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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8455163 No.8455163 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you actually do math? What do you hope to gain from it?

>It's fun
If it's so fun why don't you do it on your free time

>I can get paid for it

>> No.8455170
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Everyone knows that triple integrals make women wet. You wouldn't even believe how much pussy I've gotten with my math skills, son.

>> No.8455171
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because i want everyone to see what a GENIUS i am

>> No.8455176

Cause its fun and difficult enough that I can spend all my life doing it without being bored.

I'll probably be getting a dog to make up for my lack of relationships in my life.

>> No.8455183

I'm not a math major, but I'll still answer.

>why do you actually do math
It's fun and I need it to learn more about other subjects that I'm not going to mention here.
>what do you hope to gain from it
Enjoyment, background in other subjects
>if it's so fun, why don't you do it on your free time
Sometimes I do, but I still work on other projects in my free time as well.

>> No.8455186

>If it's so fun why don't you do it on your free time
Many of us do.

>> No.8455198

i do it in my free time, i hope to be mathematician ;((((((((

>> No.8455221

>If it's so fun why don't you do it on your free time
I don't get your question.
Either you have to do it anyhow, or you do it in your free time.

Math is an infinite resource of surprising relations and visual images encoded in some formal language - you just have to get used to the language.

>> No.8455243

I want to destroy my enemies

>> No.8455244

>why don't you do it in your free time
Oh m8, I do. That's how I'm good at it.

>> No.8455245

Mathematics is our best shot at making sense of the world

I want to make sense of the world

Therefore I do math

>> No.8455264

>If it's so fun why don't you do it on your free time
i do.

>> No.8455272


I also do math in my free time. I'm not even that good at it in the grand scheme of things but I like to check patterns n shiet.

>> No.8455629


>> No.8455701

A smug sense of satisfaction.

>> No.8455714

I know you're joking but my professor actually tried to encourage us by saying we could potentially court women with our skills and that he was drowning in pussy at a party where he discussed what he did for work. He was a pathetic, insensitive, and sexist man. Especially when there were like five women in the class.

>> No.8455728

Math has to be applied for you to make sense of the world. You aren't making sense of the world by doing pure math.

>> No.8455805

What the fuck is it with /sci/'s hard on for triple integrals? They're just tedious and obnoxious. They're not intrinsically hard and don't really test critical thinking thereby not even fun from a math stand point either?

Is it just another /sci/ meme or have some people JUST finished calc 3 and think they're top shit before taking diff eq or real analysis?

>> No.8456176

Yes it's a meme you fucking mongoloid

>> No.8456188

Seeing as I don't get paid for it, I only do it in my free time.

>> No.8456563

I swear I read an article about a professor like that once.

>> No.8456678

Because it's fun. And yes, I also do it on my free time. I'm doing math every minute, right now I'm shitting while reading about math.

>> No.8456683

Math is very usefull for my work (FEM analysis, bridge design). I mean, it will be pretty unfairly if i say only "OOOh, it's so fun!!".

But on the other hand, it's fun and interesting too. When i've learn Fast Fourier Transform (used in seismic analysis of bridges) and DFT, oh, it was like I've opened a Christmas present or a pirate chest with treasures.

>> No.8456686


>> No.8456692

So you're telling me that a priori math can teach as much about the world as a posteriori scientific experiments?

>> No.8456794

Wowza how fucking new are you?

>> No.8456878

Because I'm too intelligent to do something useful.

>> No.8456883

>he thinks biology isn't the thinking man's field

>> No.8456897

Maybe not 'as much as' but it tells you something about reality. Trivially, since mathematics is part of reality, it tells you about itself.

>> No.8457072

Implying I'm not a literal aspie who does maths in my free time

>> No.8458109
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>> No.8458131

>muh sexism

>he likes hooking up with women, therefore he's sexist

>being open about your sexual desires is sexist

>liking women is sexist

Literally what

>> No.8458162

I don't know what you are complaining about. Everytime you post you get a timestamp. For example, yours:

> Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)21:34:55

I mean, what could you not get about that? Do I need Trudeau to explain it or what.

>> No.8458168


>> No.8458183

It's fun.
>If it's so fun why don't you do it on your free time
I do, but uni gives me direction and a productive learning environment.

>> No.8458480

Dat transitive proof

>> No.8459444


>> No.8459484

Not the guy you're replying to but can you elaborate more? As far as I know math is pure logic, which on its own is useless for gaining a deeper understanding of the universe. It's simply a tool to be applied within the realm of science.

>> No.8459497

You don't consider pure logic to be a part of the universe? What is it then?

>> No.8459503

to show off my pseudointellectualism.

>> No.8459510

If mathematics doesn't exist in our universe, then there must be a metaphysical universe in which it does exist. Is this what you are proposing?

>> No.8459511

It is so fun so I do it in my spare time. I just accidentally ended up with a job this time.

>> No.8459550

jokes on you, I do math on my free time. But I don't really have any life other than shitposting on 4chan

>> No.8460342

Lurk more you retard.

>> No.8460393
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Anyone who says they do math for fun is a giant liar.

Mathematics is not fun. It is hard, grueling work. The end result is a worthy reward, for sure, but that doesn't mean the process is at all satisfying.

The only people who do mathematics as a hobby are masochists.