.

>> No.8459292


>> No.8459379

That article fundamentally misunderstands HIV infection, but anyway

Japan did it first:

And China expanded on it vastly in 2015

>> No.8459509

why do you say that? wouldnt you want everyone to receive it?

>> No.8459518

Nah, he wants those nigger and spic subhumans to die from it and prevent their reproduction in order to lower birth rates and prevent race mixing from subhuman immigrants that would slowly kill the superior pure white race. But that would never happen, those socialist marxist liberal Jews that are in power will give the medicine to everyone and destroy the world by helping Africa and those shitskins survive and spread like a plague on the Earth

>> No.8459530

>retarded levels of overpopulation in africa will be a good thing

>> No.8459536

>implying based HIV won't just mutate and be like "LMAO"

>> No.8459562

If humanity can manage to hold itself together for another century, we're going to see some crazy shit. I wouldn't be surprised at all if by the time I'm in my 60s we'll have a universal virus eliminator that viruses can't adapt to and those microscopic troublemaking fuckers will get what's been coming to them for thousands of millennia. It will be glorious.

>> No.8459574

It wouldn't be fucking CRISPR if it couldn't do that, the question is not how it is when we gonna get rid of all common diseases.

I fear the next globalwide disease is gonna be caused by CRISPR tho

>> No.8459577

ikr, I feel like I'm really getting the hang of this whole white supremacist angle. I can roleplay much better now.

>> No.8459585
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>those microscopic troublemaking fuckers will get what's been coming to them

>he doesn't know exploiting viruses is how CRISPR works

Viruses will soon be our best friends, anon.

>> No.8459626



If this happens I'm going to have unprotected sex everywhere, fucking travel to shithole countries and fuck all their subhuman population I'll fuckign fuck everything as long it doesn't know who I am (I don't want kids)

>> No.8459628

>If this happens I'm going to have unprotected sex everywhere

Most of people in LGBT community already do it, because HIV became manageable.

>> No.8459636


I'm not like them you know I have standard I'm just waiting for a cure manangeable is not good enough for my standards that's why I chose to keep my virginity

>inb4 use condom


>> No.8459664

>that's why i chose to keep my virginity
Oh /sci/, you never disappoint