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8442039 No.8442039 [Reply] [Original]

Is nausea/vertigo/headache(behind eyes, back of neck, and between eyebrows) a normal thing that a lot of people experience? It never gets bad enough to take anything for it or feel like i'm actually going to throw up or fall over or anything like that, always really mild, but it happens almost every day for the last few months. I went to my doctor and they think it's BPPV but I'm not so sure as the exercises don't seem to do shit. I also have more visual snow-like problems. Is this sinusitis? Do I have some inner-ear problem?

>> No.8442321

you mention back of the neck, are you overweight? how's your posture?

>> No.8442570

closest thing i get is neck aches from looking at my laptop too much. ibuprofen knocks it right down though

>> No.8442584

/adv/ is thataway >>>/adv/


>> No.8442600

I frequently have headaches that project from the back of the neck and it's because of my shit posture.

>> No.8442765

I'm 130lbs at 5'9" and my posture is probably pretty lame. I sit in a wooden chair at my computer.

Maybe I should buy a better chair. Chairs are expensive, dammit.

>> No.8443156

See an osteopath, get a biomechanical assessment and a diagnosis.